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Q1: Docker Toolbox is an installer for quick setup and launch of a Docker environment on

Mac and Windows systems. Select all of the Docker tools that come with the Docket

a Docker Compose for running the docker-compose commands

b A shell post-configured for a Docker command-line environment

c Oracle RealBox Containers

d A shell pre-configured for a Docker command-line environment

e Docker Machine for running docker-machine commands

f Oracle VirtualBox

Q2: What is the mission of the control plane in Kubernetes??

a To control nodes

b To manage clusters of pods

c To move workloads from one host to another

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f It makes sure that the actual state of system objects match the desired state.

Q3: How is the comparison of objects done in PHP??

a We use the operator '==' to test two objects are instanced from the same class and
have same attributes and equal values.

b We use the operator '===' to test two objects are instanced from the same class
and have same attributes and equal values.

c None

d None

e None
f We use the operator '=' to test two objects are instanced from the same class and
have same attributes and equal values.

Q4: Following Docker command: docker exec -it container_id bash is used to:?

a Activate default VM machine

b None

c Access a running container

d Build an image

e None

f Commit changes done in a Docker image

Q5: What is the command line interface used to communicate with Kubernetes??

a kubelet

b kubectl

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e k8sctl

f kubeapi

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