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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Al-Mustafa University College

Practical physics laboratory lectures

Part (1)


Dr. Nisreen Khalid Fahad

‫التعليمات المختبرية‪:‬‬
‫‪ )1‬يرجى االلتزام بالهدوء والمحافظه على نظافة المختبر وعدم رمي قصاصات الورق واي نفايات‬
‫اخرى على المناضد او ارضية المختبر‪.‬‬
‫‪ )2‬يرجى االلتزام بالدوام وعدم التأخير بدخول المختبر وسوف لن نسمح اطالقا بالدخول لمن يتاخر‪.‬‬
‫‪ )3‬عدم تشغيل اي جهاز قبل فحص الربط من قبل احد مسؤؤلي المختبر‪.‬‬
‫‪ )4‬يجب تسليم تقرير التجربة التي يتم اجراؤها في المختبر القادم ويسلم مع بدء التجربه الجديده‬
‫‪ )5‬يكتب التقرير بأوراق من نفس النوع بأستثناء ورقة الخطوط البيانية ويجب تقديمها بفايل نايلون‪.‬‬

‫كيفية كتابة التقرير‪:‬‬

‫تتم كتابة التقرير بالطريقة التالية‬
‫‪ )1‬الصفحة االولى‪ :‬الواجهة‬
‫‪ )2‬الصفحة الثانية‪ :‬االدوات المستخدمة (‪)Apparatus‬‬
‫‪ )3‬الغرض من التجربة (‪(Object‬‬
‫‪ )4‬الصفحة الثالثة‪ :‬النظرية(‪(Theory‬‬
‫‪ )5‬طريقة العمل‪)Procedure) :‬‬
‫‪ )6‬و رقة القراءات هي القراءات التي تم الحصول عليها في المختبر والتي تم التوقيع عليها من قبل‬
‫مشرف المختبر‬
‫‪ )7‬ورقة الرسم البياني‬
‫‪ )8‬الحسابات والنتائج )‪(Results and Calculation‬‬
‫‪ )9‬المناقشة (‪)Discussion‬‬

To demonstrate Ohm's law and to determine the resistance of a given resistor
Voltmeter - Ammeter - Resistor - variable DC power supply (0-15V)
Electric current moves charge from a higher potential to a lower potential. If
several charges, Δq pass through a cross-sectional area in a given time, Δt
then current, I is defined as:
I=Δq/Δt ………(1)
The fundamental relationship among the three important electrical quantities
current, voltage, and resistance was discovered by Georg Simon Ohm. The
relationship and the unit of electrical resistance were both named for him to
commemorate this contribution to physics. Ohm’s law states that the current
(I) through a resistor is proportional to the potential difference (V) across the
resistor. Ohm law is normally written as
V = I R ……………(2)
Where R is the resistance of the resistor in Ohm (Ω) when a potential
difference (V) is in Volt (V) and current (I) in Ampere (A). Resistance is a
measure of how difficult to flow current through the device.
When a circuit element carries an electric current, the moving charge carriers
interact with the constituent atoms of the material from which the circuit
element is made, thus impeding (slowing down) the flow of the charge
carriers through the material. This phenomenon is called electrical resistance.
The unit of electrical resistance R is the ohm (volt/ampere), symbol Ω.

The following ratio can determine the resistance of a circuit element:
R = V / I ....................(2)
As the potential difference V across a circuit element is varied, the current I
will also vary
1) Construct and connect a circuit as shown in Figure 1:

2) Choose the 20-milli-ampere range on the ammeter and 20 V on the

3) Increase the voltage to 1 V, observe the ammeter, and record the readings
4) Repeat the above step for 1 V, 2V … 5 V and record data in table (1)
V (volts) I (A)

5) Plot the voltage versus current data in Table (1) in a linear graph paper as
shown in Figure (2):

Figure (2)
6) Find the slope which is the experimental value of the resistance.

1) Why practical results are different from theoretical results?
2) Is it possible Ohm's law applies to AC circuits? (H.W)

1) Investigation of Hooke's Law.
2) Find the value of the Hooke’s constant (k).
Elastic spring, weights, vertical spring stand, ruler
If a weight, W= F = mg is hung from one end of an ordinary spring, causing
it to stretch a distance ΔL, then an equal and opposite force, F, is created in
the spring which acts to oppose the pull of the weight. If W is not so large as
to permanently distort the spring, then this force, F, will restore the spring to
its original length after the load is removed. F is thus called an elastic force
and it is well known that the magnitude of an elastic restoring force is directly
proportional to the stretch,
Hooke's law: The extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force
applied, provided that the limit of proportionality is not exceeded.
The equation for Hooke’s Law is:
F = -k ΔL, ΔL=L-L˳
• F is the force applied on the material (F=mg) in Newton’s (N)
• k is the 'spring constant' in Newton’s per meter (N/m)
• ΔL is the extension in meters (m)
• L is the extension of the spring
• L˳ is the length of the spring in a relaxed state (without any force applied)

1) Suspend the spring from the spring stand.
2) Attach the pointer and the Hook with the pan to the end of the spring.
3) Place the ruler vertically (on a vertical stand if required) such that the
pointer corresponds to a readable marking on the ruler.
4) Note the initial reading of the pointer against the ruler.
5) Place a known weight on the pan.
6) Note the displacement of the pointer.
7) Calculate the stretching force = weight of masses: W = mg.
8) Calculate extension = stretched length – original length.
9) Repeat steps 5 and 6 with different weights.
M (gm) F (N) ΔL=L-L˳ (cm)

8) We plot a graph by making the mass (m) on the y-axis and extending (ΔL)
to the x-axis we will get a straight line to achieve Hook’s law
9) Finding the slope of the straight line and using it to calculate the constant
spring from the relationship:
k= slope*g

To measure the acceleration due to gravity using a simple pendulum
Rods, clamps, pendulum bobs, string, metric ruler, stopwatch
It is a common day experience to see objects oscillating back and forth. We
have, for example, all seen tree branches sway back and forth in the wind.
What we may not have noticed is that for many oscillating objects, the time
for the object to oscillate away from its original position and then return to
this same position does not depend on the size of the oscillation. Small
oscillations take as long as large oscillations. Technically, we say that the
“period” of oscillation, the round-trip time if you will, is independent of the
displacement. This phenomenon is called simple harmonic motion. It is
quite common in nature. What is not immediately obvious is that objects
subject to a force that can be expressed in a form similar to Hooke’s law
execute simple harmonic motion.
Another simple device besides the spring mass that can produce simple
harmonic motion is the simple pendulum. A simple pendulum consists
merely of a point mass (m) suspended from a fixed point by a rod or string of
length (L). The mass of the rod or string is assumed to be so much less than
the suspended mass that it can be ignored. If the suspended mass is displaced
to the left or right, while the rod or string is kept taut, and then released, the
mass will swing freely back and forth under gravity’s influence. For small
horizontal displacements (angular displacements of less than 10°, for
instance), the restoring force on the suspended is given by:
F = ma = m(-g/L) x ………….. (1)

Here, m is the mass of the point-mass or bob, g is the magnitude of the
gravitational acceleration, L is the length of the string or rod, and x is the
horizontal displacement.

The period T of a simple pendulum (measured in seconds) is given by the

𝐓 = 𝟐𝛑√ …………. (2)

1) Clamp one end of a piece of thread to a rigid support in such a way that
ensures that the point of suspension remains fixed throughout a complete (but
small-angle) cycle.
2) Attach the bob to the other end of the thread. Beginning with a pendulum
length of 20 cm. (from the point of suspension to the center of the bob), start
the bob swinging through a small arc (about 5 ° on either side of the vertical).

3) Use the timer to find the time for about 5 cycles at this L. Note that the
timer should be started at the zero count and stopped at the nth count. (n is
the number of cycles.) Record L, t, and n.
4) Repeat step (3) for different lengths (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 ….80) cm
5) Arrange your results as shown in the Table below:

6) Plot a graph of (L) on (y-axis) as a function of (T2) on (x-axis). then find

the slope
g = 4π × slope …………….. (3)
1) From your data what effect does changing the mass have on the period (for a given
value of the length L)?
2) What role, if any, does air resistance have on your results? Explain your reasoning.
3) On the moon, the acceleration due to gravity is one-sixth that of Earth. That is gmoon
= gearth /6 = (9.8 m/s2)/6 = 1.63 m/s2. What effect, if any, would this have on the period
of a pendulum of length L? How would the period of this pendulum differ from an
equivalent one on Earth?

To determine the density of liquid by a loaded test tube.
1) Test tube and tube wide enough to allow weights to be placed inside.
2) Millimeter graph paper cut to make a scale.
3) 1 gm, 2 gm, and 5 gm weight.
4) a liquid, e.g. water or oil.
5) Calipers, beaker, stand, and lead shot.
From Fig (1), assuming the test tube to have a uniform cross-section, each
additional 1 gm load will produce the same increment in the depth of the
immersion. The extra weight of the tube is balanced by the upward thrust due
to the extra weight of the liquid displaced.

Area of cross-section of tube = π d2/ 4

where d= diameter of the test tube, measured in m.
If an additional load m produces an additional immersion depth x in a liquid
of density P,
The extra volume of liquid displaced = π d2x/4
and the extra mass of liquid displaced = π d2px/4
p = 4m/xπd2 ---------------(1)
1) Arrange the tools as shown in the Figure (1)
2) Put the water in the big tube at a certain height
3) Place the test tube in the large tube while it is empty and measure the depth
of the tube in the water to be ho
4) Put a specific weight inside the test tube, such as m1, and measure the
depth, to be h1
5) Repeat step (4) with different masses and arrange the results in the
following table

6) plot a graph with values of x(cm) as coordinates against corresponding

values of the additional load m(g)
7) calculate the density of the liquid by using equation (1)

To determine the viscosity of the medium by using STOKE’S method
1) A long glass tube about 50 cm long closed at one end.
2) Oil.
3) Meter scale.
4) Small sphere.
5) Rubber bands.
6) Stopwatch
Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a fluid that is being deformed by
either shear stress or tensile stress. In everyday terms (and for fluids only),
viscosity is “thickness”. Thus, water is “thin”, having a lower viscosity,
while honey is “thick”, having a higher viscosity. Put simply, the less
viscous the fluid is, the greater its ease of movement (fluidity). In general, in
any flow, layers move at different velocities and the fluid’s viscosity arises
from the shear stress between the layers that ultimately opposes any applied
The viscosity can, therefore, be determined by measuring the rate of fall

ρ = density of the steel sphere =7.8 g/cm3

σ = density of liquid=1.3 g/cm3
d= diameter of steel sphere = 0.25 cm
v = velocity =L/T
g = 980 cm/sec2
slope = v = L (cm)/T (sec)
1) Adjust the distance between the rubber band.
2) Record the distance (h) between them. (about 30 cm).
3) Drop a sphere centrally down the jar & with stop-watch find the time it
takes to traverse the distance between the rubber band.
4) Obtain two values of the time of fall.
5) Repeat the experiment for different values of (r) & obtain two values of
the time of fall for each new distance apart.

L (cm) Time of fall

T1(sec) T2(sec) Tave (sec)

6) Plot a graph with values of L (cm) as ordinates against the corresponding

values of T (s) as abscissa.
Slope = L/T
Calculate the viscosity from equation (1)


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