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HEREDITY & -Guanine must pair with Antiparallel Strands

VARIATION Cytosine. -One strand of

MOLECULAR GENETICS -The bases form weak DNA goes from
hydrogen bonds. 5’ to 3’ (sugars).
Chromosomes -The other strand is
-Strands of DNA that DNA Structure opposite in direction going
contain all of the genes an -Rosalind 3’ to 5’ (sugars).
organism needs to survive Franklin took
and reproduce. diffraction x-ray Nitrogenous Bases
Genes photographs of -Double ring PURINES
-Segments of DNA that DNA crystals. *Adenine (A)
specify how to build a -In the 1950’s, *Guanine (G)
protein. Watson & Crick built the -Single ring PYRIMIDINES
first model of DNA using *Thymine (T)
History of DNA Franklin’s x-rays. *Cytosine (C)
-Early scientists thought
protein was the cell’s DNA Base-Pairings
hereditary material -Two strands coiled called -Purines only pair with
because it was more a double helix. Pyrimidines
complex than DNA. -Sides made of a pentose -Three hydrogen bonds
-Proteins were composed sugar Deoxyribose bonded required to bond Guanine
of 20 different amino acids to phosphate (PO4) & Cytosine
in long polypeptide chains. groups by phosphodiester -Two hydrogen bonds are
-Chromosomes are made bonds. required to bond Adenine
of both DNA & protein. -Center made of nitrogen & Thymine.
-Experiments on bases bonded together by
bacteriophage or viruses weak hydrogen bonds. DNA Replication
proved that DNA was the -Stands for
cell’s genetic material. Deoxyribonucleic acid Replication Facts
-Made up of subunits -DNA has to be copied
Discovery of DNA called nucleotides. before a cell divides.
Structure -Nucleotide made of: -DNA is copied during the
-Erwin Chargaff showed 1. Phosphate group S or synthesis phase of
the amounts of the four 2. 5-carbon sugar interphase.
bases on DNA ( A,T,C,G). 3. Nitrogenous base -New cells will need
-In a body or somatic cell: identical DNA strands.
A = 30.3% Pentose Sugar
T = 30.3% -Carbons are numbered Synthesis Phase (S
G = 19.5% clockwise 1’ to 5’ phase)
C = 19.9% -S phase during interphase
of the cell cycle.
Chargaff’s Rule -Nucleus of eukaryotes
-Adenine must pair with
DNA Replication -Every DNA molecule is
-Replication = DNA copies half “old” & half “new”. Transcription
itself exactly (Occurs
within the nucleus) 1.Uncoil & unzip DNA -Double
-Any mistake in copying = molecule. stranded
mutation -Enzyme (helicase) breaks DNA must
-DNA mutation = weak Hydrogen Bond be
chromosomal mutation between bases. TRANSCRIBED Into
Single stranded RNA.
The Central Dogma of DNA Replication
Molecular Genetics -Enzyme Helicase unwinds
-idea that the sequence and separates the 2 DNA deoxyribose ribose
involved in the expression strands by breaking the
of hereditary weak hydrogen bonds. A,C,G,T A,C,G,U
characteristics is from -Single-Strand Binding double stranded single stranded
DNA to RNA to protein. Proteins attach and keep
-It involves three (3) the 2 DNA strands nucleus cytoplasm
processes: separated and untwisted. There are three main
*replication differences
*transcription 2. Enzyme brings in between RNA and DNA:
*protein synthesis complementary -The sugar in RNA is
Nitrogen-bases. ribose instead of
1. Complementary deoxyribose.
base pairing 3. Insert Nitrogen -RNA is generally
-makes replication -bases single-stranded.
possible -RNA contains uracil in
C-G Replication place of thymine.
2. One side of DNA Translation
molecule is a template The Central -Now…to make proteins
for making the other side Dogma of from the mRNA ,
(strand). Molecular -This is called: Translation
Genetics -The mRNA codes for
Semi-conservative -idea that the sequence certain amino acids.
replication involved in the expression -Strings of amino acids are
Each new DNA of hereditary proteins.
molecule contains characteristics is from
one old strand & DNA to RNA to protein. GENE MUTATION
one new strand -It involves three (3) -Changes in the
processes: nucleotide sequence of
DNA Replication *replication DNA.
-Each parent strand *transcription -May occur in somatic
remains intact. *translation (protein cells (aren’t passed to
synthesis) offspring).
-May occur in gametes Albinism
(eggs & sperm) and be
passed to offspring.

Are Mutations Helpful or

-Mutations happen
regularly. Insertion
-Almost all mutations are -one or more nucleotides
neutral. are inserted into replicating
-Chemicals & UV DNA.
radiation cause Huntington’s Disease
mutations. Fragile X syndrome
-Many mutations are
repaired by enzymes. Frameshift Mutation
-Some type of skin -Deletion:
cancers and leukemia -one or more nucleotides
result from somatic are “skipped” during
mutations. replication.
-Some mutations may
improve an organism’s Cystic Fibrosis
survival (beneficial). -incurable hereditary
disorder that causes the
Types of Gene Mutations body to secrete an
Include: abnormally thick, sticky
-Substitutions mucus that clogs the
-Insertions pancreas and the lungs,
-Deletions leading to problems with
breathing & digestion,
Point Mutation or Single infection, and ultimately,
Base Substitution death.
-One base is incorrectly
added during replication &
replaces the pair in the
corresponding position.

on the complementary
-Sickle Cell disease is the
result of one nucleotide
-Occurs in the hemoglobin

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