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Ramadhan Al Madani
Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Fakultas Tarbiyah, IAI AL-AZIS

Technological developments occur continuously without realizing it, Such progress is

inevitable even stopped. The flow of the times will demands that we continue to do so
adapting to the progress that comes from development technology in every line of life. So,
existing developments require humans to do something digital transformation, digital
transformation this is a start the creation of a new, more advanced way effective and efficient
to replace a process that has long been present in do something, this activity is carried out
through utilization or use existing technology. Digital transformation is a metamorphosis of a
company or organization that involves several aspects, starting from human resources,
processes, strategy, and structure through the adoption of technology for improve
performance (Royyana, 2018). The Covid-19 pandemic forced the closure of several
activities including teaching and learning activities at schools. This has resulted in a
migration of people's habits, including in education by implementing online learning as a
platform. Digital transformation in the world of education is not a new phenomenon, digital
transformation in the world of education is an issue that needs to be paid attention to by
education stakeholders, especially in preparing infrastructure and facilities. Digital
transformation in the educational context can be an opportunity or an obstacle depending on
how educational institution stakeholders respond to it. Online learning is a new social process
as a substitute for face-to-face learning, but for those who are not ready to face it, it will be an
obstacle (Raharjo, 2021)

Schools and all stakeholders must be quick in responding to digital transformation, especially
in education. This response could be in the form of providing facilities and infrastructure for
an information technology-based education system. Increasing human resources in the field
of digital literacy for teaching staff also needs to be improved to be able to use available
information technology. Without continued improvement in digital literacy capabilities
schools will lag behind competitors, and the lasting effect could be a decline in the quality of
Educators must be ready for the digitalization process in the world of education. This
phenomenon means that the mandatory competencies that teaching staff must have increase
from pedagogical, professional, social, personality competencies plus digital literacy. The
digitalization of the world of education changes the old way of learning into something new
using technology and learning applications. Learning can be carried out anytime, anywhere,
not limited by space and time, and does not have to be face to face. Without sufficient digital
literacy, the quality of teaching staff's performance today will be questioned, and this will
have an impact on the learning outcomes of the students they teach. Remember, teachers who
continue to learn have the right to teach (Theo, 2021)

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