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<€ Wil *'s parent Yolanda *Redacted* | have noticed a couple of words in Wil's look/cover/write/check activity for his homework that me and him are both unsure of their meaning and was wondering if you could help us with this? What are the couple of words that you and him are unsure of their meaning? The words are sojourn and diffident ... Ok, gotcha! Sojourn means a short stay. Diffident means they are shy. It may actually help Wil to use these two words in two sentences and then me and him can discuss them tomorrow morning after English. That is a great idea! Also, | actually wanted to meet so we can speak about Wil's health? Oh, of course, is he ok? Type a message. & © OO <€ Wil *'s parent Yolanda “Redacted” Yes, but at the moment he is having a bit of trouble controlling his bladder and is needing to go to the toilet a couple of times an hour, and he said that you said at the beginning of the year that students have to wait until the toilet is free. | did indeed say that, but it was more for the students who were constantly going in groups to the toilet and wasting a bit of time to and from it, so no need to worry as Wil can go whenever he needs. Thanks! If you could have a chat about this with him | would truly appreciate it! lave a great day! 2 minutes ago Sent Type a message. a @2@OO

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