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Breeding of New Ornamental Varieties:Rose

Article in Current Science · March 2018

DOI: 10.18520/cs/v114/i06/1194-1206


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Subodh Kumar Datta Datta



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Breeding of new ornamental varieties: Rose

S. K. Datta*
A5/1 Kalindi Housing Estate, Kalindi, Kolkata 700 089, India

It is difficult to postulate when rose cultivation started

Floriculture has become an important industry in
many countries as a result of advanced scientific tech- in India. The medical monographs of Charaka and Sus-
niques and stable supply of improved varieties. Devel- ruta endorse that roses grew from time immemorial and
opment of new varieties and their fast marketing are that they play an important role as part of the social,
major challenges in floriculture trade. Rose is grown medical, cultural and religious fabric. Early introduction
mainly for cut flowers for floriculture industry. All of rose in India is not the focus of this article. However,
the present-day colourful varieties and their novelties one can gather knowledge on this aspect from the litera-
are the result of extensive random hybridization, ture8–10. This article covers breeding aspects for devel-
spontaneous and induced mutations and selections. opment of new rose varieties. The modern era of rose
Voluminous literature is now available on rose breed- growing in India started with breeding by the pioneer
ing using different technology. Here we highlight how Indian hybridizer, B. S. Bhattacharji in the 1940s. How-
present knowledge can be exploited to regulate vari-
ever, wild roses of the Himalayas – R. brunonii, R.
ous desirable characters of rose for selective hybridi-
zation, target-oriented induced mutation and in vitro sericea, R. webbiana, R. foetida, R. ecae, R. longicuspis,
mutagenesis. Molecular breeding offers new and excit- R. macrophylla, R. gigantean, R. beggariana, R. eglante-
ing challenges for future improvement of rose. ria, R. laevigata, R. banksii and R. bracteata are worth
There is always demand and the need for new varieties
Keywords: Floriculture, genetic diversity, hybridiza-
in floriculture, and the global flower industry prospers on
tion, mutation, pigments, rose breeding.
novelty traits such as flower colour, form and scent which
ROSE is the world’s most popular flower due to its long are primary novelty markers in consumer choice. For de-
history, symbolism, colour, fragrance and sheer elegance velopment of a new variety, creation of genetic variabil-
of form. The flower originated in Central Asia, dating ity is a pre-requisite. Genetic diversity plays an important
back to between 60 and 70 million years – the period role in breeding because hybrids between genetically di-
known as the Eocene epoch. It gradually spread all over verse parents manifest greater heterosis than those be-
the northern hemisphere. Roses were highly cherished tween closely related parents11–14. A number of plant
and cultivated extensively by the Egyptians, Chinese, breeding methods like cross-breeding, induced mutagene-
Greeks, Romans and the Phoenicians as early as 5000 sis and molecular breeding play an important role in the
years back. Missionaries introduced Chinese roses to development of new varieties. Interspecific hybridization
Europe in the 14th century. The genetic basis of the of ornamentals has resulted in many award-wining culti-
‘modern rose cultivars’ was developed due to extensive vars. Knowledge on the basic genetic information about
hybridization among the Chinese, European and Middle- the breeding system is the most important for a meaning-
Eastern roses1,2. These flowers are the most ancient and ful breeding/improvement programme. This can be
highly appreciated ornamentals. We find every stage achieved through experimental hybridization among the
within one genus, from entirely wild species and early cultivated and elemental species from the wild as the ge-
cultivated forms to the most highly evolved garden forms netic system controls their heredity and variation. Com-
of today. All these forms have been artificially created by mercial novel characters in ornamental plants can be
the concentrated efforts of many great rosarians. The ge- created through breeding. Breeders should be conscious
nus Rosa consists of about 200 species and thousands of about the potential and limitations of different breeding
cultivars in which more than 150 species have been cata- approaches. This will help them to select the most appro-
logued3,4. Also, only 11 out of 200 Rosa species have priate as well as economic strategy for achieving their
contributed to the origin of modern cultivars5,6. A wide goal under prevailing circumstances of variety improve-
range of variability in flower type and plant growth has ment. This is not always easy, but by understanding some
been developed in the genus Rosa due to considerable of the genetics involved, one can make decisions as to
advancement in rose breeding technology for the last 200 which crosses might lead to success. The breeding objec-
years. Unfortunately, just a small portion of this tives of flower crops differ from crop to crop and depend
variability has been used in the present breeding7. upon the nature of the plant and the part used for com-
mercial exploitation. Roses have many beneficial compo-
*e-mail: nents for the consumer that can be created, enhanced or

1194 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2018


improved through breeding programmes using classical a number of amateurs, some nurseries and a few institu-
and modern techniques. Breeders should have clear tions took to the developing of new rose varieties in our
breeding objectives for developing new varieties. The country. Though several new varieties are developed
important part is accumulation of enough gene pool and every year, only a handful of them are ultimately released
identification of desirable genes or genotypes. Selected and find their way in nursery catalogues or books. The
genes or groups of genes are utilized in crossing to create earliest Indian rose ‘Dr S. D. Mukherjee’ was introduced
more favourable combinations. The next step is selection in 1935 by D. K. Roy Choudhury. Later other breeders
of superior genotypes followed by testing and release of and the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI),
improved cultivars. New Delhi took up such breeding studies. The Division
Normally for developing new varieties through hy- of Floriculture and Landscaping, IARI, remained the pio-
bridization in any ornamental crop, we start crossing neer in rose improvement evolving numerous varieties
among varieties/species available at hand. If this is suc- utilizing various breeding tools. B. P. Pal, the doyen of
cessful we obtain a new variety. However, this variety Indian rose science, developed the first hybrid rose ‘Rose
may not have any/much market value. Scientific man- Sherbet’ (Fl.) in 1956. In 1956–57, the Division of Flori-
power and time are wasted. Therefore, we must acquire culture and Landscaping, IARI, started research on dif-
relevant knowledge before starting hybridization. ferent aspects of roses. The first varieties ‘Pusa Sonia’
All the present-day changes in growth habit, flowering (HT), ‘Himangini’ and ‘Suryodaya’ (Fl) and ‘Swati’
and flower shape, colour, size and fragrance of roses have (Polyantha) were released in 1968. As a result of inten-
been evolved through complex inter-specific crosses sive hybridization, a series of new rose varieties were
among elemental species, open pollination, indiscriminate evolved, described and released in 1991 (‘Rakitma’,
hybridization, spontaneous and induced mutation and ‘Preyasi’ and ‘Shreyasi’ – HT; ‘Lahar’, ‘Manasi’ – Fl and
molecular breeding14–16. ‘Climbing Sadabahar’) 25-27. The main objectives of breed-
Rose and chrysanthemum are perhaps the two orna- ing were to evolve varieties suitable for gardens, exhibi-
mentals where maximum breeding work has been done. tion and cut flower under subtropical and tropical
At early breeding stage each of the rose species might conditions. Then breeding for disease resistance began.
have contributed to a specific trait. For example, R. gal- Although a good amount of new varieties have been de-
lica and other robust polyploid species lent the trait of veloped through hybridization in our country, no system-
cold hardiness, R. chinensis brought recurrent blooming, atic work has been done by geneticists to explore the
and R. foetida bestowed the yellow flower 17. The rose has scientific basis of rose breeding. The flower has a wealth
undergone the most dramatic and fascinating changes of information on genetics that remains unexplored28–30.
during its life history of millions of years. Till AD 1800 Literature survey indicates that rose breeding in the coun-
there were only wild rose species and their derivatives re- try is still random. Majority of breeders start breeding
sulting from natural crossing, such as damasks (R. dam- with varieties available at hand. Due to the heterozygous
ascene), albas (R. alba), centifolia (R. centifolia), gallicas nature, new flower colours/forms are detected in the seg-
(R. gallica), muska (R. moschata) and a few others. Sub- regating population and breeders are satisfied with new
sequent introduction of the Far Eastern rose species, R. traits and release new varieties. Researchers are also sat-
chinensis and R. gigantean into Europe and their hybridi- isfied with a new variety. India is now flooded with such
zation with the European species, R. damascene, R. varieties. There are hardly any data available in the coun-
galica and R. moschata brought about significant devel- try regarding the market acceptability of these varieties
opments in the improvement of roses. The important and also their use as parental material in further breeding
types of roses evolved from these inter-specific crosses programme. India is now well equipped with knowledge
till the first quarter of the 19th century were Bourbon, and technology in floriculture and appreciably is contrib-
Noisette, Portland, Hybrid Perpetuals and Tea18. R. gal- uting in world floriculture trade. We must now assess our
lica (also called French rose) has been identified as the floricultural activities in the context of world activities.
oldest rose that exists even today. R. damascena or the This article focuses on practical breeding of rose. Impor-
damask rose originated from R. gallica. It is popular for tant aspects of rose breeding in the context of results re-
its fragrance and has been an essential part of the history ported by different breeders and based on experience
of roses since its first appearance in 900 BC. Rose breed- gathered from years of breeding different ornamentals are
ing is now done on large scale mostly by highly competi- discussed. We will not discuss in detail about the avail-
tive private companies, but they do not publish their able technologies, only the achievements and few inter-
applied genetics knowledge5,19–24. esting examples of varieties will be cited as ready
In India, rose breeding was initially considered as a reference. Literature survey shows that valuable knowl-
hobby for self-fulfilment by amateur rosarians. Now ama- edge has been accumulated on rose breeding. Important
teurs, commercial or non-commercial professionals, res- characteristics (trait/s) have been identified in different
earchers, nurserymen, etc. are engaged in breeding. After genera, species and cultivars. Appreciable breeding con-
the pioneering work of Bhattacharji nearly 90 years ago, cepts have been reported by different breeders and
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2018 1195

amateur growers. Unfortunately such wealth of informa- pean roses resulted in the development of modern roses
tion has not been utilized by successive breeders. It is dif- such as Portland, Bourbon, Noisette, Hybrid Perpetuals,
ficult to obtain all information as it is scattered in etc. ‘La France’ was the first hybrid tea rose developed
different journals. Another major constraint is that most by Guilot in France in 1867 by crossing a Hybrid Perpet-
commercial breeders do not disclose their breeding de- ual with a Chinese Tea rose32. Hybridization of different
tails. We now need all the valuable information to prop- species has been primarily responsible for the evolution
erly plan for successful breeding. If the experience is of new groups of roses. All characters are present in ele-
properly utilized, the expected results may be achieved mental species and varieties. Breeders must know some
more easily and in less time. We should change our ran- fundamental facts about genetics to obtain target-oriented
dom breeding strategy and start selective breeding to results. Each chromosome consists of many genes which
develop particular desired phenotypic traits (characteris- are the carriers of characters and are the units of heredity.
tics) by choosing parents having desirable charac- One gene may influence a particular characteristic, many
ters. Breeding objectives may be diversified as need and characteristics or a particular characteristic may be influ-
societal benefits. The main objectives of rose breeding, enced by several genes together. Blossom colour, leaf
realized by different breeders, should be to create ever- shape, plant stature, disease resistance, etc. are controlled
green everblooming garden varieties, with greater vigour, by a single gene. Modern hybrids possess genes for many
new attractive flower colours, prickle-free, form, fra- colours either in dominant or recessive form. Some in-
grance, floriferousness, recurrent flowering, long stems, formation has already been generated on the pattern of
winter hardiness, resistance to pests and diseases, resis- inheritance of a few important characters. Plant vigour is
tance to heat and easily propagated by cuttings, suitable inherited maternally. One may, therefore, use a tall and
for growing under subtropical conditions, high oil con- vigorous growing cultivar as a female parent with a view
tent, etc. to combining its vigour with other desired characters. The
Rose breeding in other countries is mainly carried out inheritance of prickles is caused either by a single or two
by private companies and they never disclose their ap- complementary dominant genes in the diploid rose popu-
plied genetic knowledge. Furthermore, some technical lations. Recurrent flowering segregates as a single reces-
factors make rose a difficult model system for genetic sive gene confirming other studies in tetraploid and
studies3,6,31. Available knowledge on genetic background diploid populations33–36. Double flowers are known to be
of morphological and/or physiological characters of roses inherited as monogenic traits in many plant species and
is limited. Highly heterozygous and polyploidy nature several are transmitted as dominant genes. Inheritance of
(diploid, triploid, tetraploid, aneuploid, etc.), high male characters like double flowers, pink colour and prickles
and female sterility, chromosomal disorders, poor seed has been reported to be controlled either as single domi-
setting and seed germination, etc. are the major hindrance nant genes or as complementary genes in crosses between
in rose breeding to develop desired combinations32. Mod- diploid R. multiflora hybrids37,38. In spite of significant
ern hybrids are highly heterozygous as they bear the progress in rose breeding in recent years, there is an
genes of many ancestors and therefore, it is practically unlimited field for the improvement of garden roses.
impossible to forecast the result of any specific cross. An Even the most ardent rosarian will admit this fact, for no
attempt has been made to prepare the evolutionary tree of known rose is perfect; none has all the qualities we de-
a modern rose ‘America’s Junior Miss’ (Figure 1). It is sire. There are still many characters (greater vigour and
clear from the figure how complex rose hybridization is hardiness, resistance to diseases and pests, and new col-
for developing a new variety. New roses can be easily ours not yet obtained) we would like to see in the garden
developed from seedling selection, but development of a roses. Accumulation of desired scattered characters is
real good rose is a difficult task. Selection and identifica- also important. With the advancement of knowledge, rose
tion of parent varieties with desirable character/s is most breeding is becoming more scientific. However, the
important for hybridization. Although it is difficult for a experience gained through numerous studies conducted
rose breeder to have directed breeding to achieve the worldwide suggested directed breeding for desired objec-
desired results, it may be possible for him to be success- tives. Certain interesting possibilities for directive rose
ful to some extent by genetic manipulation of the breed- breeding are highlighted here.
ing technique and by carefully choosing the parents for
Breeding for disease resistance

Hybridization This has not received much attention from the rose breed-
ers. Some breeding lines have been identified which may
Rose breeding is now done on large scale in France, be utilized as resistant parents in the breeding pro-
Germany, the Netherlands, UK, USA, Canada and other gramme: Iowa State University, USA; US Department of
developed countries. Crosses between Chinese and Euro- Agriculture and others have developed varieties resistant

1196 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2018


Figure 1. Schematic representation of evolutionary hybridization tree of rose cv. ‘America’s Junior Miss’.

to black spot and powdery mildew – ‘Spotless Gold’, Breeding for heat resistance
‘Spotless Yellow’, ‘Spotless Pink’, ‘Ballet’, ‘Ovation’,
‘Captain Thomas’, ‘Prairie Princess’, ‘Music Maker’, Breeding for heat resistance in tropical countries is of
‘Appllow’, ‘Dezant’, ‘Gabricab’, ‘Jaguar’, ‘Golden considerable importance. Possible strategies for tropical
Showers’ (developed by W. E. Lammerts), ‘A rose breeding include the use of heritage roses like ‘Arch-
Mackenzie’, ‘Charles Albart’, ‘Champlan’, ‘William Bat- duke Charles’, ‘Parle d’Or’, ‘Cecile Brunner’, ‘M. Fal-
tin’, etc.18,32,39,40. R. bracteata is immune to black spot. R. cot’, etc. which do well under warm conditions. Selected
clinophylla is closely related to this species and may well garden roses like ‘Montezuma’, ‘Maria Callas’, ‘Peter
transmit black spot resistance. Other sources of black Frankenfeld’, etc. do well in warmer parts of the world.
spot resistance are the tetraploid R. multiflora seedlings. ‘Delhi Princes’ (India) has been identified as heat-
With regard to mildew resistance, the climber ‘Golden tolerant18. R. clinophylla is the only rose species found in
Showers’ is worth a mention. Many of the modern H.T.’s the tropical tracts of India. This is perhaps the only repre-
are also mildew-resistant, e.g. ‘Slver Jubilee’, ‘Pristine’, sentative species of the tropical region of the world.
etc. 41. This species has not yet been included in breeding to
develop better heat resistance rose strain in India. It is
diploid, whereas standard roses are tetraploid41,44. The
Breeding for cold resistance remarkable concepts and prospects of breeding with R.
gigantean have been highlighted by eminent rosarians. It
In the temperate countries like Germany, USA and flowers freely and sets seeds quite easily with standard
Canada, attempts have been made to evolve winter hardy varieties. The flower colour in R. gigantean seedlings
varieties. Winter hardiness has been derived from R. ranges from greenish-white to pure white, cream and light
rugosa and R. wichuriana18,42,43. yellow45 .

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2018 1197


Breeding for thornless roses 1868, ‘Belle de Crecy’-Roerer 1848, ‘Bells Isis’-
Permemtier 1845, ‘Blush Noisette’-Noisette 1817,
Roses generally have thorns. The desire for thornless ‘Camaieux’-Vibert 1980, ‘Celestial’, ‘Champney’s Pink
varieties has probably existed since cultivation of roses Cluster’, ‘Chloris’, ‘Commendant Beaurepaire’-Moreau-
began. Thorns may be curved, hooked, straight, dense, Robert 1874, ‘Complicats’, ‘Ducherse de Montebello’,
short, soft, needle-shaped, etc. Many do produce a few Ferdinand Pichard’-Tanne 1921, ‘Frau Karl Druschki’-
thorns, but their numbers are so few that they are often Lambert 1901, ‘George Arends’-Hinner 1910, ‘Her-
considered thornless. Some of the early thornless roses mosa’-Marcheseau 1840, ‘Katheleen Harrop’-Dickson
were developed in France in the early to mid 1800s and 1919, ‘La Reine Victoria’-Schwartz 1872, ‘Lady Hilling-
are thought to be derived from the species R. pendulina, don’ Lowe & Shawyer 1910, ‘Louise Odier’-Margottin
R. blanda – the ‘Smooth Rose’46. It is sometimes called 1851, ‘Madame Legras de St. Germain’, ‘Madome Pierre
the ‘Hudson Bay Rose’ or ‘Labrador Rose’. Varieties Ogre’-Ogre 1878, ‘Madame Plantier’ Plantier 1835,
have been developed having less thorn or are relatively ‘Maman Cochet’-Cochet 1893, ‘Marchioness of London-
thornless (‘Betty Bland’, ‘Prairie Youth’, ‘Modern Fire- derry’-Dickson 1893, ‘Marie Pavie’-1888, ‘Mary Wash-
glow’, ‘Allister Stella Gray’, ‘Blush Noisette’, ‘Nasta- ington’-Rossw 1891, ‘Mrs Dudley Cross’-1917, ‘Mrs.
rana’, ‘Mine Legras de St.Germain’, ‘Chloris’, John Laing’-Berner 1887, ‘Petite Lisette’-Vibert 1817,
‘Celestial’, ‘Paul Neyron’, ‘Elizabeth Arden’, ‘Sutter’s ‘Paul Neyron’-Berner 1887, ‘Prince Charles’-1842,
Gold’, ‘Old Soothie’, ‘Harmonie’, ‘Jacaranda’, ‘Stryker’, ‘Reine des Violettes’-Millet-Malet 1860, ‘Rosa Galica
‘City of London’, ‘Playgirl’, ‘Louis Bugnet’, ‘Betty Officinalis’, ‘Rosa Mundi’-Pre 1851, ‘Rosette Delizy’-
Bugnet’, ‘Metis’, ‘Martin Frobisher’, ‘J.P. Connell’, Nabonnand 1922, ‘Ulrich Brunner’-Levert 1881); Flori-
‘Royal Edward’, ‘Kathleen Harrop’, ‘Zephirine Drouhin’, bunda: ‘Apache Tears’-Edmunde 1978, ‘Apricot Nectar’-
‘Adam Messerich’, ‘Honorie de Brabant’, ‘Charles de Boerner 1966, ‘Dusky Maider’-Le Grice 1947, ‘Gruss an
Mills’, ‘Belle de Crecy’, ‘Cardinal de Richelieu’, Aachen-Geduldig 1909; HT: ‘Gpsy’-Swim & Weeks
‘Cramoisi Picote’, ‘Hippdyte’, ‘Duchesse de Buccleugh’, 1973, ‘Medallion’-Warriner 1973, ‘Sterling Silver’-
‘Empress Josephine’, ‘Officinalis’) and thornless (‘Grand Fisher 1957; Miniature: ‘Andrea’-R.S. Moore 1978, ‘An-
Gala’, ‘Nevada’, ‘Cecile’, ‘Brunner’, ‘Mrs. John Laing’, gel Dust’-Dee Bennet 1978, ‘Cinderella’-de Vink 1953,
‘Hermosa’, ‘Mme Pierre Oger’, ‘La Reine Victoria’, ‘Cinderella Gold’, ‘Jack Horner’-T. Robinson 1955, ‘Lit-
‘Camaieux’, ‘Zephirine Drouthine’, ‘Bella Multiflora’). tle Linda’-Ernet Schwartz 1976, ‘Madelyn Lang’-
Croses between R. carolina (tetraploid)  ‘Hugh Dick- Williams 1974, ‘Mistee’-Moore 1979, ‘Royal Ruby’-
son’ resulted in one thornless variety (coded as 65-626). Morey 1972, ‘Pompon de Paris’ (1939), ‘Sweety Fairy’,
Seventy-five roses with no or few thorns with particular ‘Melody Marshall’ (1993), ‘Halo Today’ (1994), ‘Halo
emphasis on varieties having fragrance and with a view to Rainbow’, ‘Pretty Penny’, ‘Elizabeth Arden’, ‘Sutter’s’
their being used in a garden for the blind have been re- Gold (1950), ‘Blue Moon’ (1964), ‘Old Soothi’ (1978),
ported. Some grow in public gardens in USA (‘Nevada’, ‘Harmonie’ (1981), ‘Jacaranda’ (1985), ‘Audrey Hep-
‘Cecile Brunner’, ‘Mrs John Laing’, ‘Hermosa’, ‘Mme. burn’ (1992), ‘Stryker’ (1994). ‘Sugar Palm’, ‘English
Pierre Oger’, ‘La Reine Victoria’, ‘Camaieux’, Porcelain’ (1995), ‘Fortune Cookie’ (1996), ‘Col Dude’;
‘Zephirine’, ‘Drouhine’). More species and varieties have Greenhouse Roses: ‘Grand Gala’, ‘Pink Parfait’, ‘City of
been identified having few or no thorns – Species roses: London’, ‘Playgir’, ‘Bella Multiflora’, ‘Smooth Melody’,
R. banksie lutes – almost thornless, R. blanda, R. lherifi- ‘Smooth Angel’, ‘Smooth Lady’, ‘Smooth Perfume’,
eranea, R. multiflora, R. penduliana, R. wichuriana; ‘Smooth Romance’, ‘Heritage’, ‘Charlotte’, ‘Sir Walter
Climbers: thornless or few at base – ‘Amadis’-Laffay Roleigh’46,47. It is now possible to develop more thornless
1829, ‘Amethyster’-Norin 1911, ‘Reve d’or’-1869, roses through selective breeding.
‘Veilehenbleau’-Schmidt 1909, ‘Zephirine Drouhin’-
Bizot 1968, Allister Stella Gray’, ‘Blush Noisette’, ‘Nas-
tarana’, ‘Burgundiana Rose’, ‘Tourde Malakoff’, ‘Mine Breeding for fragrance
Legras de St. Germain’, ‘Chloris’, ‘Celestial’, ‘Georg
Arends’, ‘Mrs. John Laing’, ‘Paul Neyron’, ‘Ulrich Rose and fragrance are synonymous. The flower becomes
Brunner Fils’, ‘Souv. due Dr Jamain’, ‘Blush Rambler’, more beautiful if it has a sweet mellowed fragrance. The
‘Tausendsction’; Shrubs: ‘Bellinda’-Bentalf 1936, ‘Balle- fragrance is due to the presence of volatile oils. The
rina’-Bental 1937, ‘Cecile Brunner’-Ducher 1881, amount of fragrance is determined by several factors such
‘Gestendirector Otto Linne’-Lambert 1934, ‘Lavender as rose varieties and climatic conditions. The contour of
Lassie’-Kordes 1960, ‘Margo Koster’-Koster 1931, fragrance depends on soil, warmth, humidity, time of the
‘Marguerite Hilling’-Hilling 1959, ‘Nevada’-Dot 1927, day, etc. Rose perfume of commercial importance is
‘Nyphenburg’-Kordes 1954; Old modern roses: ‘Adam derived from R. damascena and R. centifolia. There are
Messerich’-Lambert 1920, ‘American Beauty’- several hybrid teas and floribundas having fragrant flow-
Ledechalex 1875, ‘Baroness Rothschild’-Permer Pere ers. The inheritance of fragrance is governed by several
1198 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2018

genes. Even when two fragrant roses are crossed, it is not F8), ‘Shocking Blue’ (Flori., Kordes 1974, F9), ‘Magali’
necessary that the seedlings will have fragrance because (Flori., Meilland 1986, F8), ‘Climbing Crimson Glory’
of random segregation and unfavourable recombination (Jackson & Perkins 1946, F9). Some other hybrid tea and
of genes for fragrance10. The genes in the rose cells re- grandiflora roses with significant fragrance include: ‘Ari-
sponsible for perfume are many times linked with some zona’, ‘Command Performance’, ‘Electron’, ‘Friendship’,
undesirable characteristics, which make it difficult to ‘Love’, ‘Perfume Delight’, ‘Sundowner’, ‘Sheer Bliss’,
have scent along with a good rose. Breeding for fragrance ‘Sweet Surrender’ and ‘White Lightnin’. Some fragrant
appears to be feasible if parents with good scent as well floribundas are ‘Angel Face’, ‘Apricot Nector’, ‘Cathe-
as other desirable characteristics are selected. However, dral’, ‘Cherish’, ‘Intrigue’ and ‘Saratoga’. ‘White Amer-
no breeding is done purely for perfume, but Indian hy- ica’ is a climber with a spicy scent. It has been observed
bridizers appear to be paying special attention to this that roses with dark colour petals, more petals, thick pet-
quality. The British also cherish fragrance as one of the als and velvety petals are highly scented. Red and pink
desirable qualities in a rose and the Royal National Rose ones are most likely to smell like a ‘rose’, while white
Society offers the ‘Clay Challenge Vase’ for the best new and yellow ones incline towards orris, nasturtium, violet,
scented rose raised in a year by a British hybridizer48. or lemon. Orange-shaded roses usually have scents of
The types of rose scent described in the literature vary fruit, orris, nasturtium, violet or clover. In addition, some
from the mystical seven noted by Le Grice (1969)49 – of today’s most fragrant Bush Roses are – ‘Scented Air’,
Rose, Nasturtium, Orris, Violet, Apple, Lemon and ‘Ena Harness’, ‘Fragrant Cloud’, ‘Margaret Merrill’
Clove – to about 40 recorded by S. C. Harlord. These in- (1977), ‘Fountain’, ‘Royal Gold’, ‘Radox Bouquet’,
clude Alonond, Black berry, Honey, Magnolia, Musk, ‘Double Delight’ (1977) and Climbers are –
Myrrh, Pineapple, Raspberry, as also Bugs and Turper- ‘Compassion’, ‘ Breath of Life’, ‘Rosy Mantle’. To this
tine. Over 30 compounds are involved in rose fragrance. list one can add ‘Papa Meilland’ (1963), ‘Oklahoma’
The most common frequencies reported in Indian varie- (1964), ‘Mr. Lincoln’ (1964), ‘Sutter’s Gold’ (1950),
ties are lemon (‘Radhanath’); apple, clove, nasturtium, ‘Super Star’ (1960), ‘Tiffany’ (1954), ‘Lemon Spice’
orris, violet, musk (‘Heart Throb’, ‘Week End’, ‘Tribute’, (1966) – most fragrant roses grown in India. Some early
‘Double Helix’); raspberry, Parsley, wine orange, pineap- varieties need mention which serve as source of fragrance
ple, mixed fruits (‘Lalima’, ‘Kum Kum’, ‘Anirban’, are – ‘Lady Mary Fitzwilliam’ (1882), ‘Devonienses’,
‘Bhanu’, ‘Brahm Datta’, ‘Red Perfume’, ‘Kasturi Ran- ‘Victor Verdier’, ‘Mme. Croline Testout’ (1890), ‘Ope-
gan’); citrus, myrrh, strawberry, dianthus, tea (‘Haridra’, lia’ (1912), ‘Catherine Kordes’ (1930), ‘Crimson Glory’
‘Raja Ram Mohan Roy’, ‘Sunanda’, ‘Corn. Sukumarda’, (1935), ‘Soleil d’Or’ (1900), ‘Sensation’ (1922), ‘Souve-
‘Nefertiti’, ‘Ganges Mist’, ‘Manipur Magic’, ‘Climbing nir de Claudius Pernet’ (1920), ‘Julien Potin’ (1927),
Kanyakumari’, ‘Bhargav’, ‘Shantaraj’, ‘Willian Carey’, ‘Talisman’ (1929), ‘Souer Therese’ (1931), ‘Peace
‘Bharati’); honey, spicy (‘Kishori’, ‘Fragrant Mauve’, (1945)’, ‘Signora’ (1936), ‘Charlotte Armstrong’ (1940),
‘Touch of Heart’, ‘Mrs. Davis’, ‘Sudhanshu’, ‘Sweet ‘Ena Harkness’ (1946), ‘Fashion’ (1949), ‘Sutter’s Gold’,
India’, ‘Stealthy Kiss’, ‘Rajni’, ‘Asha’); Rose (‘Su- ‘Lemon Spice’, ‘Fragrant Cloud’ (1963), ‘Prima Balle-
gandha’, ‘Fragrant Beauty’, ‘Rose Bengal’, ‘Our Indira’, rina’ (1957), ‘Tenerife’ (1972), ‘Forgotton Dreams’
‘Classic’, ‘Pride of Nagpur’, ‘Dr Kane’)50,51. (1981), ‘Dolly Parton’ (1984), ‘Velvet Fragrance’ (1987),
Fragrant rose varieties have been analysed in the agro- ‘Radox Bouquet (1980), ‘Mr Lincol’, ‘Rosy Mantle’
climatic conditions of the Tarai region of Uttar Pradesh. (1965), ‘Compassion’ (1972), ‘Rajni’ (1984), ‘Somasila’
The quality of fragrance has been generally inflated (1987), ‘Breath of Life’, ‘Spartan’ (1955), ‘Little Dar-
through superlative terms like ‘glorious’, ‘intriguing’, ling’ (1956), ‘Elizabeth of Glamis’ (1965), ‘June Park’,
‘intoxicating’, ‘alluring’, ‘penetrating’, etc. to deceive the ‘Avon’, ‘Josephine Bruce’, ‘Wendy Cussons’, ‘President
gullible customer52. The merit rating of fragrance (F) is Hoover’, ‘Eden Rose’, ‘Tahiti’. ‘Chrysler Imperial’, one
scaled from 1 to 10, the higher the number, the better the of the most dependable fragrant roses of all times carries
fragrance: ‘Gruss An Coburg’ (H.T., 1927, F9), ‘The a rose-clove flavour. ‘Queen Elizabeth’ is ideal for those
Doctor’ (H.T., Howard 1936, F9), ‘Lady Luck’ (H.T., who wish to capture an outdoors or wood-like fragrance
Miller 1956, F8), ‘Granada’ (H.T., Lindquist 1963, F8), inside their homes. ‘Mister Lincoln’ combines tea and
‘Oklahoma’ (H.T., Swin & Weekes 1964, F9), ‘Inge damask; ‘Camelot’ is spicy; ‘Tiffany’ – lemony; ‘Gra-
Horstmann’ (H.T., Tantau 1964, F9), ‘Blue Moon’ (H.T., nada’ – spicy-tea; ‘Polynesian Sunset’ – fruity; ‘Junior
Tantau 1954, F8), ‘Lemon Spice’ (H.T., Armstrong 1966, Miss’ like a tea rose. Other roses with distinctive
F8), ‘Whisky Mac’ (H.T., Tantau 1967, F8), ‘Perfume fragrances are: ‘Angel Wings’ – apple scent; ‘Mirandy’ –
Delight’ (H.T., Swim & Weeks 1973, F9), ‘Double De- rose–lemon. ‘Golden Showers’ – orris; ‘Sutter’s Gold’ –
light’ (H.T., Swim & Ellis 1977, F9), ‘Sweet Sarrender’ quince; ‘Charlotte Armstrong – lemon–nasturtium; ‘Tickled
(H.T., Weeks 1983, F10), ‘Blue River’ (H.T., Kordes Pink’ delicate but long-lasting. Damask-type perfume is a
1984, F9), ‘BelAmi’ (H.T., Kordes 1985, F9), ‘Ranjana’ strong rose scent, but confined to a few varieties such as
(H.T., Dr. B.P.Pal, F7), ‘Sunsprite’ (Flori., Kordes 1974, ‘Eiffel Tower’, ‘Crimson Glory’, ‘Papa Meilland’,
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2018 1199

‘Avon’, etc. The various ‘Deshi’ roses such as Edouard to many genes and several levels of pigmentation devel-
(red and pink), Chait, etc. also have a delightful fra- oped due to interactions among the three pigments. These
grance48,51,53. In 1951, W. E. Lammerts found that a few genes control the amount of different pigments and main-
of the older rose varieties were either only moderately tain a positive correlation between cyanin and either or
scented or had no scent at all. In 1956, J. A. Gamble both of peonin and pelargonin. Genes sometimes elimi-
found on the examination of 3900 rose varieties, both old nate cyanin and increase the concentration of peonin and
and new, that 25% were scentless, 20% strongly scented, pelargonin. Interaction between peonin and pelarginidin
and the rest had some scent. creates difficulty in breeding among the recent rose culti-
vars. Genes for cyanin were found in old roses of Europe
and Asia. Peonin was possibly introduced from Austrian
Rose pigments copper when yellow was introduced into hybrid roses.
Many old peonin-bearing cultivars, and R. rugosa and R.
Rose flower colours are due to the presence of pigments roxburghii have been used as parents in breeding pro-
like anthocyanin, flavonols and carotenoids. The com- grammes. Segregation could have separated genetic fac-
monly occurring anthocyanidins (cyanidin, peonidin and tors for peonin which, when combined with other genetic
pelargonidin) provide a distinctive colour, specially most factors, resulted in the pelargonin pigment appearing
of the red-coloured and purple-coloured flowers. Simi- where no scarlet had been known previously59–64. Bright
larly, two commonly occurring flavonols are quercitin orange colour is derived from a mixture of pigment cya-
and kaempferol. Besides, a number of carotenoids (yellow nidin mixed with carotenoid. Likewise, bronze colour-
and orange) and xanthophylls (yellow) are present. Gen- ation may be due to the admixtures of flavonoids in
erally, white or yellow varieties do not contain anthocya- higher concentration with carotenoids. Pink roses have
nidins, but are rich in kaempferol rather than quercetin. both cyanidin and pelargonidin and in the scarlet colour
Most of the red varieties have few carotenoids along with pelargonidin is more than cyanidin. In the bright orange-
high cyanidine and quercetin content. Pink roses have coloured flowers pelargonidin and cyanidin with
both cyanidine and pelarghonidin, rather than quercetin. kaempferol are present with high carotenoid content. Ca-
In bright orange-coloured flowers, pelargonidin and cya- rotenoid is mostly present in yellow and orange roses.
nidine with kaempferol are present with high carotenoid Anthocyanins impart pink and red colours, particularly to
content15,54–58. In newly opened roses anthocyanins occur 3,5-diglycosyl anthocyanidins in association with 3-
mainly in the diglucoside form called cyanin, peonin and glycosylated flavonols2,65,66. This broad, general informa-
pelarginin. Each changes to less intensely coloured tion on various pigments present in different flower
monoglucoside with age under genetic control. Antho- colours would be useful in the choice of parents for hy-
cyanins are also pH indicators, being more red and fairly bridization.
stable in acid conditions but more blue and fading in al- The rose flower colour has a complex inheritance with
kaline media 56,59. Cyanin is present alone in many mod- several genes controlling different flower colours. The
ern roses and together with one or both of the other red inheritance of pink flower in R. multiflora hybrid popula-
pigments in all other red or pink roses. Highly pigmented tions is controlled by a single or two complementary
roses are classical blood red in colour and produce vary- genes. Often pink colour is dominant over red or dark
ing shades when diluted. The most prominent red pig- red. Similarly, light yellow is dominant over deep yellow.
ment peonin occurs frequently in the Rosa sections For developing white or yellow varieties, one should use
Cinnamoneae, Carolinae and Minutifoliae. Rose contain- only similar coloured varieties. When a multi-coloured or
ing only peonin has not yet been reported. It occurs in R. bicoloured rose is used as a parent in hybridization, it is
rugosa and many of its hybrids, where it imparts pinkish most likely that as a result of random segregation of
or purplish shades of red. Cardinal red colours of culti- genes, the hybrid seedlings will have a wider range of
vars ‘Europeana’ and ‘Adalaide Hoodless’ are due to flower colours. The flower colour is mainly due to addi-
peonin. Scarlet and shrimp pink shades in roses (‘Inde- tive gene action of several genes or different kinds of
pendence’ and ‘Tropicana’) are due to the presence of pigments. It may be possible to some extent to choose
pelargonin. It has not been reported in any wild rose. and manipulate the parental combinations in hybridiza-
Pelargonin seems to appear only in the presence of cya- tion in order to achieve a particular flower colour by
nin, where it may or may not be associated with peonin 56. pooling the favourable additive genes and random segre-
Marshall et al.56 and Marshall and Collicutt 59 studied gation and recombination of genes for the desired
pigments of native species, hardy and non-hardy cultivars pigments in new varieties to be developed18.
and seedlings, and reported that each of the three red pig- In rose there are varieties where colour changes as they
ments was highly heritable and inherited quantitatively. develop, mature, fade and die. The popular rose ‘Mas-
Cyanin and peonin ratings showed some dominant querade’ is yellow in bud, orange–yellow when freshly
genetic characteristics, while pelargonin was in part re- open and deep red before fading. Yellow carotenoid
cessive. Three pigments appeared to be controlled by few is produced at early stage, whereas cyanin synthesis is
1200 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2018

delayed until maturity. The undersides of red petals have ‘Red pinocchio’-Boerner 1947 and ‘Ruby lips’-Swim
yellow patches, indicating that anthocyanin synthesis in 1958) also contain paeonin 59,62,78.
this variety is light-dependent. It has been identified that
the gene or genes causing the colour change in this vari-
Breeding for better yellow and orange roses
ety are dominant. Light and temperature affect the colour
variations in some roses. Cooler temperatures enhance
Pelargonidin has the tendency to co-exist with the
rose colours towards darker shades. Heat of mid-summer
Kaempferol type of yellow rose, but is not normally
changes pink or yellow roses to white or near white.
found with the quercetin type. Kaempferol and quercetin
Temperature and light also induce variations in rose col-
are flavonols present in a number of rose species and
our by affecting the availability of sugars in the bud
varieties, and generally found in most yellow roses in
stage67,68. Temperature plays a major role on antho-
combination with carotenoid. Mixture of pelargonidin
cyanins biosynthesis69. Environmental factors (tempera-
and carotenoid will produce brilliance of colour. ‘Louise
ture and light intensity) affect petal pigmentation 70.
de Funes’ (Meilland 1984) is derived from a mixture of
Higher accumulation of anthocyanin takes place at low
the pigment cyanidin with carotenoid62,79.
temperature and higher temperatures result in a lower
concentration of anthocyanins in roses71,72. Pigment pro-
duction ceased at temperatures above 30C (ref. 73). Re- Breeding for miniature roses
duced supply of carbohydrates at higher temperature may
be the cause of reduction of anthocyanin contents74–76. Mini roses are a fascinating group of flowers with all the
Sound knowledge of different groups of pigments, their characteristics of large roses reduced to mini proportions.
biosynthetic pathways, biochemical mechanisms, co- Popularity of miniature roses is increasing day-by-day
pigmentation effects and change in pH influencing flower due to their growth habits, and diverse and interesting
colour will help create new colours in roses. Kanichi flower forms and colour. Their origin, breeding system
Arisumi (1964–1968) has published a series of four pa- and multipurpose use are interesting. Miniature roses are
pers entitled ‘Studies in the flower colours in Rosa’ high- now the fastest growing segment of the rose market.
lighting the role of biochemical and genetic control in There is tremendous scope for multidisciplinary research
practical breeding61,62. Rose breeders should take all these for improvement of miniature roses. The increasing popu-
factors into consideration when selectively breeding for larity of miniature roses has motivated the hybridizers to
colour. successfully develop many new miniatures. Many minia-
tures do not make good seed, but they are good in pro-
ducing the pollen. Therefore, minis can be used as pollen
Breeding for brown colour
parent and crossed with climbers, floribundas and shrub
roses. When a miniature is crossed with a climber, we
Brown roses are unique and fascinating. Le Grice49 intro-
may get a mini, or a climber, or something in between.
duced a series of striking brown-coloured roses –
Mini gene is generally dominant, so one can expect 90%
‘Amberlight’, ‘Tombrown’, ‘Cesper’, etc.41. Some more
of the progeny to be miniatures. Literature has already
beautiful brown roses have been reported – ‘Chocolate
been generated on different aspects – history, develop-
Prince’, ‘Colorbreak’, ‘Hot Chocolate’, ‘Hot Cocoa’,
ment, culture, uses, breeding, improvement, characteriza-
‘Brown Velvel’, ‘Mayflower rose’, ‘Auguste Renoir’,
tion, available varieties, etc.80–86. All these have been
‘Tasman Bay’, ‘Dark Moments’, etc. 77. Important varie-
reviewed recently87.
ties for development of brown roses are ‘Jocelyn’,
‘Tane’, ‘Mary Sumner’, ‘Princesse’, ‘Kirsty Jane’, ‘Mary
Summer’. Dominant and recessive factors

Breeding for better red roses Several important desirable characters behave as domi-
nants. Their expression depends on the action of one, or
Cyanidin imparts red colour. Two more pigments – at most few factors. Climbing habit is dominant to dwarf
chrysanthemin and paeonin – produce much more bril- bush habit due to the action of a single factor. Desirable
liant red and are less prone to fading, than cyanidin. climber or pillar-type and bush-type can be developed
Varieties containing large amounts of these pigments may through backcrossing. We can always recover one half of
be selected by breeders in breeding programmes to de- the progeny as the recessive dwarf bush habit and a small
velop perfect red roses. Climbing rose varieties ‘Francois percentage of these dwarf progeny with the desirable fea-
juraiville’, ‘Dorothy Perkins’ and ‘Souvenir de la Mal- tures of the climber 37. Dull foliage is recessive as dull-
maison’ contain large amounts of chrysanthemin. Several leaved varieties always produce plants with dull foliage.
rose species (R. foetida bicolour, R. rugosa, R. stellata, Crosses between dull  glossy results in glossy and dull-
etc.) and few floribunda varieties (‘Piccolo’-Tantau 1957, foliaged plants. Long urn-shaped bud is dependent on
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2018 1201

dominant factor/s. Short-budded varieties (‘Crimson interaction of several genes controls vigour, fragrance,
Glory’) give only short-budded seedlings when crossed thorn structure, rigidity and length of flower stem and
with other short-budded varieties (‘Captain Thomas’). It shape of flower. Dark maroon–red flower colour is de-
has been experimentally proven that doubleness is domi- pendent on recessive factors. Red (rose-red to Tyrian
nant and quantitative in its expression. ‘Recurrent Flow- rose) can be obtained by crossing deep red varieties
ering’, ‘dwarf character’ and ‘moss character’ are (‘Crimson Glory’ or ‘Night’) to yellow varieties. Red
inherited monogenically17,34–36,88. Double flowers, pink flowers sometimes fade rapidly to magenta–red. Nonfad-
flower colour and prickles are inherited as single domi- ing dark maroon–red colour (‘World's Fair’) can be
nant genes or as complementary genes in crosses between developed by crossing red with maroon varieties.
diploid R. multiflora hybrids37,89. Orange–yellow, yellow, white and scarlet are recessive in
Knowledge accumulated through breeding experiments their inheritance. Bicoloured (‘yellow and silver reverse’)
indicates that different characters – vigour, fragrance, petal colour in ‘Condessa de Sastago’ and ‘Contrast’ is
thorniness, strength of neck, length of cutting stem, width recessive to self-colour. Dark red, scarlet, orange, yellow
of leaf, bud shape, etc. are intermediate in their expres- or white, are recessive. Dominant and recessive nature of
sion and quantitative nature of inheritance due to interac- different characters along with pollination mechanism has
tion of many factors. One should selectively cross plants been reported by different workers17,34–36,43,56,88,89,91.
having dominant factors as glossy leaf, long bud, double
flowers, mildew resistance, strong necks, well-shaped
buds and flowers, wide leaves, etc. in the breeding pro-
gramme. Backcrosses are also necessary to obtain desired
Characterization is important for correct identification of
cultivars. It helps understand the genetic diversity, trace
out the phylogenetic relationship, taxonomical status,
Colour inheritance and limitations of breeding preparation of catalogue, variation patterns, identification
of desirable/novel genes, hybridization, registration, plant
Knowledge on genetic background of rose breeding is variety protection, farmer’s right, etc. Different parame-
limited. Breeding experiments on ornamental crops are ters of cytology, morphology, physiology, chemical and
comparatively less in comparison to other agricultural biochemical, DNA markers, etc. are utilized for charac-
crops. There is lack of proper planning for breeding tech- terization. Different characters like stem, young leaf and
niques on ornamental crops according to the needs of flower colour; pickles per unit area and prickle shape;
consumer. Also, there is gap between the research institu- petals per flower; leaf and petal size; number of leaflets;
tions and breeding companies. Research topics are cho- pollen grain size and fertility; phenolic compounds in
sen, managed and restricted within the institutions. leaves and petals; chlorophyll content in leaves; carote-
Breeding experiments on ornamental crops should be de- noids in petals; RAPD markers, etc. have been taken into
signed according to the needs of the breeding compa- consideration for characterization of different rose varieties.
nies90. Geneticists have not been able to develop a proper Recently, about 150 rose cultivars have been critically
model system for rose breeding due to its high heterozy- analysed. Good amount of variety-specific morpho-
gotic and ploidy nature and difficulties in sexual repro- chemical characters and desirable genes have been identi-
duction6 . To understand the genetic complexity of fied through such characterization14. Analysis showed
modern rose an attempt has been made, to trace out the that carotenoids play an important role for the visible
evolutionary family tree of a rose cultivar ‘America’s colours of roses. Carotenoids in combination with antho-
Junior Miss’. Its flower bud is ovoid, flower medium cyanidins and flavonols will be significant to breeders for
size, double, high centred, fragrant, soft coral-pink. Foli- selecting proper genotype to develop selective combination
age glossy, vigorous, bushy, abundant bloom. It has de- of flower colour as desired by trade92. Half of the wild
veloped by crossing ‘Seventeen’  Demure seedling. rose species is polyploidy and chromosome numbers vary
Figure 1 shows the complex evolutionary structure of hy- from 2n = 2x = 14 to 2n = 8x = 56 (refs 93, 94). Pentaploids
bridization for development of rose in general and nature of R. canina shows unusual asymmetric meiosis95–98.
‘America’s Junior Miss’ in particular. Modern hybrids Rosa prealucens from the Sino-Himalayan region had
carry the genes of many ancestors and it is practically the highest naturally occurring ploidy (decaploidy) in the
impossible to predict the results of any specific cross. It genus99. Changes in ploidy level during evolutionary
is not yet clear whether blossom colour, leaf shape, stat- process have been suggested due to adverse environ-
ure, disease resistance of a plant is controlled by a single mental conditions (high temperature)100. Neumeyer se-
gene or many. Modern hybrid roses carry genes for many lected and prepared a list of rose species and their hybrids
colours, which are either in dominant or recessive form. according to chromosome number as reported in Modern
A single dominant gene governs leaf texture, disease re- Roses 8. Gudin and Mouchotte21 studied pollination
sistance or susceptibility, plant stature, petalage, etc. The mechanism, seed maturation and germination for better

1202 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2018


hybridization. Singh et al. 27 identified parent varieties Recurrent irradiation

(‘Sweet Afton’, ‘Pink Parfait’, ‘Crioson Glory’, ‘Charles
Mallerin’, ‘Golden Splendour’, Buccaneer’, ‘Swati’, Recurrent irradiation means irradiation of plant materials
‘Anna Wheatcraft’, ‘Charleston’, ‘First Prize’, Orange- that had already been irradiated in one or more subse-
ade’, etc.) having high female and male fertility. Charac- quent generations. Such irradiation methodology ex-
terization and identification of rose varieties on the basis panded more genetic variability which otherwise not
of molecular characters have been reported101–110. Re- possible through single irradiation. Recurrent irradiation
cently, different aspects of breeding and pigment compo- induced more genetic variability and increased mutations
sition have been discussed with special reference to and spectrum of mutations in rose14.
development of coloured tuberose111 .
Colchi mutation: Colchicine can be used for induction
of flower colour mutations in rose14.
Bud sports
Management of chimera: Diplontic or intrasomatic
‘Sport’ is a natural mechanism by which a plant of an ex-
selections are considered as the main bottlenecks in muta-
isting variety puts forth a shoot in which genetic change
tion breeding. In vitro technique offers advantages over
has occurred. This genetic mechanism plays an important
conventional methods. Novel tissue culture technique has
role in increasing the range of variation and giving rise to
been standardized for management of chimeric tissue
a new variety. The most important bud sport is the climb-
through direct shoot regeneration. Chimera management
ing habit in Hybrid Teas. Some important climbing sports
and in vitro mutagenesis have more scope for developing
are available in ‘Crimson Glory’, ‘Mrs Sam McGredy’,
new roses14.
‘Climbing Blue Moon’, ‘Climbing Cinderella’, ‘Climbing
Fragrant Cloud’, ‘Climbing Guitare’, ‘Climbing High
Field’, ‘Climbing Kronenbourg’, ‘Climbing Ladies’ Molecular breeding
Choice’, ‘Climbing Miss Harp’, ‘Climbing Mr. Lincoln’,
‘Climbing Over the Rainbow’, ‘Climbing Peace’, ‘Climb- Rose cannot synthesize blue pigment delphinidin due to a
ing Queen Elizabeth’, ‘Climbing Rina Herholdt’, ‘Climb- deficiency of the enzyme dihydrokaempferol 35
ing Sterling Silver’, ‘Climbing Yellow Doll’, ‘Climbing hydroxylase. Presence of co-pigments and vacuolar pH
Zambra’, etc. About 18% of the varieties in the Hybrid affect flower colour. All basic information/techniques on
Tea group have originated as sports (‘Mme Butterfly’, flavonoid composition, pH of petal juice, transfer of ‘blue
‘Lady Sylvia’, ‘Rapture’, ‘Better Times’, ‘Jewel’, ‘Royal gene’, etc. have been worked out. The most exciting
Beauty’, etc.). A huge amount (about 54%) of varieties development of molecular biology is the synthesis of blue
have been developed through bud sports in the Dwarf rose. Calgene Pacific Company, Melbourne; Suntory
polyanthas (‘Miss Edith Cavell’, ‘Coral Cluster’, ‘Juliana Limited, Japan, and Petunia Genetics Group at the Insti-
Rose’, ‘Locarno’, ‘Cameo’, ‘Ideal’, ‘Little Dorrit’, etc.). tute National de la Recherche Agronomique, Dijion,
A number of striped roses have been developed (‘Care- France, have jointly developed transgenic rose which had
less Love’ from ‘Red Radiance’; ‘Candy Stripe’ from blue hues120–123.
‘Pink Peace’; ‘Banhar’ from ‘Charlotte Armstrong’;
‘Harry Wheatcraft’ from ‘Picadilly’). Few more bud
sports are ‘Anand Rao’, ‘Balwant’, ‘Careless Love’,
‘Chandralekha’, ‘Chicago’, ‘City of Lucknow’, ‘Dazzling
 A lot of breeding work can be done in rose to develop
Flame’, ‘Durgapur Delight’, ‘Family Circle’, ‘Harry
new genetic variations using conventional breeding
Wheatcroft’, ‘Hutton Village’, ‘Janaki, Kanchani’, ‘Nava
techniques in segregating population due to its high
Sadabahar’, ‘Orange Sparks’, ‘Pink Montezuma’, ‘Priti’,
heterozygosis and polyploidy nature90.
‘Rose Bansal’, ‘Sahasra Dhara’, ‘Shanti’, ‘Shirakawa
 Breeding technique and wise selection of parents for
Star’, ‘Siddartha’, ‘Tapti’, ‘Tata Centenary’, ‘White
hybridization will help to some extent achieve the
Queen Elizabeth’, etc.32,112.
desired results through directive breeding.
 Hybridizers in India can achieve success in develop-
Induced mutation ing desired varieties according to the demand of inter-
national markets if they have proper laboratory
Many new rose varieties have been developed through facilities and patronage, suitable trial ground, mone-
induced mutation technique using both physical and tary benefits and markets, recognition and royalty as
chemical mutagens. More than 67 mutant varieties have their counterparts in other countries124,125.
been reported worldwide. Induced mutagenesis at its pre-  Every rose breeder must have definite objectives for
sent status appears to be well standardized, efficient and breeding. A good rose hybridizer must be, as far as
cost effective14,113–119. possible, technically sound and experienced. He
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2018 1203

should be scientific-minded, methodical, patient and 17. De Vries, D. P. and Dubois, L. A. M., On the transmission of the
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acters of an otherwise outstanding cultivar without al- 24. Shepherd, R. E., The ABC’s of hybridizing. In The Rose Annual,
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