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Name of student: MAI PHUONG ANH

Student ID: BAFNIU21395

QUESTION 1 (10 marks)

A recent study showed that women who lived near a freeway had an unusually high rate
of rheumatoid arthritis. Sarah said, “They should move away from freeways.” Is there a
fallacy in Sarah’s reasoning? Explain.
Answer: Yes, there is a fallacy in Sarah’s reasoning since a statistical association doesn’t
mean causation. Although statistic is a single measure, reported as a number, used to
summarize a sample data set, it still doesn’t mean everything. That is why it can’t be
related to causes. Additionally, the conclusion concerning groups should not be
extrapolated to an individual; even if there were proof to demonstrate cause and effect,
it would not be appropriate.

+To begin, we must transfer the provided data into Excel with a single column, sort it
from smallest to largest, and then rank the data.

+Then, use the “=RANDBETWEEN( )” function to identify 10 moviegoer age randomly

from the order column
+Lastly, by using this particular process, 10 moviegoers of varying ages are chosen at
random. The ages of the 10 ages are 20, 20, 21, 21, 31, 33, 33, 40, 42, 56

+ Starting with the 48 observations table's second column. The sample of n=10 and n=48
must be obtained.
+ A systematic sample of n items from a population of N items requires that periodicity
N N 48
k be approximately . By using the formula k = = = 4.8 ≈ 5 (periodicity)
n n 10

+ Therefore, by using systematic sampling, to choose 10 ages from 48 moviegoers in the

6x8 array, we chose every 5 numbers. Therefore, the 10 moviegoers’ ages are : 34, 58,
65, 14, 13, 63, 13, 64, 56, 15

It is clear from the provided table that 24 of the observations are less than 30 years old.
The proportion of all 48 moviegoers who were under age 30 is: = 0.5 = 50%.
+Six moviegoers under the age of 30 were chosen from the initial sample using the
"Randbetween" approach. Therefore, the proportion in this case is 10 = 60%

+Five moviegoers under the age of 30 were drawn from the second sample using the
systematic sampling method. Therefore, the proportion in this case is
= 40%

It can be seen that the percentage of each sample is roughly similar to one another and
quite near to the percentage of the population that contains precisely 50%.

QUESTION 3 (10 marks)

Parking at a large university has become a big problem. The university’s administrators
want to determine the average parking time of its students. An administrator
inconspicuously followed 250 students and carefully recorded the time it took them to
find a parking spot.
a. What is the population of interest to the university administration?
b. Identify the sample of interest to the university administration.
c. What is the variable of interest to the university administration?

a. The population of interest to the university administration is the parking times
for all students at the university who park.
b. The sample of interest to the university administration is the parking times of 250
students who was collected by the university administrator.
c. The variable of interest to the university administration is the parking time

QUESTION 4 (10 marks)

A manufacturer of computer chips claims that less than 10% of its products are
defective. When 1,000 chips were drawn from a large production, 7.5% were found to
be defective.
a. What is the population of interest?
b. What is the sample?
c. What is the parameter?
d. What is the statistic?
e. Does the value 10% refer to the parameter or to the statistic?
f. Is the value 7.5% a parameter or a statistic?
g. Explain briefly how the statistic can be used to make inferences about the parameter
to test the claim.

a. The population of interest is the complete production run
b. The sample are 1000 chips
c. The parameter is proportion defective
d. The statistic is the proportion of sample chips that are defective
e. The value 10% refer to the parameter
f. The value 7.5% is a statistic
g. Because the sample proportion is less than 10%, the statistic can be used to draw
conclusions about the parameter to test the claim, indicating that it is accurate

a. Explanation:
Step 1: Find Smallest and Largest Data Values. For the given sorted data, we
get xmin (the smallest value in sequence) is 6.54 and xmax (the largest value in
sequence) is 7.97
Step 2: Choose Number of Bins by using Sturges’ Rule: k = 1 + 3.3log(n) as “k”
is the number of bins and “n” is the sample size
 For the given data (n = 72), Sturges’ Rule suggests:
k = 1 + 3.3log(n) = 1 + 3.3log(72) = 1 + 3.3(1.8573) = 7.13
Step 3: Set Bin Limits. Divide the data range by the number of bins to get the
approximate width of each bin:
x max−x min 7.97−6.54
Bin width ≈ ≈ ≈ 0.2
k 7.13

b. + Histogram:

+ Describe: The histogram has a long right tail so the distribution of the
average spending per customer at 74 noodles and company restaurant is

right-skewed (positively skewed)

This scatterplot shows a moderately strong, positive, linear association between the amount of savings
that customers expected to save by buying the door-crasher special and the hour they waited outside
for the store to open. We can see that the highest expected savings are 400, and that one of those
highest savings took 6.5 hours. It can also be seen that there is a general trend of Black Friday’s
customers: the more they spent their time waiting outside, the more savings they tended to expect.
However, there are exceptions. For example, there was a customer who only expected that 150 as the
amount of savings that he or she could get but the hours which took that customer to wait outside for
the store to open is 5.

a. Draw a bar chart of these data with 6.0% as the lowest point on the vertical axis
b. Draw a bar chart of these data with 0.0% as the lowest point on the vertical axis.

c. Discuss the impression given by the two charts:

While the bar chart, which has 6.0% as the lowest point on the vertical axis, shows the monthly
unemployment rate in one state for the past 12 months decreased with a rapid speed and each
month has markedly different data illustrated by the shape and height of each bar; the bar chart
with 0.0% as the lowest point on the vertical axis depicts the monthly unemployment always at
a high level and didn’t change much over the last 12 months, which makes it less dramatic than
the bar chart with the y-axis scaled to start at 6.0%.
d. Which chart would you use? Explain.
If it was me, I would use the bar chart having 0.0% as the lowest point on the vertical axis since
the bar chart that starts its lowest point of the vertical axis with 6.0% can lead to
misinterpretation by the audiences. We can see that the bar chart has its vertical axis that starts
at 6.0% would make the audiences think that reduction of unemployment from January to
December is about 100% if they only observed the shapes of the bar not the data in the chart by
their eyes. However, the actual reduction of unemployment is only 20%.
The graph exhibits how well have Canada and United States performed at the
Winter Olympics. According to the graph, the trends were totally unstable and
have swung extremely. The recorded years which both countries gain medals
are represented in horizon axis. For example, 1 represents the year 1924, 2
represents the year 1928 and so on until the year 2018. Overall, it can be seen
from the line chart that the medals won by both the countries: United States
and Canada in winter Olympics have been increasing within the years. At the
beginning of the period, both countries started with a small number of medals.
Nonetheless, while the data of Canada remained the same in 1928, United
Stated grown to 6 medals and kept its improvement until the year of 1932. From
1946 to the next 42 years, the two countries had a fluctuation of their
performances in Winter Olympics which was shown by their medal
achievements. By the year of 1998, Canada and United States both made a rapid
jump. Meanwhile Canada kept rising its trend until 2018, United States reached
its peak with 37 of total medals in 2010 but then soon declined from 2014.

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