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Q1: How to search for a docker image on dockerhub with the name mentioned in the


a $ docker --search ---hadoop

b $ docker search

c None

d $ docker search hadoop

e None

f None

Q2: SQL (Structured Query Language) is:?

a DBMS (DataBase Management System)

b the language of queries by pattern

c the language of structured queries

d imperative programming language

e None

f None

Q3: Which function in PHP Returns a list of response headers sent (or ready to send)?

a headers_list()

b None

c headers_list()

d header()

e header_send()

f None

Q4: How to show the logs of the docker container with contained id mentioned in the
a $ docker ---logs 09ca6feb6efc

b $ docker logs 09ca6feb6efc

c $ docker log 09ca6feb6efc

d None

e None

f None

Q5: Which of the mentioned are the neccessary/mandatory arguments of the mail function.?

a subject

b to

c message

d headers

e number of recepients

f parameters

Q6: The command DROP SCHEMA `STUDENTS`; will delete the students database.?

a True

b None

c None

d False

e None

f None

Q7: Which of the following type of variables have only two possible values either true or

a Strings
The correct Answer is: None

c Integers

d Doubles

The correct Answer is: None

f Booleans

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