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By a function of the sine type (f.s.t.) we mean an entire function S of exponential type
~, satisfying the following condition: There exist constants m, M, and H such that

o~qS(z)IJ 'J~1~M<~176 ~ 13m,~l~H.

The class of f.s.t, has been introduced by one of the authors [I] and has found applications
in interpolation problems by entire functions and at the investigation of the Riesz bases in
L2(--~, v).

THEOREM I ([2]). Let S be an f.s.t, with simple zeros {Ik} , satisfying the condition

b~I IX~-Xil ~o, (1)


and let {ck} be an arbitrary sequence in IP, I < p < ~. Then the series

ScX~(~- ~)

converges in LP(~) and gives a l i n e a r topological mapping of the space ~P onto the space
b~C~) of a l l e n t i r e functions f of e~ponential type ~ with a finite LP-norm.
THEOREM 2 ([I, 3]). Assume that the function S satisfies the conditions of Theorem I.
Then the system {exp (ilkt)} is~ a Riesz basis in the space L2(--~, ~).
We note that one get rid of the condition of the simplicity of the zeros of the f.s.t.
S and of condition (I) at the expense of certain complication of the formulations of Theorems
I and 2.
In connection with the presented results, the problem of describing the class of se-
quences {I k} which can be sets of zeros of f.s.t, is interesting. Basically, this problem
is equivalent to the problem of describing the class of f.s.t., since every f.s.t. S, nor-
malized by the condition S(0) = I, admits the representation ([5])

We do not intend to state an assumption regarding the terms in which a solution of the
problem can be obtained. However, the desired description must be given "with the aid of
independent parameters." We elucidate this requirement by the example of the problem of the
description of the sets of zeros of entire functions of M. G. Krein's class, solved in [6]
(incidentally, we do not exclude the possibility of a relation between this problem and the
formulated one).
The entire functions f of Krein's class are defined by the property: One has the repre-

*g. Yao LEVIN and I. V. OSTROVSKII. Physicotechnieal Institute of Low Temperatures, Academy
of Sciences of the USSR, Pr. Lenina 47, Kharkov 164, 310164, USSR.
~In [I] it is proved that the system {exp (ilkt) } is a basis in L 2 ( ~ , 7), while in [3] it is
shown that it is a Riesz basis. Theorem 2 has been strengthened in an essential manner by
Katsnel'son [4]; his result is also formulated in terms of the zeros of an f.s.t. A series
of other results on expansions in the system {exp (ilkt)} , where {lk } is the sequence of
zeros of an f.s.t., have been obtained in [5].

where the constants c, A, Ak, hk are real and ~IA~IX~<~ .
l'n i i ,

This class was introduced by

Krein in [7] and plays an important role in the theory of operators and in the problem of
moments. A sequence {hk} coincides with the set of zeros of some entire function of Krein's
class if and only if it is obtained with the aid of the following construction. We consider
in the e-plane an arbitrary domain of the form

where p, q, k are integers (it is possible that p =--~, q = +~), 0 ~ h k < ~. We map it con-
formally onto the half-plane 3 ~ Z > O so that ~ § ~ and then we select a point kk on each of
the segments [ak, bk] , p < k < q into which the vertical cuts of the domain (2) are mapped.
Here the role of the independent parameters is played by the numbers p, q, hk, %k s [ak, bk]"
We mention some results connected directly with the formulated problem.
It is known ([5], p. 659) that the following condition is necessary and sufficient in
order that a sequence {lk}, lying in the band l~tn,ZI< H , be a set of zeros of an f.s.t.:

where n(t) sign t denotes the number (including multiplicities) of the points kk in the rec-
tangle [Z: 0 4 ( S L ~ t ) ~eZ < Itl, I ] ~ I < H~.
For a sequence {kk} of the form %k = k + Ck, where c k = 0(I), it is known ([8], Appendix
VI) that a necessary and a sufficient condition is the existence of an entire function g of
exponential type ~w, bounded on the real axis and such that g(k) = (--1)kck (k = 0, •
This condition can be expressed in terms of certain functionals on the sequence {ck} [8].
(Is it possible that the solution of the formulated problem can be given in terms of these
functionals?) However, in the general case the sequence {kk} of the zeros of an f.s.t, need
not have the form %k = k + 0(I); one c a n only assert that %k = k + O(In Ikl).
At the solution of the problem one can restrict oneself to the sets {hk} , lying on the
real axis, since the following statement holds [9]. In order that a sequence ilk}, lying in
the band l ] ~ z i < H , be a set of zeros of an f.s.t., it is necessary and sufficient that the
sequence { R e % k} be a set of zeros of an f.s.t.

I. B. Ya. Levin, "On bases of exponential functions in e2(--~, 7)," Zap. Mekh.-Mat. Fak.
Khar'kov. Gos. Univ. Khar'kov. Mat. Obshch., 27, 39-48 (1961).
2. B. Ya. Levin, "Interpolation by entire functions of exponential type," Mat. Fiz. Funkt-
sional. Anal., No. I, 136-146 (1969).
3. V . D . Golovin, "On biorthogonal expansions in linear combinations of exponential func-
tions in L2, '' Zap. Mekh.-Mat. Fak. Khar'kov. Gos. Univ. Khar'kov. Mat. Obshch., 30, 18-
29 !1964).
4. V. E Katsnel'son, "On bases of exponential functions in L 2 " Funkts Anal. Prilozhen
5, No. I, 37-47 (1971).
5. B. Ya. Levin and Yu. I. Lyubarskii, "Interpolation by entire functions of special classes
and related expansions in series of exponentials," Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat., 39,
No. 3, 657-702 (1975).
6. I . V . Ostrovskii, "On a certain class of entire functions," Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 229,
No. I, 39-41 (1976).
7. M . G . Krein, "On the theory of entire functions of exponential type," Izv. Akad. Nauk
SSSR, Ser. Mat., 11, No. 4, 309-326 (1947).
8. B. Ya. Levin (B. Ja. Levin), Distribution of Zeros of Entire Functions, Amer. Math. Soc.
Soc., Providence (1964).
9. B. Ya. Levin and I. V. Ostrovskii, "On small perturbations of the set of roots of sine-
type functions," Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat., 43, No. I, 87-110 (1979).


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