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1 Warm up

Part A: How many animals in the photos can you name?

Group 1

cheetah gorilla lion monkey toucan

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Group 2

cat guinea pig hamster parrot rabbit

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Group 3

cow goat goose sheep turkey

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part B: Which group belongs to the category of:

a. pets? →

b. farm animals? →

c. wild animals? →

2 Which animal?
Part A: Match the words to the pictures below.

a bat a dolphin a frog a giraffe

a lion a rabbit a snake a worm

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

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Part B: Now, work in pairs and guess which of the animals from Part A are being described.

a bat a dolphin a frog a giraffe

a lion a rabbit a snake a worm

1. Its legs are almost two metres long and it has a very long neck, too. It eats tree leaves.

2. It has very long ears and a very short tail. It doesn’t walk, it hops.

3. It lives upside down. It sees with its ears. It hunts at night.

4. It’s called the king of the jungle, but it lives in the African grassland, not in the jungle.

5. It likes to hop around. It’s green. It catches insects with its long tongue.

6. It never leaves the water, but it breathes air. It can jump high, and it likes to play.

7. It comes from an egg. It has no legs. If it bites you, you can die.

8. It has no eyes, legs or ears, but it can move the earth in your garden.

3 Use your brain

Think of at least one animal for each question.

1. Which animals move without legs?

2. Which bird doesn’t fly?

3. Which animals lay eggs?

4. Which animals breathe oxygen from water?

5. Which animal has got two legs?

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4 Feet, hooves or paws?

Part A: Label the photos with the correct body parts. Do you recognise the animals in the photos?
Listen and check your answers.

a beak a fin a paw a tail a tail feet

flippers hand hooves horns paws wings

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Part B: Match the columns to make true sentences.

1. Reindeer and cows have... a. hooves at the end of their legs.

2. Cats and bears have... b. big beaks.
3. Fish use... c. tails, but they all look very different.
4. Sharks, dogs and horses have... d. paws with claws at the end.
5. Seals use... e. fins to swim in the water.
6. Cows have... f. flippers to swim and to move on land.
7. Toucans have... g. very large wings.
8. Albatrosses have... h. horns.

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5 Kangaroos

Part A: Describe the animals in the photo. Use the words below.

ears eyes

front legs back legs

feet paws

tail pouch

Part B: Watch the video about kangaroos and answer the questions.

1. How big are kangaroos?

2. What do they eat?

3. How do they move?

4. How do the male kangaroos fight?

5. What do we call a group of kangaroos?

6. What is a joey?

7. What is special about animals known as marsupials?

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6 Questions and answers

Read the questions and match them to the correct answer

At a speed of over 50 km/h Australia Birds Ducks

Eight It walks, runs and jumps Marsupials The penguin

1. Where do kangaroos live?

2. How does a horse move?

3. How fast can a shark swim?

4. How many arms does an octopus have?

5. Which bird lives in Antarctica?

6. What animals carry their babies in pouches?

7. Which birds can swim?

8. Which animals have got beaks?

7 Language focus: questions about the subject

Part A: Look at the structure of the questions in sentences 1-4 and 5-8 above. What is the difference
between the two types of questions?

Part B: Complete the rules and examples with the words below.

visit - belong - works

Subject questions have a different structure from other questions. They don’t use the auxiliary
verb ‘do’, ‘does’ or ‘did’. Subject questions start with the words ‘What’, ‘Who’, ‘Which’ or longer
phrases such as ‘What animal’, ‘Which of them’, ‘How many birds’.

Which photos to you?

Who in the zoo?

How many tourists the park?

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Part C: Underline the word or phrase which answers each question.

1. What animals frighten you? → Example: Spiders frighten me.

2. What animals do you hate? → I hate spiders.
3. Which animal made that noise? → The monkey made that noise.
4. Which animal did you hear? → I heard a monkey.
5. Who lives with you? → My parents and my sister live with me.
6. Who do you live with?→ I live with my parents and my sister.

Which of the questions above are subject questions?

8 Optional extension: animal records

Part A: Complete the subject questions with the correct singular or plural verb.

flies fly live sleep

runs survive swim weighs

1. Which animals sleep the longest? Koalas.

2. Which animal the fastest? A cheetah.

3. Which animals the fastest? Peregrine falcons.

4. Which animal the highest? A bar-headed goose.

5. Which animals the fastest? Sailfish.

6. Which animals the longest without water? Kangaroo rats.

7. Which animals the longest? Turtles.

8. Which animal the most? A blue whale.

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Part B: Find and label all animals from Part A in the photos.

bar-headed goose blue whale cheetah kangaroo rat

koala peregrine falcon sailfish turtle

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9 Homework

Read the texts. Then complete the questions about the two animals.

1. Which in Australia? Tree kangaroos.

2. Where ? In trees.

3. What them to stay safe? Their claws and tails.

4. How far ? Up to 10 metres.

5. ? In the desert.

6. What eat? Seeds.

7. their babies in pouches? Tree kangaroos.

8. Which very little or no water? A kangaroo rat.

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Tree kangaroos are related to the kangaroo, but they look different and behave
differently. First of all, as the name suggests, they live in trees. They can be found in the
rainforests of Australia and Papua New Guinea. They are slow on the ground but move
fast in the trees. Their sharp claws and long tails help them to stay safe. Tree kangaroos,
like their cousins, can jump very well. They sometimes jump up to 10 metres between
trees. They are also marsupials.

Kangaroo rats are not related to the kangaroo at all. They look like rats or mice, but they
are not related to them either. Kangaroo rats live in underground burrows in the desert of
North America. They eat seeds, which they collect at night. They have adapted to the
desert climate so well that they don’t have to drink water at all. They get it from the
seeds they eat. So why are they called kangaroo rats? It’s probably because of their
strong back legs and the fact that they jump quite well.

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4. Feet, hooves or paws?

Speaker: 1. Reindeer have hooves with two toes.

Speaker: 2. Dogs have paws with claws at the end.

Speaker: 3. Birds that swim have feet with a web between their toes, they are called webbed feet.

Speaker: 4. Monkeys have hands which they can use to do a lot of things. They are very similar to
human hands.

Speaker: 5. This is a bear’s paw with sharp and strong claws at the end.

Speaker: 6. Many animals have tails at the end of their bodies. Tails can look very different. This is
a horse’s tail.

Speaker: 7. Fish use fins to swim in water. Some of the fins are on the top part of their body. This is
a shark’s fin.

Speaker: 8. Fish also have tails at the end of their bodies. This is a shark’s tail.

Speaker: 9. Seals use flippers to swim, and sometimes to walk on land too. A flipper has bones inside
and is much harder and stronger than a fin.

Speaker: 10. This Scottish cow has huge horns.

Speaker: 11. All birds have beaks but toucans’ beaks are really big and also very colourful.

Speaker: 12. The albatross have the largest wings of all birds. They can measure up to 3.7 metres.

5. Kangaroos

Narrator: And now it’s time for some more "amazing animals"! Number 8,999: the amazing
eastern grey kangaroo! Or macropus giganteus...

Kangaroo: Yeah, you got that right!

Narrator: Um, actually it means "gigantic large foot".

Kangaroo: Oi mate!

Narrator: In fact, they have two gigantic feet.

Kangaroo: Two... I thought I had three!

Narrator: No, that’s your tail!

Kangaroo: Ohhh!

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Narrator: They’re found down under! On the eastern side of Australia.

Kangaroo: Too right mate, we’re everywhere! Mobs of us!

Narrator: They’re extremely adaptable and enjoy nibbling on grass, which is why they love
this golf course...

Kangaroo: Don’t you mean this "hop-stacle" course?

Narrator: Some say there are too many of them!

Kangaroo: Keep your "hop-pinion" to yourself, mate!

Narrator: The male kangaroos can be taller than most adult humans.

Kangaroo: Yeah. I’m bigger than you, let’s fight!

Narrator: In fact, when the girls...

Kangaroo: Sheilas!

Narrator: Sorry, sheilas are around, they’re ready to fight for their attention.

Female kangaroo: Oh, crikey Debbie, check him out.

Narrator: The males use their strong...

Kangaroo: Feet?

Narrator: No, tails to balance and their big...

Kangaroo: Tails?

Narrator: No, feet!

Kangaroo 2: Aww, I think I’m just gonna sit this one out!

Narrator: Meanwhile the females are very busy looking After their babies or "joeys".
Sometimes they can be looking after three all at once! And because they are
marsupials, they have a convenient pouch to carry their young.

Joey: Mommy, there’s lots of crumbs in here!

Mom kangaroo: Oh Joey, stop being such a pouch potato!

Narrator: There might be millions of these bouncing beasts, but the eastern grey kangaroo
is a...

Kangaroo: True blue Aussie!

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1. Warm up

5 min.
The aim of the activity is only to introduce the topic and not to learn all the words. Students work individually or
in groups. Elicit the answers. Praise the student/group who can name the biggest number of animals.

Part A:
Group 1

1. monkey 2. gorilla 3. cheetah 4. toucan 5. lion

Group 2

1. guinea pig 2. cat 3. hamster 4. rabbit 5. parrot

Group 3

1. turkey 2. sheep 3. goat 4. goose 5. cow

Part B

a. Group 2 b. Group 3 c. Group 1

2. Which animal?

5 min.
The students work in groups. Help with the words in bold if necessary.
Part A:

1. a worm 2. a bat 3. a dolphin 4. a giraffe

5. a rabbit 6. a lion 7. a frog 8. a snake
Part B:

1. a giraffe 2. a rabbit 3. a bat 4. a lion

5. a frog 6. a dolphin 7. a snake 8. a worm
Extension: Students in pairs write their own puzzles for the class.
The animal is... It has... It lives... It likes to... It can... It eats...

3. Use your brain

5 min.
Students practise the vocabulary and use their general knowledge. This task uses subject questions, which are
the language focus of the lesson. Notice the mix of plural and singular forms.
Sample answers:

1. worms, snakes, fish

2. a penguin, an ostrich
3. birds, turtles

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4. fish, frogs (NOT whales or dolphins)

5. birds, a monkey, a gorilla
Frogs and other amphibians breathe both underwater (through their skin) and on land (using lungs).

4. Feet, hooves or paws?

10 - 12 min.
Most of the body parts are new so guessing is OK. Give the students time to guess the animals as well, and perhaps
write their names down. They will be able to check both the body parts and the names of the animals when they
listen to the recording. They can check the spelling of the animal names in 2b.
Part A:

1. hooves 2. paws 3. feet 4. hand

5. a paw 6. a tail 7. a fin 8. a tail
9. flippers 10. horns 11. a beak 12. wings

1. reindeer
2. dog
3. duck
4. monkey/ape
5. bear
6. horse
7. shark
8. whale
9. seal
10. cow
11. toucan
12. albatross
Part B:

1. → a. 2. → d. 3. → e. 4. → c. 5. → f. 6. → h. 7. → b. 8. → g.

5. Kangaroos

10 min.
Students practise using body parts and describing kangaroos. This also prepares them for the listening task. Go
through the questions together before they watch the video and elicit guesses. After watching, encourage pair
work before whole class feedback.
Part A: students’ own answers
Explain that pouch is the ‘bag’ where the mother keeps the baby
Part B:

1. As big as an adult human.

2. Grass.

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3. They hop on their back legs.

4. They kick with one of their legs and balance/stand on their tails.
5. A mob.
6. A baby kangaroo.
7. They carry their young in a pouch.

6. Questions and answers

5-7 min.
The students answer the questions. Different answers to some of the questions are possible and if the students
come up with any, accept them. In the next activity, they will analyse the structure of these questions.

1. Australia 2. It walks, runs and jumps 3. At a speed of over 50 4. Eight

5. The penguin 6. Marsupials 7. Ducks 8. Birds
Other acceptable answers: 6) Kangaroos. 7) Penguins. 8) Any birds’ names.

7. Language focus: questions about the subject

7 mins.
Students discover the specific structure of subject questions. 1-5 are not easy questions. Some students may
notice the absence of ‘do’ and ‘does’ in 5-8. You can use 1-5 only as a starting point and after short feedback
direct the students to 5-8 and the table. Alternatively, use the extension idea below.
The students write full-sentence answers to the questions in 6 and highlight the question words in the questions
and the words which directly answer the question in the answer. This will help them to see that the answers in
5-8 are all the subjects of the sentences.
Where do kangaroos live? Kangaroos live in Australia.
How does a horse move? A horse walks, runs and jumps.
How fast can a shark swim? A shark can swim at a speed of over 50 km/h.
How many arms does an octopus have? An octopus has eight arms.
Which bird lives in Antarctica? The penguin lives in Antarctica.
What animals carry their babies in pouches? Marsupials carry their babies in pouches.
Which birds can swim? Penguins can swim.
What animals have got beaks? Birds have got beaks.
Part B:

1. belong
2. works
3. visit
Part C
The underlined words are:
2. I hate spiders.
3. The monkey made the noise.
4. I heard a monkey.
5. My parents and my sister live with me.

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6. I live with my parents and my sister.

Subject questions: 1, 3, 5.

8. Optional extension: animal records

10 min.
The students practise using subject questions. The main thing to remember about subject questions is not to use
‘do’, ‘does’ or ‘did’. This task reinforces using the main verb after ‘which’.
Part A

1. sleep 2. runs 3. fly 4. flies 5. swim

6. survive 7. live 8. weighs
Part B

1. koala 2. peregrine falcon 3. blue whale 4. turtle

5. kangaroo rat 6. bar-headed goose 7. sailfish 8. cheetah

9. Homework

10 mins.
The topic links the texts to the video. The students learn about two interesting animals and then practise writing
wh-questions and subject questions.

1. animals live 2. do tree kangaroos live

3. helps 4. can they jump
5. Where do kangaroo rats live 6. do they
7. Which animals carry 8. animal drinks

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