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15 December 2023,

A s now I have decided to improve myself I known I have millions of flaws but, I don’t want to
live with all this flaws in myself , if I try to control that BASTARD BEAST inside me I can
conquer the whole world , it is just similar as that anime named “NARUTO”, Naruto is a
protagonist in this anime which bears a demon named Kurama inside of him , Kurama is the most
powerful creature on that but it’s too difficult to control him if someone that can control that beast
can became the most powerful too , but Naruto’s never giving attitude , working hard in discipline
and his guts made him control that beast which lead him to became the most powerful character in
that anime.

According to my theory human life is similar to that anime too, we all have that beast inside of us and
those who can able to control that beast then………………….

Wondering why I have in completed above para? that is because I want to fell that felling, that
suspense after controlling the beast inside of you. but the key to conquer that beast, is to include
discipline in your routine .

and I hereby declare, that I have started to conquer myself and someday I believe that I can able to in
the battle between I and me .

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