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Chrismayri de la Cruz


After watching the video resource 2 on Senior management correspondence and

having studied and analyzed it in depth, do the following:

1. Write an essay with the most relevant aspects of the content of the

According to NBR ISO 9000:2015 Quality management systems - Fundamentals and

vocabulary, Senior Management "is a person or a group of people who directs and controls
an organization at the highest level". It also defines that "Senior Management has the power
to delegate authority and provide resources in the organization."

Therefore, senior management is the one who has authority, resources and decision- making
power over changes in the company. In addition to leadership, you must also demonstrate
commitment to the quality management system.

It is known that in the norm there is no obligation as to which position(s) must (n) assume
that function. In the meantime, it is important that that person or that group is aware of
their responsibilities and demonstrates knowledge, commitment and active participation in
the entire process that encompasses the management system.

What are the responsibilities of senior management?

Top management is responsible for establishing policies, guidelines and strategic objectives,
as well as providing leadership and direction for quality management within the
organization. You must also establish and monitor those responsible for the most diverse
processes of a management system.

The details of each of these responsibilities can be found directly in the standard.
Meanwhile, this list shows how important and vital this function is within an organization.
The last item also highlights that beyond preparing the company to face all the challenges,
senior management also helps the teams in performing their duties.

That way, everyone in the company needs to be involved and willing to make things happen.
Leaders must show employees that leadership is something that applies to all areas at all
times, and that each function directly influences the quality of the services and/or products
produced by the organization.

What is critical analysis of senior management?

One of the aforementioned responsibilities is to carefully analyze the organization's quality

management system, which then refers us to the expression "critical analysis of senior
management." Item 9.3 of the ISO 9001:2015 standard exposes all the characteristics that
this analysis must contain. In accordance with the terms of the standard: "Senior
Management must thoroughly analyze the organization's quality management system at
planned intervals, to ensure its continuous suitability, sufficiency, effectiveness and
alignment with the strategic direction of the organization."

In other words, after implementing a Management System, Senior Management must

monitor the performance of the results obtained, as well as verify if the established
requirements were met and what are the improvements that can add value. This analysis
evaluates if the defined indicators are really demonstrating the effectiveness of the system.
In addition, verification of attention to the requirements of customers and other interested
parties is crucial.

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