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Eighth Semester (Civil Engineering) (CGS)

10230 : Environm€ntal Engincering-Il : 8 CE 02
P. Pages : 2 AW - 3134
iilllllll lll lLlili illi Ma-x. Marks : 80
Time : Thrce Hours

Notcs i 1. All question carry marks as indicated.

2. Answei lhree question from Section A and Thrce question from Section R
3. Due credit will be given 1o neatness and adequate dimcnsions.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
5. Use ofpen Blue/Black ink iefill only lbr wriling the ans\Yer book.


I a) Describe with sketches the different types of layouts of serverage system


b) Design the section ofa combined ctcular sewcr from the follo\,ing data :- 1

i) Arca ofserved:200 hectares

ii) Population ofArea = 1,00.000
iii) Maximum permissible velocity = 3 n sec
iv) Tinle ol'entq = 5 mjn
v) Time of florv = l0 min
vi) :
Rate ofwater supply 250 liters per capita per day.
vii.l lmpermeabilitl factor - 0.45
Assumed suitable data ifneeded.
2. u) Defrne the term :-
i) Selfcleaning velocity. ii) Non-scouring velocity'

b) What are the various tests for which a newly laid sewer line is required to be lested? 4

c) Differentiate between combined ond separatc system of sewage Give the condition 7

favourable for the adoption ofeach onc of them.

3. a) With the help ofneat sketch explain the \\'orkiug ofsedimentation tark State the factors 6
affecting sedimelrtalion.

b) What B.O.D.? The one day 30"C BOD of a sewage sample is 120 mg/lit Calculate
its 5 7
at 20'C, K:o (base l0) as 0 1
day BOD at 20'C. Assumi the deoxygcnation constant
4. a) Differentiate bet$eeo Grab and composite scwage ,samples. Enlist the
physical and 6

chemical exarnination of wastc \!ater.

b) Design a circular sewage sedimentation tank for a towr having population

of40'000 The 7
$'aterreaches at,the lreatment
averi'ge -uter demarrd is 13j h/capita/da) Assume lhat 80o/o
suitable additional
unit aid *re maximum demand is 2.5 times the avcrage demand Assume
data and check sudace loading.
5. a.) Explain the terms with rcspect to Activated sludge process
i) MLSS ii) SVI iii)
t'ilv{ ratio'
6ive their values for conventional activated sludge process and explain its

AW - 3134
b) Design high rete tricklirg filter fo! the following &ta. 1

i) Sewage tlow = 5 MLI)

ii) Recirculation ratio = 1.4
iii) BOD ofraw se\ age = 250 mg/lit
iv) BOD removal in primar) sedimentation tank: 30%
v) Final effluent BOD desired = 30 mg'lit.
Assume suitable additional data, ifrequired.
6. a) Explain the principle involved in the sewage purification of activatcd sludge process. 7
Discuss any one aeration method generally employed in activated sludge process.

b) Slalc thc advan(ages ofrecirculation in high rate trickling filter. 3

c) Explain the sloughing offilter. 3.


1 a) Draw a neat skelch ofconventional sludge Digester ard explain its working 6

b) Design an oxidetion pond for a town ofpopulatiotr of 30000. Tho rate of water supply is 8
150 liters pe! capita psl day. BoD of sewage is 300 mgn it. Assume any other data, Draw a
neiat dimensional sketch to designed unit.
8. a) Draw a neat sketch ofseptic tark and explain its working. How effluent from septic tanks 7
is disposed?

b) What is 6eant by sell-putilicarion properr) oI a stream? Explain the faclors alTecting this 7

9. a) State the different method ofdisposal ofsolid wast€. Explain any one method in detail

b) Explain in detail with respect to i- 6

i) House to house collection.
ii) Community bin system.
iii) Collection of\,/8ste fiom street.
10. a) What is composling? Explain the l'acto.s affecting composlirg. 6

b) What are "3'["s" of combustion? Explain construction and operation of municipal 7


1l. a) Deline air pollution. Explain briefly the anthropogenic sources ofair pollution.

b) what are the harmlirl cll'cct ofair pollution on lruman health?

12. a) Describe with neat sketch the working ofc)clofle separators. 6

b) EDlisl "Environmental Prctection Laws" in India. Give details of "The Ervironmcntal Act

AW - 3134

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