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Copyright, 1920,

The Lion Yarn Co.


In Memory of

13.5 LION YARN boo/ Lm ferfl tQ'f^'J
onto a large safety pin, bind off 20 sts. for back
of neck. Continue ktg. on the other 100 sts. for 3
ribs, then cast on 6 sts. at front of neck. Kt. on
these 106 sts. for 6 more inches (or 26 ribs).
Bind off 65 sts. for sleeves, continue ktg. sts. left
on needle, adding one st. every row, at front side
only, until 56 sts. are on needle. Pass these onto
large safety pin. Take sts. off safety pin on shoul-
der and kt. other front to correspond. When other
56 sts. are reached put all stitches on one needle
(112 in all), kt. until front measures same as back
and bind off.
For Cuffs: With bk. yarn pick up 50 sts. at end
of sleeve. Kt. 7 ribs, then 1 rib T. O., 1 rib bk.,
1 rib gr., 1 rib bk, 1 rib red, 1 rib bk, 1 rib T. O.,

3 ribs bk., 4 ribs T. O., and bind off. Sew up sweater,

both sides, and sleeves, turn cuff over on right side
of sweater.
For Sleeves: With bk. yarn and crochet hook,
chain 3 (always chain one to turn).
1st row: Onec. in each st., taking up both loops.

Increase 1end of each row, on one side only

st. at
until 18 sts. are worked, then decrease at same
side increases were made until but 13 sts. are left,
work on these for 14 rows, then again decrease un-
til 5 sts. are left. Break off yarn.
For border: 1 row bk., 1 row gr., 1 row red, 1 row
T. O. Sew to each side of sweater at neck. Join
the lower part of reveres neatly. Finish with crochet
For Scarf: With No. 9 needles and T. O., cast on
6 sts., increase 1 st. at end of each needle until 40
sts. are on needle, blending colors at each end of
scarf, same as on sweater. Kt. on these 40 sts. for

18 inches. Now kt. 15 sts., bind off 10 sts., then kt. 15

more, to end of row. Turn, kt. 15 sts. cast on 10 sts.,
kt. other 15 to end of row. Kt. back and forth until
scarf measures 50 inches from point to point. Bind
off, finish with tassel of T. O., sew scarf to back of
Skating Set neck, shoulder to shoulder, slip one end through
opening made, when scarf is to be worn snug to
Directions for neck.
SKATING SET Dickey: Cast on 3 sts. Increase 1 st. atend of
every row, until 36 sts. are on needle. Bind off.
Sweater, With Scarf Attached.
Materials for Sweater Set:
7 Hanks Black LION BRAND Knitting Yarn;
2 Hanks Tango Orange LION BRAND Knit-
ting Yarn; 1 Hank Green LION BRAND
ting Yarn; 1 Hank Red LION BRAND
ting Yarn; 1 Pair Amber Knitting Needles No. 9;
1 Pair Amber Knitting Needles No. 6; 1 Cro-
chet Hook No. 5.
Note: When joining colors where the work is
purled and knitted, knit first four sts., also knit
the four that were purled, taking up sts. at back
of needle, continue doing this to end of row, knit
four, purl four, as directed.
With bk. yarn and No. 6 knitting needles cast on
90 kt. four, purl four, for 10 inches.
The following is how the colors are arranged:

Black Kt. 4, purl 4 for 15 rows.
Tango Orange: 4 rows.
Black: row. 1

Green: row. 1

Red: 4 rows.
Black: 1 row.
T. O.: 4 rows.
Black: 12 rows.
T. O.: 1 row.
Black: 4 rows.
T. O.: 1 row.
Black: 8 rows.
Work of kt. 4, purl 4, should now measure 10
inches; change to No. 9 needle and kt. plain
garter st. for 10 more inches (42 ribs) cast on 65
sts. on each side, for sleeves. Kt. on these 220 sts.
for 6 inches (or 26 ribs); now kt. and slip 100 sts. New Ruffle Sweater and Tam
Attach to sweater with snaps. Dickey can be Third Row — *1 s. c. in 1 s. c, 2 s. c. in next St.,
omitted if desired. repeat from having 6 mitre of 2 s. c. with
Sash: With crochet hook and tango orange chain 1 s. c. between each mitre in round.

6 1 st. in each st. until sash measures 58 inches; —

Fourth Row * 1 s. c. in each of 2 sts., 2 s. c.
finish with tassel. in next st., repeat from star to end of round.
Repeat fourth round, having 1 more s. c. between
Directions for
each of the 6 mitres of 2 s. c. in each round until
top 14 inches across. Then 4 inches with 1 s. c. in
THE NEW RUFFLE SWEATER AND TAM each st. This finishes top.
Materials: Band: 1 s. c. and skip 1 s. c. and 1 s. c. in next st.
10 Skeins LION BRAND Shetland Floss; 1 Pair Repeat all around. Then 1 s. c. in each st. until
Knitting Needles, No. 10; 1 Pair Knitting band measures 4 inches, or width required.
Needles, No. 5. Make pompom and sew on top of tarn.
Back: Cast on No. 10 needles ISO sts., k. popcorn
st. for 8 inches. Change to No. 5 needles, decrease Directions for
to 80 sts. and k. until back measures 18 inches from
bottom. Add on 65 sts. at each end for sleeves and MONK'S COLLAR PULL-OVER
k. for 5 inches more. This finishes back. Materials:
Front: K. 95 sts., bind off the next 20 sts. for 10 Balls Turquoise Vicuna Yarn.
neck. Slip the 95 sts. just knitted on a spare needle; 4 Balls Black Vicuna Yarn.
on the remaining 95 sts. k. one front after the fol- 1 Pair Ivory or Amber Knitting Pins, No. 5.
lowing directions: K. 4 ribs or 8 rows, then add 1 st.
at neck end every other rib until the sleeve is fin-
ished, having as many ribs on front of sleeve as
Back: With black wool cast on 80 sts. Knit 8
there are on back. Bind off the 65 sts. added on ribs or 16 rows. Change to blue wool. K. 2, p. 2
for 10 rows.
Row— * With
for sleeve and k. for 2 inches more, still increasing
at front. Slip these sts. on a spare needle. Take Next black wool purl
1 row, knit
the first 95 sts. from spare needle and k. the same.
1 With blue wool
row. purl 2 for 10 rows.
knit 2,

Now take all sts. on needle and k. until as long Repeat from star these 12 rows until there are 6
Change to No. 10 needles and increase to groups of purling with blue wool.
as back.
* Finishing with black. Knit 10 ribs with blue
150 sts. and work popcorn st. for 8 inches, bind off.
wool. With black p. 1 row, k. 1 row. Repeat from
Cuffs: Pick up sts. with No. 10 needles and in-
star these 12 rows until there are 5 groups of blue
crease on each st., work popcorn st. for 5 inches,
knitting. This finishes back.
bind off.
Finish neck with ribbon holes for ribbon.
Front: Knit 30 sts. Bind off 20 sts. for neck,
and on the remaining 30 sts. knit 1 front, follow-
POPCORN STITCH ing directions: Slip the first 30 sts. on a thread
FirstRow— Knit. and tie. Knit 4 ribs, increase 1 st. every other
Second Row — Purl. row until neck is open as far as required. Take sts.
Third Row — Knit the St., then k. 2 sts. to-
from thread and make the other side the same. Now
gether throughout the entire row. needle and work front as

Fourth Row *Knit 1 St., k. a st. on the thread
take all sts. together on

between the sts., repeat from star across row.

Repeat these 4 rows for the popcorn st.


1 Crochet Hook, No. 4.

Ch. 3 sts., turn, skip 1 st., and 6 s. c. in next st.

Second Row — 2 s. c. in each st.

Monk's Collar Pull-over Popcorn Stitch Sweater

long as back to the purling. Purl same as back. sleeve is finished. Work the same amount of rows
Bind off. on front of sleeve as there are on back. Bind off
Sleeves: Pick up 50 sts. around arm hole. *Knit 65 sts. that were added on for sleeve and knit on
10 ribs blue. the remaining sts. until front is as long as back
Black same as body. Repeat from star until there down to ruffle. Slip these sts. on a spare needle and
are 3 groups of blue. Decrease 1 st. every 4th rib take the other sts. from spare needle and work the
till sleeve is required length. same as front just finished. Now take all sts. on
Cuff: K. 2, p. 2 for 3 inches with blue wool. needle and increase back to the 149 sts. Change
Change to black and knit 4 ribs. Change to blue to No. 10 needles and knit for 8 inches bind off.
and knit 3 ribs. Change to black and knit 8 ribs. Collar: With same color floss as sweater is
Bind off.
knitted cast on 15 sts. Knit plain until piece fits
Collar: Cast on 24 sts. with black wool and knit around neck of sweater bind off. With contrasting
even until piece fits neck; sew on and collar will color pick up sts. on long end of collar and knit
for 2 inches bind off. With contrasting color pick
Sew up side and sleeves. up sts. on end of collar and knit until piece is long
enough to fit down to the ruffle. Make the other
side the same; bind off. Sew on sweater and fasten
Directions for down at each end to sweater.
POPCORN ST. SWEATER Cuffs: With No. 5 needles pick up sts. on end
Materials: of sleeve and increase one st. in every other st. on
10 Sk. Lion Brand Shetland Floss. first row only. Change to No. 10 needles and knit
1 Pr. Knitting Needles No. 10. popcorn st. for 5 inches; bind off.
1 Pr. Knitting Needles No. 5.
Popcorn Stitch: Cast on an uneven number of Directions for
stitches and knit one row. MISSES' FILET SLIP-ON
Second Row Purl. —
Third Row— Knit the first St.. * knit 2 together;
repeat from star across row. 10 Skeins LION BRAND Shetland Floss; 1

Fourth Row * Knit 1, knit a st. on the thread be- Crochet Hook, No. 2 or No. 3.

tween the sts.; repeat from star across row; repeat Directions:
from 2nd row to 4th row for popcorn st. M: Mesh. B: Block.
Back: Cast on 149 sts. on No. 10 needles and knit Back: Ch. 94 sts. and work 92 d. c. on ch.
popcorn st. for 8 inches. Change to
No. 5 needles and decrease to 89 sts.
by knitting the first 4 sts., then 2 sts.
together until the last 4 sts. Now knit
popcorn st. until sweater from bottom
measures 18 inches. Add 65 sts. on at
each end for sleeves and knit for 6
inches more. This finishes back
Front: Knit 99 sts., and the next 21
sts.bind off for neck. Slip the 99 sts.
just knitted on a spare needle and on
the remaining 99 sts. knit one front
after the following directions: Knit
one inch, then increase 1 st. on each
row of purling at neck end until
Diagram No. 109

Second Row 46M. —

Third and Fourth Rows 46M. —
Then follow diagram for pattern. Then work all
rows of 46M until the back measures 17 inches from
bottom of sweater.
Add a ch. of 80 sts. at each end for sleeves. Work
38M on ch. for sleeves, then work until sleeves
measure 5^2 inches. This finishes back.
Front: Work 55M, ch. 5, turn. Work 3 rows of
55M, then add 1M every other row until the sleeve
is Then work until there are 27M in row.
Make the other side the same. Join the two sides
together and follow diagram reversed for front.
Collar: Ch. 35 sts., work on ch.
all d. c.

Second Row— IB, Repeat this row un-

13M, IB.
til collar fits neck of sweater. Finish outside edge
with a picot edge, fasten off, and sew on sweater.
Cuffs: Fasten wool on end of sleeve and work *
1M in space, 2M in next space, repeat from star
across row.
Second Row— 1M in each space. Repeat this row
for 4 inches. Then 1 row of 2 d. c. in each space.
Finish with a picot edge and fringe.
Sash: Ch. 25 sts., work IB, 5M, IB on ch. Repeat
Misses' Filet Slip-on this row until sash is required length. Finish with
(See Diagram No. 109) fringe.
Directions for
5 Hanks LION BRAND Knitting Yarn; 1 Cro-
chet Hook, No. 3 or No. 4.
Make a inches long, work star st. on ch.
ch. 20
for 1 row, and 1 row of s. c. back.
Repeat these two rows for the entire scarf.
Scarf should measure 60 inches long.
Then work on each end of scarf with contrasting
color for 3 inches, making scarf 66 inches long.
Belt: Make a ch. 2^4 inches wide and work star
st. same as scarf for 44 inches. Work buttonholes
on each end.
Star Stitch
First Row— Skip 1 ch. and draw up a loop in each

Ladies' Cloak

Auto Scarf
of the next 5 sts., yarn over, and draw through
the 6 loops on hook. ch. 1, draw a loop through the
eye formed by the ch. just made, draw a loop
through the back of last loop of star just made,
draw a loop through same ch. where the last loop
of previous star was made, draw a loop through
each of the next 2 ch. sts., yarn over, and draw
through the 6 loops on hook, ch. 1. Repeat from
star to end of row, ch 1, turn.

Second Row 1 s. c. in top and eye of St., making
2 s. c. to a star St.. ch. 3, turn.

Third Row Draw a loop through the 1st and 2d
ch. sts. just made, and 1 in each of the first 2 s. c.
sts., having 5 loops on hook, yarn over, and draw Sleeveless Tuxedo
through all 5 loops on hook, * ch. 1, draw a loop Directions for
through the eye formed by the ch. just made, draw SLEEVELESS TUXEDO
a loop through the back of last loop of star just
made, draw a loop through the next 2 s. c. sts.,
7 Robin Egg Blue Vicuna Yarn;
Balls 5 Balls
yarn over, and draw through the 5 loops on hook.
White Vicuna Yarn.
Repeat from star to the end of row.
Repeat these 3 rows for scarf.
Back: Cast on 84 sts.

First Row Knit 1 row.

Second Row Knit * 5 sts., purl 1 st. Repeat from
Directions for star, ending row with 5 k.
Repeat these two rows for pattern for sweater.
LADIES' CLOAK Knit pattern for 7 inches. Decrease 1 st. at each
Materials: end of needle every other row until there are 76
6 Hanks of LION BRAND Knitting Yarn; sts. on needle. Knit until back measures 20 inches.
1 Pair Knitt'ng Needles, No. 5.
Front: Knit 27 sts., bind off 22 sts. for neck. Slip
the first 27 sts. on a thread and tie. Knit on the
Directions: remaining 27 sts. for 3 ribs or 6 rows.
Back: Cast on 100 sts., knit in garter st. for 3 Increase 1 st. every 4th rib until there are 53 sts.
inches. on needle.
Next Row —K 5, p. 5 for 5 rows. Knit even
Take the 27
until front is as long as back. Bind off.
sts. off thread and make the other
Next Row — P. 5, k. 5 for 5 rows. Repeat these
front the same.
10 rows for 4 inches, forming the block st. pattern.
Band: With white wool cast on 20 sts. and knit
Then knit garter st. until piece measures 34 inches,
straight until band fits all around sweater. Sew
slip these on a spare needle.
on and fasten back at bottom with fringle. Sew up
Side: Cast on 100 sts., and repeat above direc- sweater, leaving enough for armholes open.
tions, slip these sts. on a spare needle. Fringe: On bottom of sweater make the fringe
Make the other side the same. Now take all sts. 5 inches long.
on one needle and narrow after the following direc- Sash: Cast on 15 sts. and knit for length required.
tions: K. 2 sts. together all across row, knit 5 ribs Fringe: On sash 2 inches long.
even, narrow again, knit S ribs even, bind off. Crochet around armholes with white wool a s. c.
Collar: Cast on with contrasting yarn 50 sts. and Straps: Ch. 20 sts. and a s. c. on each side of ch.
knit in garter st. until collar measures 1 yd. or Sew on side of sweater.
length required. Bind off, fold in half, and sew on
cape, leaving both ends even. Fold back and sew Directions for
on snappers on bottom end.
Size 38
16 Balls of Coronet Vicuna; Color, Shadow
Lawn; 3 Balls of Same; Color, Leather; 1 Pair
of Amber or Bone Knitting Needles, No. 7; 1
Bone Crochet Hook, No. 4; 1 Steel Hook, No. 2.
For Buttons and Caps on Tassels: 6 Button
Molds, Ball Shape.
With green yarn cast on 88 sts., knit 8 ridges
plain. Knit 4 needles in ribbing of 4 plain and 4
purl. Knit the next 4 needles in same ribbing, but
alternate the plain to the purl and the purl to the
plain, thereby forming the block pattern. Continue
in this manner in block pattern until there are 4
sets of blocks, then knit plain for 57 ridges, decreas-
ing 1 st. at the beginning and end of every 8th
ridge for 6 times, so that only 76 sts. will remain
on needle. Cast on 50 sts. on each side of work
for sleeves. Knit 22 ridges on these 176 sts. The
work now reaches to the neck. Knit 79 sts. and put
on a safety pin, bind 18 for neck, and knit one ridge
on the other 79 sts. Then add one st. in every
ridge at front for V neck for 20 ridges. When
sleeves are 44 ridges wide in all bind off the 50 sts.
of sleeve and knit on the remaining 49 sts. for 57
ridges, at the same time increasing 1 st. at under-
arm side of work in every 8th ridge for 6 times.
There will then be 55 sts. on needle. Knit the 4
blocks in pattern like on back, then the 8 plain
ridges. Bind off loosely, and take other 79 sts. off
pin at neck, and work second front in same man-
ner. Sew up under-arm and sleeve seams.
Ladies' Sweater with Girdle
Cuff: Pick up 36 sts. on sleeve by taking 2 sts.
together now and then. Knit 4 inches in ribbing of
2 plain and 2 purl. Now fasten "leather" yarn and
knit 5 ridges, then 3 ridges green, 5 ridges leather,
3 green, 5 ridges leather. Bind off.
Collar: With "leather" yarn cast on 3 sts., knit,
Ladies' Sweater with Girdle increasing 1 st. at one side of work only in every
ridges. Bind off the 28 sts. that were cast on and
continue knitting on the other 16 sts. for 76 ridges.
Reduce to a point by decreasing 1 st. in every ridge,
at one side only, until 3 sts. remain. Bind off and
finish with row of single crochet all around girdle.
Crochet Caps on Tassels: With steel hook chain
3 and join in a ring. Work 6 single crochet in
ring. In next round work 2 sincle crochet in each
st., having 12 in all. Now work round and round,
having 1 st. in each St., until cap is one inch in
length. Make a tassel by winding yarn over a 4-
inch card board until the desired thickness is ob-
tained. Cut and tie in center, and slip cap over
tassel, tie to girdle.
Finish fronts of sweater with a row of single
crochet, working button loops at left side by begin-
ning at collar, chain 5 very tight, skip 3 ridges, work
9 single crochet in succession, and work two more
button loops in same manner. Work one row of
single crochet over this row.
Buttons: With steel hook chain 3 and join in ring.
Work 6 single crochet in ring. In second round
work 2 single crochet in each st. Continue working
1 st. in each of the 12 sts. until work covers the
mold. Make 6 buttons.

Directions for
8 Skeins LION BRAND Shetland Floss; 1 Cro-
chet Hook, No. 3 or No. 4.
Make a ch. 24 inches long.
Then work diagram; this should measure IS inches
when design is finished. Now work all rows of
meshes until work measures 28 inches, then work
diagram reversed for the other end of scarf.
Filet Scarf
Scarf when finished should measure about 58
(See Diagram No. 105)
ridge until there are 26 sts. on needle. Now knit Finish end of scarf with fringe.
90 ridges on these 26 sts., then decrease 1 st. at
the uneven side of collar in every ridge until but
3 remain. Bind off. Finish around uneven side
of collar with a row of single crochet from point
to point. Sew to neck.
Girdle: With green yarn cast on 3 sts., knit, in-
creasing 1 st. at one side of work only in every
ridge until there are 16 sts. on needle, then knit
plain for 76 ridges. Now cast on 28 sts. on one
side of work, and, having 44 sts. in all, knit 22

Diagram No. 105 Lr dies' Filet Tuxedo Sweater

(See two diagrams No. 112)
ihi IHI 1
HImiln HI HI
I 1 in
III §'
hi ii

1 tan IBB
ibii III
1 I BB
1 b
a bi

1 I BI 1
II ii

11 I

1 1 1 II

1 I

1 II 1


1 1

1 Ml
1 IB!


. 1
1 1

1 1
1 HI
IHHI ill

11 1
1 llll
1 '

Diagram No. 112

lllll IBII llll
1 HI
Willi IBB
Hill lllll HI
riiBi IB Bill Bill
IHI llll
IB Bill
Directions for
Diagram No. 112
10 Skeins LION BRAND Shetland Floss; 1
Crochet Hook, No. 2 or No. 3.

M: Mesh. B: Block.
Back: Ch. 107 sts., work 104 d. c. on ch., turn.

Second Row 52M on d. c, 4 more rows of 52M.
Then follow diagram. Now work all rows of meshes
until back measures 19 inches, add a ch. of 100 sts.
on at each end for sleeves; work 48M on each ch.,
haying 148M in row, work for 5 inches more. This
finishes back.
Front: Work 68M, turn. Work 4 rows of 68M,
then add 1M at neck end until there are 24M in
row. This finishes sleeve.

Next Row Leave 48M and work on the remain-
ing meshes for one front after following directions:
4B, 20M until front is as long as back, including
the working of small rose on bottom.
Band: Ch. 31 sts., work IB, 1M, IB, 1M, IB, 1M,
IB, 1M, IB on ch.
Second Row— 1M, IB, 5M, IB, 1M.
Third Row— IB, 1M, IB, 3M, IB, 1M, IB. Re-
peat these 2 rows until the band fits neck.
Cuffs: With colored floss work 1 s. c. in each space
on end of sleeve, then 8 rows of d. c. Change to
white floss and work cuff to match band.
Sash: Ch. 18 sts., work d. c. on ch., then work
as many rows of d. c. as length required. Make tas-
sels and sew on ends.

Directions for
12 Skeins LION BRAND Shetland Floss; 1
Crochet Hook, No. 4.
M: Mesh. B: Block.
Back: Ch. 114 sts., work d. c. on ch. Follow
Filet Sweater Coat and Tam o' Shanter Then work all meshes until the back measures
(See Diagram No. 119) 18 inches. Add on a ch. of 95 sts.
at each end for sleeves, and work
45M on ch., having 145M in row;
now work meshes for 6 inches more.
This finishes back.
Front: Work 66M, IB, turn. Work
3 more rows the same, then add 1M
towards front every other row until
14M have been added on. Work the
front straight, always working IB at
front edge till down to the pattern,
then work diagram, only 1 pattern.
Cuffs: Work all d. c. on end of
sleeves, then 2M, * 3B, 1M, and re-
peat from star.
Second Row— 2M, IB, * 3M, IB,
Diagram No. 119 1M, IB. Repeat from star.
Third Row — 1M, 3B, 1M, * 5B, 1M. Repeat
needle and knit the next st.

Fourth Row K. 1 st.. * drop 1he wool over
from star. Repeat from star
Fourth Row — Same as second row. across row. Then knit 4 rows plain. Repeat the

Fifth Row Same as third row. last 5 rows for pattern. Knit pattern for 8 inches.
Sixth Row—All d. c. Change to No. 4 needles, narrow to 80 sts. in row.
Belt: Ch. 25, work IB, 5M, IB on ch. Repeat this Then k. 2, p. 2 for 4 inches. Now repeat pattern
for length required. until back measures 18 inches. Add 55 sts. on at
Collar: Ch. 50 sts, work 46 d. c. on ch. each end for sleeves and knit pattern for 5 inches
Second Row—
IB, 17M, IB. Work this row for more. This finishes back.
8 inches, then decrease 1M every other row at Front: Knit 85 sts. Bind off 20 sts. for neck, and
inside end until IB remains. slip the 85 sts. just knitted on a spare needle; on
Sew on the uneven edge to sweater. the remaining 85 sts. knit 1 front after the follow-
Directions for Filet Tarn O'Shanter ing directions: Knit 1 inch, increase 1 st. every other
row at neck end until sleeve is finished. Bind off
the 55 sts. added on for sleeve, and knit for 2 inches
Shetland Floss; 1 Cro- more. Slip these sts. on a spare needle and take
chet Hook, No. 4. the other 85 sts. and work this side the same. Xow
Directions: take all sts. on one needle and knit down to the
Ch. 3 sts.. turn, work 14 sts. in first St., ch. 3, purling. K. 2, p. 2 for 4 inches. Change to No. 7
turn. needles, increase to 150 sts. and knit pattern for
Second Row —2 d. c. in each d. c, having 28 d. c.
8 inches same as back. Bind off.
in round. Cuffs: With No. 4 needles pick up sts. on end of

Third Row * 1M in first d. c 2M in next d. c. sleeve and knit the pattern for 4 inches. Bind off.
Repeat from star all around row Work the cuff loosely.
Fourth Row—* 1M in first 2 d. c.j 2M in the next Ribbon Holes: Fasten yarnat neck and ch. 5. yarn
Repeat from star.
d. c.
Repeat this row, only having more single be-
tween the doubles, until the cap measures 14 inches
M over needle, pull through 2 loops, yarn over, skip

" i

-J 3 ~ .,
- 1
_ nn in —
across top.
Band: 2 s. c. in each M.

Second Row * 1 s. c. in 1 St., skip 1 st., repeat
from star around.

Third Row * 1 s. c. in the first 6 sts., skip 1 St.,

repeat from star.

Work 1 s. c. in each st. until band is 4 inches

: i


*m i __
" ~~
Novelty Ruffled Pull-over

Directions for i 'i

Materials: - — ^.
4 Hanks LION BRAND Knitting Yarn; 1 Pair
Needles, No. 7; 1 Pair Needles, No. 4.

Back: Cast on 150 sts. Knit 2 rows.


Third Row K. 1 st. wool over needle twice, * — j-
._! j _:

k. 1, wool over needle twice. Repeat from star

across row. Diagram No. 110

Directions for
10 Skeins LION BRAND
Shetland Floss; 1 Cro-
chet Hook, No. 2 or No. 3.
M: Mesh. B: Block.
Back: Make a ch. of 200 sts., work the diagram
on ch., then rows of meshes until ruffle measures
8 inches.
Belt: Work a s. c. in each space; this draws
ruffle in.
Next Row — 1 d. c. in each s. c. Repeat this row
for 7 times for belt.
Next Row— Work 1M, * slip 1 d. c, make 2M in
next d. c, 1M in next d. c. Repeat from star across
Next Row — 1M
across row. Now work rows
of M until 18 inches from bottom.
back measures
Then decrease M
to 38M in row. This forms yoke.
Add a ch. of 100 sts. on each end for sleeves, and
work 48M on each ch. Continue rows of until M
sleeves measure 6 inches. This finishes back.
Left Front: Work 58M, IB, 1M, IB, ch. 5, and
Second Row— 1M, IB, 1M, IB, 57M. Repeat

Ladies' Filet and Knitted Sweater

(See Diagram No. 110 on previous page)

one space, and draw loop through next space, pull

through 2 loops each time until there is 1 loop
on needle, yarn over, and pick up the 2 loops in
center of st. just made, and pull through 2 loops
each time. Ch. 4 and fasten back in top of st. Re-
peat all around neck of sweater. Fasten off and sew-
up sweater.

Directions for
Shetland Floss; 1 Pair
Knitting Needles, No. 3 or No. 4.
M: Mesh. B: Block.
Back: Cast on knitting needles 84 sts., k. 2, p. 2
for 8 inches, bind off.
With crochet hook work one row of 10 d. c. and
Second Row — 37M. then follow diagram for back.
Front: Work 9M, IB, ch. 3 sts., turn.
Work 7 rows the same, then add 1M; there are
12M, IB in row. Work the other side the same.
Add a ch. of 30 sts. at neck end and follow diagram
for front.
Change to knitting needles and decrease to 84
sts.; k. 2, p. 2 for 8 inches.
Sew up the purling only and finish around neck
and armholes with a picot.
Picot Edge
Ch. 8 sts., fasten back in 6th st., ch. 2. fasten in
next space. Repeat this all around neck and arm- Ladies' Russian Filet Sweater
holes. (See Diagram No. 107)

J ^ ^4^. j. M>HJ J
1 L

Diagram No. 107

these 2 rows until sleeve is finished, then work on widening every other stitch until you have 135
front only until down to the belt, working border stitches on needle; knit 12 patterns and bind off;
on front edge. Fasten off. Leave 11M for neck knit other front to match.
and on the remaining Ms work right front.
Right Front: Work the same as left front until

With No. 2 Needles Pick up stitches at bottom
of sleeve; knit 1, purl 1 for 1% inches.
sleeve is finished, then add a ch. of 30 sts. at neck
end, and on ch. work in next row IB, 1M; work

No. 5 Needles Knit 10 patterns; bind off, finish
with crocheted edge; knit other sleeve to match.
3 more rows the same. Then work border down Collar: Pick up stitches on inside of neck; knit
front only until belt is reached. Join and work belt 12 ribs plain; 6 patterns for ruffle; bind off; finish
same as back; then increase 1M in every other M with crocheted edge.
until there are the same amount of Ms on front as
For Vest: Pick up stitches from turn of collar
on back; follow directions same as back ruffle.
to waist line; knit 3 rows of pattern at each side;
Cuffs: Work 2M in each space. Then work 3 rows
finish with crocheted edge, loops and buttons.
of M.
One row of d. c.
Crochet Edge: With No. 3 needle single crochet
One row of M.
on right side. Chain 1. turn and on wrong side *
single crochet in front of first stitch; double crochet
One row of d. c.
in back of second stitch; *repeat.
Finish with picot.

Novelty Sweater Man's Knitted Coat Sweater

Directions for Directions for

Size 38-40
No. and No. 2 Knitting Needles.
No. Crochet Needle.
3 Pattern for Sweater Is Knit One, Purl One
Three-quarter lb. Lion Brand Shetland floss or Throughout Sweater
Lady Alice. Materials:
With No. 5 Needles— Cast on 135 stitches; * knit 6 Hanks Lion Brand Heather Knitting Yarn.
1 row, purl 1 row, knit 1 s. and then 2 together all 1 Pr. Knitting Needles No. 3.
the way across; knit 1, knit dropped s. between and 1 Pr. Steel Knitting Needles No. 14.
repeat; knit 2 rows*. This completes pattern.
Knit 12 patterns. Narrow every other stitch till you
have 88 stitches on needle. Cast on 132 sts. for back, follow pattern and k. 26

On No. 2 Needles Knit 4, purl 4 for W-i inches. inches. This finishes back of sweater.

On No. 5 Needles Knit 30 ribs plain; cast on 50 Front: Knit 42 sts., bind off 48 sts. for neck, slip
the 42 sts. just knitted on a spare needle and on the
stitches at each end for sleeves; knit 26 ribs plain;
knit 80 stitches, take off on extra needle; bind off remaining 42 sts. knit one front after the following
28 stitches for neck. On remaining 80 stitches make directions and the other to correspond knit following
front. pattern for one inch then add on one st. towards
Front: Knit two rows of pattern; cast on 20 front every other row until there are 64 sts. on
stitches toward front; knit 26 ribs plain; bind off needle, now add 15 sts. at armhole having 79sts. on
50 stitches for sleeve; knit 30 ribs; knit 4, purl 4 needle.
for P/a inches on No. 2 needles. Knit following pattern for 14 inches from un-

On No. 5 Needles Knit 1 row plain; knit 1 row der arm. Now starting from front work pocket

lap with an extra ball of yarn and steel needles Sixth Row— 1 s. c. in each st. 2 s. c. in last st.
cast on 34 sts. and knit 8 ridges. ch. 3 and turn. Repeat the last two rows, always
Knit following pattern on 20 sts., then slip the having the ch. of 3 on the same end all the time,
next 34 sts. on a spare needle and in their place until there are 54 sts. in row. Now
work straight
knit in rib of knit one purl one the sts. from pocket for 14 rows, make place for pocket; work 20 s. c, ch.
lap. Knit following pattern on remaining sts. on 18 sts., skip 16 sts. and work to end of row.
needle knit following pattern until side seam is the Now work 32 rows working 18 s. c. on the ch. of
same length as side seam on back, bind off loosely. 18. Make another pocket starting from front end,
Then knit in rib of knit one, purl one on the 31 sts. work 14 s. c. ch. 16, skip 14 sts. and work to end
on spare needle for pocket for 5 inches, bind off. of row. Work 4 more rows straight.
Sew to inside of sweater. Sew side seams together. Now start and decrease one st. at armhole and
Sleeves: Cast on 121 sts., knit in rib of knit one, one st. at front edge every row for 8 rows. Work
purl one for 2 inches, then decrease by knitting front edge straight, but decrease one st. every other
3 sts. together on each end of needle every 6th row at armhole until there are 24 sts. in row. Now
row have been decreased on each side
until 12 sts. work 40 rows straight; this finishes one front. Work
and there are 93 sts. on needle; knit following pat- the other front to correspond omitting the top
tern for 3 inches, then decrease by knitting 3 sts. pocket.
together at each end of needle every 6th row until Back: Make a ch. of 64 sts., work s. c. on ch.
there are 85 sts. on needle. Knit following pattern work straight until side seam is as long as the side
until sleeves are required length or 18 inches. Nar- seam on front now decrease the same as you have
row and knit turnover cuff for 5 inches. Bind off. decreased the front on both ends. Work 10 rows
Band: Cast on steel needles 14 sts. and knit in straight, then increase one st. every row until there
ridges for 42 inches. Now start buttonholes, knit 5 are 58 sts. in row. The next 6 rows straight. This
sts., bind off 4 sts. and knit 5 sts. Next row cast on finishes back. Sew up side seams and shoulders.
the 4 sts. that were bound off in row before and Bands: Bands around front and sleeves are worked
repeat buttonholes 4 inches apart. Sew band on from the wrong side, so the wrong side of the
sweater and face bands with ribbon. s. c. st. is used for the border working 10 rows
all around vest increasing at the corners by putting
2 s. c. in one st. On left side of vest make button-
holes, then 4 rows of s. c, finish with a slip st. all
around vest.
Band around sleeves 7 rows of s. c. and finish with
a slip st. Bind band with ribbon and sew on
Band on pockets 4 rows of s. c. on small pocket and
5 rows on large pockets. Finish inside of pockets
with 18 rows of s. c. sew up on wrong side.

Buttonholes: Start from top of vest, work 5 s. c.

ch. 4, skip 3 sts., work 14 s. c, ch. 4, skip 3 sts. and
repeat from start to bottom of vest. On the next
row add the 3 sts. on the ch. of 4. This makes the

Man's Crocheted Vest

Directions for
3 Hanks Lion Brand Knitting Yarn.
1 Crochet Hook No. 1.
— Make a of
Front of Vest ch. 5 sts.

First Row each of the 4
1 s. c. in sts. of ch., ch.
1 and turn.
SecondRow— each of 2
1 s. c. in sts. and 2 s. c.
in 2
last and turn.
sts., ch. 3
Third Row— each 1 s. c. in St., 2 s. c. in the last
St., and turn.
ch. 1
Fourth Row— Like 3rd row; but ch. 3 and turn.
Fifth Row— each
1 2 s. c. in st., s. c. in last ch. Child's Slip-on
1 and turn. (6 to 8 years)
Directions for
6 to 8 years
Knitting Yarn; 1 Pair
Knitting Needles, No. 4.
Back: Cast on 66 sts., k. 3, p. 3 for 8 inches. Then
garter (or rib) sts. until sweater measures 14 inches
from bottom. Add 55 sts. at each end for sleeves.
Knit until sleeve measures 4 inches. This finishes
Front: Knit 80 sts., bind off the next 16 sts. for
neck, slip the 80 sts. just knitted on a spare needle,
and on the remaining 80 sts. knit one front after
the following directions: Knit 4 ribs or 8 rows, then
add 1 st. at the neck end every other row until
there are as many ribs on front of sleeve as on the
back. Bind off 55 sts. that were added for sleeve,
knit 2 inches more, still increasing at front. Slip
these sts. on a spare needle, take the first 80 sts.
from needle, and knit the same.
Now take all the sts. on needle, knit as long as
back down to the purling. On last row decrease
to 66 sts., then k. 3, p. 3 for 8 inches, bind off.
Collar: Cast on 50 sts. with white yarn, knit in
garter st. for 1 inch, change to color yarn and knit
3 ribs, change to white yarn, knit 3 inches, then all
colored until collar is 6 inches long. Knit 17 sts.,
bind off 16 sts., and on the remaining 17 sts. knit
after the following directions: Knit 4 ribs, then de-
crease 1 st. at neck 'end every other row until 4 sts.
are left. Bind off. Make the other side the same.
Sew on sweater.
Cuffs: Pick up sts. on end of sleeve, k. 3, p. 3 for
3 inches, bind off.

Directions for
6 to 8 years
3% Hanks LION BRAND Knitting Yarn; 1
Pair Knitting Needles, No. 4.

Back: Cast on 70 sts., k. 2 inches in garter (or
rib) st.
Next Row— Purl all sts. across row.
Then k. 1 inch in garter st. Child's Open Sweater

Next Row Purl all sts. across row.
Directions for
Then k. garter st. until sweater measures 14
inches from bottom. Cast on 55 sts. at each end CHILD'S TUXEDO SWEATER
for sleeves. Knit for 4J4 inches more. This fin-
10 to 12 years
ishes back.
Front: Knit 80 sts., bind off the next 20 sts. for Materials:
neck, slip the 80 sts. just knitted on a spare needle, Ay2 Hanks LION BRAND Knitting Yarn; 1 Pair
and on the remaining 80 sts. k. one front after the Knitting Needles, No. 4.
following directions: Knit 4 ribs or 8 rows, add 20 Directions:
sts. on at neck end, and knit until sleeve has as many Back: Cast on 90 sts., knit 10 rows or 5 ribs in
ribs on in front as in the back. Bind off the 55 plain garter st.
sts. added on for sleeve, knit on the remaining sts. Next Row — K. 5, p. 5 for 5 rows.
for one front, knit down to the row of purling, Next Row — P. 5, k. 5 for 5 rows. This forms the
then work the same as back. Take the other 80 block st. Work the block st. for 3 inches, then
sts. from spare needle, knit same as first front. garter st. until sweater measures 21 inches. This
Collar: White Yarn. Pick up all sts. on neck finishes back.
and front of sweater and knit for 5 inches. Change Front: Knit 36 sts., bind off 18 sts. for neck, slip
to color yarn, knit 1 inch; change to white yarn, the 36 sts. just knitted on a spare needle, and on
knit 1 inch. Bind off. the remaining 36 sts. knit one front after the fol-
Cuffs: With colored yarn pick up sts. on end of lowing directions: Knit 8 rows or 4 ribs. On next
sleeve, k. 2, p. 2 for 3 inches. Change to white row increase 1 st. at neck end and every other row
yarn, decrease on first row, then knit in garter st. hereafter until 10 sts. have been added on, then knit
for 3 inches, bind off. even until front is as long as back, including block
Sash: Cast on 15 sts., knit the length required st. on the bottom. Work the other front the same.
trim with tassels. Sleeves: Pick up 60 sts. around armhole and knit
Straps: Cast on 20 sts., knit for 3 ribs or 6 rows. for 6 inches. Now shape sleeve by decreasing 1 st.
Bind off. Sew on sides of sweater. at each end of needle ever}- fourth rib until sleeve
Buttonholes: Crochet loops on right side of measures 15 inches.
sweater about 4 inches apart. Cuff: Knit 2, purl 2 for 3 inches. Change to color

yarn and narrow on first row only, then knit garter measures 2 inches. Then with right side toward
st. for 3 inches, bind off. you and tan wool, knit 1 row plain. With large
Band: Cast on 27 sts. and k. 8, * p. 5. k. 5; repeat needles purl 7, knit 7, etc.. and knit the 2 pattern
from star to end of row. rows for 10 inches, or until whole work measures

Second Row K. 5, p. 5. ending row with p. 8. 20 inches. Then knit 7, purl 7, knit 7, purl 5, bind off
18, purl 5, knit 7, purl 7, knit 7.
Repeat these 2 rows until band fits all around
sweater, bind off, and sew on sweater, leaving open- With steel needles knit shoulder plain for 2 inches.
ings for belt. Xow return to pattern and add a stitch on neck side-
Belt: Cast on 18sts. and knit the length required, every 3rd row. adapting the new sts. to the pattern
working buttonholes on one end. When 9 stitches have been added, making 35 in ali.
slip these stitches on to a spare needle and knit the
other side to correspond. Join the work on one
needle and knit until front from shoulder measures
10 inches. With green wool knit belt and complete
front to correspond with back.
Sleeve: Pick up 52 stitches, 26 in each direction-
from shoulder. With right side of shoulder toward
you, knit 1 row across. Second row purl all the
wa}r across. Continue these 2 rows until sleeve-
measures 7 inches. Decrease 1 stitch at each end
of needle every 9 or 10 rows until there are 40
stitches left. Continue sleeve pattern until sleeve
measures 14% inches. With No. 4 bone needles
knit 2, purl 2 for IV2 inches. With green wool knit
plain for 2 inches and bind off.
Collar: Set up 5 stitches with green wool; knit 1
row plain. Add 1 stitch at each end of needle every
other row until there are 27 stitches on needle.
Knit plain until collar measures 28 inches from
point. Decrease 1 stitch at each end of needle
every other row until there are 5 stitches left. Bind
off and sew to neck of sweater, leaving about 5%
inches of each end hanging over front of sweater.
Crochet 2 medium-sized buttons and sew one near

Child's Tuxedo Sweater

(10 to 12 years)


8-Year Size
2 Hanks Lion Brand Knitting Worsted, Ecru.
1 Hank Lion Brand Knitting Worsted, Reseda.
1 Pr. No. 7 Bone Knitting Needles.
1 Pr. No. 4 Bone Needles.
1 Pr. No. 11 Steel Needles.
On No. 4 needles set up 70 stitches loosely with
tan wool, and knit plain for 1 inch. Change to large
needles and knit pattern:

First Row Knit 7, purl 7. knit 7, purl 7, knit 14.
purl 7, knit 7, purl 7, knit 7.

Second Row Purl 7, knit 7, purl 7, knit 7, purl
14, etc., reversing pattern. Repeat these 2 rows
until work measures 8 inches. With green wool.
No. 4 needles and with right side of work toward
you, knit across plain. Knit plain until green belt Child's Norfolk Sweater
outer edge of each side of collar about 9 inches from knit 2, for 3 rows; black knit 2, purl 1 for 2
purl 1 —
point. Along inner edge of each end of collar make rows; white —knit
2, purl 1 for 3 rows; black knit 2, —
a crocheted loop to fit over buttons when ends of purl 1 for 2 rows; white knit 2, purl 1 for 2 rows; —
collar are crossed in front. —
black knit 2, purl 1 for 2 rows; white knit 2, purl —
The appearance of the "box pleats" and the sleeves 1 for 2 rows; * black knit 3, purl 1 for 1 row; —
will be improved if they are ironed under a damp —
white knit 3, purl 1 for 1 row; black—knit 3 ,purl 1
cloth before sewing up. —
for 1 row; white knit 3, purl 1 for 1 row; black
knit 3, purl 1 for 3 rows: white knit 3, purl 1 for —
1 row; black —
knit 3, purl 1 for 1 row; white knit —
3, purl 1 for 1 row; black knit 3, purl 1 for 1 row; —
white —
knit 3, purl 1 for 6 rows. Repeat from * for
4 inches. Continue to work black and white down to
the toe. Decrease 2 sts. on each side of the purling
on the back rib every 3 rows for 10 times. Knit 3,
purl 1 for 4 inches.
Heel: Work 26 sts. for 3 inches back and forth
keeping the rib that you decrease in center, having
2 bars on each side.

First Row Slip 1, k. 12, k. 2 together, k. 1; turn.

Second Row Slip 1, purl 3, purl 2 together,
purl 1; turn.

Third Row Slip 1; knit 4; knit 2 together, knit
1; turn.
Fourth Row— Slip purl purl together, purl
1, 5, 2
1; turn.
Fifth Row — Slip knit knit together, knit
1, 6, 2 1;
Sixth Row — Slip purl purl together, purl
1, 7, 2 1;
Seventh Row — Slip knit knit together, knit
1, 8, 2
1; turn.
Eighth Row— Slip purl purl together, purl
1, 9, 2
1 turn.

Ninth Row— Slip knit knit 2 together, knit

1, 10,
1; turn.
Tenth Row— Slip purl purl 2 together, purl
1, 11,
1 turn.

Eleventh Row — Slip knit knit 2 together, 1, 12,

knit turn.
Twelfth Row— Slip purl purl together, purl
1, 13, 2
1 turn.

Thirteenth Row — Slip purl purl together. 1, 13, 2

24 sts. will be left on the needle; knit these 24
sts. plain. With left hand needle pick up 20 sts. on
side heel (this is known as first needle), then
rib the 30 front sts. and pick up 20 sts. on the other
side of heel or second needle (always rib the 30
front sts. and knit plain the 26 sts. for bottom of
foot). Work around for 3 inches on the length de-
sired, less 2 inches for toe.
Toe: Knit first row plain.

Second Row * knit 22 sts. on bottom of foot
plain, then decrease 2 sts.; knit plain 32 stitches and
Child's Golf Hose and Sailor Tarn decrease 2 sts.
Third Row Knit plain. —
Directions for Fourth Row Knit plain. —
CHILDREN'S GOLF HOSE Fifth Row Repeat from * — until you have 20
stitches on 2 needles, then bind off.
One-quarter lb. White Lion Brand Knitting Yarn.
One-quarter lb. Black Lion Brand Knitting Yarn.
4 Steel Needles No. 14. SAILOR TAM.
Directions: One-quarterLion Brand Heather No. 3 Knit-
Cast on with black yarn 72 sts. 24 sts. on each of ting Yarn; Turquoise Blue Knitting Yarn;
1 oz.
the 3 needles. 2 Needles, No. 5, Bone; 4 Needles, No. 3, Bone.

Knit 2, purl 1 for 2 rows. White knit 2, curl 1 With heather wool and two needles No. S cast

for 3 rows. Black knit 2, purl 1 for 2 rows. White on 50 sts. measuring 10 inches, making a square.

—knit 2, purl 1 for 3 rows. Black knit 2, purl 1
With needles No. 3 pick up every St. around the
for 2 rows. —
White 1 plain row.
square, 67 st. on each of the 3 needles; knit plain for
First Row — Knit 4 white stitches, 1 black to end
13 rows.
of row.

Second Row 4 white, 1 black to end of row. First Row — Narrow 1 st. every 2 sts. and repeat
Third Row— Knit 3 white, 2 black. to end of row.

Fourth Row 2 white, 1 black. Second Row Knit — 1 plain row.
Fifth Row— 1 white, 1 black.
Third Row Narrow — st. every 1 st. and repeat to

Sixth Row 2 white, 1 black. end of row.

Seventh Row 3 white, 1 black. purl 2 for 12 rows.

Eighth Row 4 white, 2 black. With turquoise blue knit 2,

Ninth Row 4 white, 2 black. Knit rows for the turn; knit 2, purl 2 for
2 plain

Black knit 2, purl 2 for 2 rows; white— knit 2, prul 12 rows cast off. Large pom pom of turquoise blue
1 for 3 rows; black— knit 2, purl 1 for 2 rows; white place in center.

Directions for Cast on bone needles 94 sts.

CHILD'S KNITTED SNOWMAN Knit in rib of k. 2, p. 2 for 6 rows.

Seventh Row * P. 2, yarn over 3 times, n., repeat
3 to 5 year size
Cap —Sweater—Leggins from *, ending row p. 2.
Knit in rib of k. 2, p. 2 for 2 inches, then repeat
CAP pattern from cap.
Knit following pattern for 3 inches; following pat-
1 Hank White LION BRAND
Knitting Wor-
tern, k. to within 64 sts., turn, knit back, following
sted; 1 Pair Bone Knitting Needles^ No. 4;
pattern, turn, k, following pattern, to within 69 sts.,
1 Pair Steel Knitting Needles, No. 12.
turn, knit back, following pattern; repeat, leaving
Directions :
5sts. more each time until 94 sts. are on needle.
Cast on bone needles 130 sts. Knit, following pattern, increasing 1 st. on start-

First Row K. 2, * p. 2, k. 2, repeat from * to ing of needle every 6th row until 10 sts. have been
end of row. added, then increase 1 st. every other row on start-
Second Row— P. 2, * k. 2, p. 2, repeat from * to
ing of needle until 10 sts. have been added, having
end of row. 114 sts. on needle; the increasing must be all on one
Third Row— K. 2, * p. 2, k. 2, repeat from * to side. Knit, following pattern, until back measures
end of row. 9y2 inches from start; knit, following pattern, for
Fourth Row Knit. 1 inch; then decrease 1 st. on each end of needle
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern. every 8th row until there are 86 sts. on needle; then
K. following pattern for 2 inches. decrease 1 st. on each end of needle every 6th row
P. 3 rows. until there are 64 sts. on needle; knit, following pat-
Repeat pattern for 3 inches. tern, until inside seam measures 15 inches, or the
P. 3 rows. required length.
Repeat pattern for 5^-2 inches.
For heel, slip the first 16 sts. and the last 16 sts,
Change to steel needles, repeat pattern for two
off bone needle onto steel needles, having 32 sts.
inches, leave enough worsted to draw through all
on needle. Knit, following pattern, for 16 rows;
sts., and sew firmly.
leave these sts. on needle until used to finish at
Tassel: With two threads of worsted ch. IS sts. bottom.
and make a tassel, sew to chain, and sew chain to
Instep: Pick 11 sts. on each side of the 16 rows
just made; the 11 sts. on start and the 11 sts. on end
Directions for of needle are knit plain; follow pattern on 32 sts.
SWEATER First Row —
K. 11, follow pattern on 32 sts., k. 11.
Second Row— K. 9, n., follow pattern on 32 sts.,.
J\^3t crisis
n., k. 9.
4 Hanks White LION BRAND Knitting Wor- Repeat these two rows, having 1 st. less on each
sted; 1 Pair Bone Knitting Needles, No. 4;
end of needle every other row until only the 32 sts.
1 Pair Steel Knitting Needles, No. 12.
are left of pattern; knit, following pattern, for 3Yz
Directions: inches, or length of instep; pick up about 16 sts. on
Back: Cast on 86 sts. side of foot, having 32 sts. on front, 16 sts. on other
Knit 10 ridges.
Repeat 4 rows of pattern from cap.
K. pattern for 17 inches, slip 26 sts. on knitting
needle, bind off 34 sts. for back of neck, and on
other 26 sts. knit one front after the following direc-
tions, and the other to correspond:
Knit the pattern for 1 inch, then increase 1 st.
towards front every other row until 4 sts. have
been added, cast on 14 sts. at front; there are 44
sts. on needle; the first 10 sts. down front of sweater
are to be knit plain. This will not be referred to
again. Make buttonhole in fifth row and 4 inches
apart hereafter. K. following pattern until front is
same length as back, including the 10 ridges, bind
off loosely, sew up side seams, leaving about 11
inches for armhole.
Sleeve: Cast on 78 sts., k. following pattern for
3 inches, then k. 3 sts. together at each end of needle
every tenth row until there are 56 sts. on needle,
knit until sleeve is required length, change to steel
needles, knit 2 sts. together at intervals until there
are 46 sts. on needle, knit in rib of k. 1, p. 1 for 3yi
inches for cuff, bind off loosely, sew up sleeve and
Collar: With steel needles pick up 100 sts. around
neck of sweater, knit in rib of k. 1, p. 1 for 3*4
inches, making buttonhole in fifth row, bind off
loosely. Finish fronts of sweater with ribbon, make
buttonholes, sew on buttons, sew sleeves seam to
seam in sweater.
Child's Knitted Snowman Cap, Sweater and Leggins

Directions for
T^a tcri3 Is *

3 Hanks White LION BRAND Knitting Wor-

sted; 1 Pair Bone Knitting Needles, No. 4;
1 Pair Steel Knitting Needles, No. 12.
Knit in two sections, joined by a center seam. Child's Knitted Snowman Cap, Sweater and Leggins.
Directions for
2 to 4 years

3 Skeins LION BRAND Shetland Floss; 1
Hook, No. 3 or No. 2.

M: Mesh. B: Block.
Back: Ch. 61 sts., work 29M on ch.
Second Row— IB, 8M, 5B, 1M. SB, 8M, 1M.
Third Row—2B, 6M, 2B, 3M, 3B, 3M, 2B, 6M, 2B.
Fourth Row— 1M, IB, 6M, IB, 1M, 2B, 5M, 2B,
1M, IB, 6M, IB, 1M.
Fifth Row— 1M, 3B, 2M, 3B, 2M, 2B, 1M, IB, 1M,
2B, 2M, 3B, 2M, 3B, 1M.
Sixth Row— 3M, 4B, 5M, 2B, 1M, 2B, 5M, 4B, 3M.
Seventh Row 29M all across row. —
Repeat seventh row 6 times more.

Fourteenth Row Start to decrease 1M at each
end of every row until there are 23M in row. Then
work diagram for chickens, then 7 more rows of M.
This finishes back.
Front: Work 6M, IB, ch. 3, turn. Block is always
at neck end.
Work 15 rows of 6M, IB for shoulder. Make the
other shoulder the same. Add a ch. of 18 sts., or
ifwork add a ch. of 27 sts. On next row
is tight
work d. c. on ch. added at neck.

Next Row 23M. Then work the diagram for
chickens. Start and add 1M at each end until there
are 23M in row; then work as long as back. Re-
peat the first 7 rows backwards for bottom. Sew
up sides and finish around neck, armholes, and
bottom with a picot edge.

1 Skein LION BRAND Floss.
Ch. 3, join in a ring. 12 d. c. in ring.
Second Row—2M in first d. c, * 1M in next d. c,
2 in next d. c, repeat from star across row.

Third Row Same as second row, only 1 more M
between the double M. Continue this until the cap
fits top of head, then no more double M, all single
until size required.
Scallops: 4 d. c. in every other M.
Second Row—6 d. c. in the center of the 4 d. c.
in row, 2
first d. c. between the 4 d. c. Repeat
across row.

Third Row Turn work and work 6 d. c. in each

space between the 4 d. c. in first row. Finish top
and bottom rows with a ch. of 4 in every other
Child's Sleeveless Filet Slip-on and Cap d. c, fasten off.
(See Diagram No. 106)

side, 32 sts. for heel, about 96 sts. on needle. Knit

3 ridges, bind off. Directions for
Cord: With two threads of worsted ch. about 130 CHILD'S SLIP-ON
sts. and sew tassel to each end.
10 to 12 years
Sew up each leg seam and join the two sections
by center seam, sew elastic straps at bottom of Materials:
foot, draw cord through space to tie. 3 Hanks LION BRAND Knitting Yarn; 1 Pair
Knitting Needles, No. 4.

Back: Cast on 72 sts., k. 6, p. 6 for 6 rows.
Seventh Row P. — 6, k. 6 for 6 rows. This forms
the block Work
until there are 5 inches of block
st. Then garter (or rib) st. until sweater measures
1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 m i i i n n i 1 1 .1
16 inches. Cast on 55 sts. at each end for sleeves,
and knit for A]/2 inches more. This finishes back.
Diagram No. 106 Front: Knit 81 sts., bind off the next 20 sts. for

neck, slip the 81 sts. just knitted on a spare needle, Baby Set in Filet Crochet
and on the remaining 81 sts. knit one front after Cap, Jacket, Carriage Cover and Pillow
the following directions: Knit 8 rows or 4 ribs,
then increase 1 st. every other row until sleeves
are finished. Bind off the 55 sts. added on for
sleeve, and knit, still increasing, for 4 inches more;
slip these sts. on a spare needle, and work the
other side the same.
Now take all sts. on needle, and knit as long as
back down to the block st. Finish bottom with 5
inches of block St., bind off.

Collar: White yarn, cast on 24 sts., work block

pattern for i 1/? inches, then garter st. until collar
fits neck of sweater. Work 3% inches of block st.
on the other end, bind off.
Cuffs: With colored yarn pick up sts. on end of
sleeve and k. 2, p. 2 for 2 l/i inches, change to white
yarn and work block st. for 2% inches, bind off.
Ch. 3 sts., join in a ring, 11 s. c. in ring.
Second Row — * 2 s. c. in first St., 1 s. c. in next
St., repeat from star.
Third Row — * 2 s. c. in first st., 1 s. c. in each of
the next 2 sts., repeat from star.

Fourth Row * 2 s. c. in the first St., 1 s. c. in
each of the next 3 sts., repeat from star.
Continue in this way to increase in the same place
every round (6 widenings) until there are 12 inches
across top. Make 4 inches of s. c. without widen-
ing. This finishes top of hat.
Band: Skip 1 st. all the way around. Then 1 s. c.
in each St., or skip 1 st. each time again until band
fits head required.

Work band for 3 inches.

Diagram for Pillow Top

Child's Slip-on and Tarn

(10 to 12 years) Diagram for Carriage Cover
Directions for then ch. 33 at end of row for length of sleeve. Work
BABY SET IN FILET CROCHET back on this and across to other side. Ch. 33 at
other end for other sleeve, and then work on this
Jacket, Cap, Pillow Top and Carriage Cover
width for 17 rows. Starting at next row work only
Materials 49 sts., turn and work back and forth on this width
10 Skeins LION BRAND
Shetland Floss; 1 for 4 rows for shoulder section.
Crochet Hook, No. 4. Then neck end and work back and forth
ch. 15 at
Directions: on thiswidth for 13 rows. This completes sleeve
JACKET width. Now drop 32 sts. at sleeve end and continue
Ch. 102 sts. and work IB, 3M on ch., ending with
working front until it measures 28 rows like the
IB. back, break yarn and work other half of sleeve and
front to correspond. Sew up sleeve and under-arm

Second Row 1M, IB all across, ending with 1M.
seams, and work 9 rows of crazy st. along bottom
Third Row—2 *; IB, 3M IB. M
Repeat from star,
of sacque, and 5 rows of crazy st. around sleeve for
ending row with 2M.
Fourth Row 42M. —
Repeat fourth row until turn-back cuff, also work 1 row of crazy st. up the
front of sacque to neck. Cr. beading around neck,
jacket measures 10 inches. Add on 35 ch. sts. at
each end for sleeves, and work 17M on ch., 42M as follows: * 1 d. c, 1 ch., skip 1, * and repeat be-
across back, 17M on the other ch., having 76M in tween stars all around neck. Finish around neck
the row. with 2 rows of crazy st., trim with ribbon rosettes
Next Row—22M, 3B, 4M, 3B, 4M, 3B, 4M, 3B, 4M, as illustrated.

Next Row And 2 more rows the same.
Three rows of 76M. Then 3 rows same as the
first 3 rows for sleeve. This finishes back. 2 skeins of LION BRAND Pompadour Wool
Front: Work 33M, turn. in White; 1 Skein of Pompadour. Wool in Blue
Second and Third Rows The same. — or Pink; Bone or Amber Hook, No. 1;

l^-inch Wide Ribbon to Trim.

2 Yards
Fourth Row— 1M, 3B, 4M, 3B, 22M. In next row of
start and add 1M every other row hereafter; this Directions:
will not be mentioned again. Three more rows of Ch. 3 and join.
meshes. Then repeat the 3 first rows. This fin-
ishes sleeve. Work on remaining M
First Round —
Make 7 s. c. in ring. Do not join
for front until as the work is done round and round both threads
as long as back, following border on inside edge of sts. below being taken up. The work must be
and on bottom. done firmly.
1 s. c. in each space, then work 5 rows of
and finish with a scallop. Finish around neck

Second Round 2 s. c. in each St., having 14 s. c.
d. c. in round (mark starting point with a piece of wool
and bottom of sweater with a scallop. to avoid mistake).

Third Round 2 s. c. in 1st St., 1 s. c. in next St., *
2 s. c. in next st., 1 s. c. in next St., repeat from *
Ch. 24 and work rows of d. c. until piece
sts. around, having 7 widening spaces.
measures inches.5 Then work 3M, 3B around
three sides of piece just made. Three rows meshes.

Fourth Round 1 s. c. in the first 2 sts., * 2 s. c. in
next St., 1 s. c. into the next 2 sts., repeat from *
Repeat these 6 rows for size required. 1 s. c. in to end of round. Continue working in this way, al-
each space on bottom of cap; this will draw the ways having 1 more s. c. between each widening
cap in, then work scallop all around cap same and putting the 2 center of 2 s. c. of pre-
s. c. in
as jacket. vious row. In this way keeping the 7 widening
PILLOW TOP spaces straight, until there are 23 s. c. between each
Directions: widening; now work 18 rows without widening; this
Follow directions from diagram. Then work bor-
der around sides, joining the two pieces together.
Border: * 2 s. c. in 1 space, 2 s. c. in next space,
ch. 8 sts., turn, fasten in the 4th s. c, ch. 8, fasten
in the last s. c, turn, 10 s. c. in ch. of 8, 5 s. c. in
next ch. of 8, ch. 8 sts. and turn, fasten in 4th s. c.
in first loop, turn, 4 s. c. in ch. of 8, make a picot
in next St., 5 s. c; in next loop 5 s. c, finishing the
loop left unfinished. Repeat from star all around
Follow directions from diagram. Work same bor-
der on cover same as on the pillow top.

Directions for
Instructions for Sacque
3 Balls of LION BRAND
Crochet Wool in
White, Pink or Blue; 1 No. 2 Bone or Amber
Crochet Hook; 5 Yards of Ribbon for Rosettes.
Using crochet wool double, ch. 56 and work 1 row
of s. c. Always ch. 1 at end of row before turning.

Second Row * 1 s. c. in 1st St., 1 d. c. in next St., *
and repeat between stars to end of row. Repeat sec-
ond row throughout the work, being careful to have
s. c. on top of s. c. and d. c. on top of d. c. of row
below, taking both threads of st. Work 28 rows, Baby's Sacque and Bonnet

2 sts. together. Repeat from star to end of row.

Purl 1 row. Knit even for 1 inch.
Next Row — Purl.
Then make 1 row of ribbon holes. Knit in ribs
until back measures 8 inches from bottom.

Next Row Make ribbon hole same as bottom.
Sleeves: Add on 30 sts. for sleeves and knit 4
inches more; this finishes back. Knit 72 sts., bind
off 20 sts. for neck, and on remaining 72 sts. knit
one front. Slip the first 72 sts. on a thread and tie.
Front: Knit 4 ribs for shoulder, then add on 1 st.
every other row until sleeve is finished. Bind off
30 sts. for sleeve.
Next Row— Make ribbon holes. Then knit even
for 6 inches.
Next Row — Make
ribbon holes, knit 1 inch.
Next Row — Make
ribbon holes, knit 6 rows. Bind
off. Make the other side the same.
Cuff: Pick up sts. at bottom of sleeve and * k.
3 sts., then 2 together. Repeat from * to end of

Next Row Make ribbon holes. Then knit 1 inch
Next Row — Make ribbon holes. Knit 6 rows even.
Bind off. Sew upand sleeves and finish around
cuffs and jacket with 3 ch. sts. and 1 d. c.
Cap: Cast on 30 sts. and knit for 4 inches. Bind
off. Pick up sts. on bottom and two sides and knit
for 2 l/2 inches.
Next Row — Make ribbon holes same as on jacket.
Knit 1 inch even.
Baby's Band Next Row — Make ribbon holes, knit 6 rows. Bind
completes crown. Decrease by skipping every 4th on bottom of cap, * knit 2 sts., then
Pick up sts.
st. for 2 rounds. Fasten colored yarn and work 66
2 together. Repeat from star across row on 1 row
d. c. sts., ch. 3, turn and work
rows in all of 66 d. c.
sts. each, omitting the rest of round for neck. Work
8 rows of crazy st. for turn-back and fasten this Next Row — Make ribbon holes, knit 1 inch even,
with rosette as illustrated. Finish back of neck with knit 1 inch.
shell of * 4 d. c. and 1 s. c, and repeat to other Next Row— Make ribbon holes, knit 6 rows. Bind
side of cap. off. Trim with ribbon.

Directions for
3-fold Saxony and %
Skein Color for Border; No. 2 Knitting Needles.
Cast on 60 stitches for back.
Knit 2, purl 2 for 2 inches.
Knit 26 ribs.
Narrow at each end for 5 ribs.
Knit 10 stitches, take off on spare needle, bind
off 30 stitches.
Knit 10 stitches.
Knit 30 ribs on each strip.
Cast on 30 stitches. Widen 5 ribs and knit front
same as back.
Finish with little crocheted edge around neck and

Directions for
5 Skeins 3-fold Saxony LION BRAND Yarn.
1 Pair Amber Knitting Pins, No. 2; 1 Piece of
No. 2 Satin Ribbon.
Back: Cast on 100 sts., knit 6 rows.
Next Row— Purl.
Next Row— K. 1 st., * throw wool over and k. Baby's Coat and Cap
17 ribs. Bind off 35 stitches for sleeve. Knit 38
ribs. Take off on spare needle. Knit second front
to correspond.
Border: Pick up all stitches on front and across
bottom, and with white wool knit border. Knit
plain down front. Turn corner by throwing thread
over needle. Knit 1 stitch, throw thread over
needle. Knit plain. Next row knit all stitches
plain. Repeat until there are 12 ribs. Pick up
stitches on wrong side of cuffs, and knit 12 ribs
Collar: Pick up stitches and knit 2 ribs plain. *
Knit 5 stitches, throw thread around needle. Knit
2 together, continue from * across row. Knit 3 ribs
plain. Bind off.
Crochet round neck and cuffs with single crochet
on right side. Chain 1, turn, and single chrochet in
front of first stitch, double crochet in back of second
stitch. Repeat across row.
1 Skein Pink LION BRAND Saxony, 3-ply;
y2 Skein White Pompadour Wool; No. 2 Needles
Cast on 81 stitches with white wool. Knit 12 ribs.
Then with pink wool knit 27 ribs. Bind off 27
stitches on each end. On center knit 27 ribs. Sew
up. Finish with same crochet border as Bootee.

Infant's Three-Piece Set Materials:

Directions for
1 Skein of Pink and y 2 Skein White LION
BRAND 3-ply Saxony; Afghan Stitch; No. 3
Materials: Cast on 4 stitches, crochet afghan stitch, widen-
3 Skeins Pink LION BRAND Saxony, 3-ply; ing at each end every other row until there are 50
2 Skeins White Pompadour Wool; No. 2 Knit- stitches on needle. Then narrow every other row
ting Needles; No. 3 Crochet Needles. until there are 40 stitches on needle. Crochet 18
rows and sew up back. Take up 12 stitches, in
Directions: middle of front, crochet 12 rows. Crochet 12 rows,
Cast on 70 stitches with white wool. Knit 12 single crochet for foot with white. Narrowing last
ribs. Then with pink wool knit 38 ribs. Cast on two rows at middle of front and back. Finish top
35 stitches at each end for sleeve. Knit 17 ribs. with white wool. Two rows single crochet, 1 row
Knit 60 stitches. Take off on spare needle. Bind off double crochet, 2 rows single crochet, chain 1, turn,
20 stitches and on remaining 60 stitches make front. and single crochet in front of stitch, 1 double cro-
Knit 4 ribs. Cast on 10 stitches toward neck. Knit chet in back of stitch, and repeat all across top.


Run more yards to the pound because they are full 16 ounces

4 and 8 fold, 20 laps 16 laps

2, 3 & 4 fold, 16 laps 16 laps

Knitting Worsted LADY ALICE YARN
4 oz. hanks, 5 lb. pkg. 16 laps

SPANISH YARN Pompadour Wool
4 fold, 8 laps 16 laps, 8 oz. to box

8 fold, 8 laps 2 fold, 20 laps

They are the best made for the following reasons

They are made from SELECTED WOOLS.

They are RE-REELED, insuring free running.

They are 16 ounces to the pound, insuring more yardage.

They are put up in SKEINS, insuring elasticity and softness.


It preserves the loftiness and adds to the wear and smooth appearance of the garment.

3 9088 00754 3671

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