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Dïce Borg

Dïce Borg is an independent production by Hekate V. Lunasri and is not

affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published
under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

d6 only option for playing the world’s Mörkiest Borg

d20 ➔ 3d6

Alt d20 ➔ 3d6 + Kāäs d6

Kāäs d6 is distinct from the other 3d6. Effectively 4d6.
If the Kāäs d6 is odd, drop the highest die roll
If the Kāäs d6 is even, drop the lowest die roll

Alt d20 “GoR” ➔ 2d6 + GoR d6

GoR d6 is distinct from the other 2d6. Effectively 3d6.
Roll 3d6 and add them all up as normal.
If the *non* GoR d6 dice are doubles, trigger Gor d6.
Gory effect, based on GoR d6s value.

d3 ➔ d6 - 3
GM decides if a negative number or zero.

Alt d3 ➔ d6/2 (round up)

d4 ➔ d6 - 2
GM decides if a negative number or zero.

Alt d4 ➔ d6 (reroll 5 or 6)


d8 ➔d6 + 2

d10 ➔d6 + 3

d12 ➔ 2d6

Alt d12 ➔ d6 + 4

d% ➔ ???
Throw knife at back of Bookmark

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