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1. Activate. Define as to make (something) active or operate.

2. Administrator.Defined as a person legally vested with the right of administration of an


3. Archives. A place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents)

are preserved

4. Archivists. Define as a person who has the job of collecting and storing the materials in
an archive.

5. Cascading Style Sheet. Is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a
document written in a mark up language such as HTML.

6. Circumvent. Define as to avoid or get around something; to bypass

7. Cloud-Based. Term that refers to application,services, or resources made available to

users on demand via the internet from a cloud comouting providing servers.

8. Computerized. Define as to carry out, control, or produce by means of a computer

9. Convenience Sampling. Is a type of non probability sampling in which people are

sampled simple beacuase they are “convenient”sources of data for researchers.

10. Database.Define as an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically

from a computer system

11. cause something to be no longer active or effective.

12. Documents.Defined as an official paper that gives information about something or that
is used as proof of something

13. Employee.a person employed for wages or salary especially at nonexecutive level.
14. Evaluating. Define as systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and
significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards.

15. Formulating.Define as to create a strategy or come up with a plan or idea, or to express an

idea in a clear, concise way.

16. Framework.a basic structure underlying a system,concept,or text.

17. Information. Define as knowledge that you get about someone or something : facts or
details about a subject.

18. Machine. Define as an assembly of interconnected components arranged to transmit or

modify force in order to perform useful work.

19. Maintenance.the process of maintaining or preserving someone or something,or the

state of being maintained.

20. Metadata.A set of data that describes and gives information about other data.

21. Microfilming.Define as a film bearing a photographic record on a reduced scale of

printed or other graphic matter.

22. Monitoring.Define as the systematic process of collecting, analyzing and using

information to track a programme’s progress toward reaching its objectives and to
guide management decisions.

23. Paradigm. Define as is a standard, perspective, or set of ideas

24. Personnel. Define as the people who are working for a specific company or on a specific

25. Record Keeping,The act of keeping track of the history of a persons or organizations
activities,generally by creating and storing consistent,formal records.
26. Records. Define as Information created,received,and maintained as evidence and
information by an organization or person,in pursuance of legal obligations or in the
transaction of business.

27. Researchers.a person whose job involves discovering or verifying information for use
in a book,program,etc.

28. Resources.A stock or supply of money,materials,staff,and other assets that can be

drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.

29. Sectors.Define as an area of the economy in which businesses share the same or related
business activity, product, or service.

30. Software. Define as a generic term used to describe computer programs that run on PCs,
mobile phones, tablets, or other smart devices.

31. Storage.The state of being kept in a place when not being used.

32. Systems Quality.also known as a quality management system (QMS,ensures your

business provides a standard of products or services that reflects your business’values
and integrity.

33. Technology. Define as a technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools,

processing actions and the extracting of materials.

34. Vicinity. Define as the area or region near or about a place; surrounding district;

35. Webserver.a remote computer or a computer program that delivers web pages to a
users computer,or a client,upon request from a web browser.

36. WWW. World Wide Web.

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