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Anthony Gutierrez Rojas

Marey Perkins

English 101

November 1st, 2023

Sedona Hike

In today’s world we tend to not enjoy nature as it is. I firmly believe the idea of going

outside is gone with technology evolving. In this Sedona trip I gave a self-rule to follow, to enjoy

every minute of the trip and be present with whom I was with. The very peak of my experience

was the first trail I stepped on named West Fork Trail. As I walked along the trail with nothing

but enormous trees ahead of me and the strong winds talking to me, I realized right away how

beautiful it was to be in nature and how euphoric I felt.

The night before my trip to the West Fork Trail in Sedona I volunteered to drive in the

morning. I was stressed because I kept looking at the clock ticking loudly on the wall above my

packed bags. Instantly, I regretted it because then all I could think about was someone else taking

my spot. The way I kept looking at the time on my watch was very unhealthy. I knew better than

to start driving late during morning rush hour on the 1-17 freeway. I double checked if I had

everything I needed in my bags and made sure my car was in good condition to begin my

journey. Driving out of Phoenix heading north wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. There was

hardly any traffic to deal with. Soon enough I passed the small area called Anthem and was

finally on my way to Sedona. To be completely honest the driving was very peaceful. The radio

station that I was playing oddly enough synched with the open sunny field I was driving by.

Once I started to really wake up after drinking an energy drink I had an hour left to go. It was
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very weird. I felt like I blinked once and instantly teleported halfway. The moment I was

anticipating was the first sight of the red rocks. Once I see that part of Sedona, I know I am

getting closer to my destination. I already started prepping my feet for the burning sand I was

going to feel on the trail.

I finally arrived at the trail and on the very big sign I read, "West Fork Trail" In front of

the park there was a checkpoint which gave important messages like "Bring Water," "Dangerous

Heat," and "Pets on Leashes". I started walking the trail with not a moment to waste.

Immediately, not even a full five minutes passed, I stumble upon a stream of water clear as

crystal. I was a little sad because I did not pack extra clothes to swim in so I took a minute to

look. There was nothing but nature sounds overwhelming me with peace and tranquility as I sat

on a very big rock sturdy enough to hold my weight. Continuing through the trail passing a old

wooden bridge that creeked as I walked over it, was an old cave that many people stop by to

write a message. I thought no one else was crazy enough to walk during the day in the summer

heat but a great many people crowded the cave. I got to another checkpoint which had two

directions left or right. I continued to go left into the forest since the trees provided shade most of

the way. There were people passing by me but too distracted looking at the mountains above. The

mountains looked so close yet so far. All the scenery around me looked fake in some way but

maybe because I couldn’t believe how surreal it was. The winds came in waves like waves from

a beach. It was very loud blowing through the trees and then followed by complete silence, so

silent I could hear the bugs crawling on every rock. If staying there had been an option then I

would’ve taken the chance any day. The color green was so vibrant at every angle of the forest it

practically shone when the sun hit it just right. Before I knew it two hours had passed by,
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unfortunately, which meant I had to turn back. Not once did I pull out my phone for anything so I

don’t have any photos to look back on, but they are strictly in my memories.

Finally, I finished the trail and headed back to my car because I didn’t have the whole day

to explore. There was a moment inside my car that had me thinking about how much I’ve missed

on such a simple activity that is going outside. There is no cost to it, and anyone can pursue it if

they have time. The feelings I felt can get me going on discussion with no end to it. It inspired

me to look for other opportunities to hike different trails.

The Sedona trip I went on made me realize how awesome it is to be close to nature and

the positive feelings that stem from it. Though my opinion about nature was very vague and

neutral, this gave me the reason to set out and explore the trail. The beginning of my day was a

rough start because I was very tired and had to drive in the morning but arrived what felt like

instantly. The West Fork Trail forced me to pay attention to every spec of detail down to the last

little rock and to take in as much as I could because I knew I wasn’t coming back in a long time.

Confidently I can say there was a change within myself. A deeper understanding of the world

that’s out there.

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