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The Potential For Additional Fiber of The Intermediate

Tongue Leaves (Sansevieria sp.) on Epoxy Matrix As Anti

Radiation on The Laptop Screen: A review

Maulida Lubis1, Halimatuddahliana1,Tubagus Rayyan Fitra Sinuhaji1, and Jessica

Department of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Sumatera Utara,
20155, Indonesia


Abstract. The electromagnetic waves emitted by laptops often have negative effects on human health. Therefore, this
research is expected to create products that can minimize exposure to electromagnetic wave radiation to humans. Based
on the literature study from previous research, there are composites with fillers that can absorb electromagnetic waves
like grapheme oxide, palm fiber, coconut husk and charcoal powder. Based on the literature, the material that can be used
as a filler in epoxy resin as an anti-radiation is Sansevieria. Sansevieria Sp. contains of pregnane glycosides which have
the potential and effectiveness to bind heavy metals and absorb electromagnetic waves. Chemical treatment improves the
adhesion property, reduces water absorption and increases thermal stability. Pretreatment sansevieria with chemical,
removes waxes and oil from the outer surface of the fiber and also removal of minor constituents like lignin,
hemicellulose, and amorphous cellulose from the outer surface of the fiber. Also the chemically treated fibers had
developed a very rough surface and also developed amount of voids present which provides good mechanical
interlocking with the matrix. In the treatment group, there was a decrease of 24.45% or equivalent to 0.33 × 10 -7 mT. The
value increases because when the fibers are chemically treated, there was an increment in the amount of crystalline
cellulose, which helps in achieving high thermal stability.

Radiation has been present around us in many forms. In some places such as fields, homes, schools, or
workplaces. Radiation from electronic devices or devices that emit heat can be electromagnetic waves. Some of the
symptoms caused by exposure to electromagnetic waves from laptops or other electronic devices are the onset of
hypersensitivity (electrical sensitivity). The symptoms is like dizziness, excessive fatigue, headache, difficult to fall
asleep (insomnia). Some sources of electromagnetic waves in human life are solar radiation, electronic goods in the
household (mobile phones, televisions, Wi-Fi, microwaves, computers) and antennas for telecommunications.
Laptop is one of the electronic devices that make it easy for individuals to compute according to the needs[1][2].
The most common thermoset resins used in composites are phenolic, epoxy, vinyl ester, and polyester. Due to its
high mechanical and thermal properties, good toughness, good water resistance and thermal resistance, low
shrinkage, and rapid fabrication, epoxy resins are selected as composite matrices [3]. Composites made for
bioscreens are usually used catalysts to speed up the hardening phase. The catalyst used is methyl ethyl ketone
peroxide. This catalyst is active at room temperature [4][5]. Sansevieria could potentially consume up to 107 forms
of harmful elements (toxins or pollutants) based on a U.S. Space Agency (NASA) study. Sansevieria as a poison
absorber turned out to have various other properties. The sansevieria plant has the active substance pregnane
glycoside. Pollutants that have been absorbed are then sent to the roots, at the root, the microbes perform the
detoxification process[6].
The sansevieria plant contains chemical compounds such as β-sitosterol, ssteroidal saponins, and has sulfihydryl
groups (-SH) and carbonyl groups (-CO) that have the potential to bind to heavy metals[7]. This potential is called
adsorption, in which solids absorb and collect dissolved substances and are referred to as adsorbens [8]. The use of
sansevieria extract (Sansevieria Triafasciata Lorentii) can reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation from
electronic components. Conducted research using television that was given the treatment of sansevieria, proved that
electromagnetic wave radiation was reduced by 43.34% with a concentration of sansevieria extract of 15%. The
effectiveness of reducing electromagnetic wave radiation is within 1 hour [9].
The Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' plant can reduce electromagnetic wave radiation with an effectiveness of
15.89% with the laying of sansevieria at a distance of 30 cm has an effectiveness of 13.57%. Average radiation
levels after being close to Sansevieria sp. 1.77 × 10-4 mT (740.93 μW/cm2). This radiation level meets WHO and
IRPA exposure limit standards where the electric field and magnetic field in the general environment have a
maximum radiation limit of 0.1 mT - 23 mT per day and 1 mT for exposure a few hours a day[10].
Graphene oxide is used as a filler in epoxy resins. Graphene is one of the compounds that is one of the
developing materials. This compound has an arrangement of hexagonal atoms that form a very thin sheet [11].
Graphene arrangements are so orderly and almost perfect that they are often used as fillers on composites [12].
Graphene has the characteristics of Young 1 TPa modulus, 3000 Wm/K conductivity and electron mobility.
Graphene is already quite used in various fields such as solar panels, supercapacitors, and transparent electrodes [7].
Graphite oxide is made by the Hummer method where 200 mg of graphite oxide is dissolved at 200 ml of aquadest
then sonification with a water bath for 30 minutes. Then SAC-rGO is heated in a water bath for 1 hour, SAC-rGO
dispersion is added to epoxy resin and heated for 1 hour. The suspension will be heated in the hot plate for 5 hours at
a speed of 400 rpm. The results of the composite effectiveness analysis are 2-8 GHz. With a fiber fraction of 0.3
wt%. XRD analysis of peak diffraction centers on 18° where graphene oxide fillers with resins are uniformly
dispersed and strong. Analysis of electrical conductivity of composites in graphene oxide fillers is about 6.3 × 10-2
S.m-1 where SAC-rGO is about 515 S.m-1 [11].
On research anti-radiation with epoxy resin with palm fiber filler with fiber variations and lye treatment. Palm
fiber will be treated with an lye solution in the form of NaOH, KOH and NH4OH with a concentration of 0.25 M.
The length used is 250 mm with a diameter of 0.4 mm. The frequency of the test device is 9.3 Hz with a directional
angle coming in 45o. After research, it was found that there are several factors that affect the compatible between the
matrix and filler. The higher the fiber content, it will increase the conductivity of the material and decrease the
resistivity of the material. The highest reflection or reflection and absorption capability is fiber without treatment
with a weight fraction of 50% with a resistivity of 2.84 Ωm with a dielectric constant of 24.03. The relationship
between the weight fraction and its absorption is directly proportional [13].
According to research, anti-radiation with epoxy resin and filler of coconut coir and charcoal powder. The filler
material in this composite is epoxy resin which will then be added epoxy hardener. The conductivity of the highest
sample was coconut coir with the largest levels and the least charcoal. The conductivity value decreased as charcoal
levels increased in the sample. Coconut coir can be used as a filler as an absorber of electromagnetic waves [14].


2.1 Materials
The materials that is needed in this review are sansevieria fiber from Karya Hijau Florist Medan, methyl ethyl
ketone peroxide as hardener, epoxy resin, sodium hydroxide purchased from CV Rudang Jaya, Medan.
2.2 Pretreatment of sansevieria fiber
The sansevieria leaves were washed with clean water. Then the delignification process is done by soaking the
sansevieria fiber into NaOH solution 3% with ratio 1:100 on temperature of 100 oC for 2 hours [15]
2.3 Manufacturing composite
The sansevieria fibers that have been given the treatment are arranged on the mold along with polyester-
Yukalac resin 157 BQTN and catalysts used to help speed up the drying process in the matrix, then processed, from
each percentage of the above made each of the 3 results of the impact test sample, so the total impact test specimen
in this study is 12 pieces of impact test sample. With dimensions of 120 mm length, width of 10 mm, height of 10
mm, 45 degree and depth of 2 mm gap [16].
The Fourier transform infrared analysis of SEFs is done using a Shimadzu IR Affinity-1 spectrometer. In this
study, samples are prepared by chopping it approximately for 2–3 mm. The test is conducted in the region from 400
to 4200 cm−1 wavenumber at room temperature of 25 °C [17].
SEM is recorded with an instrument which is having an accelerated voltage of 10-kilo Volt, a scale of 20
micrometers, and 500×magnification for visualizing the surface morphology of SEFs. Fibrous samples were gently
secured on anSEM sample holder with carbon tape [17].
Muller's Geiger detectors began detecting electromagnetic wave radiation indoors as well as in open fields. If
the radiation in the room or free area exceeds the safe limit then the buzzer will sound as a code and the result will
display the amount of radiation in mSv units [18].


On the other analysis such as Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and
radiation absorption with the filler is sansevieria. Below is the result of analysis approach.






FIGURE 1. FTIR Analysis For Alkaline Treated Fiber (a) raw (b) 30 min (c) 60 min (d) 90 min (e) 120 min (f) 150 min
Cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose are the major vibration bands present in both treated and untreated fibers.
The broad and deep peak at 3333 cm−1 represents the hydroxyl group with hydrogen bond (refers to cellulose)
characteristics of intermolecular bonded hydroxyl (O–H) groups. The peak intensity of cellulose increases after each
chemical treatment. The peak at 2890-2902 cm−1 refers to C–H stretching vibration in the CH2 group and CH group
present in hemicellulose and cellulose components. The peak of the hemicellulose component noticed only in the
raw fiber but perished in chemical-treated fiber spectra. Further, this proves the elimination of hemicellulose content
on the Sansevieria Fibers surface after chemical treatment. The sharp peak at 1620 cm−1 presences lignin with the
carboxylic acid group and C=O vibration [17].
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
FIGURE 2. SEM Analysis For Alkaline Treated Fibers (a) raw (b) 30 min (c) 60 min (d) 90 min (e) 120 min (f) 150 min [17]

The white blanket over the surface of fiber shows the existence of impurities like waxes and other impurities. By
treating Sansevieria with chemical, removes waxes and oil from the outer surface of the fiber and also removal of
minor constituents like lignin, hemicellulose, and amorphous cellulose from the outer surface of the fiber to a certain
extent and improve roughness on the surface of fibers compared with untreated fiber. Small traces of unwanted
materials can be found after alkaline treated fiber. The chemically treated fibers had developed a very rough surface
and also developed amount of voids present which provides good mechanical interlocking with the matrix. The bond
between the matrix and filler indicates that the composite has a small elastic strain and is supported with a large
young composite modulus value. After the bending test, it does not cause a large void so it has greater strength [17].
In this study, bioscreen was made using a solution of sansevieria plant as much as 100 ml with a thickness
of 0.06 mm. The absorbance of electromagnetic waves did not show a significant decrease. In the treatment group,
there was a decrease of 24.45% or equivalent to 0.33 × 10 -7 mT. But in the control treatment there was a decrease of
18.22% or equivalent to 0.32× 10-7 mT. This is due to the content of the sansevieria that is less concentrated and the
thickness of the bioscreen is very thin[19].
Table 1. Result of Radiation Absorption Test [19]
Pre-Test Post-Test Difference Percentage
(mT) (mT) (mT) (%)
1 1,57 × 10-7 1,53 × 10-7 0,04 × 10-7 2,54
2 1,57 × 10-7 1,46 × 10-7 0,11 × 10-7 7,01
-7 -7
3 1,78 × 10 1,43 × 10 0,35 × 10-7 19,66
4 1,57 × 10-7 1,26 × 10-7 0,31 × 10-7 19,74
-7 -7
5 1,40 × 10 0,92 × 10 0,48 × 10-7 34,28
6 2,33 × 10-7 1,36 × 10-7 0,97 × 10-7 41,63
7 1,53 × 10-7 1,36 × 10-7 0,17 × 10-7 11,11
8 1,53 × 10-7 1,36 × 10-7 0,15 × 10-7 9,80
-7 -7 -7
Average 1,66 × 10 1,33 × 10 0,32 × 10 18,22

FIGURE 3. X-Ray Diffraction Analysis Alkaline Treated Fibers [17]

It was found that alkaline had a maximum crystalline index and the percentage of crystallinity. Also, when
compared with the untreated fiber, it showed an increase in values because when the fibers are chemically treated,
there was an increment in the amount of crystalline cellulose, which helps in achieving high thermal stability. And
also, the removal of non-crystalline materials like lignin, hemicellulose, etc. When the fiber soaked for 30 min, that
it showed the crystalline index is 70% [17].

In the literature review and analysis of some supporting data, it can be seen that there is a potential for
sansevierias-based composites with epoxy matrix as anti-radiation on laptop screens. This is supported by the
approach of test results based on literature studies. Chemical treatment improves the adhesion property, reduces
water absorption and increases thermal stability. Pretreatment sansevieria with chemical, removes waxes and oil
from the outer surface of the fiber and also removal of minor constituents like lignin, hemicellulose, and amorphous
cellulose from the outer surface of the fiber. Also the chemically treated fibers had developed a very rough surface
and also developed amount of voids present which provides good mechanical interlocking with the matrix. In the
treatment group, there was a decrease of 24.45% or equivalent to 0.33 × 10 -7 mT. The value increases because when
the fibers are chemically treated, there was an increment in the amount of crystalline cellulose, which helps in
achieving high thermal stability.

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