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• Overview
• Introduction to Digital Image Processing Application (Erdas Imagine)
-Learning Objectives

• Obtaining Required Data in EarthExplorer

• ERDAS IMAGINE Graphic User Interface
-Labelling and descriptions

• Exploring ERDAS Help Documents

• Setting Up Workspace Preferences
• Opening Images
• Getting Data Information
-Cursor Info tool
-Measurement tool
-Profile tool

• Layer Stack
-Procedure + description

• Band Combinations
• Create a False Color Composite Display Band Combination
• Linking Images in Multiple 2D Viewer Windows
• Opening Multiple Images
Image processing is a method to perform some operations on an image, in order to get an
enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. It is a type of signal processing in
which the input is an image the and output may be an image or characteristics/features associated
with that image. Nowadays, image processing is among the rapidly growing technologies. It
forms a core research area within engineering and computer science disciplines too.
Image processing basically includes the following three steps:

• Importing the image via image acquisition tools;

• Analyzing and manipulating the image;
• Output in which the result can be altered image or report that is based on image analysis.

There are two types of methods used for image processing namely, analog and digital image
processing. Analog image processing can be used for hard copies like printouts and
photographs. Image analysts use various fundamentals of interpretation while using these visual
techniques. Digital image processing techniques help in manipulation of the digital images by
using computers. The three general phases that all types of data have to undergo while using
digital techniques are pre-processing, enhancement, and display, information extraction.
ERDAS Imagine was launched in the late 1970s by ERDAS Inc., an organization specializing in
geospatial software solutions. ERDAS Inc. was initially established as a small research and
development company focused on Earth Resources Data Analysis System (ERDAS) software.
Over the years, ERDAS Imagine has evolved into a comprehensive software suite.
ERDAS Imagine is a powerful software suite widely used in the field of digital image
processing. It is designed to analyze, visualize, and manipulate remote sensing data, satellite
imagery, and aerial photographs. The software provides a comprehensive set of tools and
functionalities to process and interpret digital images for various applications.

The learning objectives of using ERDAS Imagine software can vary depending on the specific
context and goals of the user. However, here are some general learning objectives that
individuals may aim to achieve when working with ERDAS Imagine:
i. Understanding Remote Sensing Concepts: Gain a solid understanding of remote
sensing principles, such as image acquisition, sensor characteristics, and data
interpretation. Learn how to work with different types of remote sensing data, including
satellite imagery and aerial photographs.
ii. Image Preprocessing and Enhancement: Learn techniques for preprocessing and
enhancing digital images, including geometric correction, radiometric calibration,
atmospheric correction, and image enhancement. Understand the importance of image
quality improvement to ensure accurate analysis and interpretation.
iii. Image Classification and Feature Extraction: Acquire knowledge and skills related to
image classification techniques, including supervised and unsupervised classification
methods. Learn how to extract meaningful features from images, such as land cover
classes, using various classification algorithms.
iv. Change Detection and Time Series Analysis: Understand the concepts and methods for
detecting changes in images over time. Learn how to compare and analyze multiple
images acquired at different time points to identify and monitor changes in land cover,
urban areas, vegetation, and other features.
v. Terrain Analysis and Digital Elevation Models (DEM): Explore tools and techniques
for terrain analysis, including DEM creation, slope analysis, aspect analysis, and
viewshed analysis. Understand how to derive useful information from elevation data for
applications such as landform characterization and hydrological analysis.
vi. Spatial Modeling and Analysis: Learn how to integrate and analyze multiple data
sources, including raster and vector data, to perform spatial modeling and analysis.
Understand how to apply spatial algorithms, conduct suitability analysis, and derive
valuable insights for decision-making processes.
vii. Data Fusion and Visualization: Acquire skills in integrating and fusing different types
of data, such as multispectral and LiDAR data, to create composite images and extract
additional information. Learn techniques for effective data visualization and presentation,
enabling clear communication of findings and results.
viii. Application-specific Skills: Develop domain-specific skills by applying ERDAS
Imagine to real-world applications in fields such as environmental monitoring,
agriculture, urban planning, forestry, and disaster management. Understand how to
address specific challenges and requirements in these application areas using the
By achieving these learning objectives, individuals can effectively utilize ERDAS Imagine
software to process, analyze, and interpret digital images for a variety of applications, leveraging
the power of remote sensing and spatial data analysis.


EarthExplorer is a web-based tool provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) that
allows users to search, preview, and download a wide range of geospatial data, including satellite
imagery, aerial photographs, and other remote sensing data. Here's a brief overview of the
process of obtaining the required data in EarthExplorer:
i. Access EarthExplorer: Visit the
EarthExplorer website

Create an account if you haven't

already. Log in to access the search

ii. Define Search Criteria: Specify your search criteria to narrow

down the data you need. You can input parameters such as
geographic extent, time range, data type (e.g., satellite imagery),
sensor (e.g., Landsat), and data collection (e.g., specific mission
or instrument).

iii. Refine Search Results: Review the search results and use the available tools to refine
your selection. You can preview the images, adjust the
cloud cover percentage, filter by data quality, and more.

iv. Select Data: Choose the specific data you want to download by
selecting the corresponding checkboxes. You can select multiple
images or data sets at once.
v. Customize Data Options: Configure the download options
according to your needs. This includes selecting the data format
(e.g., GeoTIFF), coordinate system, resampling method, and
projection parameters.

vi. Choose dataset features: It provides users with additional details and attributes about
the selected datasets.

vii. Download Data: Once you have customized the options, initiate
the download process. The data will be packaged and made available for you to
download. Depending on the size and number of files, the download may take some time.

viii. Retrieve Downloaded Data: After the download is complete, locate the downloaded
files on your computer or specified destination folder.
2 3 4 8 9
5 7

i. Contents Panel: A panel or window that displays the contents of your project or
workspace. It typically shows a hierarchical list of layers, datasets, or files that are
currently loaded or available for use.
ii. Metadata: Metadata provides structured information about a dataset, including its
content, format, quality, and context, enabling effective data discovery, evaluation, and
iii. Inquire: The Inquire Cursor provides detailed Geographic Information as well as a pixel,
lookup table, and histogram values for individual pixels within an image. The Inquire a
cursor displayed as a crossline to single-pixel value information.
iv. Measure: Measure the Length, Direction, area, etc, and optionally save the
measurements to an annotation layer.
v. Fit to frame: Automatically adjusts the size or scale of an image to fit within a specified
frame or container
vi. Pan: Action of moving the view or focus of an image or map in a particular direction
without changing its scale or zoom level.
vii. Previous extent: The ability to restore the previous view or spatial extent of an image or
map, allowing users to revisit a previously viewed area with a single command.
viii. Add view: There are three types of Views for displaying and processing Data.
• 2D View – Displays Raster, Vector, and annotation data in a 2-dimensional view window
• 3D View – Renders 3-dimensional DEMs, raster overlays, and vector and annotation
feature layers
• Map View – A View window designed for creating cartographic-quality maps and
presentation graphics, usual output to a hardcopy device.
ix. Base map: A foundational or background map layer that provides context and spatial
reference for overlaying additional layers or data on top.
i. File: Options for managing files, including opening, saving, importing, and exporting
data in different formats, as well as accessing file properties and preferences.
ii. Home: The central workspace provides quick access to commonly used functions and
tools, allowing users to navigate, view, and manipulate data efficiently. It typically
includes options for data visualization, basic image processing operations, and project
management tasks.
iii. Manage Data: Tools and functions for organizing, importing, exporting, and managing
geospatial data within ERDAS Imagine.
iv. Raster: Capabilities for processing, analyzing, and visualizing raster data, such as
satellite imagery or digital elevation models (DEMs).
v. Vector: Tools for working with vector data, including editing, attribute management,
spatial analysis, and visualization of points, lines, and polygons.
vi. Terrain: Features for processing and analyzing terrain data, including generating digital
elevation models (DEMs), calculating slope and aspect, and performing terrain analysis.
vii. Toolbox: A comprehensive collection of geoprocessing tools and algorithms for
performing advanced spatial analysis and image processing tasks.
viii. Help: Access to documentation, tutorials, and resources to assist users in understanding
and utilizing ERDAS Imagine effectively.
ix. Multispectral: Specific tools and functionalities for processing, analyzing, and
visualizing multispectral or hyperspectral imagery.
x. Drawing: Tools for creating and editing graphic elements, such as annotations, shapes,
and overlays, on top of geospatial data.
xi. Format: Support for various data formats, allowing import and export of data in different
file formats commonly used in remote sensing and geospatial analysis.
xii. Table: Functionality to work with attribute tables associated with vector data, including
querying, editing, and analyzing tabular data linked to spatial features.
The help documents in ERDAS Imagine provide users with detailed information, guidance, and
resources to support their use of the
software. Here are some key details
you can expect to find in the help
i. Documentation: The help documents typically include comprehensive documentation
that covers all aspects of the software. This includes an overview of the software's
features, tools, and functionalities, along with detailed descriptions of each tool and its
ii. User Guides: User guides provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform specific
tasks or workflows using ERDAS Imagine. They walk users through the process,
explaining the necessary inputs, options, and outputs for each step.
iii. Tutorials: Tutorials offer hands-on exercises that demonstrate the application of ERDAS
Imagine in practical scenarios. These tutorials provide sample datasets and guide users
through specific workflows, allowing them to practice using different tools and
iv. Reference Materials: The help documents often include reference materials such as
glossaries, terminology lists, and quick reference guides. These resources help users
understand the technical terms and concepts used in the software and serve as handy
references during their work.
v. Troubleshooting and FAQs: The help documents address common issues, errors, and
challenges that users may encounter while working with ERDAS Imagine. They provide
troubleshooting tips, solutions, and FAQs to help users overcome problems and resolve
issues efficiently.
vi. Examples and Use Cases: The help documents often include examples and use cases
that illustrate how to apply specific tools and techniques in real-world scenarios. These
examples help users understand the practical applications of the software and inspire
them to explore new possibilities.
vii. Best Practices and Tips: The help documents may offer best practices, tips, and
recommendations to help users optimize their workflow and achieve efficient results.
These guidelines can help users improve their productivity, enhance data quality, and
make informed decisions during their analysis.
Setting up workspace preferences in ERDAS Imagine allows users to customize the software's

interface and behavior according to their specific needs and preferences.


i. Open Erdas Imagine 14
ii. Click on File button select Open option
iii. Select Raster Layer
iv. Then Select the image from folder


The Measurement Tool in ERDAS Imagine allows users to measure distances, areas, and other
geometric properties within an image.
i. Open the image
ii. Click on home button
iii. Click on Measurement option

The Profile Tool in ERDAS Imagine allows users to generate profiles or cross-sectional views of
raster data. It helps in analyzing the variations of pixel values along a selected path within an
image. The Spectral Profile and Spatial Profile are two different types of profiles that can be
generated in ERDAS Imagine.
i. Spectral profile
The Spectral Profile represents the variations of pixel values across different spectral bands or
channels of a multispectral or hyperspectral image. It shows the intensity or reflectance values
for each band along a selected path or area of interest. The Spectral Profile is useful for
analyzing the spectral characteristics of different features within the image, identifying specific
spectral signatures, and
conducting spectral analysis
tasks such as identifying land
cover types or detecting
i. Open the image
ii. Click on Raster button
iii. Select Multispectral
iv. Select Spectral Profile
ii. Spatial profile
The Spatial Profile, on the other hand, represents the variations of pixel values in a single band
or channel across a spatial dimension, typically along a line or transect within the image. It
provides insights into the spatial distribution of pixel values along the selected path, revealing
changes in intensity or other properties within the image. The Spatial Profile is commonly used
for studying spatial patterns, identifying boundaries or transitions between different features, and
extracting information related to the image's spatial characteristics.
ii. Close the Spectral Profile box, reselect the Multispectral Tab > Utilities and this time
choose the Spatial Profile from the Utilities pull-down menu.
iii. Go to the NE corner of the image. Click on the Polyline Icon in the ‘Spatial Profile’
iv. In the Viewer, draw a line from the Water across the Cloud, to the Highway, and
v. The Spatial profile gives you a ‘cross-section’ of the DN values (Spectral Responses) at
each location along that line. In the Plot Layer box, change the Band numbers from 1 to 7
to see how the DNvalues vary
for each feature by waveband.
vi. Note how the IR bands
separate more information out
of the landcover than the
visiblebands1 3. Also, note
how the water is artificially
high in the Blue, while the Thermal (6) tells us very little.
Layer stacking, also known as band stacking or image stacking, is a technique used in
remote sensing and image processing to combine multiple bands or layers of data into a
single composite image. The process involves aligning and merging the spectral bands or
layers from different images or datasets to create a new composite image with enhanced
i. Click on Raster Button
ii. Select Spectral Option
iii. Then Select Layer stack
iv. Pop up box will appear add bands of image in input data
v. Then give output name to file
vi. Click ok

i. Open the image
ii. Click on raster option
iii. Then click on multispectral
iv. Change different Band Combination in layer RGB
➢ Color infrared (5,4,3)

➢ Short-Wave Infrared (7, 6, 4)


➢ False color (6, 5, 2)
This band combination uses SWIR-1 (6), near-infrared
(5), and blue (2).
It’s commonly used for crop monitoring and agriculture
because of the use of short-wave and near-infrared.
Healthy vegetation appears dark green. But bare earth has
a magenta hue.

➢ False color (5,6,4)

It is used for picking out land from water.
In this false color image, land appears in shades of orange and green, ice stands out as a vibrant
magenta color, and water appears in shades of blue.


Linking images in multiple 2D viewer windows allows for synchronized navigation and analysis
of different images or layers within ERDAS Imagine. When images are linked, any action
performed in one viewer window, such as panning or zooming, will be replicated in all linked
viewer windows, providing a consistent view across the multiple images.
i. Go to add views option in toolbox
ii. Select create new 2D view
iii. Now to link the files, go to link views from toolbox
iv. Once the viewer windows are linked, any action performed in one viewer window, such
as panning, zooming, or changing the display properties, will be replicated in all the
linked viewer windows simultaneously. This allows for consistent and synchronized
analysis across multiple images.


i. Go to add views option in toolbox
ii. Select display four views

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