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Course Name: Electric Circuits (I). Level: 1st year Elec.

Department: Electrical Power and Machines. Year: 2023/2024, 1st term.

Zagazig University
Faculty of Engineering

Sheet (7)
1. What is the phase sequence of a three-phase motor for which VAN = 220∟-100o
and VBN = 220∟140o :
a- abc b- acb

2. If in an acb phase sequence, Van = 100∟-20o , then Vcn is :

a- 100∟-140o b- 100∟100o c- 100∟-50o d- 100∟10o

3. Which of these is not a required condition for a balanced system:

a- │Van│= │Vbn│= │Vcn│
b- Ia + Ib + Ic = 0
c- Van + Vbn + Vcn =0
d- Source voltages are 120o out of phase with each other.
e- Load impedances for the three phases are equal.

4. In a Y-connected load, the line current and phase current are equal.
a- True b- False

5. In a ∆- connected load, the line current and phase current are equal.
a- True b- False
6. In a Y-Y system, a line voltage of 220V produces a phase voltage of:
a- 381 V b- 311 V c- 220 V d- 156 V e- 127 V

7. In a ∆-∆ system, a phase voltage of 100V produces a line voltage of:

a- 58 V b- 71 V c- 100 V d- 173 V e- 141 V

8. When a Y-connected load is supplied by voltages in abc phase sequence, the line
voltages lag the corresponding phase voltages by 30o.
a- True b- False

9. If Vab = 400 V in a balanced Y-connected three- phase generator, find the phase
voltages, assuming the phase sequence is:
a- abc b- acb
10.What is the phase sequence of a balanced three-phase circuit for which Van =
120∟30o V and Vcn = 120∟-90o V? Find Vbn.

11. Determine the phase sequence of a balanced three- phase circuit in which Vbn =
440∟130o V and Vcn = 440∟10o V. Obtain Van.

12. A three-phase system with abc sequence and VL =440 V feeds a Y-connected load
with ZL = 40∟30o Ω. Find the line currents.

13. For a Y-connected load, the time-domain expressions for three line-to-neutral
voltages at the terminals are:
VAN = 120 Cos (ωt + 32o) V
VBN = 120 Cos (ωt - 88o) V
VCN = 120 Cos (ωt + 152o) V
Write the time-domain expressions for three line-to-line voltages VAB,VBC and VCA.
14. Obtain the line currents in the three-phase circuit of Fig. 1


15. In a balanced three-phase Y-Y system, the source is an abc sequence of voltages
and Van = 100∟20o V rms. The line impedance per phase is 0.6 + j1.2 Ω, while the
per-phase impedance of the load is 10 + j14 Ω. Calculate the line currents and the
load voltages.

16. A balanced Y-Y four-wire system has phase voltages:

Van = 120∟0o V, Vbn = 120∟-120o V and Vcn = 120∟120o V
The load impedance per phase is 19 + j13 Ω, and the line impedance per phase is
1 + j2 Ω. Solve for the line currents and neutral current.

17.Three 230V generators form a delta-connected source that is connected to a

balanced delta-connected load of ZL = 10 + j8 Ω per phase as shown in Fig. 2,
Determine the value of IAC and IbB.



18.A balanced delta-connected source has phase voltage Vab = 416∟30o V and a
positive phase sequence. If this is connected to a balanced delta-connected load,
find the line and phase currents. Take the load impedance per phase as 60∟30o Ω
and line impedance per phase as 1 + j1 Ω.


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