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Individuals in Society Gitchuway 1

Individual in Society

Brianna S. Gitchuway

LBSU 304

April 3rd, 2022

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The rise of unemployment is a big problem in America today because we have many

individuals who aren’t working, but are receiving assistance from the government. It is often

proven that many of these individuals become comfortable in their situation because they are

getting money without having to do the work. Though many individuals may believe otherwise,

in my opinion I have seen it happen many times. With assistance from the government, it causes

taxes to continue to rise with our rate of pay continuously staying the same. This is what causes

inflation. In order to solve the problems of unemployment, people should then become

self-employed. Self-employment helps economic growth because it can create generational

wealth. This can also leave jobs for those who are homeless and have no means to make money.

With the rise of unemployment, I believe people can solve the issue of political violence as well

and if we as a nation can see everyone's point of view on how and what they think, it should help

solve the issues we have today. Another problem in America is poverty because many people

don’t have the means to eat, buy clothes for themselves, or have a roof over their head. The

World Bank Organization describes poverty in this way, “Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of

shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to

school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, it is fear for the future, living

one day at a time. Poverty has many faces, changing from place to place and across time, and has

been described in many ways. Most often, poverty is a situation people want to escape”

(Brunswick, 2010, pp. 4). In order to solve poverty, the rise of the minimum wage should

become a factor. People can barely afford an apartment in most cities because the minimum

wage is very low.

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In order to solve some of the problems in the world today, we should be able to come to a

common purpose instead of being greedy with the idea of having more than someone else. Social

media is a big example of this because there are people who show off what they have and people

are then looking at what they could have. This can create a person to become greedy by using

their money to spend on things they don’t need, instead of feeding the world hunger. This is also

a controversial topic because some people think that the money they make is there to spend and

they should be able to spend it on what they desire to spend it on. I believe that because we live

in a world where gas prices are rising, and food is becoming more expensive, many people are

forced to spend more money. While gas and food are on the rise, minimum wage is staying the

same and this causes a problem because we are now having less money to spend with more taxes

being taken out. This is a problem because we have to fill our gas tanks in order to get to work,

and we have to buy food in order to eat and no matter how much we are getting paid, we still

have to spend money on the essentials. With individuals not having enough money to spend on

anything but the basic essentials, this creates businesses to have less revenue, resulting in

workers being laid off.

When it comes to consumption, I do believe it makes the world go round because money

is the root of all evil. Money seems like it is the most important item in the world because

everyone needs it in order to survive. Someone who has money, doesn’t need to rashin as much

as a person who doesn’t have any money. The person with money is seen as powerful because

they can buy more than the person who doesn’t have money. For example, during the pandemic,

everyone was going to the store and buying all of the toilet paper. The people who had money

were able to buy bulks of toilet paper. Unfortunately, the people who have less money, are going
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without because they can’t afford it. Even though the people who bought a lot of the toilet paper

most likely won’t use it all, but because they could buy it, they did.

When it comes to unemployment, I believe the individual should be held responsible. I

understand that many people can’t work because they may have a disability or they just had a

baby. Unfortunately, we are seeing people who are fully capable of working, taking advantage of

the unemployment benefits that are provided. During the pandemic, there was a significant rise

in unemployment because a lot of people were scared to go to work for the risk of their health.

Even with the pandemic being at a low, there are people continuing to receive unemployment

benefits and not enough people are working. This causes the rise of labor in the workplace

because most businesses are understaffed. With people wanting to collect unemployment instead

of working, and the lack of people applying to jobs because of the pay, we all seem to be

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Brunswick, C. “What Is Poverty?” Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation, 25 Nov.
Cusick, J. “The Top 12 Solutions to Cut Poverty in the United States.” Center for
American Progress, 30 Mar. 2021,

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