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Analyze 1. If sin A = 4/5 and A is in the first quadrant, find tan A + sec A.

A. 3 * C. 4

B. 3/5 D. 2/3

Analyze 2. If sin θ − cos θ = −1/ 3 , what is the value of sin 2θ?

A. 1/3 C. 8/9*

B. 1/9 D. 4/9

Analyze 3. Find the value of A between 270° and 360° if 2 sin2A – sin A = 1

A. 300° C. 310°

B. 320° D. 330° *
Analyze 4. If sin 40° + sin 20° = sin θ , find the value of θ in degrees.

A. 20 C. 120

B.80* D. 60
Analyze 5. If cos 65° + cos 55° = cos θ, find θ in radians.

A. 0.765 C. 1.213

B. 0.087 * D. 1.421

Analyze 6. Evaluate arc cot [ 2 cos (arc sin 0.5) ]

A. 30°* C. 60°

B. 45° D. 90°
7. Solve for the x in the given equation: arc tan (2x) + arc tan (x) = π/4

A. 0.149 C. 0.421

B. 0.281* D.0.316

Understand 8. It is the angle from the horizontal down to the line of sight from the observer to an object.
a. Angle of Depression *

b. Angle of Inclination

c. Angle of Elevation

d. Angle of Reflection
Understand 9. It states that the square of any one side of a triangle is equal to the difference between the sum of
squares of the other two sides and double the product of other sides and cosine angle included between

a. Sine Law

b. Cosine Law

c. Tangent Law

d. Secant Law
Apply 10. The two legs of a triangle are 300 and 150 m each, respectively. The angle opposite the 150 m side
is 26°. What is the third side?

A. 197.49 m C. 341.78 m*

B. 218.61 m D. 282.15 m

Apply 11. A man on the deck of a ship is 13 ft above water level. He observes that the angle of
elevation of the top of a cliff is 40° and the angle of depression of the base is 20°. Find the distance
of the cliff from the ship and the height of the cliff if the base of the cliff is at sea level.

A. 36 ft and 45 ft C. 18 ft and 43 ft

B. 36 ft and 43 ft * D. 18 ft and 21 ft

Apply 12. A ladder with its foot on a horizontal flat surface rests against a wall. It makes an angle of 30°
with the horizontal. The foot of the ladder is 41 ft from the base of the wall. Find the height of the point
where the ladder touches the wall.

A. 24 ft * C. 26 ft

B. 23 ft D. 29 ft
Apply 13. The angle of elevation of an unfinished tower from a point 120 m away from its base is 25°.
How much higher the tower be raised so that its angle of elevation from the same point will be 40°?

A. 50 m C. 48 m

B. 47 m D. 45 m *

Analyze 14. In an oblique triangle, a = 25, b = 16, angle C = 94°06’. Find the measure of angle A.

A. 54.5°* C. 45.5°

B. 24.5° D. 55.4°

Apply 15. A man finds the angle of elevation of the top of a tower to be 30°. He walks 85 m nearer the tower
and finds its angle of elevation to be 60°. What is the height of the tower?

A. 76.31 m C. 73.31 m

B. 73.16 m D. 73.61 m*

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