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Final Term Quiz # 1

Name: ____________________________

1. Why is microfinance crucial for small-scale farmers?

a. To help them buy needs and wants and expand their social status 11. What is the primary goal of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in
b. To provide access to small loans and financial services, addressing agricultural development?
their unique needs a. To maximize corporate profits to cater more MFI clients
c. To encourage migration to urban areas b. To reduce government involvement in agriculture
d. To ensure food security for the farmers c. To create obstacles for small-scale farmers
2. What is one key challenge in providing microfinance services to small- d. To enhance efficiency and promote infrastructure development
scale farmers? 12. What is the primary focus of production cost-based lending in
a. High interest rates agricultural microfinance?
b. Insufficient demand for loans a) Evaluating the borrower's credit history
c. Lack of traditional collateral b) Providing loans to cover specific agricultural production costs
d. Lacks government subsidies c) Offering loans without assessing the borrower's needs
3. How does microfinance help mitigate the financial risks associated with d) Providing technical assistance to reduce production cost in farming
agriculture? 13. Which of the following is a benefit of production cost-based lending?
a. By offering financial products like insurance to protect against losses a) Increased reliance on collateral
b. By providing crop insurance and encouraging farmers to take more b) Mitigating financial risks for farmers
risks c) Reduced focus on responsible lending
c. By avoiding risky agricultural investments altogether d) Limited flexibility in loan terms
d. By charging exorbitant interest rates 14. In cash flow-based lending, what is the primary factor considered when
4. What is a common opportunity associated with microfinance in determining the borrower's repayment capacity?
agriculture? a) The borrower's social connections
a. Increased risk due to the cyclical nature of agriculture b) The value of the borrower's assets
b. Improved food security c) The borrower's credit score
c. Increase farming efficiency d) The borrower's cash inflows and outflows
d. Lower agricultural production cost 15. How does cash flow-based lending contribute to financial inclusion?
5. In the context of microfinance, what is "value chain integration"? a) By extending credit to those with irregular income streams
a. A financial product tailored for urban entrepreneurs b) By considering credit scores
b. A strategy to create rural unemployment c) By requiring high collateral
c. A way to connect farmers to markets and enhance their income d) By charging high-interest rates
d. A type of crop insurance 16. Cash flow-based lending helps reduce the risk of default by:
6. What is one challenge microfinance institutions face when providing a) Ignoring the borrower's financial situation
loans to small-scale farmers during planting and harvesting period? b) Setting a rigid repayment schedule
a. Farmers don't need loans during these seasons c) Aligning loan repayments with the borrower's income cycle
b. High interest rates on loans d) Offering loans with high-interest rates
c. Loans are readily available without challenges 17. How can microfinance institutions support borrowers in cash flow-
d. Seasonal cash flow and repayment scheduling based lending?
7. Which of the following is a challenge for microfinance institutions when a) By providing financial literacy training and capacity-building support
serving geographically isolated farmers? b) By offering loans with variable interest rates
a. Easy access to rural areas c) By ignoring the borrower's financial needs
b. Low demand for loans d) By requiring a high credit score for all borrowers
c. Costly and logistically challenging operations 18. How does cash flow-based lending promote responsible lending
d. Complicated client preferences practices?
8. What is a common challenge in providing microfinance services in a) By aligning loan terms with the borrower's cash flow and income
agriculture due to the unpredictability of agricultural income? cycle
a. Higher risk of loan defaults b) By offering loans with rigid, fixed terms
b. Low comprehension from clients c) By providing loans without assessing repayment capacity
c. Loan demand stability d) By charging high-interest rates
d. High repayment rates 19. In the context of agri-value chains, what do impact investors focus on?
9. What does "financial inclusion" refer to in the context of microfinance? a. Solely financial returns
a. Prioritizing farmers as Microfinance clients b. Balanced financial, social, and environmental impact
b. Ensuring all farmers have access to credit c. Exclusively environmental sustainability
c. Supporting wealthy individuals in urban areas d. Immediate profitability without long-term sustainability
d. Extending access to banking and credit services to underserved and 20. What role do value chains play in connecting producers to markets?
unbanked rural populations a. They act as intermediaries, purchasing products from farmers
10. Which agency in the Philippines oversees the regulation of b. They create artificial barriers to market access for farmers
microfinance NGOs? c. They ensure that farmers receive the highest market prices
a. Department of Agriculture (DA) d. They facilitate the connection between producers and markets
b. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
c. Central Bank of the Philippines (BSP)
d. Ministry of Rural Development

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