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Bring up vomit be sick ( transitive)

My little girl was coughing so much, she brought up some

yellowish phlegm
Build up increase
I ‘ve been having headaches the tension builds up and I feel as
though my head is going to explode.
Blow up swelling
You say your stomach blows up after meals you have a bloating
feeling is that right?
Clear up heal
The eczema seem to have cleared up the hydrocortisone must
have done the trick
Clog up block
His ears are alittle clogged up with wax
Ease up improve
You will probably find the pain will ease up when u lie down
and relax
Flare up get worse
Dr, the rash has flared up again
Tighten up becomes tighter
Mrs smith says her chest has tighten up she’s also having
difficulty breathing
Throw up ( intransitive)
He threw up last night he must have eaten smth that disagreed
with him
Shoot up inject / rise dramatically
The pain just shoots up my arm I don’t know what I ‘ve done
Puff up
Karen’s eyes keep puffing up I think she has got conjunctivitis
Play up cause a problem
Dad says arthritis is playing up again; he has had a lot of pain in
his joints
Dry up dehydrate
Ever winter my face really seems to dry up . especially my
forehead the skin skin is all flaky
Cough up eject smth from the lungs
The patient coughed up alittle bit of blood this morning, but
seems now fine.

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