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Mofdi Zakaria Secondary School Academic year: 2023/2024

.……………………………… :Class: 2nd Year Scientific stream Date

……………………………… : Duration: 2 hours Name

First Term English Exam

PART ONE: Reading
A.Comprehension and interpretation. (08pts)
.Read the passage carefully then do the activities

Rosa Parks was a black woman born in 1913 in Alabama. At that time, there were laws segregating
black and white people. Segregating means keeping them apart. Rosa Parks went to a school with all African
American students. Whites and blacks were forced to go to different schools. After she got her high school
diploma, she helped her family earn money by working as a seamstress in a department store.

Rosa Parks became famous when she was sitting on a bus and refused to give up her seat to a white
man There was a law in Alabama that said black people had to leave their seat if a white person wanted to sit
down She believed she had dignity and whites were not better than her because she was black. Rosa Parks
was arrested for not giving up her seat. She still felt she did the right thing. After that, all African Americans
boycotted the bus for over a year. They also held many peaceful protests Martin Luther King, Jr, also helped
in the protests

A year later, the Supreme Court rules that segregation was illegal. Now, whites and blacks could go
to the same schools. They did not have to give up their seats on buses. They had the same rights as everyone
else in America. So, Rosa parks helped change the laws in America. Because of her actions, everyone in
America has equal rights.

Rosa Parks is considered a hero today because she believed everyone should be treated equally. She
was honoured in 1996 by President Bill Clinton, who gave her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the
highest honour a citizen can receive
From: Super Teacher

1. Write the letter that corresponds to the right answer. (1.5pts)

1.Rosa Parks used to live in…………
a. Africa b. England c. America

2. Rosa Parks worked as a……………….

a. Salesperson b. Dressmaker c. Nurse

3.Rosa Parks believed that all humans are..........

a. Slaves b. Different c. Equal

2.In which paragraph is it mentionned that ….. ? (1.5pts)

a) "Segregation no longer exists in America" =……………§
b) "Rosa Parks' Prize" =……………§

3. Answer the following questions according to the text. (3.5 pts)

a) Did Rosa Parks regret not giving up her seat to the white man? Justify…………………….………………
…………………………………………………............b) Who decided that segregation is illegal?
………………………………………………………………….. .......................................................................
c) How did President Clinton honour Rosa Parks?...........................................................................................

4. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1.5pts)

a. At that time §1 ………… b. They §2 ……… c. She §4 …………
B/Text Exploration (07 points)
1. Find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to the following. (1.5pts)
a) separating §1 =……………………. b) refused §2=…………………….
c) regarded §4=……………………....

2. Complete the chart as shown in the example. (1.5pts)

Verb noun adjective
Example: To force force forced
To save ………………… ………………….
………………… protection …………………..
…………………. …………………… treated

3. Rewrite sentence (B) so that it means the same as sentence (A). (2pts)

1) A) Today, African Americans are not obliged to give up their seats on buses.
B) Today, African Americans………………………………………………………
2) A)Blacks were not able to go to the same school as the whites
B) Blacks.......................................................................................
3) A) We are obliged to act strictly to save our country
4)A) According to racist laws, blacks are prohibited to take the same bus as the whites
B) According to racist laws, blacks……………………………………………….

4. Fill in the gaps with only 4 WORDS from the list given. (2pts)
different- inspire- hoped- racism- activist- colorblind

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights (1) …………………… in the 1950s and 1960s. He led
non- violent protests to fight for the rights of all people including African Americans. He (2)………………
that America and the world could become a (3)……………………. society where race would not impact a
person's civil rights. He is considered one of the great orators of modern times, and his speeches still (4)
……………. many to this day.

PART TWO: Written Expression Choose ONE of the following topics


Topic One. “Nowadays, wars and internal conflicts are destroying different parts of the world. So, many
people are suffering from the dangerous effects of those conflicts”.
Use the following notes to write a 70-80 word composition about the peaceful and wonderful world you and
all people like to live in.
 Wars are destructive
 All people enjoy peace
 Quality /justice prevail
 Money spent on housing, scientific research rather than on destructive weapons
 Food, shelter, education and health care for all.
 Land of peace, love and tolerance

Topic Two: “ Every day Palestinian people are being killed by Israeli army and Palestinian children are
living under occupation without any basic necessities of life”. Take turn of the Palestinian children to
deliver a speech about their dreams.

Peace cannot be kept by force.
It can only be achieved by understanding.

-Albert Einstein

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