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Log file created: 11/16/23 06:29:52

Ticks = 937 <3276> <AnywhereLocalClient> <5> Local Hub HTTP port retrieved,
port: 56673
Ticks = 14156 <22804> <DisplaySurface> <5> [DirectX] Initializing
Ticks = 14312 <22804> <DisplaySurface> <5> [DirectX] Initialize DirectXContext
Ticks = 15984 <22804> <AMEApp> <0> Time taken to load MediaCore plugins:
1657.91 milliseconds.
Ticks = 16015 <22804> <frameio> <5> Building URLs with prod endpoint
Ticks = 16015 <22804> <frameio> <5> Building URLs with prod endpoint
Ticks = 17640 <22804> <AMEApp> <1> Entering RunEventLoop
Ticks = 27578 <16840> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_BiPlanar_Frame", LoadTimeMs: 4122.43505859375,
Framework: "OpenCL"
Ticks = 30062 <16840> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_420", LoadTimeMs: 2482.50048828125, Framework:
Ticks = 34093 <16840> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_444_YUV_Xu", LoadTimeMs: 3477.841796875, Framework:
Ticks = 55156 <15824> <ExporterMPEG4> <5> Looking for H/W codecs for H.26x
Ticks = 55375 <15824> <H26xCodec> <5> Found H/W codec for H.264 - nVidia H.264
Ticks = 70671 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_BiPlanar_Field", LoadTimeMs: 6569.64453125,
Framework: "OpenCL"
Ticks = 75156 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_BiPlanarOut10bit", LoadTimeMs: 4487.55810546875,
Framework: "OpenCL"
Ticks = 78281 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_BiPlanarOut", LoadTimeMs: 3124.63720703125,
Framework: "OpenCL"
Ticks = 81703 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_BiPlanar2_Frame", LoadTimeMs: 3415.932373046875,
Framework: "OpenCL"
Ticks = 85796 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_BiPlanar2_Field", LoadTimeMs: 4102.16162109375,
Framework: "OpenCL"
Ticks = 89156 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_444_YUV_32f", LoadTimeMs: 2581.276611328125,
Framework: "OpenCL"
Ticks = 96468 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_444_32f", LoadTimeMs: 6631.712890625, Framework:
Ticks = 100718 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_444_1Xu", LoadTimeMs: 4247.150390625, Framework:
Ticks = 104687 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_444_16f", LoadTimeMs: 3961.023681640625, Framework:
Ticks = 110203 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_422_8u", LoadTimeMs: 4426.48388671875, Framework:
Ticks = 113984 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_422_32f", LoadTimeMs: 3783.41650390625, Framework:
Ticks = 117218 <12592> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "PixelFormatConvert_422_1Xu", LoadTimeMs: 3219.9921875, Framework:
Ticks = 125593 <15368> <DynamicLinkMedia> <0> RenderVideo failed for time
Ticks = 125593 <3276> <DynamicLinkMedia> <0> RenderVideo failed for time
Ticks = 125593 <4236> <dvacore.StructuredLogging> <4> We have timed out on an
async source. This probably shouldn't happen and will result in performance
problems, media: "FINAL_RENDER/tmpAEtoAMEProject-FINAL_RENDER.aep", frame: 493
Ticks = 125593 <4236> <dvacore.StructuredLogging> <4> We have timed out on an
async source. This probably shouldn't happen and will result in performance
problems, media: "FINAL_RENDER/tmpAEtoAMEProject-FINAL_RENDER.aep", frame: 494
Ticks = 149687 <3276> <DynamicLinkMedia> <0> RenderVideo failed for time 8.25
Ticks = 149687 <16840> <dvacore.StructuredLogging> <4> We have timed out on an
async source. This probably shouldn't happen and will result in performance
problems, media: "FINAL_RENDER/tmpAEtoAMEProject-FINAL_RENDER.aep", frame: 495
Ticks = 153171 <3276> <DynamicLinkMedia> <0> RenderVideo failed for time
Ticks = 153187 <3276> <dvacore.StructuredLogging> <4> We have timed out on an
async source. This probably shouldn't happen and will result in performance
problems, media: "FINAL_RENDER/tmpAEtoAMEProject-FINAL_RENDER.aep", frame: 496
Ticks = 165640 <15368> <DynamicLinkMedia> <0> RenderVideo failed for time
Ticks = 165640 <4236> <dvacore.StructuredLogging> <4> We have timed out on an
async source. This probably shouldn't happen and will result in performance
problems, media: "FINAL_RENDER/tmpAEtoAMEProject-FINAL_RENDER.aep", frame: 497
Ticks = 170265 <4236> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "AEFX_FractalNoise", LoadTimeMs: 2974.09521484375, Framework: "OpenCL"
Ticks = 172593 <16840> <DynamicLinkMedia> <0> RenderVideo failed for time 8.3
Ticks = 172593 <16840> <dvacore.StructuredLogging> <4> We have timed out on an
async source. This probably shouldn't happen and will result in performance
problems, media: "FINAL_RENDER/tmpAEtoAMEProject-FINAL_RENDER.aep", frame: 498
Ticks = 179015 <4236> <GPUFoundation.LoadModule> <4> Excessive Load time,
ModuleName: "ACEOptMatrixRGBtoRGBOverRange", LoadTimeMs: 2589.422607421875,
Framework: "OpenCL"
Ticks = 179937 <4236> <GPUFoundation> <5> Done loading modules, sec: 2.44883,
device: CUDA(0)
Ticks = 179937 <4236> <GPUFoundation> <5> Done loading modules, sec: 163.338,
device: OpenCL(1)
Ticks = 184500 <3276> <DynamicLinkMedia> <0> RenderVideo failed for time
Ticks = 184500 <3276> <dvacore.StructuredLogging> <4> We have timed out on an
async source. This probably shouldn't happen and will result in performance
problems, media: "FINAL_RENDER/tmpAEtoAMEProject-FINAL_RENDER.aep", frame: 500
Ticks = 195937 <15368> <DynamicLinkMedia> <0> RenderVideo failed for time
Ticks = 195953 <15368> <dvacore.StructuredLogging> <4> We have timed out on an
async source. This probably shouldn't happen and will result in performance
problems, media: "FINAL_RENDER/tmpAEtoAMEProject-FINAL_RENDER.aep", frame: 499
Ticks = 197671 <15824> <ExporterRenderLoop> <5> Failed to receive rendered
video frame for time 2087164800000
Ticks = 197671 <15824> <ExporterRenderLoop> <5> Failed to receive rendered
video frame for time 2091398400000
Ticks = 197671 <15824> <ExporterRenderLoop> <5> Failed to receive rendered
video frame for time 2095632000000
Ticks = 197671 <15824> <ExporterRenderLoop> <5> Failed to receive rendered
video frame for time 2099865600000
Ticks = 197671 <15824> <ExporterRenderLoop> <5> Failed to receive rendered
video frame for time 2104099200000
Ticks = 197671 <15824> <ExporterRenderLoop> <5> Failed to receive rendered
video frame for time 2108332800000
Ticks = 197671 <15824> <ExporterRenderLoop> <5> Failed to receive rendered
video frame for time 2112566400000
Ticks = 197671 <15824> <ExporterRenderLoop> <5> Failed to receive rendered
video frame for time 2116800000000
Ticks = 197671 <15824> <ExporterRenderLoop> <5> Failed to receive rendered
video frame for time 2121033600000
Ticks = 197671 <15824> <H26xCodec> <1> Encoded using nVidia H.264 Codec (H/W
codec) for H.26x
Ticks = 197718 <15824> <H26xCodec> <1> Time taken for; video =0 audio=0 mux=0
Ticks = 197718 <15824> <ExporterHost::BeginThreadExport> <5> Exporter finished
in : 142.57 seconds. Result code: 1 Destination:D:\Data\Downloads\FINAL_RENDER.mp4
Ticks = 203218 <22804 (main)> <exception> <4> Caught exception!
context: "`anonymous-
2486b0>::operator ()"
description: "Program Termination Has Started"
result_code: "-211746808"
timestamp: "2023-11-16T06:33:15.0Z"
type: "dvacore::async::ProgramTerminationHasStartedException"
dvacore::config::dva_exception::dva_exception ( @ 0)
dvacore::config::dva_exception::dva_exception ( @ 0)
DynamicLinkMedia::CreateRequestFuture ( @ 0)
DynamicLinkMedia::BaseMediaInfo::WriteMetaDatum ( @ 0)
dvacore::utility::RefCountedObjectWithWeakPtr::ReleaseUseCount ( @ 0)
dvacore::utility::detail::DestroyOnAppState ( @ 0)
dvacore::utility::detail::DestroyOnAppState ( @ 0)
dvacore::async::file::GetWeakMemoryCache ( @ 0)
dvacore::async::file::GetWeakMemoryCache ( @ 0)
dvacore::messaging::Broadcaster::BroadcastMessage ( @ 0)

Ticks = 203375 <22804> <AMEApp> <1> Exited RunEventLoop

Log file closed: 11/16/23 06:33:15

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