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Manda Pergiwati Pradana,Widita Kurniasari,Sutikno

Economy and Business Faculty, Trunojoyo Madura

Ayam Bakar Pak D Restaurant is one of the restaurant businesses based
on Islam and operates using the concept of alms. The alms concept can bridge
the owners of the Alms funds, namely people or Islamic Social Institutions who
give alms (mutashaddiq as distributors who distribute alms objects
(mutashaddaq 'alaih).

This study aims to identify that the implementation of the concept of

alms in managing the Ayam Bakar Pak D Restaurant.In presenting this thesis the
author uses an Islamic ethnometodology approach. There are 3 stages of
analyses i.eindicescalisity, reflexivity of Islamic and contextual action. The data
sources used by the author in this study are primary and secondary data. The
author explores authentic data sources from the owner and their trusted people to
obtain accurate information through dialogues and interviews how the
management system is applied in Ayam Bakar Pak D restaurant.

Islamic economy activities that carried out the concept of alms in Ayam
Bakar Pak D have a relatively comprehensive impact especially in building the
character of the buyers of the Ayam Bakar Pak D Menganti restaurant
particularly and the Ayam Bakar Pak D restaurant as a whole.In order to support
the concept of alms, all employees are always doing dhuha praying and read
al-waqiah of holy Qur’an . This routine activity has never been abandoned
because it has become the standard operating procedure at Pak D's roasted
chicken restaurant

The concept of alms that is used in Ayam Bakar Pak D attracts many
consumers to come and eat here. The strategy used is always keep distribute
alms every Friday in the form of boxed rice to orphanages, nursing homes,
motorcycle taxi drivers and the surrounding societies.From the dialogue that the
author taken shows that the Islamic economy activities which have been
implemented are alms rice box, alms to orphans, waqf Alquran, tahfidz house,
free tuition

Keywords: alms, Islamic economy activities, ethnometodology

Welfare and economy issue are always raised on the theory of economy. Since
Indonesia declare independence, the poverty and unemployment are as the most
important issue that must be overcome by the previous president up to now. Each period
had implemented some policies to improve the economy condition.
There is a theory of economy Islam called Alms which is able to increase the one
economy very well. It is mentioned in Al Quran Al Baqarah:245. Men who are spend
part of his sustenance will get a multiple rewards from Allah swt.
The Muslim entrepreneurs such as Mr. Erik Marsudi Utomo, the owner of Pak D's
roasted chicken, has been running his business from 2006 under the principle of alms
and really giving a positive impact on business success. His business still always
survive during in the time of corona disease outbreak situation even open new outlet
somewhere else. Of course, it is also supported by good marketing and good


Definition of Consumption
Consumption is all the use of goods and services made by humans to meet their
daily needs. The goods and services used in the production process do not include
consumption but they are used to prepare something for producing the goods of
The concept of a Muslim's success is not measured by how much wealth he owns, but
by how much devotion a person has which will have consequences for how much
wealth he gets and how to use it.


Islam teaches that humans will have experience stages in during the time of
their life. Basically, the stages of life can be grouped into two stages,, i.e life in the
world and the life the world.
Therefore Islam teaches the people life to always achieve the happiness in the
world and the happiness of the life after. it is mentioned in Al Quran Albaqarah : 201.
This means that someone consumes must have value of the afterlife.
To achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter, namely by following the shari'at
(rule of law). Allah sent down the Shari'ah which aims to create benefit and avoid harm,
both in the world and in the hereafter. The rules contained in the shari'ah none other
than made for the benefit of the entire ummah.

2.3 Theory of Social Corporate Culture or Islamic Work Culture

Islamic work culture is defined as a work culture that prioritizes productivity by
using the values and principles of Islamic sharia (Syari, 2010: 21).
There are many organizations adopt foreign cultures now. they believe that the
culture is advanced and developed. Foreign culture is not always negative or positive
but the foreign culture can be applied as long as it is in accordance with Islam. A culture
of respect for time and accuracy in fulfilling promises is always considered a foreign
culture, even though it is part of Islamic teachings. An example of a work culture that is
implemented in sharia institutions is "SIFAT" which stands for Siddiq, Istiqomah,
Fathanah, Amanah, and Tabliq.(Hafidhuddin and Tanjung, 2003: 36-65). 4


3. Ethnometodological Approach
Daily activities which known as ethnometodology. The focus of
ethnometodology is routine activities. An ethnometodologist (a person who performs
ethnometodology) in his research will not take one or two informants with sufficient
argumentation on the informant's background, but he will choose an community with
the same daily activities.According to Garfinkel, there are three stages of
ethnometodological analysis, including:

3.1 Indexicality Analysis

In everyday life, we are like books and do the same thing.
We make indexes or themes through expressions or body language.

3.2 reflexivity Analysis

After the researcher finds the expression of indexicality, it leads to reflexivity.
Reflexivity is referred to as uninteresting essential reflexivity of account, a word that is
interesting and needs to be underlined is uninteresting or unattractive. At first glance,
when there is a key discrepancy in the awareness of informants and the community.
3.3 Contextual Analysis
stage of the ethnometodological study is to reveal practical daily activities that can be
recognized (recognizable) and can be reported (visible). The purpose of this study is to
determine the implementation of the concept of alms on Islamic economic activities in
Pak D roasted chickens (Ari Kamayanti, 2016: 135- 140)
the principles of Islamic methodology are far from contradicting the principles of
modern (traditional) methodology such as the opposition of revelation to reason, the
separation of thought to action, and dualism of worldly affairs and divinity (mundane
and religious dualism). Therefore, Islam as an alternative paradigm in this study is used
as a basis in developing methodologies and making research designs in accordance with
the Islamic paradigm. Furthermore, modern ethnometodology which has been sanctified
with the Islamic paradigm is called Mohammad Anwar in his thesis as Islamic
ethnometodology (Thesis of Muhammad Anwar Thalib 2017).
Islamic ethnometodology One type of qualitative research that is often used by para
social research is ethnometodology. When compared with another approach,
ethnometodology is still relatively new. Ethnometodology designates on the subject
matter studied. Ethnometodology comes from three the Greek words, 'ethnos',
'methodas', and 'logos'. 'Ethnos' means people, 'methodas' means method and 'logos'
means knowledge. Ethnometodology is literally defined as the study or science of the
methods used to research how individuals create and understand their daily lives, like
the way they get things done in their daily life (Rahardjo, 2018). Ethnometodology is an
empirical study of methods which is used by individuals to interpret as well as carry out
activities daily activities such as communicating, making decisions and reasoning.
Garfinkel and Sacks in Coulon (2008). The goal of ethnomethodology is a detailed
description of practices social organized naturally. Garfinkel focuses on settings
institutions and conversational analysis, so that it doesn't just look at human behavior in
the organization merely as a routine, but deep inside see it as part of meaning (Susilo,
2017). Research locations / sites Ayam Bakar Pak D Gresik, East Java, consists of
various branches in cities but I focus on the Gresik area and because of the marketing
and environment it deserves to be researched. The location used as the research site is
the Gresik area. More specifically, in Gresik Regency, East Java. The focus of this
research is to discuss the Islamic Economic Activities in the Ayam Bakar Pak D Gresik


4.1 Profile of roasted Chicken Pak ”D”

History of roasted Chicken Pak “D”
Ayam Bakar Pak D was previously known as Depot Pak D which was owned by
Mr. Erik Marsudi Utomo and is a restaurant that was founded in 2006. Has its first
branch in Tropodo (Sidoarjo). With the mainstay menu of roasted chicken & roasted
fish. Its delicious and unique taste immediately won the hearts of the people. The taste
of roasted chicken & roasted fish is delicious combined with an all-you-can-eat menu.
The atmosphere of the lesehan which is comfortable and pleasant gets a positive
response from the community. Equipped with the newest version of Geprek & Remux's
Extraordinary. With hard work & our commitment to continue to provide taste services
and Mainstay Menu for Kampung Chicken, Duck, Gurami, Patin and roasted Ribs.
Until now, the Ayam Bakar Pak D branch network has 30 branches spread across
Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, and 2 other partnership branches Purwokerto & Kotabaru,
South Kalimantan, so the total branch network of Ayam Bakar Pak D outlets has 32
branches and will continue. increased according to our target for Go National.
( accessed on 12 August 2020 at 10:33)

4.2 Pak D roasted Chicken Turnover Before and after Covid 19

The Progressing of Ayam bakar Pak D before Corona diseased is good. Event
open some branches but during the time of corona diseased out breaked impact to The
decreasing Turnover. Basically , Some branches can be survived but there are also some
branches are closed because the turnover is not break event point.However the
management do not dismiss the employees but found another place to be opened the
new branch. This is the way how the management takes the action to make the
restaurant always survive. In this case the writer analyses why the management do not
close the restaurant but open the branches In vice verse
This is the proof that the concept of alms which is mentioned in the Al Quran
used by the owner is called as The theory of economy islam.

4.5 Pak D's roasted chicken branch in Gresik

a. Domas
b. Laban menganti
c. Cangkir
d. Kota baru Driyorejo
e. Gresik kota

4.6 The existing program, Pak D's roasted chicken outlet

There are some of days that always distribute rice box as alms:
1. Blessing Friday
2. The independence day program (August),
These day always distribute alms as rice box to orphan , mosque, gojek
driver and traveler. There are also some program Al-Quran waqf, Tahfidz
house and Free Tuition.

4.7 Islamic Economic Activities In Pak D's roasted chicken in Gresik

There was distribution of free rice boxes for mosques, orphanages, local people
around Pak D's roasted chicken outlet and not for motorbikes. and every month there is
no money to set aside money for alms. but at this outlet no one spends money for alms.
There is a prayer room, there is Al quran, roasted by Mr. D, every morning at 9 o'clock.
All of Mr. D's roasted chicken outlets, the employees do dhuha prayers and read Al-
waqi'ah letters regularly before opening the outlet. (Results of an interview with the
manager of Mas Aji Assistan, Pak D, roasted chicken in the Laban branch of Menganti
Gresik on August 10, 2020, at 20.00 - 20.30).
More interestingly, this charity activity is purely from the roasted chicken, Mr. D, there
are no donors who enter Pak D's Roast Chicken and usually someone buys Mr. D's
roasted chicken to be brought to people in need, please note that in this incident Mr. D's
roasted chicken is only as a distributor or distributor between those who have alms
funds and those who need or do not have funds for alms. Fajr prayer is mandatory for
Pak D's roasted chicken employees, if they don't do it, they will be subject to infaq.
(Results of an interview with Mas Aji Assistan, the manager of the roasted chicken, Pak
D, in the Laban branch of Menganti Gresik on August 10, 2020, at 20.00 - 20.30)

4.8 Implementation of the concept of generous alms in Pak D's roasted chicken

The concept of Pak D's roasted chicken alms is like the story of a prophet's friend
who when shepherding was showered with stoning, all did not survive except those who
gave alms. Based on the concept of alms in the Koran, it advocates alms, namely the
concept of alms giving 1 = 10, 1 alms God replaces 10 goodness.

(Result of interview with Mas Aji Assistan, manager of roasted chicken, Pak D, Laban
branch, Menganti Gresik on August 10, 2020, at 20.00 - 20.30)

This shows that the mathematics of goodness does not apply the formula, in the
multiplication of 1x1 = 1. However, the multiplication formula that applies to goodness
is 1x1 = 10. As Allah SWT says: "Whoever brings good deeds, for him the reward is ten
times his deeds; and whoever brings evil deeds will not be given retribution, but rather
in proportion to his crimes, while they are not tortured at the slightest harm ”(Surah Al-
An'am: 160). This is an indication that every single kindness is always rewarded
multiple times by Allah SWT. In contrast to a crime, a crime committed is only
recorded as one sin for it. However, 10 good things he did were recorded. (This article
has been published on with the title Mathematics of Kindness,

Editor: bakri)

4.9 The initiator of Almsgiving in Chicken Burns Mr. D

Erik Marsudi Utomo, the owner of the roasted chicken pak “D” is as the
founder. He is the young religious entrepreneurship he manages his restaurant business
using the concept of alms. According to Mr. Erik, he works as well as possible and
hopes the blessing of Allah only. He uses Allah's mathematics instead of human
mathematics. His belief in Allah's promise also makes him grows up to be a generous
person. Besides giving his own alms also invited people to give their alms.
His sincerity is always get the good reward at the end. So that he does make more
programs such as waqf al quran and the house of tahfidz.
These are Mr. Erik Explanation by the time the writer interviewed with Mrs. Lisa(The
general manager) and Mr. Erik as the owner of the roasted chicken Pak D on
September 13, 15.30 - 16.00)

4.10 Lessons learned from the success of Pak D's Roasted chicken business
According to Mrs. Lisa Explanation,there are some valuable knowledges as the
1. A healthy given. she an enjoy the job as well as possible because she can travel
from one branches to another branches..
2. Mr. Erik Erik has own slaughterhouse finnally
3. Pak D roasted chicken is growing up well and has 42 branches spread across
Gresik, Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Malang.
4. Pak D roasted chicken is able to can give 1000 Al Quran to society freely
(The results of the interview with Ms. Lisa, the Pak Erik team, the owner of the roasted
chicken, Mr. D, September 13, 15.30 - 16.00
Based on the research of the study, the implementation of the concept of alms in
Pak D's roasted chicken is very interesting, using the theory of economy islam
mentioned in the Quran.
His believing to Allah and having good human resources that built a generous
nature of his employees and buyers. The sincerity and trustworthiness of the owners and
workers are valuable so it can be followed as an example by someone else has to create
business by using the theory of economy islam i.e the alms concept.
Thank you for all relations that had been supported the writer in finishing this article on
time. Hopefully, Allah bless you all.
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