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ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 2008, 75, 809e816


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Production of undersized offspring in a solitary bee

*Ecologia-CREAF, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra
yDepartament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona

(Received 18 December 2006; initial acceptance 2 March 2007;

final acceptance 20 June 2007; published online 23 October 2007; MS. number: 9217R)

As predicted by Conditional Sex Allocation Theory, females of the solitary bee Osmia cornuta exposed to
scarce floral resources biased their progeny sex ratio towards males, the least costly sex, and produced
smaller-than-average females. Surprisingly, nesting females also produced a number of ‘tiny’ offspring,
which contrasted with regular-sized offspring within the same nest. Developmental and wintering mortal-
ity are strongly size dependent in O. cornuta, and a high proportion of tiny offspring did not survive. This
result is in disagreement with Optimal Allocation Theory, according to which resources should be allocated
in portions that maximize fitness returns. I ask why did O. cornuta females build tiny provisions and why
did they lay female eggs (with lower survival probability than male eggs) on these provisions. I argue that
egg maturation rates and selective pressure to avoid kleptoparasitism and provision desiccation in cells left
unsealed for long periods may impose a limit to the time available for cell provisioning. Under low food
availability, this limit will be reached before provision sizes resulting in maximum fitness returns are at-
tained. I also argue that the decision to fertilize an egg (and thus produce a female) is made at the begin-
ning of the cell-provisioning process, so that females cannot adjust offspring sex to provision size. At the
same time, altering the femaleemale cell sequence within a nest would result in fratricide because of
protandric emergence. I provide evidence supporting these ecological and physiological constraints on
resource allocation decisions in O. cornuta.

Ó 2007 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: body size; conditional sex allocation; Megachilidae; optimal allocation theory; Osmia cornuta; parental invest-
ment; sex ratio; solitary bee

In panmictic populations, parental investment should be availability) parents should emphasize the production of
equally allocated to male and female progeny (Fisher the least costly sex. A prerequisite of CSAT is that sons
1958). Thus, only when sons and daughters are equally and daughters differ in the shape or position of their fit-
costly is a sex ratio of unity expected. However, subse- ness-investment curves (Frank 1987). If so, selection
quent elaboration of Fisher’s theory indicates that system- should favour those parents biasing their investment to-
atic deviations from equal investment in both sexes are to wards the sex yielding higher fitness returns under low in-
be expected under certain conditions, notably under low- vestment. Failure to do so would result in the production
resource availability. These deviations would be most of offspring with low fitness, a situation which would
likely if parents were able to respond to resource availabil- conflict with Optimal Allocation Theory (OAT). Optimal
ity by adjusting the sex ratio of their progeny and/or the Allocation Theory (OAT) establishes an optimum amount
amount of parental investment per individual offspring of investment per offspring at which fitness returns are
according to offspring sex. Conditional Sex Allocation maximized, and parents are expected to allocate invest-
Theory (henceforth, CSAT; Trivers & Willard 1973; ment among their progeny in portions as close as possible
Charnov 1982; Frank & Swingland 1988) predicts that to this optimum (Smith & Fretwell 1974). Optimal Alloca-
under poor conditions (e.g. limited food resource tion Theory (OAT) relies on two key assumptions. First,
increased investment per offspring results in increased
offspring fitness. Second, resources for investment in
Correspondence: J. Bosch, Ecologia-CREAF, Edifici C, Universitat reproduction are finite, resulting in a trade-off between
Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain (email: Jordi. offspring number and amount of resources invested in each offspring (often referred to as brood number versus
0003e 3472/08/$32.00/0 Ó 2007 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

size trade-off). A corollary of OAT is that under low- estimator of parental investment. Females can determine
resource availability parents should be more prone to the sex of their offspring by controlling the release of
reduce their fecundity than the amount of investment sperm from the spermatheca and produce either daugh-
per individual offspring. ters (fertilized eggs) or sons (unfertilized eggs; Gerber &
The model of Smith & Fretwell (1974) is static in that it Klostermeyer 1970). Offspring body size has only moder-
assumes a constant environment and no influence of ate heritability (Tepedino et al. 1984; Frohlich & Tepedino
offspring number on offspring fitness. In nature, most 1986), but is highly correlated with provision weight
environments are heterogeneous, and the shape of the (Klostermeyer et al. 1973; Strohm 2000; Bosch & Vicens
fitness-investment curve may differ in different environ- 2002).
ments (Carriere & Roff 1995). In fact, variation in invest- To my knowledge, CSAT has been tested in three
ment per offspring (often measured as egg size) is the solitary aculeate Hymenoptera, the beewolf wasp Philantus
norm, not only between populations within a species, triangulum, and two leaf cutting bees, Megachile apicalis
but also between females within a population and even and Megachile rotundata (Strohm & Linsenmair 1997;
among offspring produced by a single female (Bernardo Kim 1999; Peterson & Roitberg 2006). In all three species,
1996; Fox & Csezak 2000). Theoretical models subsequent female offspring are allocated larger food provisions and
to Smith & Fretwell’s have attempted to explain this thus grow larger than males. In the first two studies, nest-
variability by accounting for heterogeneity in the proge- ing females were kept in laboratory cages in which food
ny’s and/or the parent’s environment. Thus, the optimal levels were manipulated. Females responded to decreased
amount of per offspring investment may be dependent food availability by biasing their progeny sex ratio towards
on offspring density and competition among siblings males, and reducing food investment (and thus body size)
(Parker & Begon 1986; McGinley et al. 1987), temporal of offspring of one sex (males in P. triangulum, females in
and spatial heterogeneity in resources available to the M. apicalis). In the third study, which was conducted in
parents (van Noordwijk & de Jong 1986; Lalonde 1991; the open, forage plots were located at various distances
Venable 1992), and total reproductive effort per parent from nesting sites. Females that had to fly longer distances
(Winkler & Wallin 1987). For example, larger eggs are usu- to forage produced a greater proportion of sons and
ally produced under adverse conditions, such as crowded smaller offspring of both sexes. Body size reductions in
environments (Perrin 1989; Kawecki 1995), or on poor the two Megachile species were approximately 1.1-fold
quality hosts (Fox 2000), and it is under these adverse (Kim 1999; Peterson & Roitberg 2006). In P. triangulum,
environments that fitness differences between large and an eight-fold food availability reduction resulted in
small eggs are greatest (Fox & Mousseau 1998). Alterna- a two-fold reduction in investment per male offspring
tively, variation in investment per offspring may largely (Strohm & Linsenmair 1997). In agreement with OAT,
be nonadaptive (Fox & Czesak 2000). Morphological and no females were produced under manipulated low or
physiological constraints may limit the parent’s ability very low-resource availability in this species (Strohm &
to control egg size or amount of resources invested per Linsenmair 1997), and in wild populations most female
offspring (Congdon & Gibbons 1987; Fox 1993; Bernardo cells were provisioned with optimal amounts of food
1996). (Strohm & Linsenmair 2000). In this article, I report
In species in which offspring survival is investment a very significant reduction (1.4-fold) in female offspring
dependent, and in which investment-fitness optima differ body size in a free-flying population of the solitary bee
for sons and daughters, parents facing a situation of low- Osmia cornuta exposed to low-resource availability. I also
resource availability could adjust their investment strategy report a significant increase in the frequency of offspring
in one of three ways. First, parents could bias the sex ratio of both sexes that were allocated unusually small amounts
of their progeny towards the least costly sex, as predicted of provision. These results are relevant because, as
by CSAT. This would allow these parents to maintain reported below, fitness is highly size-dependent in this
brood number and investment per offspring. Offspring species, and thus the results are in strong disagreement
survival would not be compromised, but the capacity of with OAT. Because body size reduction affected mostly
the overproduced sex to sire progeny would decrease if all females, female mortality was unusually high and resulted
parents in the population followed this strategy. Second, in a strongly male-biased secondary sex ratio. The objec-
in agreement with OAT, parents could maintain progeny tive of the study is to describe these findings and propose
sex ratio and resource investment per offspring, at the cost ecological and physiological constraints that would
of reducing brood number. Third, parents could maintain explain this seemingly nonoptimal resource allocation.
brood number and progeny sex ratio, but then would
have to lower investment per offspring, which would
result in diminished offspring fitness. METHODS
Nesting solitary bees and wasps are appropriate systems
for the study of parental investment strategies because Osmia cornuta is a univoltine, cavity-nesting, spring-flying
females (males do not participate in nest construction or solitary bee in the family Megachilidae. Females build
provisioning) have a high degree of control over both the nests consisting of linear series of cells delimited by mud
sex and size of their progeny. Most species mass-provision partitions and containing one pollenenectar provision
their nests with discrete amounts of food individually and one egg each. Offspring body size is a good estimator
allocated to each offspring, and therefore food investment of parental investment in O. cornuta (Bosch & Vicens
in each sex can be accurately measured and used as an 2002, 2005). A 2-year field study in which resource

availability was not manipulated, showed that free-flying foraging activity), fecundity (total number of cells pro-
females allocated parental resources in complete agree- duced), parental investment (total progeny weight pro-
ment with Fisher’s theory (Bosch & Vicens 2005). Sex allo- duced), and mean weight of male and female offspring.
cation was 1:1 in both years, regardless of the currency Differences among years in these variables were analysed
used to measure parental investment (provision weight or with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Data were
nesting female foraging time). Offspring sex ratio and body not transformed because residuals showed an approxi-
size of either sex did not vary between years (Bosch & mately even distribution, indicating variance homogene-
Vicens 2005). ity. I used the Chi-squared test to analyse differences
In 1990e1992, I released three O. cornuta populations among years in progeny sex ratio, frequency of tiny off-
(one per year) in an almond orchard in Mas Bové (Reus, spring, and male and female mortality. Developmental
NE Spain). A detailed account of the methods used is mortality (other than parasitism) was analysed as a func-
found in Bosch & Vicens (2006). Females were individu- tion of year and size class with Logit analysis.
ally marked and nesting was monitored daily throughout
the nesting period. In 1990 and 1992, bees were released
in mid-February, at peak bloom of early-flowering almond RESULTS
cultivars. Conversely, in 1991 bees were released in early
March, at peak bloom of late-flowering cultivars, so that Floral resources other than almond were sparse in Mas
floral resources in the vicinity of the nesting site became Bové, and thus provisioning rates (progeny weight
quickly scarce. The progeny obtained were reared to adult- produced per hour of foraging activity) were significantly
hood. To assess the effect of body size on developmental lower in 1991 (Table 1). By contrast, mean nesting period
mortality three offspring weight classes were established: (days with nesting activity) and fecundity (number of cells
large (females and males with weights above yearly female built per nesting female) were similar across years (Table 1).
and male average, respectively; see Table 1), small (females In 1991, overall parental investment (progeny weight pro-
and males below yearly average) and tiny (females duced per nesting female) was 8.3% lower than in 1990,
weighing <70 mg, and males weighing <50 mg). Tiny and 21.1% lower than in 1992, but variability among
individuals were unusually small, and contrasted with females within a year was high (1990: 1435e25 743 mg;
regular-sized individuals found in adjacent cells within 1991: 471e24 874 mg; 1992: 1790e32 129 mg), and
the nest. differences across years were not significant (Table 1).
For each female, I measured the following variables: Primary progeny sex ratios (_ produced/\ produced)
nesting period (days between first and last cells produced), were higher in 1991 and 1992 than in 1990 (Table 1). In
foraging time (proportion of daily time with weather 1992, the nesting period was punctuated by frequent
favourable to O. cornuta activity; Vicens & Bosch 2000), spells of bad weather, as reflected in the low foraging
provisioning rate (progeny weight produced per hour of time obtained in that year (Table 1). Male-biased sex ratios

Table 1. Osmia cornuta parental investment and progeny mortality in Mas Bové in 1990, 1991 and 1992
1990 1991 1992 Statistic P

Release date 21 February 8 March 18 February d d

Females established 29 37 29 d d
Nesting period* 11.31.1 13.61.8 15.01.3 F¼1.43 0.2
Foraging timey 0.690.01 0.740.01 0.560.02 F¼37.09 0.0001
Provisioning ratez 16.61.3 12.50.7 16.51.1 F¼5.35 0.006
Cells/female 8.50.9 9.51.1 10.41.1 F¼0.73 0.4
Progeny weightx/female 1195.2121.7 1096.2123.7 1389.5165.3 F¼1.19 0.3
Cells produced 247 352 302 d d
Primary sex ratio (_/\) 1.98 3.46 3.38 c2¼11.34 0.004
Sex allocation (_/\)** 1.13 2.61 1.82 d d
_ Offspring weightx 115.85.5 105.93.0 112.72.5 F¼1.80 0.1
\ Offspring weightx 192.27.8 140.312.0 204.96.7 F¼12.59 0.0001
Tiny offspringyy 5 (2.0%) 33 (9.4%) 5 (1.7%) c2¼60.94 0.0001
Cell-provisioning time*,zz 1.30.6 1.10.6 1.30.7 F¼1.50 0.2
_ Developmental mortality 15 (9.1%) 41 (15.0%) 29 (12.4%) c2¼3.2 0.2
\ Developmental mortality 5 (6.0%) 15 (19.0%) 1 (1.5%) c2¼15.2 0.0005
Parasitism 1 (0.40%) 10 (2.84%) 57 (18.9%) c2¼82.3 0.0001
Secondary sex ratio (_/\) 1.94 4.78 2.77 c2¼12.2 0.002

All means followed by SE.

*In days.
yProportion of daily time with weather favourable to O. cornuta activity (Vicens & Bosch 2000).
zProgeny weight (in mg) produced per hour with weather favourable to O. cornuta activity.
xIn milligrams.
**Total weight of male progeny produced/total weight of female progeny produced.
yyFemales weighing <70 mg and males weighing <50 mg.
zzTime required to provision a cell.

Table 2. Logit analysis on the effect of year and size class on devel- likely to die during the winter, and that those surviving
opmental mortality to emergence are less vigorous (Bosch & Kemp 2004),
Large Small Tiny which would further bias secondary sex ratio in 1991.
Small females are also less likely to establish at their natal
nesting site, and, at least in some years, have lower provi-
Developmental mortality 3.5% 9.4% 44.2%
sioning rates and produce male-biased progenies com-
pared with large females (Bosch & Vicens 2006), further
Logit analysis df Wald c2 P reducing fitness returns of investment in small female off-
Year 2 4.2 >0.1
Size 2 57.7 <0.0000001 spring. Of particular interest is the production of tiny
Year*size 4 7.5 >0.1 progeny. It is unclear whether tiny offspring could have
any reproductive success at all. Of the 217 females released
in this study (3 years combined), five were tiny, indicating
that some tiny individuals do not only reach adulthood,
in Osmia are common in years with bad weather (Tepe-
but also survive the winter. However, none of these five fe-
dino & Torchio 1982a). However, climatic conditions
males nested. These results are in strong disagreement
were most favourable in 1991, and thus the strongly
with OAT predictions, and raise two important questions:
male-biased sex ratio obtained in this year cannot be
(1) Why did females of 1991 not increase provision size?
attributed to inclement weather. Mean weight of male off-
(2) Even if unable to increase provision size, why did these
spring was similar across years, but mean weight of female
females lay female eggs on small provisions, rather than
offspring was significantly lower in 1991 (Table 1). As a
male eggs, which would have a higher probability of
result, despite similar sex ratios in 1991 and 1992, sex
allocation (total weight of male progeny produced/total
weight of female progeny produced) was 1.4 times higher
in 1991 (Table 1). Tiny offspring were more frequent in Why not Increase Provision Size?
1991 than in the other 2 years (Table 1). Recalculation
of mean male and female offspring weights excluding At least theoretically, females under low pollenenectar
tiny progeny still yields significant differences among availability should be able to build large provisions. It
years in female offspring weight, with 1991 scoring lowest would just take them longer. I find two possible explana-
(F2,69 ¼ 3.70, P ¼ 0.03) and not in male offspring weight tions as to why females would be constrained to lay an egg
(F2,83 ¼ 1.38, P > 0.2). (male or female) on an undersized provision.
Male developmental failure was similar across years, but
a larger proportion of females died in 1991 compared with
Risk of mortality
the other 2 years (Table 1). Developmental mortality was
The first explanation relates to increased risk of mortal-
strongly dependent on class size, with as many as 44.2%
ity when cells are left unsealed for long periods of time.
of tiny offspring not surviving to adulthood (Table 2). Dif-
Large provisions require more time away from the nest,
ferences in mortality among size classes remained signifi-
especially when, as in 1991, provisioning rates are low.
cant even when tiny individuals were excluded from the
Cells left unsealed for long periods have a higher
calculations (Wald c21 ¼ 11.2, P < 0.0009). Parasitism was
likelihood of being parasitized by Cacoxenus indagator. Al-
very low in 1990 and 1991, but high in 1992 (Table 1).
though not found in this study, C. indagator is a common
Most parasitism was due to the chalcid wasp Monodonto-
kleptoparasite in wild O. cornuta populations throughout
merus aeneus and occurred during incubation in the labo-
its distribution range (Coutin & Desmier de Chenon
ratory, when nests were removed from the nesting blocks.
1983; Westrich 1989; Felicioli 2000; Krunic & Stanisavl-
Parasitism did not differ among offspring size classes
jevic 2006), including the area in which the parental pop-
(c21 ¼ 0.7, P > 0.7; tiny individuals excluded because
ulation of this study was obtained (Bosch 1992). In Osmia
most died before cocoon spinning and M. aeneus does
pumila, parasitism by another kleptoparasite, Sapyga
not parasitize noncocooned hosts). Secondary progeny
centrata, was much higher in cages with sparse bloom
sex ratio (calculated excluding individuals lost to parasit-
compared with cages with rich bloom (Goodell 2003). In
ism or developmental failure) was more male biased
Osmia rufa, kleptoparasitism by C. indagator and Anthrax
than primary sex ratio only in 1991, when it reached
anthrax was positively correlated to cell-provisioning
values as high as 4.5 males per female (Table 1).
time, and was interpreted as the main factor determining
provision size reduction in ageing females with low forag-
DISCUSSION ing efficiency (Seidelmann 2006). When numerous C. in-
dagator eggs are laid in an Osmia cell, the larvae of the
Osmia cornuta females exposed to low resource availability kleptoparasite break through cell partitions and may end
expressed low provisioning rates. These females did not up parasitizing the entire nest. Thus, selection against
decrease their fecundity and, in agreement with CSAT, em- leaving a cell unsealed for long periods is likely to be
phasized the production of the least costly sex. However, strong in O. cornuta.
these females also reduced the size of their progeny, which Partially built provisions in cells unsealed for long
led to a dramatic increase in developmental mortality. periods are also exposed to increased evaporation, possibly
I did not measure overwintering mortality, but previous compromising immature survival. In 1991, the year with
studies show that small O. cornuta individuals are more highest developmental mortality, cell-provisioning time

was higher in cells whose offspring failed to develop hypothesis that, when resources are not abundant, egg
(1.59  0.15 days; N ¼ 46) than in cells producing surviv- maturation rates, rather than provisioning rates, dictate
ing offspring (1.07  0.06 days; N ¼ 272; ManneWhitney the tempo of cell completion was correct, we would also
test: U ¼ 3.40; P < 0.0003). In Osmia lignaria, offspring expect time between two consecutive ovipositions to be
mortality increased when young larvae had difficulty bit- longer when the second egg was laid on a tiny provision,
ing through the hard surface of provisions that received as females would hold that egg for as long as possible in an
insufficient nectar in a year with sparse floral resources attempt to collect a sufficient amount of pollen and nec-
(Torchio 1985). tar. Cell completion time was longer for cells with tiny
Finally, O. cornuta females foraging for long periods are provisions (1.83  0.28 days; N ¼ 29) than for cells with
at increased risk of predation, especially by birds (Felicioli small (1.25  0.06 days; N ¼ 319) or large provisions
2000). In bumblebee workers, mortality was correlated to (1.11  0.04 days; N ¼ 413; KruskaleWallis test: H ¼
foraging frequency (Silva-Matos & Garófalo 2000). If this 6.61; P < 0.02). This pattern was also evident when cell
hypothesis was correct, we would expect slow-working completion times of consecutively built cells within
females to be more likely to be compelled to lay eggs on a nest were compared (tiny provisions: 2.05  0.34 days;
tiny provisions. Females that produced one or more tiny normal (large or small) provisions: 0.82  0.17 days; Wil-
offspring had lower provisioning rates (12.3  0.9 mg/h) coxon test: T ¼ 2.41, P < 0.02; N ¼ 22). As mentioned,
than females not producing tiny offspring (16.0  slow-working females were more likely to produce tiny
0.8 mg/h; one-tailed t test: t93 ¼ 2.76, P ¼ 0.004). offspring, which would also agree with this hypothesis.
The fact that neither O. cornuta, nor P. triangulum, M. api-
calis or O. pumila (Strohm & Linsenmair 1997; Kim 1999;
Egg maturation rates Goodell 2003) reduced their fecundity (number of eggs
A second explanation for decreased provision size re- laid per female) in low-resource environments, is a further
lates to physiological constraints of egg maturation rates. indication that, under these circumstances, cell comple-
Osmia females have two ovaries with three ovarioles each tion rate may be dictated by egg maturation. However,
(Maeta & Kurihara 1971). Oocytes mature in succession, M. apicalis forced to fly long distances did reduce their
so that at any given time during the nesting period one fecundity (Peterson & Roitberg 2006).
of the basal oocytes is mature or close to maturity, and Rosenheim et al. (1996) point out that parental
the remaining oocytes are in different stages of matura- investment is dependent on more than one resource
tion. In natural conditions, females lay no more than (provisions, mature oocytes, nesting sites), and that the
one egg a day on average (Torchio 1989; Bosch & Vicens limiting currency may change in a fluctuating environ-
2005). Under particularly favourable conditions (e.g. in ment. According to their multidimensional model, when
greenhouses stocked with abundant floral resources) egg maturation rates are slow in relation to food availabil-
females can lay a mean of two eggs per day (Tepedino & ity, nesting females increase food investment per off-
Torchio 1982b; Torchio 1989; J. Bosch & W. P. Kemp, spring, thus maximizing fitness returns per egg.
unpublished data). These results indicate that, in Conversely, when food resources are low and it takes lon-
situations of abundant floral resources, cell production is ger for nesting females to provision a cell, provision size is
limited by provisioning rate, not by egg maturation. reduced and fitness returns are maximized per unit of pro-
However, females may not be able to hold a mature egg vision. When analysed in light of this model (Rosenheim
beyond a certain time without compromising its viability et al. 1996), the production of tiny offspring by O. cornuta
and/or the timing of maturation of subsequent oocytes in appears to be analogous to the starvation of nestlings in
relation to provision completion. If so, females under low birds (Clutton-Brock 1991). A female O. cornuta laying
pollenenectar availability would be constrained to lay an egg on a tiny provision may be sacrificing that egg,
eggs on undersized provisions. In fact, despite provision- but gaining time to build a regular-sized provision before
ing rate being lower in 1991, cell-provisioning time overmaturation of the next oocyte. This is supported by
(time between two consecutive ovipositions) did not the fact that I only found three series of two consecutively
vary among years. built cells with tiny provisions, and, in all three cases,
If this hypothesis was correct, we would expect to find these were cells in different nests (that is, the last cell of
more tiny offspring in the first cells within a nest than in a nest and the first cell of a next-built nest contained
other cells. Upon laying the last egg within a nest, a female tiny provisions).
needs to build a cell partition, one or two optional Although eggs are costly to produce, there is evidence
vestibular partitions (w1.5 to 2 times thicker than regular that egg production usually does not limit phenotypic
partitions; Bosch & Vicens 2005), a mud cap (w4.5 times fecundity in Osmia. Osmia females produce w50 oocytes
thicker than a regular partition), select a new nesting cav- (Maeta & Kurihara 1971; Maeta 1978), and in greenhouses
ity (which may take several hours), usually build a basal with nonlimiting floral resources may lay 30e40 eggs
partition (w1.5 times thicker than a regular partition), (Tepedino & Torchio 1982b; Sugiura & Maeta 1989;
and gather a new provision before laying the next egg. J. Bosch & W. P. Kemp, unpublished data). However, under
By contrast, upon laying an egg that is not the last one field conditions fecundity is usually 10e20 eggs per
within a nest, females only need to build a regular parti- female (Maeta 1978; Torchio 1985; Bosch 1994; Bosch &
tion and provision a new cell before laying the next egg. Vicens 2005, 2006). In M. apicalis, females caged with
Most (58.1%) of the tiny offspring produced were located high levels of floral resources often delayed egg laying
in the first cell of second- or third-constructed nests. If the on a completed provision and spent long periods simply

resting, a behaviour not observed in females caged with year would decrease because of competition for scarce
scarce floral resources (Kim 1999). Resting periods were females. However, the increase in female fitness relative
also reported in O. lignaria provided with abundant floral to male fitness would have to be dramatic to compensate
resources in a greenhouse (Tepedino & Torchio 1982b). for the disadvantages associated with small female size.
It could be argued against this hypothesis that O. cor- Females of 1991 produced 26 female offspring that were
nuta females of 1992, which were exposed to frequent smaller than an average male (105.9 mg). Developmental
spells of bad weather, did not produce tiny progeny. How- mortality of these females was 30.8%, compared with
ever, egg maturation rates are highly temperature depen- 11.0% for males in the same size range. Of the 217 females
dent in Osmia. Thresholds for egg development in four released (three years combined), 21 were smaller than
species of spring-flying Osmia ranged from 10 C to 14 C 105.9 mg. Of these, only two (9.5%) established at the
(Maeta 1978; Bosch et al., in press), a range that coincides release site, compared with 93 (47.5%) of the 196 larger-
with the 10e12 C threshold for foraging activity in O. cor- sized females released (Bosch & Vicens 2006). In contrast,
nuta (Vicens & Bosch 2000). The effect of egg maturation male mating success in O. rufa was found to be indepen-
rates on provision size could be tested by exposing nesting dent of body size (Seidelmann 1999).
females to the same diurnal temperature conditions (to As mentioned, megachilid females are able to selec-
provide similar foraging activity periods) but different tively fertilize eggs and therefore control the sex of their
nocturnal temperatures, so that egg maturation would offspring. Contraction of the spermatheca occurs during
proceed at different rates in different females. oviposition, when the apical end of egg is already visible
It could also be argued against this hypothesis that at the tip of the female’s abdomen (Gerber & Kloster-
oocyte resorption has been reported in some Megachili- meyer 1970). Thus, even when constrained to build small
dae, including Osmia spp. (Maeta & Kurihara 1971; Sihag provisions, O. cornuta females could decide to lay only
1986). Thus, a female with low provisioning rates could re- male eggs on them. However, the decision to fertilize
absorb her mature oocyte, build up provision size, and a given egg may be taken at the beginning of cell con-
then lay the following egg in line. However, oocyte resorp- struction, rather than at the time of oviposition. Two
tion in Osmia takes 8.5 days at 23 C and 15 days at 18 C, lines of evidence support this hypothesis. First, in many
and maturation of the second most mature oocyte is in- bee and wasp species egg laying takes place before provi-
hibited during oocyte resorption (Maeta & Kurihara sioning (Stephen et al. 1969; Evans & West-Eberhard
1971). Thus, oocyte resorption is too slow a process to 1970). Egg laying in Osmia occurs after provisioning,
serve as a mechanism to synchronize egg maturation however, when starting the construction of a new cell,
and provisioning rates. Oocyte resorption in the above- females sometimes build a threshold that signals the loca-
mentioned studies occurred in situations of total or severe tion of the apical cell partition, which will be completed
pollen deprivation. Measurement of unusually low pro- right after oviposition (Fabre 1916; Torchio 1989). In
tein levels in the haemolymph, indicated that oocyte re- other words, cell length, which is greater in female
sorption was a mechanism to sequester protein in than in male cells, is established before oviposition. Fail-
protein-starved females (Sihag 1986). These females built ure to alter the femaleemale sequence in nests provi-
cells, but could not provision them (Maeta & Kurihara sioned by females exposed to sudden changes in food
1971; Sihag 1986). Nesting behaviour in solitary bees availability would provide support for an early timing
and wasps is regarded as a sequence of events (cell build- of the decision to fertilize or not fertilize an egg. Second,
ing, cell provisioning, egg laying, cell capping; Evans & Osmia females lay fertilized eggs in the innermost cells
West-Eberhard 1970; von Frisch 1974). Notwithstanding within a nest, and unfertilized eggs in the outermost
a certain degree of plasticity (e.g. when a partially provi- cells. Immatures reach adulthood towards the end of
sioned cell breaks and is repaired), the completion of the summer, and then undergo a winter diapause within
one operation triggers off the start of the next (von Frisch their cocoon (Bosch et al., in press). In spring, emerging
1974). Inability to provision a cell may have inhibited egg individuals use their mandibles to cut their way out of
laying in pollen-deprived females studied by Maeta & the cocoon and through any nest structures found along
Kurihara (1971) and Sihag (1986). Despite flower scarcity the nesting cavity. If they encounter an unemerged indi-
in 1991, O. cornuta females of this study were able to vidual, they chew through it causing its death (Torchio &
obtain enough floral resources to sustain themselves and Tepedino 1982; Tepedino & Frohlich 1984). Because
proceed with the complete series of nest building and males complete diapause and emerge out of the nest
nest provisioning behavioural events. ahead of females (Bosch & Kemp 2004; Kemp et al.
2004), altering the femaleemale sequence within a nest
would result in fratricide.
Why Lay Female Eggs on Small Provisions? In the study of progeny size evolution, theoretical
models have largely outpaced empirical data (Fox &
Ultimately, it might be advantageous to produce small- Czesak 2000). The production of undersized progeny in
sized female offspring because fitness of male and female O. cornuta emphasizes the role of physiological and
offspring is frequency dependent (Fisher 1958; Charnov ecological constraints in determining parental investment
1982). Female offspring surviving the winter of a low- strategies (Stearns 1992; Fox & Mousseau 1998), and
resource year would find decreased competition for floral illustrates the need to account for features of organismal
resources and nesting cavities. At the same time, fitness biology to understand reproductive investment and
of male offspring surviving the winter of a low-resource resource allocation (Bernardo 1996).

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