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1 DNA Structure and Replication with phosphosphate on the Lagging strands have multiple RNA
outside with twists every 34 primers, DNA polymerase III creates
In the mid-20th century, there were
angstrom and 10 bases per twist. Okazaki fragments together
questions about whether proteins or DNA
was genetic material. Replication in short DNA polymerase I removes RNA primers
and replaces it with DNA nucleotides
It was known the viruses which consisted Helicase unwinds and separates double
of only protein and DNA could pass on stranded DNA by breaking hydrogen bonds DNA ligase joins Okazaki fragments
genetic material. between base pairs (at replication forks) together to form a continuous strand
covalently joined via phosphodiester
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase DNA gyrase relax positive supercoiling via
Experiment negative supercoiling to reduce torsional
strain. Free nucleotides = deoxynucleotide
- T2 bacteriophages
triphosphates (three phosphate groups)
- Grown in two isotopic mediums Single Stranded Binding Proteins bind to
- Viruses were grown in Sulphur-35 each strand and prevent re-annealing. SSB - DNA polymerase cleaves 2
or Phosphorus – 32 is dislodged when DNA polymerase phosphates and uses that energy
- P -> radiolabelled DNA reaches it. to form phosphodiester bond
- S -> radiolabelled protein
DNA primase generates a RNA primer Dideoxynucleosides lack a 3’ hydroxyl
- Virus infected E.coli, larger bacteria
which is 10-15 nucleotides long group -> prevents phosphodiester bond
formed a solid pellet.
formation -> terminator
- Pellet contained Phosphorus virus DNA polymerase III attaches to the 3’ end
of primer and moves in the 5’ to 3’ Dideoxynucleosides can be used in Sanger
Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
direction, joining free nucleotides method, 4 PCR mixes are set with
- DNA purified then stretched in a covalently together nucleotides + ddNTPs
thin glass tube
Replication occurs towards replication fork PCR produces all possible terminating
- Targeted by x-ray beam diffracting
in leading strand and away from fragments for each base, gel
when in contact with atoms
replication fork in lagging strand. electrophoresis reveals sequence based on
- From scattering pattern the fact
order of fragments by length.
DNA was double stranded, helix
Distinct radioactive or fluorescent labelled
primers can be used for automated
Short Tandem Repeats (repeating
elements in the non-coding region)
Short tandem Repeats can be removed
with restriction enzymes and used for
profiling because different individuals
typically have different number of results.
DNA packaged -> histones
8 histones -> nucleosome
Nucleosome = protects DNA and facilitates
Nucleosomes link -> chromatosomes coil
-> solenoid structures condense -> fibres
form loops which are compressed/folded
around a protein scaffold -> chromatin
Negative charge of DNA associates with
positive charge of Amino Acid, during
condensation tails from adjacent histone
octamers link up and draw the
nucleosomes closer together
Histone octamer= nucleosome

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