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The fact about the importance of speaking skills in second language learning is still crucial since
this ability is considered as one of the most valid productive skills that requires not only
theoretical learning style, but also practical work. Not only does speaking mean to understand
others’ speech, but it also means ability to comprehend and respond adequately to the
questions. In other words, it is a system of questions and responses.

Regarding the development of speaking skills in second language learning, it requires learners
to be creative and master the knowledge from time to time. Therefore, today technologies have
penetrated into all spheres of our life, the most important of which is education, and its main
purpose is the teaching process. With the help of newly developed technologies, we will rise to
a new level and a new era. Most modern classrooms are innovative in nature, equipped with
smart boards or smart technologies. Taking tests or assigning assignments using traditional
paper and pencil is no longer a viable option. We live in a world dominated by modern digital
technology with smartphones, gadgets, iPads and YouTube videos supported by ICT
applications in all walks of life.

Especially YouTube, as a creative instructional platform, allows language learners to be more

critical and creative while learning another foreign language. It makes the whole process to be
accepted easily. The aim of educational patterns is required to make language lessons more
autonomous and creative so that students will be able to be productive while learning a target
foreign language. Media platforms like YouTube help many learners to make innovations in their
lessons and work with other peers collaboratively. Benefits of YouTube as a media instructional
platform are presented often, however, the main fact is that it allows many people to compete

YouTube is a platform where learners are able to search necessary themes and topics that
might bring interest to the whole process of learning. It allows users to share, post and comment
on specific content. There are plenty of topics and options, starting from lifestyle and ending
with education. YouTube is a highly required platform, especially for language purposes since
people from all over the world can connect to the content and comprehend it in any part of the

In terms of learning English, YouTube is considered to contribute to the development and

enhancement of speaking skills as long as learners are always interested in visualizing, talking
about interests and learning to make different animations and graphics. (Bastos & Ramos,
Another reason why most students feel comfortable and confident while using YouTube is the
fact that students are likely to search topics by themselves, thus improving their speaking skills
by repeating after the content they watch. The technique is called imitation, where students
have to repeat the emotions and intonations as in films or videos. This is considered as the right
way to improve correct pronunciation and enhance correct speaking in English. Moreover, as for
many people, YouTube is stated as a flexible media platform where students can rely on their
fantasy and creative thinking skills. This means that each student can ask, repeat and
demonstrate their language skills.

In order to conduct research on the topic of the advantages of YouTube, it is necessary to

review the previous literature to see whether everything is relevant or not. The review will be
focused on the advantages of YouTube for developing speaking skills.

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