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Szoke Karla Nicole

a XI-a Matematică Informatică

Cyber Security- Fake News

Internet became a huge part of each and every one of our lives so cyber security is
extremely important nowadays. The lack of regulations regarding our access into every
part of the online world makes it a dangerous place and we should learn how to protect
our data by becoming more aware of fake news and scams.
News has always been the biggest influencer of the masses. Now that the news
isn't on paper anymore and the vast majority of people get their updates on the world’s
problems online, the issue of fake news is more and more common. Publishers earn
money from clicks so they are trying to lure readers in with shocking titles and out of the
context ideas. There are little to no rules regarding the authenticity of the news that is
being delivered so there is nothing stopping those trolls from making money.
Fake news can also lead to confusion and chaos. A good example would be during
the pandemic when people started panic-buying loads of produce because they were
afraid of running out of food or other essentials. I remember the news showing empty
shelves in the supermarkets even if that wasn't the reality in most of the stores,
encouraging us to buy as much and as fast as we possibly could.
In conclusion, cyber security is a must in today’s world. Everybody should be able
to filter the colossal load of information that is being thrown at them and to protect
themselves from misinformation and confusion.

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