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The overall experience of the interview was very informative.

We learned a lot about

District 1199c, its purpose and the difficulties it faces. We also had the chance to know more

about the coordinator, what is her overview of the site, which definitely helped us generate ideas

for this project.

One of the questions we asked was whether the coordinator thinks that there is anything

to be improved in this site, and she mentioned the biggest problem is funding. They do not have

enough funding to hire teachers and employers for specific job positions, so currently people

who work there are doing multiple jobs at the same time. She thinks that the site would function

better if there were more human resources. This made us think that maybe we can work on a

project that advertises the site to attract more students to come(the amount of funding depends on

the number of students they have enrolled). Another question we asked was what kinds of

support do students have outside of the classroom. D1199c has resources for helping students in

finding housing, health care, and legal issues, etc. We thought that we can create some sort of

resource page for teaching digital literacy, and folders of language resources that students of

different proficiency levels can watch videos, read articles, and do practices on their own during

their free time.

After this interview, I understood more of not only the goals of D1199c and what their

needs are, but also what we can do for them as a community, and the team members will meet up

to try to sell our ideas for this project to each other and come up with concrete plans.

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