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Fourth Semester (Mechanical Engineering) (CGS)

10837 : Energy Conversion - I : 4ME03
P. Pages : 2 AT - 2136
'l ime : Thrcc Houm lltHilIffiilxiifl Max. Matks : 80

Notes L Answer thrce question from Section A and threc question frorn Section B.
2. Dua credit will bc givetr 10 oeatness and adequate dimensions.
J. Assumc suitable data whe.ever necessary.
4. lllustrate your answer necessary with thc help ofncat sketches.
5. Use ofsiide rule logarithmic tablcs, Steam tables, Molle/s Chart, I)mwing
instruurent, Thermodyramic table for moist air, Psychrometric Charts and
Ref.igeration charts is pelmitted.
6. Usg ofpen Bltre/Rlack ink/rclill only for rvritilg thr: answer book.

I a) W te a sho note on Mollier chart. 6

b) tsxplain critical point in bricfwith thc help ofP-V. diagram 3

c) Using stcam Tables; dctennine value of nrean spccific heat tbr superheatcd steam : 5
i) at 0.75 bar, between 100'C and 150"C. ii)
at 0.5 bar, between 300'C and 400'C

7 a) Ito* tle aryness fractioD of steam is rneasured u'ith the help ofseparaling and tluDttling 7
calorimcter. Explain the same with the help ofneat skctch.

b) The folloviing obse ations wcre taken with a separaling and throttling calonnreter 7
Water scparated = :kg.
Steam dischtuged from calorimetcr = 20.5 kg
'lemp. of steam affer throttling = I10"C.
lnitial pressure = 12 bar abs.
Barcmeter = 760 mm ofHg.
Final pressure = 5 run ofIlg.
Estimatc qlality of steam supplied.

3. u) ExplaiD Economizer with the help ofneat sketch. 7

b) Dra$ thc ncat sketch ofthc following: 6

i) l"usihle plug ii) Levcr safct) \alvc.

.l a) What arc the typ€s ofHigh pressure Boilers? Explain Benson Boiler \aith thc help ofDcat 1

b) Draw only a neat sketch ofTubular type Air pre-heater used in Boiler. 6

5 a) Ilow the pulverized coal is fired? Explain the Cyclone Bumer with the help of neat sketch. 7

b) Draw a neat sketch of sprcader stoker used for the coal tiring. 6


,tT - 2 t3(r P.T,O

6, a) Explain in bdeftreatment on Coal whonever it is carried out from coal mines to boiler 6

b) Define the follorving terms: 1

i) Equivalent Evaporation. ii) Boilcr power
iii)Boiler Eft-rciency. iv) Boiler Rating
v) Boiler Trial
7. ^)
Comparc betwcenjet condeosors and surface condensers. 5

b) State and explain Dalton's law of Partial pressure. 3

With the help ofneat sketch. Explaio working ofEvaporative condcnscr. 6

8. a) Dmw neat sketches ofthe following condcnscrs. 6
i) Low level iet condenscN. ii) Fliector condenser.

b) lvhat do you mean by mechanical draught cooling Tower? Explain induced draught 8
cooling tower with the help of neat sketch.
9' a) What are the variolls types o['steam nozzles? Explair in briet'. 6

b) Dry satuated steam at a pressure of I I bar enters convergent dilergent noiazle and lcaves 7
at a pressueof2 bar. lfthe flow is adiabatic and ftiction less. Detelmine:
i) Exit velocity ofsteam ii) Ratio ofc/s at exit and at throat.
10. a) Derive an expression for the ]veight ofsteam dischargcd through a nozzle. 1

b) The inlet condition of steam nozzles are l0 bar and 250"C. Thc exit ptessure is 2 bar. 6
Assuming Isentropr'c expansion and negligible veloci!v: detcrmine.
i) 'Ihrcat arca ii) Exit velocity
iii) Exit Area ofnozzle.
11. a) Explain in briel impulsc turbine and reaction lurbine. 6

b) A simple impulse turbine has a mean blade speed of 200 u!Js. The nozzles are inclined at 1
2clo to the plane ofrolation ofblades. The steam velocity from nozzle is 600 m/s.'Iurbine
uses 3500 kglhr. ofstearn. Absolute velocity at exit is along axis ofturbine.
i) Inlct and exit angles ofblades. ii) Power output ofturbinc.
iii) Diagmm cfiiciency. iv) AKialthrust.
12. a) What is compounding ofsteam tubine? Discuss virous methods ofcompounding ofsteam 1

b) Define following turbine efficiencies 6

i) Blade or Diagram efficicncy 11.) Stage ElL
iii) Intemal Elliciency i") Overirll Turbine Efl
v) Efficicncy Ratio

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