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Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Order to Advance the Quality of Indonesian


Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Order to Advance the Quality

of Indonesian Education

Authors :

Anisa Lulu Febriyani¹st, Kayla Zalika²nd, Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus³ʳᵈ

Psychology Faculty of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Good and effective curriculum quality will improve the quality of education. In this case, the Merdeka Curriculum is
a solution amidst increasingly rapid technological advances and also as an alternative to learning during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Government efforts to equalize the quality and quantity of education continue to be made. The
implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum focuses on students' learning interests, no longer using a learning
system that is completely determined by educational institutions or lecturers. Students get the opportunity to explore
new things to gain knowledge.

The authors purpose of this article is to know what implementations have been implemented with the Merdeka
Curriculum. The research method used is based on literature reviews using books, journals and other. The author's
findings from literacy studies are that the Merdeka Curriculum has had a positive impact foster creative, innovative,
and independent to solve students' problems.

Keywords: Education, Merdeka Curriculum, Implementation, Education quality


Curriculum implementation is a crucial element for developing the quality of education in

Indonesia. Merdeka Curriculum is a step from the Ministry of Education which began to be
implemented in 2020, as an effort to build students character and develop their skills according
to their interests and talents. A merdeka curriculum is one that includes various intra-curricular
learning and where the content is optimized so that students have ample time to explore concepts
and improve competencies. (Anwar, 2022: Purnwanto, 2022; Rahima, 2022)

Although the government is trying to improve the quality of education through the Merdeka
Curriculum, the implementation of the curriculum has not been fully equitable. Nevertheless, the
Merdeka Curriculum gives educational institutions autonomous power in implementing it and
adapting learning to the abilities of their students.

In facing the challenge of producing graduates who are ready to enter the world of work,
especially in dealing with social issues, the Merdeka Curriculum emphasizes knowledge,
technology, character and skills. This reflects a progressive evolution in Indonesian higher
education, demonstrating a commitment to producing graduates who are able to face global
challenges in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Industrial Society 5.0.



Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Order to Advance the Quality of Indonesian

According to Harold B. Alberty (quoted in Masyid, 2019), the curriculum is not only limited
to subject lessons, but also includes activities inside and outside the classroom which are the
school's responsibility. Based on this statement, learning does not only occur in the classroom,
but also involves activities outside the school schedule. However, schools still have
responsibilities towards their students.

Because the world of education is still in recovery mode following the COVID-19 epidemic,
implementing the education process is a new problem. The purpose of this study is to describe
the adoption of the Merdeka Curriculum at the school level as part of an effort to improve
educational quality following the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method employed is
qualitative research with written data from many relevant and credible scientific works. The data
was then descriptively evaluated and described in detail.

According to the findings of the analysis, the Merdeka Curriculum appears to have
constructive and supporting features as a collaborative endeavor to rebuild educational quality,
particularly after a very long pandemic period. In fact, within 1.5 years, the implementation of
the Merdeka Curriculum has reached 80% of the total based on the press conference by the
Minister of Education, Nadiem Makarim. These findings are also supported by learning
circumstances in schools, the majority of which encounter comparable challenges, namely
learning loss among students.

The Merdeka Curriculum is a policy of the Ministry of Education and Culture which aims to
encourage students to master various scientific disciplines that are useful for entering the world
of work. The Merdeka learning initiative in schools involves restructuring the curriculum to
support graduate learning outcomes. Determination of learning outcomes must be in line with
stakeholder standards in accordance with current developments. The learning process prioritizes
active involvement of students, aligns with their interests, and fosters creativity, innovation,
critical thinking, problem solving, and lifelong learning.

Learning outcomes include the integration of acquired attitudes, knowledge and skills
competencies. Merdeka Curriculum learning presents challenges and opportunities to develop
students' creativity, capacity, personality and needs, increasing independence in seeking
knowledge through real-world dynamics.

The Ministry of Education’s curriculum is implemented in three stages: planning,

implementation, and evaluation. The Merdeka Curriculum highlights the necessity of
developing learning strategies depending on student accomplishment levels through Teaching at
the Appropriate Level (TaRL). Society 5.0 and TaRL are essential components of the Merdeka
Curriculum, which reflects a response to changes in technology and societal requirements, with
an emphasis on customized learning to fulfill learning objectives based on students’ levels of



Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Order to Advance the Quality of Indonesian

In 2020, the government adopted the Merdeka Curriculum to nurture students’ qualities and
capabilities depending on their strength. The school focuses on knowledge, technology,
character, and abilities in order to equip students for the challenges ahead. Although it has
encountered some challenges, it has been accepted by about eighty percent of schools and has
customized flexibility that matches the specific circumstances of students and educational
institutions. Its implementation has resulted into improved quality education as the curriculum
encompasses both outdoor and indoor activities. It must be constantly monitored and adjusted for


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