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be careful, not to trip

over my amazingness.
it's everywhere
my plan, for, world
underestimate me. that'll
be fun
my list, of things, i was
right about
sorry, i can't hear you,
over the sound, of how
awesome i am
let's assume, i'm right,
it'll save time
you are, doing, a
freaking, great job
you are, a freaking,
i work well, with others,
when, they leave me,
i'm really, not a control
freak but... can i show
you the right way to do
everyone, was thinking
it. i just said it
if i had my life, to live
over again, i would find
you sooner so that i
could love you longer
i'm, busy, being,
the, awesome, team
coworkers, i want, to
punch, in the face
i'm, a hr, professional,
what's your super power
i never asked, to be, the
world's best principal
people should seriously,
stop expecting, normal
from me...we all know
it's never going to
it's ok, if you disagree,
with me. i can't force
you to be right
chaos coordinator
my opinion, offended
you? you should hear,
what i keep to myself
i'm not arguing. i'm just
explaining why i'm right
i never asked, to be the
world's best assistant
i always give, 100% at
i never asked, to be, the
world's best boss lady
i work hard, so my cat,
can have a better life
i never asked, to be, the
world's best coworker
project manager,
because, freaking
awesome, is not an
official job title
best coworker ever
i never asked, to be, the
world's best intern
best boss ever
i am, a boss, to save
time, let's just, assume,
i'm always right
i get through mondays,
by, convincing myself,
i'll quit on friday
i don't, like morning
people, or mornings, or
caution, i have, no filter
lazy, is a strong word. i
prefer to call it, selective
i work hard, so my dog,
can have, a better life
i am, a project manager,
to save time, let's just
assume, i'm always right
my favorite, boss lady,
gave me, this book
best, executive assistant,
my, get rich, quick ideas
there's, a 99%, chance, i
don't care
best, hr manager, ever
you don't have, to be,
crazy, to work here, we
will train you
good coworkers, are,
like stars
retirement weekly
people, i want to punch,
in the face
my favorite, coworker,
gave me, this book
hold on, let me,
overthink, this
things, i want, to say, at
work, but can't
i never, asked, to be, the
world's best boss
professional chaos
of course, i talk to
myself. sometimes, i
need, expert advice
team awesome
i'm so good, at my job,
others want me, to do,
their job too
alone, we are, smart.
together, we are,
i am, a proud boss, of
freaking, awesome,
it's ok, if you don't like
me. not everyone has
good taste
i'm so good at my job,
others want me to do
their job too
it's all fun and games,
until somebody, calls hr
how to be a good
coworker, when all you
want to do, is smash
everyone in the face
my little book, of all the
idiots i want to stab
hr approved ways, to tell
coworkers, they're
if at first you don't
succeed try doing what
human resources told
you to do the first time
eat, sleep, recruit
teamwork coming
together is the
beginning. keeping
together is progress.
working together is
team rules: think
positive motivate never
give up focus be straight
and honest inspire be
creative do your best
dear boss, thank you for
being my boss
i do a lot of
spreadsheets, so i'm
excelling at work
good luck, in your new
job traitor
i may look like i'm
doing nothing, but in my
head i'm quite busy
meeting notes, the stuff i
have to do instead of
doing the things that
actually need to get
i work hard, so my cat,
can have nice things
i work hard, so my dog,
can have nice things
i work hard, so my dog,
can have a better life
tough times don't last,
tough teams do
the strength of the team,
is each individual
alone we are smart.
together we are
hr professionals, do not
hold grudges they do
however document facts
things, i was right about
welcome, to, the team
i'm an administrative
assistant, yes i'm busy
being awesome
employee, of, the month
there's, a 99% chance, i
don't care
stupid things, i've heard
at work
my opinion offended
you? you should hear
what i keep to myself
my plan, to get
underestimate me. that
will be fun
i don't have the time or
crayons to explain
myself to you
things i want to say to
my coworkers but i can't
let's assume i'm right, it
will save time
poor planning on your
part does not constitute
an emergency for me
you are our new favorite
i survived another
meeting about a meeting
i'm busy being awesome
dude. you did it
because, i'm the boss,
that's why
things i want to say at
meetings but i can't
look at you getting
i'm silently correcting
your grammar
stuff i have to do instead
of doing the stuff i want
to do
stuff i might forget
we will continue having
meetings until we find
out why no work is
getting done
you can't spell hero
without hr
alone we are smart.
together we are hanging
good luck, finding better
coworkers than us
people should seriously
stop expecting normal
from me
thank you for the
fantastic job you do
every day
patience is what you
have when there are too
many witnesses
we will miss you, but
probably not as much as
you will miss us
i'm silently judging your
font choice
things i need to do
good luck finding better
colleagues than us
i hate it when i plan my
day and nobody follows
the script
i see your point but i just
don't care
stuff i'll forget if i don't
write it down
be careful, not to trip
over my amazingness
keep calm i have a
spreadsheet for that
i never asked to be the
world's best employee
the office hardcore
you don't have to be
crazy to work here. we
will train you
yay, another meeting!
damn i can't remember:
an organizer for all your
i work in hr, don't mess
with me
nothing surprises me
anymore i work in hr
my favorite employee,
gave me this gift, she
deserves a raise
i'm not convinced we've
wasted enough time on
sure, i can do your work
best, coworker, ever
i am, a boss lady, to save
time, let's just assume
i'm always right
lazy is a strong word. i
prefer to call it
"selective participation"
a truly great boss, is
hard to find, difficult to
part with, and
impossible to forget
behind every, good
team, is a great leader
people who think they
know everything, annoy
those of us that do
it's a beautiful day, to
leave me, alone
insanely, out of the box,
thoughts, and, ideas
i tried being normal
once. worst 2 minutes of
my life
i would agree with you...
but then we would both
be wrong
thank you, for helping
me grow
team rules: think
positive, motivate never
give up, focus, be
straight and honest,
inspire, be creative, do
your best
damn, i, can't,
remember@: an
organizer for all your
passwords and stuff
if you think your boss is
stupid, remember: you
wouldn't have a job if he
was any smarter
doing nothing is very
hard to do, you never
know when you're
no man goes before his
time, unless the boss
leaves early
hard work never killed
anybody but why take a
i like work. it fascinates
me. i can sit and look at
it for hours
the brain is a wonderful
organ; it starts working
the moment you get up
in the morning and does
not stop until you get
into the office
work is the greatest
thing in the world, so we
should always save
some of it for tomorrow
nothing is so
embarrassing as
watching someone do
something that you said
couldn't be done
i always arrive late at
the office, but i make up
for it by leaving early
an expert is a man who
tells you a simple thing
in a confused way in
such a fashion as to
make you think the
confusion is your own
creativity is allowing
yourself to make
the only place success
comes before work is in
the dictionary
hard work beats talent
when talent doesn't
work hard
opportunity is missed by
most people because it
is dressed in overalls
and looks like work
i hate when i lose things
at work, like pens,
papers, sanity and
i'm not retiring, i am
my boss told me, to start
every presentation with
a joke. the first slide was
my paycheck
the reward, for good
work, is more work
the best way, to
appreciate your job, is to
imagine yourself,
without one
an ambitious employee,
always finds ways, to
better, and, to improve
lady boss
boss lady
no coffee, no work
genius at work
work in progress, please
do not disturb
i'll be back in 10
minutes, but if i'm not,
just read this message
i'm in the zone. please
do not disturb
please,do not disturb
don't disturb, because i
am doing my tasks
my secret plan, to
conquer, the universe
be nice, or i'll send you,
to a meeting
sometimes, i feel like,
everyone i work with, is
an idiot
i am, a very, busy person
my favorite, team
member, gave me, this
never forget, the
difference, you've made
i work, in hr, basically, i
read minds
hr gangsta
keep calm, and, let hr
take care of it
there's no crying in
human resources
together, everyone,
achieves, more
set goals, and, crush
meeting notes
i never asked, to be, the
world's best coworker,
but, here i am absolutely
crushing it
i work, with, super
lack of planning, on
your part, does not
constitute an emergency
on my part
you are, part, of, an epic
i always give 100% at
work, monday 13%,
tuesday 22%,
wednesday 40%,
thursday 20%, friday
an expert, is a man, who
has made all the
mistakes, which can be
made, in a very narrow
mondays, should, be,
we sincerely appreciate,
all your hard work, and,
world's okayest
i've been, wondering
how to thank you, for all
your hard work
funny things, my
coworkers, say
all the things, i was right
all the things, i was
wrong about
all the ways, my boss
tortures me
things, i need to get out,
of my head
behind every, successful
man, there is, a
surprised woman
behind every, successful
man, there is, a lot of,
unsuccessful years
behind every, successful
woman, there is, a lot of,
unsuccessful years
a truly amazing team, is
hard to find, difficult to
part with, and
impossible to forget
a truly amazing
coworker, is hard to
find, difficult to part
with, and impossible to
a truly amazing
employee, is hard to
find, difficult to part
with, and impossible to
don't keep calm, there is
no spreadsheet for that
sometimes, the best part
of my job, is that, my
chair swivels
it's, accrual, world
i'm reporting, this, to hr
if you're happy, and, you
know it, its your meds
if you try to be smarter,
i'll try to be nicer
my amazing staff, gave
me, this gift, they are
freaking awesome
i survived, yet another,
meeting, that shouldn't
have been existed
i survived, yet another,
useless meeting
office squad
office team
teamwork, makes, the
dream, work
stupid stuff, my boss,
wants me, to do
of course, i'm right, i
work in hr
thanks, for being
awesome, in so many
things, i can't remember
you are, now, on a cool
my favorite coworker,
gave me, this stupid
i, need, coffee
dude, you did it
crazy things, i've heard,
at work
things, i say at work,
but, nobody listens
things, i say at meetings,
but, nobody cares
welcome, to the best
workplace, ever
i don't always work, but
when i do, i make sure
my boss is around
life is short, work
somewhere, awesome
proud boss, of, an
awesome, cool team
in my defense, i was
left, unsupervised
my boss, told me, to
have a good day, so i
went home
employee of the year
you're not here to be
average. be awesome
people i want to punch
in the throat
you're doing a great job
recruited, and so the
adventure begins
relax, i have a masters
relax, we can google it
all dreams, i had while,
sleeping in meetings
sorry i'm late. i got here,
as soon as i wanted to
sorry, yesterday, was the
deadline, for all the
look at you, making
things, i want to say, to
my clients, but i can't
teamwork, coming
together is the
beginning. keeping
together is progress.
working together is
i wonder, what my job
description, says today
what if, you try, one
more time, and, it
everyone, was thinking
it.i just said it
be nice, to your,
be nice, to your,
my coworker, did not,
give me, this book
i need coffee
things, i say, at
meetings, but, nobody
welcome, to the best,
workplace ever
proud boss, of an
awesome, cool, team
another meeting ?
work hard, and, be nice,
to your coworkers
employee, of, the year
you're, not here, to be,
average. be awesome
best, client, ever
best, intern, ever
best, boss, ever
thanks, for being,
awesome, in so many
you are, a key part of,
our team
do not underestimate,
your abilities. that is
your boss's job
the reward, for work
well done, is the
opportunity to do more
the fellow, who never
makes a mistake, takes
his orders from one who
everybody makes
mistakes. the trick is to
make mistakes when no
one is looking
an expert, is someone
called in at the last
minute, to share the
i have, very little,
patience, for stupidity
i should probably ,get
back, to work
i am running away, from
my responsibilities. and
it feels good
the world is divided,
into people who do
things, and, people who
get the credit
i always try to go the
extra mile at work. but
my boss always finds
me and brings me back
learn from the mistakes
of others. you can't live
long enough to make
them all yourself
tell your boss what you
really think about him
and the truth shall set
you free
my insomnia is so bad i
can't sleep during office
my book, to write in, to
appear busy
meeting notes, and,
other boring stuff
brilliant thoughts
fluent in sarcasm
stuff, you shouldn't have
to explain, to adults
all the answers
chief chaos coordinator
all you need, is a hug,
from your boss
all you need, is a hug,
from your coworker
all you need, is more
do your job, and, be
ready, for more tasks
how ,to ask your boss,
for more tasks
escape plan
things, my boss, doesn't
things, my coworkers,
don't know
things, i need to get
done, but, probably
my brain, has, too many,
tabs, open
chaos coordinator,
because, freaking
miracle worker, is not a
job title
i'm fine ,it's fine,
everything is fine
letter of resignation,
drafts, and, templates
stupid things, my
coworkers, say
sure, let me drop
everything, and, work
on, your problem
insanely, great
thoughts ,and, ideas
i'm trying, to be
awesome, today, but, i'm
exhausted, from being,
so freakin awesome,
i can not be held
responsible, for what my
face does, when you talk
my great ideas, that
someone else, will take
the credit for
best director ever
words, i can't, say out,
best department ever
i got, so much,
procrastination, done
that's a terrible idea!
when do we start?
every once, in a while,
someone amazing,
comes along. and here i

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