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Class 3 Science eHomework (Cycle 19)

Life cycle of Chameleons

Part A Choose the best answer. Write the LETTER only.

A. locusts B. water C. soil D. tails E. shedding

F. three G. four H. fruit flies I. tongues J. moulting

1. Baby chameleons eat ___.

2. Female chameleons lay eggs in the ___.
3. Chameleons have ___ stages in their life cycles.
4. Chameleons can catch their preys with their long ___.
5. Chameleons keep ___ when they grow.

Part B Answer the question with “Yes” or “No”.

1. Do chameleons give birth to their young?
2. Do veiled chameleons have an average lifespan of 5-7 years?
3. Do chameleons live in fish pond?

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