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Writen by : Muhamad Ari Tubagus Tesar

Online learning has become one of the alternatives in the field of education, especially with the
emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced many educational institutions to switch to
distance learning models. Perhaps for some people, online learning is more effective. And I strongly
agree with the existence of online systems because when viewed from the aspects of education, time,
and technology, online learning has several advantages.

1. Education Aspect
In this aspect, online learning can facilitate students in accessing learning materials in various
forms such as learning modules and videos anytime and anywhere as long as they have internet
access. It also encourages students to develop independence in learning.
2. Time Aspect
Online learning is very flexible in terms of time because students can learn anytime according to
their class schedules. They are not bound by rigid class schedules like in face-to-face learning. It
also saves time that would otherwise be wasted on commuting.
3. Technology Aspect
Online learning provides ease of communication with professors or classmates through
discussion forums to exchange ideas and helps students develop technological skills.

1. Education Aspect
In this aspect, the lack of face-to-face interaction between professors and students is a
disadvantage of online learning.
2. Time Aspect
In online learning, it is sometimes difficult to balance between study time and leisure time.
3. Technology Aspect
There may be difficulties accessing online learning for students who are not familiar with
technology or lack technological skills.

In conclusion, online learning can facilitate access to learning through modules or videos,
provide flexibility in terms of time, and enable easy communication through technology. However, on
the other hand, there are drawbacks such as the lack of face-to-face interaction, difficulty in balancing
study time and leisure time, and limitations in technological skills that may hinder the learning process.

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