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Christiana Moore


1 clove garlic, chopped

½ c. onion, chopped
1 c. red lentils
1 c. brown rice
2.5 c. water
3 veggies of choice, 1 c. of each, finely chopped: broccoli, cauliflower,
potatoes, peas, carrots, kale, etc.
¼ c. fresh cilantro, chopped
¼ c. fresh parsley, chopped
1 t. cumin
½ t. turmeric
1-2 T. oil
You realize that these are different types of herbs and it's necessary for
the body.

In a medium pot, combine one (1) Tbsp

oil, garlic, and onion and saute on
medium heat until lightly browning.


Add red lentils, rice, and water and bring to a low boil. Cover pot and
lower to a simmer.

Any peas You're Going to use please soak it overnight and drained out
the water. Always keep that in mind.

Let it cook for about 20 – 25 minutes until rice and

lentils are cooked and it has reached a porridge like
Uncover pot, turn off heat, and let rest, it will thicken a bit.

When rice and lentils are done cooking, add cumin and turmeric and mix
well and continue to heat on medium low, usually 1-2 minutes.

Add chopped vegetables of choice to skillet and cook on medium low

heat until just tender and salt to taste.

When you try the recipe you can alter it to suit you according to your
taste but keep in the line.

Add fresh herbs and stir into cooling rice/lentil mixture.

Preheat oven to 400º and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Bake at 400º for 10-15 minutes on each side until its golden brown and
crispy. They will remain soft and delicious inside. Drizzle with
condiment of choice. Enjoy!

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