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Blasted Hopes

(Nalpay A Namnama)
Author: Leona Tolentino

(Reflective Essay)
Hope is an essential ingredient that helps us to keep going even when life seems to be
throwing punches at us. We all have some expectations and wishes in life, and we hope
that they will come to fruition one day. However, sometimes our hopes get shattered,
leaving us with a sense of disappointment, frustration, and even despair. Nothing is more
painful than having one's hopes dashed after nursing them for a long time.
There was a time that my hope got shattered when my mom failed to buy me her promised
gift. On my birthday, out of excitement, my mom promised to buy a new phone that I had
wanted for so long because I really need it at school. She said she would give it to me on
my birthday. I was thrilled as I finally thought I would have a phone to use for editing
videos, taking pictures, and many more uses. However, when my birthday came, my mom
said that she has to postpone buying me a phone that day because she has to pay
unexpected bills, so she used the money, but she promised to buy it the next day. By this
time, my expectation turned into hope, and I kept thinking about how it would feel to have
my own phone. But the next day, my mom came home without the gift and instead told
me that she could not buy it anymore as she couldn’t find extra money.
I was devastated. At that moment, all my excitement, joy, and hope vanished. I could not
understand why things did not go as planned. However, this experience opened my eyes
to the fact that sometimes, things could go against our expectations, causing our hopes
to get shattered. As much as it hurt, I learned to cope with my disappointment and hold
on to the hope that someday, I would get my own phone.
In conclusion, having our hopes shattered is an inevitable part of life. However, we must
find ways to move on and stay hopeful. Things could go wrong today, but they could be
better tomorrow if we don't give up.
Literature of
(Reflective Essay)

Submitted By:
Saina Mae R. Maravilla
Instructor: Prof. Willy A. Manaog

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