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Project Submission Guideline

Setting Up Your GitHub Account

To submit your internship projects, you'll need a GitHub account. Follow these steps to set up
your GitHub account:

1. Visit GitHub: Go to GitHub and click on "Sign Up" in the upper right corner.
2. Choose a Plan: Select the free plan ("Unlimited Free") and click "Continue."
3. Create Your Account: Fill in your information, including your username, email address,
and password. Click "Create account."
4. Verify Your Email: GitHub will send you a verification email. Open your email inbox and
click the verification link to complete your registration.
5. Welcome to GitHub: Once verified, you're now part of the GitHub community.

Uploading Your Projects to GitHub

1. Create a Repository:
Click on the '+' sign in the upper right corner and select "New repository."
Choose a name for your repository (e.g., "MyInternshipProjects").
Optionally, provide a description.
Select "Public."
Choose a license (e.g., "MIT License").
Click "Create repository”.
2. Uploading Your Files:
Click the "Add file" button or drag and drop your project files into your repository.
Commit your changes with a descriptive message.

Sharing Your Projects on LinkedIn

1. Create a LinkedIn Post:
Prepare a LinkedIn post showcasing your project.
Include a brief description of the project and its significance.
Attach images or videos demonstrating your project.
2. Tag MotionCut:
In your LinkedIn post, tag MotionCut’s LinkedIn page (@MotionCut) so that we can see
your work.

Submitting Your Projects

1. Google Form: You will receive a link to a Google Form from MotionCut.
Fill out the required information, including your name, email, and project details.
Paste the GitHub repository link into the form.
Include any other relevant links or information.
2. Submit the Form: Submit the Google Form with all the requested information, including
your project links and video.

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