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08 11:43
Empowerment Technology lessons 1-3 are all about understanding the basics of
information and communication technology , digital literacy, and online safety.
Reflecting on these lessons, it's clear how integral technology has become in our
daily lives. It's not just about using gadgets or surfing the internet; it's about
how we can harness these tools to improve our lives and the lives of those around

Lesson 1 provided an introduction to ICT. It's fascinating to see how technology

has evolved over time, and the impact of social media in education, healthcare, and
business. The lesson also is all about the importance of being digitally literate
in this age of information. It's not enough to know how to use a computer or a
smartphone; we need to understand how to use them effectively and responsibly.

Lesson 2 focused on digital literacy. It's about understanding, using, and

interacting with digital technology. especially in today's world where almost
everything is done online. From online classes to online shopping, digital literacy
is a must. It also includes understanding digital etiquette and ethics, which are
equally important.

Lesson 3 covered online safety, which is a critical aspect of digital literacy.

With the increasing number of cyber threats, it's crucial to know how to protect
ourselves online. This includes understanding privacy settings, recognizing
phishing attempts, and using strong, unique passwords.

In conclusion these lessons have made me realize the importance of being a

responsible digital citizen. Technology is a powerful tool, and like any tool, it
should be used responsibly. It's empowering to know that we have the resources to
protect ourselves and make the most out of the digital world. And make our life's

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