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Concept paper topics suited to grade 12 learners: Choose one.

1. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society:

 Explore how advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are shaping various aspects of society, from
employment to healthcare and ethical considerations.
2. Environmental Sustainability in Urban Planning:
 Investigate how urban planning can contribute to environmental sustainability, considering factors
such as green spaces, renewable energy, and waste management.
3. The Psychology of Decision-Making:
 Analyze the cognitive and psychological factors that influence decision-making, exploring real-world
applications in areas like marketing, education, or personal development.
4. The Role of Social Media in Modern Activism:
 Examine how social media platforms have transformed activism, considering both positive and
negative impacts on social movements.
5. Ethical Implications of Biotechnology:
 Explore the ethical considerations surrounding biotechnological advancements, such as gene
editing, cloning, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
6. The Future of Work: Automation and Job Market Trends:
 Investigate the impact of automation on the job market, exploring potential career paths, necessary
skills, and adapting to the changing nature of work.
7. Global Health Inequities:
 Analyze disparities in healthcare access and outcomes on a global scale, examining the social,
economic, and political factors that contribute to health inequalities.
8. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology:
 Explore the principles and potential applications of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology,
considering their impact on finance, security, and decentralized systems.
9. The Intersection of Technology and Mental Health:
 Examine how technology, including apps and virtual therapy, is being used to address mental health
challenges and promote well-being.
10. Cultural Diversity in Education:
 Investigate strategies for promoting cultural diversity and inclusivity in educational settings,
considering curriculum development, teacher training, and student engagement.
11. The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity:
 Analyze the effects of climate change on global biodiversity, including ecosystems, endangered
species, and conservation efforts.
12. Space Exploration and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life:
 Explore the current state of space exploration, advancements in astrobiology, and the potential for
discovering extraterrestrial life.
13. Smart Cities: Urban Development and Technology Integration:
 Examine how technology can be integrated into urban development to create smart cities,
improving efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life.
14. The Role of Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics):
 Investigate the challenges and opportunities for women in STEM fields, exploring initiatives to
encourage gender diversity in these professions.
15. The Psychology of Social Media: Impact on Self-Esteem and Well-being:
 Analyze the psychological effects of social media usage, focusing on self-esteem, body image, and
mental well-being among adolescents.
Conducting a survey: Create a survey questions/form about the following topics
below. Choose one topic only.
1. Community Health and Healthcare Access:
 Assess the overall health status of community members.
 Evaluate the accessibility and satisfaction with healthcare services.
 Identify prevalent health concerns and priorities for health education programs.
2. Education and Learning Needs:
 Understand the educational needs of residents, including access to quality education.
 Assess the effectiveness of local schools and identify areas for improvement.
 Determine interest in adult education and skill development programs.
3. Housing and Infrastructure:
 Evaluate the quality of housing and living conditions.
 Identify concerns related to infrastructure, such as transportation, utilities, and public spaces.
 Assess the need for affordable housing options.
4. Community Safety and Crime Prevention:
 Measure residents' perceptions of safety in the community.
 Identify specific safety concerns and areas with a higher incidence of crime.
 Assess the effectiveness of community policing initiatives.
5. Environmental Sustainability:
 Gauge community awareness and concern about environmental issues.
 Assess interest in and adherence to sustainable practices.
 Identify potential environmental hazards or concerns.
6. Social Services and Support Networks:
 Assess the availability and effectiveness of social services.
 Identify gaps in support networks, including services for vulnerable populations.
 Evaluate the awareness of and access to mental health resources.
7. Community Engagement and Civic Participation:
 Measure residents' involvement in community activities and organizations.
 Identify barriers to civic participation.
 Assess satisfaction with local governance and communication channels.
8. Economic Development and Employment:
 Evaluate the local job market and employment opportunities.
 Identify barriers to economic development and small business growth.
 Assess the need for job training and skill development programs.
9. Cultural and Recreational Opportunities:
 Identify cultural and recreational interests and preferences.
 Assess the availability and accessibility of cultural and recreational facilities.
 Identify potential improvements or additions to cultural and recreational programs.
10. Technology Access and Digital Inclusion:
 Assess residents' access to technology and the internet.
 Identify barriers to digital inclusion and technology literacy.
 Evaluate interest in and need for technology-related programs.
11. Demographic Changes and Population Trends:
 Track demographic changes and population trends over time.
 Understand the needs of different age groups and demographics.
 Plan for future community growth and development.
12. Community Events and Celebrations:
 Evaluate the success and impact of past community events.
 Identify preferences for future events and celebrations.
 Assess the role of community events in fostering a sense of belonging.
OBSERVATION PAPER: Choose 1 topic below, and write an
observation paper.

1. Classroom Dynamics:
 Observe a classroom environment and analyze teacher-student interactions, teaching
methods, and student engagement.
2. Social Interaction in Cafeterias:
 Explore the dynamics of social interactions among students in the school cafeteria during
3. Study Habits in the Library:
 Observe how students utilize the library for studying, research, and collaborative work.
4. Outdoor Recreational Spaces:
 Analyze how students use outdoor recreational spaces, such as sports fields or courtyards,
during breaks.
5. Community Events:
 Attend a local community event and observe the interactions among community members,
organizers, and participants.
6. Traffic Patterns around the School:
 Observe and analyze the traffic patterns and safety measures around the school during
arrival and departure times.
7. Teenagers' Use of Technology:
 Study how teenagers use technology in various settings, such as during breaks, in
classrooms, or in social gatherings.
8. Cultural Events or Celebrations:
 Attend a cultural event or celebration and observe the traditions, rituals, and interactions
among participants.
9. Wildlife in a Local Park:
 Spend time in a local park and observe the behavior of wildlife, such as birds, insects, or
small mammals.
10. Local Market Dynamics:
 Visit a local market and observe the interactions between vendors and customers, pricing
strategies, and market trends.
11. Social Media Behavior:
 Analyze the online behavior and interactions of students on social media platforms
during a specific time period.
12. Local Business Operations:
 Observe the operations of a local business, analyzing customer interactions,
employee dynamics, and overall business practices.
13. Environmental Conservation Efforts:
 Observe local environmental conservation initiatives, such as tree planting or clean-
up events, and analyze community participation.

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