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“Peran Teknologi dalam Pendidikan”


In this modern era, humans are very dependent on technology. This makes technology a basic

need for everyone. From parents to young people, experts to ordinary people use technology in

various aspects of their lives.Unlike in the past, technology is very influential in aspects of

human life and plays a role in the life of the wider community, especially the role of technology

in education.

The results of technology have long been used in education. The invention of paper, printing

press, radio, film, TV, computer and others was utilized for education. In essence, these tools are

not made specifically for educational purposes, but these tools can actually be used in the world

of education.

The rapid development of information technology in the current era of globalization cannot be

avoided, its influence on the world of education is inevitable. Global demands require the world

of education to always and continuously adapt technological developments to efforts to improve

the quality of education, especially adjustments to the use of information and communication

technology for the world of education, especially in the learning process.

Pembahasan / discussion

The impact arising from the use of information and communication technology in the world of


The positive impacts of information technology in the world of education are: the information

needed will be more quickly and easily accessible for educational purposes, innovation in

learning is growing with the existence of e-learning innovations which make the educational
process easier, advances in information and communication technology will also enable

classroom development virtual or teleconference-based classes that do not require the educator

and students to be in one room, the administrative system in an educational institution will be

easier and smoother due to the application of information and communication technology


The negative impacts of information technology in the world of education include: advances in

information and communication technology will also make it easier for violations of Intellectual

Property Rights (IPR), because the easier access to data causes plagiarism to commit fraud, even

though the administrative system of san institution Education is like a system without gaps, but if

there is a carelessnes running the system it will be fatal. One of the negative effects of television

is to train children to think short and stay focused in a short time (short span of attention)

Kesimpulan / conclusion

Improving the quality of learning can be done with educational technology media, namely by

finding and identifying problems encountered in learning and then finding solutions through

appropriate Information Technology applications. Efforts to solve educational problems,

especially efforts related to the quality of learning, can be reached by using various learning

sources and using learning media that function as a tool to increase the level of student learning


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