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Analyze each sentence, write your stand if you are against or in favor of them, and state your reason:

a. Cultural Relativism - Moral codes MUST be culturally relative.

b. Filipino Culture - It is the parents’ obligation to sustain and fulfill their children’s needs so the
children’s duty is to reciprocate it. Thus, they are required to sustain and cater to their parents’ well-being
soon after they reach maturity.
c. Generational Values - What makes Gen Z differ from other generations?

A. I stand pro in cultural relativism, and therefore, moral codes, even if it is not made to be made
as culturally relative is already culturally relative. It is on the grounds that there are no universal
standards of pinpointing what is wrong and right. Cultural relativism enables individuals to see
each other’s norms in different perspectives. Thus, moral codes are adopted from society
further highlighting that there is no absolute and objective fact as what must be accepted
correct. Therefore, in order to attain a wide perspective in terms of moral codes, the concept of
cultural relativism will make us respect each other’s practices and behaviors.
B. In this Filipino culture, I disagree. The statements are really implying the culture that Filipinos
practice but as for me, it must not be the children’s required duty to cater and sustain their
parent’s well-being after they reach their maturity. Having children must not be a retirement
plan for parents, instead, they are having children because they want to. Thus, those children
will have their own decisions whether they will payback in return on what their parents gave to
them. Furthermore, these don’t imply that children must be irresponsible, but dealing with
parents that planning to have children so that they would have someone required to sustain
their means.
C. Gen Z are assertive in a way that they are confident to amplify their voices. They speak their
mind whether to ask clarifications, or to call-out wrong deed in their own perception, unlike the
past generations whom are contented to be follower more than leaders. Also, they are more
immerse in digital era as technology continues to be more progressive. Moreover, they are more
ambitious than older generations whom who settles. Gen Z wants to manifest to always going
out of their comfort zones, and to dream high. They always want to test the limits of their
capacity, and look where they want to belong.

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