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1. Organization: goal, people, structure.

The first characteristic : Distinct purpose - as a goal or set a goals
The second characteristic : People – an organization work to achieve those goals ,
by making decisions & engaging in work activities
The third characteristic : Structured – Denfines and limits the behavior of its
2. Managers: Individuals in an organization who direct and oversee the actives of
- Nonmanagerial employees : ( Nhan vien khong quan ly ) People who work
directly on a job on task and have no reponsibility for overseeing the work of
- Roles:
Managerial roles :
 Specific categories of managerial behavior
 Often group around interpersonal relationships
 Information transfer
 Decision making
Interpersonal roles : vai tro ca nhan
 Involving people ( subordinates and persons outside the organization )
 Other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature
 Figurehead : nguoi dai dien
 Leader
 Liaison : nguoi ket noi
Informational roles : vai tro thong tin
 Involving collecting
 Receiving and disseminating information
 Monitor : nguoi theo doi / kiem soat
 Disseminator : nguoi phan phoi thong tin
 Spokesperson : nguoi phat ngon
Decisional roles : vai tro dua ra quyet dinh
 Entailing making decisions or choices
 Negotiator : Người thương thuyết
 Resources allocator : nguooi phan bo nguon luc
 Disturbance handler : người gỡ rối
 Entrepreneur : người khởi nghiệp

- Skills : communication nad interpersonal skills , work ethic, goal-oriented,

industry knowledge, positive and insporational , encouraging and supportive,
emotional interlligence, organization and project management,..
Conceptual skills : A manager’s ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations
Interpersonal skills : A manager’s ability to work with ,understand, mentor, and
motivate others, both individually and in groups
Technical skills : Job-specific knowledge and techniques needed to perform works
Political skills : A manager’s ability to build a power base and establish the right
- Level:
Top managers : individuals who are reponsible for making decisions about the
direction of the organization and establishing polices the affect all organizational
members – Vice president/ CEO, Board of director
Middle managers : Individuals who are typically responsible for translating goals
set by top managers into specific details that lower-level managers will see done
(manager other managers) – Branch manager, truong khoa , pho khoa , giam doc
chi nhanh
First line : Supervisors responsible for dicrecting the day to day of nonmanagerial
employees or team leaders v- to truong to bo mon
Team – leader : Individuals who are responsible for leading and facilittating the
activities of work team
3. Management: is the process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently,
with and though other people
Efficiency : doing things right, or getting the most output from the least amount of
Effectiveness : Doing the right things , or completing work activities so that
organizational goals are attained
4 functions approach :
Planning : Defining goals, establishing strategy, developing plans, organization to
coordinate activities
Organizing : Determining what task are to be done, who is do it them , how the
tasks are to be grouped , who is make decisions
Leading : Motivate employees, problems solving , conflict
Controlling : monitor performance , correcting significant dirrection
Decision-making process : A set of eight steps that includes identifying a problem
selecting a solution, and evaluating the effectiveness of the solution
defines a problem in the decision-making process - a discrepancy between what
exists and what the decision-maker desires to exist
Programmed decisions tend to be routine.
Process: 8 steps
1. Identification of a problem - Xác định sự cố : compares the current state of
affairs with some standard or goal
2. Identification of decision criteria -Xác định tiêu chí quyết định
3. Allocation of weights to criteria - Phân bổ trọng số cho các tiêu chí
4. Development of alternatives - Phát triển các giải pháp thay thế
5. Analysis of alternatives - Phân tích các phương án thay thế
6. Selection of an alternative - Lựa chọn phương án thay thế
7. Implementation of the alternative - Thực hiện phương án thay thế
8. Evaluation of decision effectiveness - Đánh giá hiệu lực của quyết định
3 Approaches:
Rational model : Hợp lý
 By using rational decision making – that is , by making logical and
consistent choices to maximize value ( đưa ra các quyết định hợp lí)
 Describes choices that are consistent and values maximizing within
specified constraints
 Maximizing value for an organization means making sure that : the best
interests of the organization are addressed , to make the achievement of
goals as likely as possible
 Bottom line : Although rationality is based on clarity, objectivity, logic, and
complete knowledge, it’s not a very realistic approach
Bounded rational : Hợp lí có giới hạn
 The bounded rationality approach assumes that managers make rational
decision but are limited ( bounded) by their ability to process information
 Most decision managers make don’t fit the assumption of perfect rationality
Intuition :
Intuitive decision making can be useful to managers, especially wen following
these suggestion: Intuition provides ethics and values guidelines, experiences to draw
from, draws on knowledge, skills, and training.
Approximately almost 50% of managers typically use intuitive decision making rather
than formal analysis to make decisions

 Use it to complement, not replace , other decision-making approaches

 Look to act quickly with limited information because of past experience with
a similar problem
 Pay attention to the intense feelings and emotions experienced when making
decision . The payoff ? Better decision?
Managers make decisions based on their past experience
 Feelings or emotions
 Skills, knowledge, training
 Ethical values or culture

Types of problems:
Structured problem ( vấn đề có cấu trúc )
Clear , straighforward , familiar, and easily defined problem
( một vấn đề rõ ràng, đơn giản, quen thuộc, dễ xác định )
Unstructured problem
A problem that is new or unusual for which information is ambigous or
(Một vấn đề mới hoặc bất thường mà thông tin không rõ ràng và không đầy đủ )
Types of decisions:
Programmed decision : Các quyết định được lập trình
A repetitive decision that can be handled using a routine approach
Work well for solving structured problems
Draw heavily on past solutions that were successful
Types of programmed decision : systematic procedure , policy, rule
Non-programmed decision : Các quyết định không lập trình
A unique and nonrecurring decision that are requires a custom-made solutions
Top managers in an organization tend to make nonprogrammed decisions
Group decision making:
Decision can be made by individuals or by groups-each approach has its own set of
strenghs and neeither is ideal for all situation
 More complete information
 Diversity of experience and perspectives
 More alternativce generated
 Increased acceptance of a solution
 Increased legitinacy
 Time-consuming
 Monority domination
 Ambiguous responsibility
 Pressure to conform

Ways to improve group decision making problems

 Brainstorming
 The nominal group technique
 Electronic meetings
a primary characteristic of groupthink complete conformity among group members

What is a heuristic? : shortcut or rule of thumb that is used for decision making –

 They seem to eliminate complexity.

 They seem to eliminate ambiguity.
 They save time.


Informal planning is general and usually lacks continuity , specific goals covering a
period of years are defined

1. Why manager should plan?

Because of changes in the invironment
 Provide direction ( Định hướng )
 Establish goals
 Deal with change / Reduce the impact of change, reduces uncertainly ( giảm
tác động của sự thay đổi)
 Minimize waste and redundancy ( tối thiểu nguồn lực )
 Set the standards to facilitate control (đặt tiêu chuẩn cho kế hoạch )
2. Strategic management process: 6 steps
Step1. Identify the organization’s current mission , goals and strategies
Step 2. External analysis : Opportunities , Threats SWOT
Step 3. Internal analysis : Strenghs , weakness analysis
Step 4. Formulate strategies
Step 5. Implement strategies : corporate, competitive, functional
Step 6. Evaluate results
3. SWOT analysis
Strengths , weakness ,opportunities, threats
4. Types of plans:
Strategic plans : Plans that apply to the entire organization and encompass the
organization’s overall goals
Tactical Plans: Plans that specify the details of how the overall goals are to be
- Long term : Plans with a time frame beyond three years
short term : Plans with a time frame of one yesr or less
- Directional plans : plans that are flexible and set general guidelines
Specific plans : Plans that are clearly defined and leave no room for
- Single use plans : A one-time plan specifically designed to meet the needs of a
unique situation
Standing plans : plans that are ongoing and provide guidance for activities
performed repeatedly
5. MBO: management by objective
Goals are jointly determined by employees and managers
In addition to being made by both managers and employees, MBO goals must be
specific and include an explicit time limit
Mission statement is include : the customers of a company, why the company is in
business and what it hopes to accomplish, the company’s basic beliefs
The three main types of corporate strategies :
Growth : vertical integration, horizontal integration, concentration, diversification
stability, renewal
1. 6 elements in organization design: Requires a manager to change or develop the
structure of organization.
- Work specialization ( chuyên môn hóa công việc ) : Dividing work activities
into separate job tasks also called division of labor . This is a reliable way to
increase productivity
As an important organizing mechanism because help employees be more
- Departmentalization ( bộ phận hóa ) : How to job grouped together
Functional : Groups employees based on work performed (engineering,accounting,
information systems, HR)
Product : Groups employees based on major product areas in the corporation
(women’s foot wear , men’s footwear, and apparel and accessories)
Customer : groups employees based on customer’s problem and needs
(wholesale,retailer, government )
Geographic : groups employees based on location served ( north, south,
Process : groups employees based on the basic of work or customer flow ( testing,
- Authority, responsibility and power
Authority Quyền hạn: The rights inherent in a managerial position to give order
and expect the orders to be obeyed - Các quyền vốn có ở vị trí quản lý để đưa ra
mệnh lệnh và yêu cầu mệnh lệnh được tuân theo
Chain of command Chuỗi chỉ huy: the line of authority extending from upper
organizational levels to lower levels, which can clarifies who reports to whom
dòng thẩm quyền kéo dài từ cấp tổ chức cao hơn đến cấp thấp hơn, có thể làm rõ ai
báo cáo cho ai
Types of power :
Coercive power ( quyền ép buộc ) – power based on fear
Reward power ( quyền lực hợp pháp ) – One’s position in the formal hierarchy
Expert power ( quyền kiểm định năng lực) - one’s expertise, special skill or
Referent power ( quyền tham khảo )– identification with a person who has
desirable resources or personal traits
Responsibility : An obligation to perform assigned duties
- Span of control Phạm vi kiểm soát – The number of employees a manager can
efficiently and effectively supervise
- Centralization and decentralization
Centralization Tập trung hóa: the degree to which decision making takes place at
upper levels of the organization
Decentralization Phân quyền : the degree to which lower-level managers provide
input or actually make decisions
- Formalization Chính thức hóa : How standardized an organization’s jobs are and
the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.
2. Model of organizational design: mechanistic and organic

 deciding how specialized jobs should be

 determining rules for employee behavior
 determining the level at which decisions are made

3. 3 factors may impact model: business strategy, technology, business

environment (stable or unstable)
4. Types of org. design:
Simple : An organizational design with low departmentalization, widespans of
control, authority centralized in a single person , little formalization/ informal.
 Strength of a simple structure - Accountability is clear.
 Weakness of a simple structure- Reliance on a single person is risky.
Divisional: An organizational structure made up of separate business units or
Functional: An organizational design that groups similar or related occupational
specialities together. Key characteristic – departmentalization
 Weakness of a functional structure - favoring functional goals over
organizational goals
 Strength of functional structure – avoiding redundancy
Matrix : a struture in which specialist from different functional departments are
assigned to work on projects led by a project manager . A group member will
typically report to both a project manager and functional department head
team-based : a structure in which the entire organization is made up of work teams
Team structure, there is a clear line of managerial authority , team members make
decisions and are accountable for their decisions.

 necessary for successful team structure:

 well-trained team members

 team members with cross-functional skills
 a fair and well-run team-based pay plan

5. Types of power: coercive, reward, legitimate, reference, expert, informational

- Definition : Human resource management ( quản lí nguồn nhân lực ): the
management function concerned with getting , training , motivating, keeping
competent employees
Process :
 The first three activities of the human resource management (HRM) process
are about planning

 The last steps of the HRM process deal with performance and compensation

- How to identify and select competent employees, based on employment
planning, job need.
- Definition of downsizing : is the planned elimination of jobs and must be
managed from the perspective of layoff victims and job survivors / Is used to
reduce the labor supply
Selection involves determining who is best qualified for the job
- Purpose of orientation
Employment planning involves addition of staff, reduction of staff, and
selection only
The first step in any employment planning process involves making a human
resource inventory
The goal of employment planning selecting competent employees
A job description is a written document used to describe a job to job candidates
A job specification is a list of job qualifications
Recruitment (tuyển dụng ) is the process of locating, identifying, and attracting
potential employees
disadvantage to recruiting through employee referrals : no diversity increase

Work councils : Hội đồng lao động

1. Motivation (energy, direction, persistence)
2. Traditional Theories of motivation:
- X and Y
- Maslow
- Herzberg
- McClelland (3 needs for achievement, power, affiliation)
3. Contemporary Theories of motivation:
- Equity theory
- Goal setting theory
- Expectancy theory
1. Definition and its process
2. Reasons for controlling step
3. 3 Steps: measuring, comparing and taking action
4. Types of control: - Feedforward - Concurrent - Feedback control

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