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identify and name the major bones and function of the skeleton

skeletal system
206 bones in total

The cartilage covers the end of the bone and works as a shock absorber to prevent the
bones from rubbing against each other

Bones + bone = ligament. Bones are attached to other bones by ligament

Bones + muscles = tendons. Bones are attached to muscles by tendon

Function of the skeletal system

 Movement – The tendon attaches skeletal muscle to the bone which acts as a lever
to allow movement
 Storage -store of minerals and calcium
 Protection - provide protection of vital organs and delicate body system
 Shape/support – gives the body its shape and provides a framework for support and
 Production – the marrow cavity of long bones, is a site of production for red and
white blood cells

Mighty Strong People Share Protein is the acronym for the function of the skeletal

Division of skeletal
Axial – 80 bones for protection e.g., ribs, vertebrae, sternum. They are in the midline of the
body, mostly fused with little movement
Appendicular – 126 bones for movement e.g., femur. They are anchored to the pelvic girdle
(legs and feet), shoulder girdle (arms and hands), Synovial joint- knee joint which allows free
movement of the joint

Bones within the human body

Key features of pelvic girdle and shoulder girdle

Pelvic girdle

Pubis Ischium

The pelvic girdle transfers weight when sitting or standing

The difference between male and female pelvic girdle

The female pelvis is adapted for childbirth. The bones of the male pelvis are thicker and
heavier and adapted for support of the male's heavier physical build and stronger muscles.
The bones of the female pelvis are lighter and thinner. A lesser pelvic cavity of a female is
shorter and wider. A lesser pelvic cavity of a male is longer and narrower. The narrow-angle
male allows more force to be generated

Q angle is the angle between the knee and the hip. The Q angle in women is 6-8 degrees
greater than in men because of women's wider pelvis

The vertebral column (33 bones). The area of the spine

 7 Cervical vertebrae – support the head and neck. Cervical vertebrae Have the most
 12 Thoracic vertebrae – form joints with the ribs to form the ribcage. Less movement
than the cervical spine
 5 Lumbar vertebrae - the largest and strongest vertebrae in the lower back. Very
limited movement
 5 Sacral – fused to form the sacrum – zero movement
 4 Coccygeal – fused to form the coccyx - zero movement

Come To Learn Spine C

There are four natural curves in the vertebral column which support the shape of our
The curves of the spine

 The cervical is the inward curve at the neck

 Thoracic is the outward curve at the upper back
 Lumber is the inward curve at the lower back
 Sacral is the outward curve

Appendicular skeleton
Shoulder girdle – 2 clavicals and 2 scapulas
pelvis girdle – 2 hip bones(coxae), illum, pubis, ischium
Arm bone – humerus, radius, ulna, metacaples, phalanges
Leg bone – femur, patella (knee cap), tibia(shin bone),fibula, metatarsals, phalanges

Axial skeleton
Spinal column
Ribs- protect vital organs like the heart, lungs and major blood vessels
Sternum – breastbone

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