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IGCSE Chemistry Safety in Experiments

While none of the experiments that might be suggested in any of the Science courses is unsafe,
it is important when you are doing practical work that you always work in a safe and organised

This sheet will remind you of basic safety instructions for all practical work. The practical
instruction sheets for specific experiments will also add information about other possible
hazards associated with that particular experiment.

Much of what is stated here may sound unnecessary with such simple experiments. But if you
go on to do sciences at a higher level it is very important that safe working becomes your
normal way of working. So try to get into good habits at an early age.

Please ensure that you:

 Read all instructions carefully before you begin the experiment. Pay particular
attention to any hazard warnings.

 Don’t eat or drink while you are doing experiments.

 Wear safety glasses when doing experiments – chemicals in the eyes cause serious
problems. You will be reminded of this by this symbol.

 Keep chemicals off your skin – if you have very sensitive skin you might
consider wearing thin gloves.

 Never taste chemicals that are being used for an experiment.

 If possible, stand up when doing experiments – it’s easier to move away if there are
any spillages or something goes wrong.

 Clear up all apparatus when you have finished: leave your work-space clean, and wash
your hands.

There are now nine standard Hazard Symbols in use (over the page). You are unlikely to come
across many of them, but see if you can pair up the symbol with what it is warning you about.
The answers are at the bottom of the page.


1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Symbol Number Warning

A. Toxic
B. Long term health hazard, such as carcinogenicity.
C. Explosive
D. An oxidising agent
E. Flammable
F. Caution – a less serious hazard like a skin irritant.
G. Gas under pressure
H. Dangerous to the environment
I. Corrosive – could cause severe burns.

A=2; B=9; C=5; D=8; E=6; F=7; G=3; H=1; I=4

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