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16th Edgware Trading Post – Phones cannot be used Max.

1. Patrol must assemble and pack away a hike tent 120

2. Patrol must hold hands in a circle. Pass a hula hoop around the patrol in under 15 seconds without letting go 25
of hands – a leader must watch you do this.

3. Scouts must arrange their bodies on the floor to create the word 'Scouts' 15

4. All members of patrol wearing all external clothes back-to-front – shirt, trousers, scarf and shoes 50

5. Find a Scout shirt with more than 40 badges sewn on it 10

6. Construct the jigsaw 90

7. Sew a badge on properly. Marks will be lost if not done neatly. 85

8. Each patrol to form a mini campfire circle and sing 4 clean scout songs (you must inform a leader before you 25
do this so we can watch you)

9. All together recite the Scout promise backwards in your patrol. Start with .. "Law Scout the…..." 25

10. Draw a proper map of Europe and correctly mark on it the following 10 features:
Dublin, Madrid, Sweden, Iceland, Rome, Norway, Malta, Edinburgh, River Thames & Portugal

11. One patrol member to do 5 keepie-ups with a foam football 30

12. Write down the name of every Scout currently in our troop (there are 34). We want to see their first and last 40
name written down. Leaders / YLs don't count

13. Each patrol to present to the leaders – 3 different PROPER knots and be able to name them 40

14. 1 patrol member who can hula hoop for longer than 40 seconds 20

15. Write down the Scout Law 40

16. Write down 6 different campsites that 16 th Edgware Scouts have ever camped at 15

17. Prepare a campfire song list - must include 15 different campfire songs. 30

18. As a patrol, you must count to ten in 7 different languages TOGETHER out loud 35

19. Make a perfect square lashing – zero points unless it is 100% perfect 60

20. FInd somebody who has a birthday in the month of December. 10

21. Bring back 5 items begining with the letters "S", "C", "O", "U", "T" (one item per letter). Put the items back 40

22. Make a paper aeroplane that can fly over 10 metres 20

23 Create, perform and get a leader to record, a dance routine that lasts for over 20 seconds. All patrol members 30
must take part

24 Using a 6 digit grid reference, write down the grid reference for the Tube Station in Amersham 20

25. All patrol members to recite the alphabet backwards simultaneously 15

Minus 5 points every time a Scout is seen not engaged in any activity

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