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SESIÓN DE CLASE No 16 Curso : Inglés Grado: 4to

Profesor : Mario Rodríguez Pinto Date: Thursday May 28th 2020 1 hora : 13:00 – 13:45
Tema: Listening comprehension- Reading “Saving Our Planet”

Reading “Saving Our Planet” (Book 30 )

I.- Vocabulary.
1-Save= guardar 11-Still = todavia 21- Improve = mejorar
2-Believe = creer 12-Access = acceso 22-Campaign = campaña
3-Everyone = todos 13-Suffer = sufrir 23-Tirelessly = incansablemente
4-Safe = Seguro (a) 14-Collect = recoger 24-Tap = grifo
5-Place = lugar 15-Earn = ganar 25-Recognize = reconocer
6-Toilet = baño 16-Achieving = lograr 26-Poverty = probes
7-Lead = dirigir 17-Tackle = entrada 27-Rubbish = basura
8-Healthy = salud 18-Reason = razon
9-Dignify = dignificar 19-Poor = pobre
10- Case = caso 20-Partner = compañero(a)

II.-Listen and complete the sentences.

1.- We believe everyone has the right to have clean water to drink.
2.- People can lead healthy, dignified, and productive lives.
3.- 663 million people around the world still live without safe water.
4.- Women and girls suffer the most, often having to make a long walk to collect
5.- Poorest people live without these vital services.

III.- Change to questions.

1.- They believe everyone has the right. (Who)

- Who do they believe has the right?

2.- They have to clean the water to drink. (What)

- What do they have to clean?

3.- People can have healthy lives. (What)

- What can people have?

4.- People live without save water. (How)

- How do people live?

5.-Women and girls make a long walk to collect water. (Why)

- Why do women and girls make a long walk?

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