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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

Lời nói đầu,

Tiếng anh thực sự là một nỗi sợ của mình trước đây, đặc biệt là khi mới bắt đầu học do
mình là dân khối A, hầu như chỉ tập trung vào Toán, Lý và Hoá. Mình đã mất rất nhiều thời
gian và bỏ cuộc rất nhiều lần cho tới khi mình cảm thấy thực sự mình tiến bộ lên nhờ có
phương pháp đúng đắn.

Trong quá trình học và dạy tiếng anh sau này, mình nhận ra rằng nhiều bạn cũng có những
khó khăn mà mình đã từng trải qua, vì vậy cuốn sách này sẽ giúp bạn tiếp cận phương pháp
học hiệu quả, nhằm mục đích nâng cao khả năng tiếng anh của bạn một cách toàn diện đồng
thời định hướng các bạn học IELTS theo các tiêu chí chấm điểm, tư duy ra đề của giám
khảo thay vì học tràn lan tránh việc lãng phí thời gian, tiền bạc.

Tất cả các phần của cuốn sách đều được thiết kế logic và đi từ bản chất của vấn đề nhằm
mục đích giúp người học hiểu nhanh, nhớ lâu, áp dụng linh hoạt các ideas của các chủ
đề trong tiếng anh. Mình hi vọng rằng bạn sẽ áp dụng tốt và đạt được kết quả như các bạn
mong muốn.

Trong quá trình soạn thảo, sẽ không tránh được những thiếu sót, mình mong nhận được sự
góp ý của các bạn để ngày một hoàn thiện hơn.

Thái Hoàng!

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


Giới thiệu phần thi IELTS SPEAKING

Phần thi Ielts Speaking kéo dài từ 11-15 phút và được tổ chức riêng biệt trong khi 3 kỹ năng
Listening, Reading và Writing được tổ chức cùng nhau và sẽ thi liên tục trong khoảng 3
tiếng. Thí sinh có thể thi trước hoặc sau ngày thi viết tuỳ vào lịch mà bạn đăng ký.

Phần thi Speaking bao gồm 3 phần như sau:

Part 1: diễn ra trong khoảng 4-5 phút, Bạn sẽ được hỏi những câu hỏi chung về bản thân
và các chủ đề khác như gia đình, công việc, học tập và sở thích.

Part 2: diễn ra trong khoảng 4 phút (bao gồm thời gian giới thiệu topic của giám khảo),
bạn sẽ nhận được một chủ đề cụ thể từ giám khảo. Bạn sẽ có một phút để chuẩn bị trước
khi nói trong tối đa 2 phút. Sau đó, giám khảo sẽ hỏi thêm bạn một hoặc hai câu về chủ đề
này để kết thúc phần thi.

Part 3: diễn ra trong khoảng thời gian còn lại, bạn sẽ được hỏi thêm các câu hỏi, chủ đề
liên quan tới topic ở part 2.

Nhiều bạn có kỹ năng nói khá tốt, sau khi nhận kết quả thì bất ngờ vì điểm thấp hơn dự
kiến. Một số bạn thì cố gắng nhồi nhét quá nhiều từ vựng lạ trong phòng thi dẫn tới việc sử
dụng ngôn ngữ không đúng ngữ cảnh và thiếu tự nhiên. Bài thi được giám khảo chấm điểm
theo tiêu chí của họ chứ không phải chỉ bằng từ vựng. Vậy, bạn hãy tham khảo các tiêu chí
chấm điểm của giám khảo ở bên dưới để có phương pháp học đúng đắn ngay từ đầu nhé.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


v Part 1:
Topic: Work – Education
Do you work or study?
Why did you choose this company/school?
Do you have any plan in the future?
Topic: Accommodation
Do you live in a house or a flat?
What is your favourite room?
What are the differences between your accomodation now and in the past?
Topic: Flowers
Do you like flowers?
When was the last time you bought flowers?
Do people use flowers as a gift?

v Part 2:

Describe an occasion you visited friends or family members at their

You should say:
Ø Who you visited
Ø Where they worked
Ø Why you visited them at their workplace
Ø Explain how you felt
Do you make friends at work?

v Part 3:
Different kinds of workplaces
What is the most popular kind of workplace in your country?
Why do some people prefer working for big companies?
Do you think working for big companies is better than working for small companies?
The importance of leaders at work
Are all ambitious leaders successful?
How do leaders motivate others at work?
Why do people want to become leaders?

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả



Criteria Detail Comments
Remember to say the final ‘s’
and ‘ed’ sounds
Consonant clusters are well-
Vowel sounds are accurate
Chunking is well-managed
Intonation and sentence stress
is quite natural
Able to answer in long turns

Speaks fluently, without

Fluency and
hesitations or repetitions
Uses a range of discourse
Vocabulary is wide enough to
talk about topics at length
Uses some less common
Vocabulary vocabulary

Uses some idioms


Paraphrases effectively
Uses simple structures
Uses complex structures


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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


1. Phân tích ví dụ

Can you tell me something about

your university?
I am a student. My university is foreign
trade university. It is big and beautiful.

Phân tích câu trả lời trên

Ø Câu trả lời ngắn, các câu không được liên kết với nhau.
Ø Tất cả đều sử dụng câu đơn, không có kết nối với nhau bằng các từ nối.
Ø Từ vựng và ngữ pháp sử dụng đều rất đơn giản, không có uncommon words, cả 3 câu
đều sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn – không có sự đa dạng về thì, ngữ pháp.

Câu trả lời tốt hơn.

Can you tell me something about your university?

I am from foreign trade university which is one of the biggest universities in my country
with many lecturers who are proficient at their fields.

As you may know, my university specializes in training economic students. I dream of

becoming a businessman in the future, so it is perfectly suitable for me.

Moreover, my university friends are not only friendly but also kind. If I run into
problems, they will give me a hand with sound advice.

Phân tích:

Ø Câu trả lời không ngắn quá, và chứa lượng ý tưởng và được giải thích rõ ràng, chi tiết
Ø Sử dụng các từ nối để làm cho câu trả lời mềm mại hơn, tự nhiên hơn
Ø Sử dụng đa dạng từ và các cụm từ
Ø Sử dụng đa dạng các cấu trúc ngữ pháp

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


1. Phương pháp kéo dài câu trong tiếng anh.

Bài thi IELTS kiểm tra khả năng sử dụng toàn diện, thành thạo ngôn ngữ của bạn, vì vậy
nên bạn nên đưa ra câu trả lời đủ dài, gắn kết và giải thích cho câu trả lời của mình thật
logic. Trong quá trình kéo dài câu trả lời của mình bạn hãy chú ý phát âm của mình, đa
dạng cấu trúc ngữ pháp và từ vựng để hoàn thành cả 4 tiêu chí chấm điểm của giám khảo

Để kéo dài câu trả lời trong Ielts, bạn có thể áp dụng một số phương pháp sau.

1.1 Dùng mệnh đề nguyên nhân, kết quả

So / so that

Luận điểm Luận cứ

As a result

v Do you like travelling?

I have to say that I am really into travelling, so I often take advantage of my free time
to visit some beautiful places in the world to let off steam and discover more cultures.

v How often do you go to the cinema?

Honestly, I am so interested in watching movies that I go to the cinema every weekend

with like-minded friends, so I watch many blockbusters from Hollywood, and I usually
talk with my friends about films.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

1.2 Dùng mệnh đề kết quả, nguyên nhân

This is because

Luận điểm Luận cứ
The reason for this is that


v Do you like travelling?

Well, I am really keen on travelling and the reason for this is that it is considered as the
best way to take it easy after long working hours. My friends and I often pay visits to
famous tourist attractions in my city to take part in recreational activities together.

v How often do you go to the cinema?

I am really into watching movies and go to the cinema twice a week with my friends and
family. This is because watching films is a good way to let off steam after long working
hours. Also, I can discover more cultures and learn foreign languages by watching foreign

1.3 Kết hợp nguyên nhân, hệ quả với ví dụ, hoặc dùng câu hỏi how, when, where.

v Do you like travelling?

I love travelling, and I usually visit famous tourist attractions when I have free time. For
example, I went to Danang city which is one of the most beautiful cities in my country with
my like-minded friends to relax on my last vacation.

v How often do you go to the cinema?

Actually, I often go to the cinema to watch some box-office hits to relax with my friends.
For instance, we watched a blockbuster from Hollywood last weekend. This film is really
interesting with many action scenes, so we had a great time together.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

Thực hành: trả lời các câu hỏi sau

Do you have many friends?

Actually, I have a lot of friends because I am an extrovert and I can easily make friends
with many people from all walks of life. I often take advantage of my free time to hang
out with them to let off steam after long working hours. For example, last weekend, we
went to a shopping mall to buy new clothes and relax together.

Is it easy to make friends at your university/company?

Actually, it is quite easy for me to make new friends because I am a social butterfly so I
can easily start new conversations with friends from different classes. Some days ago, I
took part in an English club and talked with many people. Now, we are friends.

What do you often do with your friends?

I participate in different activities with my friends

Firstly, I place importance on my appearance and health so I often play sports with them
to get into shape and stay healthy.

Secondly, we are all really keen on movies so we go to the cinema every week to let off

Why did you choose your university/company?

To be honest, I chose my university because of two main reasons.

The main reason is that had a reputation for a high-quality education system with
various proficient teachers so I could lean valuable knowledge from them.

Furthermore, it was not really far from my house so I could easily walk to my university

How do you often go to your university/company?

To tell you the truth, as a student I am a bit strapped for cash so I often take a bus to go
to my university to save money.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


1. Các câu hỏi dạng miêu tả, liệu kê

General information

First point/feature Second point/feature

Explain Explain

Can you tell me something about your job?
Ø Câu trả lời đơn giản:
Well, I am a translator. I work in Hanoi capital. I like it very much because I feel happy
with my job.

Ø Câu trả lời tốt hơn:

Well, I work as a translator for a foreign company in Hanoi capital.
I would say that it is a good job because I can earn a great deal of money to meet different
needs in my life. I am always happy with my job as my boss and colleagues are not only
friendly but also kind.

Ø Câu trả lời band điểm cao

Well, I am working as a translator for a foreign company which is one of the biggest
companies in Ha noi capital.

It is an interesting job because I talk with many foreigners who come from different
nations so I gain profound insights into/on other cultures.

Additionally, my colleagues are not only friendly but also kind. They often give me sound
advice when I run into difficulties/problems.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

2. Các câu hỏi dạng lý do

A variety of reasons/ a host of reasons/ a

combination of factors

First reason Second reason

Firstly/first and foremost Secondly/furthermore/moreover

Explain Explain
To illustrate/for example To illustrate/for example

Do you like travelling? – Why do you like travelling?

Yes, I like travelling very much because I can
relax. I travel with my friends on my vacations.
Câu trả lời đơn giản, không đáp ứng được
các tiêu chí chấm điểm.

Ø Câu trả lời tốt hơn:

Well, I need to say that I am really into travelling because it helps me relax after long
working hours. I usually travel with my friends who were studying with me at my
university, and we often go to some famous destinations at weekends together.
Ø Câu trả lời band điểm cao:

I am really into travelling because of 2 main reasons

Firstly, travelling is considered a good way to let off steam, so my friends and I pay visits
to several tourist attractions.
Secondly, it helps me broaden my horizons. To be more precise, I would know more
cultures and customs when visiting foreign countries.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

More questions:

Can you tell me something about your university?




What did you study from your university?




Why did you choose your uiversity?




Can you tell me something about your hometown?




What do you like about your hometown?





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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

3. Các câu hỏi dạng quá khứ

Past tense

In the past,

5 years ago, Main points Explain in detail

When I was a little boy


What did you want to do when you were a kid?

When I was small, I dreamt of becoming a doctor, and the reason for this is that I would
take advantage of my knowledge to take care of my family.

Chú ý:
Trong bài thi IELTS bạn thường được hỏi về những câu hỏi trong quá khứ và tương lai bởi
vì giám khảo có thể dựa vào đó để đánh giá ngữ pháp của ban thông qua khả năng sử dụng
thì, vì vậy bạn hãy thử nói chậm lại để tập thói quen sử dụng đúng thì quá khứ và tương lai
nhé,vì rất nhiều bạn thường sử dụng thì hiện tại cho tất cả các câu hỏi như một thói quen.
More questions:

Where did you want to live when you were a kid?





Who was your favorite teacher at high school?




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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

4. Các câu hỏi dạng tương lai

Future tense

In the future,

Some years later

Main points Explain in detail
If I have a chance,

In the short term/long term


Will you learn more about your major in the future?

In the future, I really want to learn more and more about my major because it is becoming
more and more important in daily life. Therefore, I will try my best to have a master’s
degree and then look for a well-paid job for my living.

More questions:

Do you want to live in your hometown in the future?





What will become the most important language in the future?





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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

5. Các câu hỏi dạng ‘ How often”

“How often”

If I have free time,

Main points Explain in detail
By contrast,

On weekdays,
Main points Explain in detail
On weekends,


How often do you go to the cinema?

Well, I have to say that it really depends.

When I was at my university, I went to the cinema twice a week with my friends to let off
steam because I had a lot of free time. By contrast, I am always on the go so that I don’t
usually go to the cinema now.

Cách 2:

How often do you go to the cinema?

I am always up to my ears in my job on weekdays so that I don’t have time to go to the

cinema. However, I take advantage of my free time on weekends to watch some
interesting movies with my friends to let off steam after long working hours.

Chú ý;

Dùng mệnh đề đối lập nhau ( by contrast, however) để kéo dài câu trả lời hơn và thể hiện
sự so sánh giữa 2 giai đoạn.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

More questions:

How often do you listen to music?





Do you often play sports?





What do you often do in your free time?





Do you often meet your friends on weekends or weekdays?





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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

6. Các câu hỏi dạng so sánh


In the past,
Main points Explain in detail

Men/women/young people/old people

Main points Explain in detail

What are the differences between your hometown now and in the past?

Well, there are several differences between my hometown now and in the past but I think
the main one is that it was a poor town as people heavily relied on agriculture in the past
but now it is one of the richest cities in my country with variety of lucrative jobs thanks to
the appearance of many factories.

Do you think men and women take part in similar sports?

In my opinion, they participate in different activities. For example, while men usually pay
attention to team sports such as football or volleyball, women usually focus on swimming
and other solo sports. Also, men like going to the gym or other public areas to do physical
exercises, women are more likely to prefer staying at home to do yoga.

More questions:
Do you think men and women do the same activities when they have free time?
What are the differences between old and young people when reading news?


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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

7. Các câu hỏi dạng “ Type of ”

Actually/ I think that / To my mind/ In

my perspective/ In my opinion

The first point The second point.

The main one is that/ the most Additionally/ As well as
popular would be that/moreover

Explain in more Explain in more

detail detail

What kinds of transport are popular in your country?
Câu trả lời đơn giản:
You know, motorbikes are very common in Vietnam
because they are very cheap and suitable for
people in my country
Is it good enough?

Câu trả lời tốt hơn:

Well, I think motorbikes are very popular in Vietnam because they are not only cheap but
also convenient in small streets in big cities in Vietnam. Cars are also chosen by many
people as they are safer than other forms of transport.

Câu trả lời band điểm cao:

Well, I would say that there are various modes of transport in my country but the most
popular one would be motorbikes, and the reason for this is that they are not only cheap
but also convenient in small streets in densely populated cities in Vietnam.

Furthermore, cars are the second most popular form of transport in Vietnam because they
are much safer and more comfortable than other vehicles.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

More questions:
What types of sports do you like?





What types of TV programs are popular in your country?





What kinds of news do you usually read?





What kinds of activities do people in your country usually do together?





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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

1. Work-Study
Positive points:

It is a well-paid job, so I can earn a great deal of money to raise a family/ support my
family and meet different needs in my life.

It is a lucrative career because marketing is becoming more and more important.

My boss and colleagues are not only friendly but also kind/ My company has a team-
oriented/ interactive environment. If I run into problems, they usually give me a hand
with sound advice.

It is an international company, so I get to work with people from different cultures and
learn from them.

My leader is inspirational and he often motivates me to work hard to have more promotion

I dream of becoming a doctor, so I am now trying my best to make my dream come


It is one of the best universities in my country which provides me a great deal of

knowledge associated with my favorite field.

My university has a reputation for economic education . Therefore, I would easily take
advantage of my knowledge to work effectively.

My teachers and friends are very supportive. They often put themselves in my shoes to
help me deal with all problems.

I take part in many extracurricular activities and clubs with like-minded friends, so I can
improve my soft skills.

Negative points: ( phủ định các câu trên hoặc tham khảo các câu dưới đây)

As a leader, I am always up to my ears in my job/ exam revision so I don’t have enough

time to take it easy.

I have to try my hand at several jobs to accumulate more work experience because it is
very difficult to have a good job in my country if you are wet behind the ears.

If I make mistakes in my company, my boss will come down on me like a ton of bricks.

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Do you work or study?

I am working as a marketing manager for Canon which is one of the biggest international
companies in Vietnam, and I’ve been working there for nearly 5 years.

Is it easy to work for your company?

Well, working for my company is not an easy task because it requires a great deal of time
and effort. For example, I am always on the go due to my tight schedules, so don’t have
much time for my family. However, we have a team-oriented environment, so I can ask
my colleagues for help if I run into difficulties.

What do you want to change about your job in the future?

As I said we have a collaborative environment, which encourages us to work in teams.

However, some of my colleagues often heavily rely on others. Therefore, in the future, I
hope that my company would have new management methods to divide tasks equally to
everyone. In addition, I also want to have more training programs to improve my skills. For
example, if I get to learn more about time management and teamwork skills, my job will
be better.

Do you prefer working/studying in the morning or the afternoon?

I guess most people would prefer working in the morning to the afternoon because they are
full of energy after getting up, but I am an exception because I just stay focused on my
work in the afternoon. The reason for this is because I am always up to my ears in my job
and work late at night, so I feel tired in the morning and cannot concentrate on tasks.

What do you like/ about your job/ study?

I love my job because of two main reasons. Firstly, it is a multinational company, so I get
to work with many people from the four corners of the world, and learn from them.
Secondly, my colleagues are not only friendly but also kind, so if I run into problems, they
will give me a hand with sound advice.

What did you want to do when you were a kid?

To tell you the truth, I dreamt of becoming a tour guide which could help me go to the
four corners of the world. Actually, I am trying my best to make my dream come true.

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Is it important to have breaks during work?

It is vitally important to have breaks during work as most people are under a lot of
pressure from work. We can take the weight off our feet/legs or talk with colleagues
about some funny stories to relax after long working hours.

Did you do a part time job in the past?

I tried my hand at different jobs when I was a student to accumulate more practical
experience. For example, my teamwork and communication skills were improved a lot as I
worked as a waiter with a team in a restaurant 5 years ago. Furthermore, I was a bit
strapped for cash so a temporary job helped me earn money to cover some basic needs in
my life.

Do you think money is the only thing which encourage employees work harder?

I think that money is a key consideration when working for a company but motivation
also stems from other factors. For example, many people try to work around the clock
due to prootion prospects because the higher position they get, the more satisfied they

Will you change your job/school in the future?

In the next few years, I still want to work for my company to accumulate as much
experience and money as possible, but in the long term, I would consider coming back to
my hometown to open a business by myself because I want to contribute to the development
of my hometown and live with my parents to look after them.

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(maintain/ keep concentration/ stay focused = stay alert/ the main source of
distraction/ multitasking = do multiple things simultanously/ suffer concentration
issues/ my focus/ people never run out of distraction/ self-timing reduces distraction)

Do you find it hard to concentrate?

To tell you the truth, my concentration isn’t very good, so it is pretty difficult for me to stay
focused. My computer is the main distraction as I often get distracted by many online

What do you do to concentrate? Why?

Well, people often have different ways to maintain their concentration, but the most
suitable one for me is to set up a goal, which motivates me to stay alert and work towards
my goals. Also, I am a technophile and have a state-of-the-art phone which acts as a
reminder. I installed some apps which often remind me to stay focused. Finally, I can find
a quiet location where I can focus on my work without being disturbed.

Did you concentrate on your study when you were younger?

Well, when I was a student, I always concentrated on studying as my parents attached

emphasis to my school records, so I always tried my best to focus on lessons to get high
scores and satisfy my parents. Also, there were not many sources of distraction as I didn’t
have any computer and phone, so I spent most of my time studying.

Why do people lose their concentration?

In my perspective, there are two main reasons why people find it difficult to stay on tasks.
Firstly, they do not have pressure at work and school, so it is not necessary for them to
concentrate on some tasks to reach a particular target. Secondly, many people are addicted
to social networking websites which allow them to come into contact with others, so they
have an inclination to use these websites as opposed to focusing on working and studying.

Cách 2:: In my opinion, people often fail to maintain their concentration due to both
outside distractions and self-distractions. For example, they cannot stay focused when
others talking around them. Also, many people tend to multitask so one task will suffer. For
example, it is impossible for them to surf the internet and work effectively at the same time,
so they cannot highly concentrate on their work.

( other reasons: noise, multitasking)

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Do you often make plans?

Honestly, I am a bit careful, so I always make not only short-term but also long-term plans
rather than just flying by the seat of my pants. This is because if I have a plan, I can have
more motivation to achieve my goals unless I cannot stay on tasks

Do you think that making plans is important?

In my opinion, it is vitally important to have plans as we have more motivation to work and
study towards our goals, unless we will feel aimless, leading to a waste of time.

Do you think long term plans are more important than short term plans?

It is an interesting question. I think that short-term and long-term plans are equally
important. A long-term plan is actually a series of short-term ones. For instance, I dream
of becoming an eminent doctor in the future, so I have to accumulate knowledge every
year to achieve my long-term goal.

Do you make plans every day?

As a manager, I am always on the go every day, so I often make a detailed plan for my
activities unless I would forget what I have to do. It has become a habit since I was a kid.

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Do you work or study? What is your major?

Well, I am a student at VNU which is one of the best universities in Vietnam. I am majoring
in business management because I dream of becoming a businessman, and enrolling in
my university is the first step to make my dream come true.

Why did you choose that university?

I chose my university because of 2 main reasons. Firstly, it is one of the most famous
universities with many proficient teachers and professors, so I would have the chance
to learn valuable knowledge from them. Hence, it is easier for me to look for a well-
paid job. Secondly, my uncle’s house is not far from that university so it is very
convenient for me.

Do you learn many subjects at university?

Actually, we get to learn a variety of subjects such as philosophy, economics, math and so
on. However, I have to say that my university teachers place great importance on scores,
so I try my best to cram for knowledge unless I won’t graduate from my university.

Do you have any favourite subjects?

I like learning economic management the most because my teachers pass on valuable
knowledge about how to manage a company to me. I think it is very important for me to
make my dream of becoming a businessman come true. Additionally, I also love
philosophy. Most students think that it is an unnecessary subject, but if we focus on this
subject, we can become active thinkers because it teaches us how to arrange events and
analyze definitions logically.

Are your teachers or friends more important to your study?

Actually, both teachers and friends are very important to me. My lecturers specialize
in teaching and give me valuable lessons. However, my friends also give me useful
ideas about how to study effectively at my university.

Why did you choose to study those subjects?

As I said before, I wish I would become an entrepreneur, so learning these above subjects
is a must for me because I can take advantage of my knowledge to manage my company
in the future properly.

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Do you have any plans after graduation?

If I graduate from university, I will try my hand at different jobs to accumulate

experience, because the more companies I work for, the more colleagues I meet and the
more knowledge I learn from them. However, in the long term, I would consider returning
to my hometown to work and live with my parents as I want to take advantage of my time
to take care of them.

How many languages can you speak? What are they?

I have a knack for learning languages so I learn different languages. I speak english
as a second language. Also, I have a good command of Japanese because I usually
talk with Japanese people.

Do you think it is difficult to learn a new language?

It is very difficult to learn a new language bec we have to cram for a lot of vocabulary
and practice a lot. For example, I enrolled in many english courses and spent a great
deal of time learning english at home to speak english fluently.

Will you learn another language in the future?

I love languages so in the future I would consider learning Korean. This is because I
can discover more about this country and its culture. Moreover, I have more job
opportunities to work for Korean companies if I am competent at this language.

When do people in your country begin to learn math?

Most people in Vietnam start learning math at the age of 6 when they start their primary
education. It is considered one of the most important subjects in the school curriculum.

Are you good at math?

Well, math is one of my favorite subjects so I usually get high scores. Some years ago, I
passed a math examination with flying colors at my university. My parents were proud
of me and gave me a lot of compliments on my incredible achievement.

Do you think math is important?

In my opinion, math is one of the most important subjects because it helps students improve
logical thinking skills and creativity which are all important in their future career. For
example, most successful people are often proficient at math because they can take
advantage of knowledge associated with math to manage their companies effectively.

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Can you tell me something about your secondary school/high school?

I was studying at Yen Khanh A high school which was seen as one of the best schools in
my province.

Did you make friends at school?

I was quite extroverted so I took part in a lot of extra-curricular activities at school, and
I had a lot of friends from different ages. When I ran into problems, they would give me
a hand with sound advice.

Which subject did you find most difficult at your school? Why?

I have to say that English was the most difficult subject for me because it is not my mother
tongue, so I had to spend a great deal of time taking part in extra classes with foreigners to
cram for vocabulary and improve my pronunciation.

Do you need that subject now? Why? Why not?

English plays a vital role in my life so I am trying my best to have a good command of
English. If I could speak English fluently, I would possess a clear advantage when looking
for a well-paid job in other countries.

Who was your favourite teacher at school?

I learnt from a number of eminent teachers but I loved my English teacher the most. Her
name is Hoa who always put herself in my shoes to help me solve all problems.

Do you want to become a teacher in the future?

No, because I dream of becoming a tour guide so I am trying my best to make my dream
come true. It is also the main reason why I want to have a good command of English,
which is a must to communicate with people all over the world.

What do you often do on the way to school?

I often listen to music on my mobile phone, particular English songs, and the reason for
this is that I can not only take it easy in the morning but also improve my English through
these songs.

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When do people in your country begin to learn math?

Most people in Vietnam start learning math at the age of 6 when they start their primary
education. It is considered one of the most important subjects in the school curriculum.

Are you good at math?

Well, math is one of my favorite subjects so I usually get high scores. Some years ago, I
passed a math examination with flying colors at my university. My parents were proud
of me and gave me a lot of compliments on my incredible achievement.

Do you think math is important?

In my opinion, math is one of the most important subjects because it helps students improve
logical thinking skill and creativity which are all important in their future career. As you
may know, most successful people are often proficient at math because they can take
advantage of their knowledge associated with math to manage their companies

Are you good at numbering numbers?

As I said I am quite good at math so numbering is not a problem for me. When I was a
student at high school, my math teacher told me that I should become a bean counter as I
was competent at counting.

Is there any special number you like?

Well, I use a lot of numbers every day but I like 18 the most because it is related to my
memories. When I was 18, I started learning at my dream university. It marked the point at
which I was responsible for my life without financial support from my parents.

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Do students in Vietnam like science?

Vietnamese students are interested in discovering scientific knowledge which is

considered as the foundation for new inventions/ scientific breakthroughs. Science also
helps students widen/ broaden their knowledge related to different fields.

When did you start learning about science subjects?

As you can probably guess, subjects related to science are an important part of the school
curriculum, so students in my country start learning science at primary school where we
learn some basic definitions in math and physics lessons. As we are more mature, we study
in-depth scientific knowledge in secondary school, high school and university.

Do you think museums are helpful to learn science?

I do believe that museums are an ideal vehicle for educating science because they often
have a variety of exhibitions related to science. For instance, if people go to Hanoi air force
museum, they may have a closer insight into the evolution of airplanes and how jet engines
are made and used by human beings.

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People – ( family/ friends/ famous people )

Positive points:

I have a close relationship with all family members. We often take part in different activities
to strengthen our relationships.

They always put themselves in my shoes and give me a hand when I run into difficulties
so I share them all ups and downs

My father is a good role model in my life as he overcame all difficulties to lay the
foundations for my family.

I am a social butterfly so I make friends with people from all walks of life, regardless of
their age.

I have a knack/ passion for cooking so I often prepare delicious meals for my family and
friends. At weekends, I have some friends over for dinner.

He places importance on his appearance and health so he spends a lot of time playing sports
to get into shape and stay healthy.

We often watch movies/ listen to music in our free time to let off steam/take it easy/ leave
all the worries of the world behind/ switch off/ recharge/ reboot/ unwind

We often visit different places to let off steam and broaden our horizons

Negative points: ( phủ định các câu trên hoặc tham khảo các câu dưới đây)

As a leader, I am always up to my ears in my job/ exam revision so I don’t have enough

time with my family.

We often have conflicts due to generation gaps. For instance, while they like traditional
cuisines, I like foreign food.

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Do you live with your family?

Yes, I am living with my family in a house which is located on the outskirts of Hanoi city.
We often take advantage of our free time to talk and relax together. I think it is a good
way to strengthen our relationships.

How often do you meet with your family members?

Well, I am up to my ears in my jobs, so I don’t spend much time with my family. However,
I take advantage of my free time to cook with my mother and play sports with my father
to relax at weekends.

How do you spend time with your family? = what do you do with them?

I always try to take part in as many activities with my family as possible. For example, we
pay visits to beautiful destinations each year to let off steam after long working hours
together. Sometimes, I also cook with my mom as I have a knack for cooking.

Do you want to live with your family in the future?

Now, I am wet behind the ears so I want to live in Hanoi capital to accumulate more work
experience in big companies. However, I will return to my birthplace to look for a stable
job and live with my family to take care of them.

Are you close to your family members?

Yes, I am very close to my parents who always give me sound advice if I run into
difficulties. For example, when I feel down in the dumps, my father puts himself in my
shoes and encourages me to overcome all problems.

How has your family influenced you?

My family has considerable influence on me. To be more precise, my father who is the
breadwinner of my family, is a good role model in my life. He was born in a poor family
but he has tried his best to raise my family. I also want to become a good parent like him
in the future.

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Do you often visit your relatives?

I am so busy with my job so I don’t have much time to visit my parents and relatives who
are living in my hometown. If I have a long holiday, I will take advantage of my free time
to have some parties with them to be closer to each other.

What do you do when visiting relatives?

We often have some parties. We can share all sorts of stories on the dining table. Also, my
relatives and I are very keen on travelling so we often visit some beautiful places to let
off steam on our vacations.

When was the last time you visited a relative?

Yesterday, I went to my cousin’s house to celebrate with him as he gets a higher position
in his company. We drank beer and sang some songs together.


Do you have many friends?

I am quite social so I make friends with people from all walks of life. Older friends pass
their valuable experience and knowledge on to me, and I also help younger ones when
they run into problems.

Do you often talk with your friends?

I am so busy with my job that I usually have to work around the clock to hit deadlines so
I don’t have much time to talk with my friends. However, I take advantage of my free
time at weekends to talk with them about my life.

Do you have any close friends who live far from you?

My best friend is living in HCMC. We were born and bred in a small village in Ninh binh
province but then he moved to HCMC in search of new job opportunities.

Are your friends mostly your age or different ages?

I have friends from different ages. Especially, I take part in an English club with like-
minded people who are older or younger than me. We often practice English together to
have a good command of English.

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In what ways are your friends important to you?

Honestly, my friends play an important role in my life. They give me a hand with sound
advice if I run into difficulties. Last year, I was down in the dumps as I couldn’t pass an
important interview in a big company, they listened to my problems and encouraged me to
wait for more opportunities, which cheered me up.

What do you respect about your friends?

I have various friends and we always respect each other. My friends are honest, humble and
helpful, so we always try our best and help each other when someone runs into problems.


Do you often talk with other people?

Actually, I am quite extroverted, so I make friends with people from all walks of life and
talk with them a lot. I also talk with my family and colleagues about all sorts of stories.

What do you often talk with them ?

Well, my family is my flesh and blood, so I share with them all ups and downs in my
life. Also, talk with my colleagues and friends about my job and hobbies. For example, I
have a passion for sports, so I often talk with my like-minded friends about some sport

Do you often change your opinion in your conversations?

Between you and me, I am a bit conservative, so I often think carefully before giving my
ideas. If someone suggests another opinion, I will try to find suitable evidence to support
myself as opposed to accepting their ideas.

What often make people change their opinions?

Well, people sometimes have different opinions during their conversations because of two
main reasons. Firstly, if people are not confident, they have an inclination to follow the
crow. For example, when a person’s ideas are against others, he may worry and consider
changing his ideas to be consistent with others/ to facilitate their conversation flow.
Moreover, some people also change their thinking when they receive better suggestions and
comments from older people who have accumulated a lot of experience.

Do you often make friends? Do you like meeting new people?

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Well, as I said I am an extrovert, so I often go to some crowded areas to make friends with
people from all walks of life. Last weekend, I visited Hoan Kiem lake and talked with
some new friends from Russia. I think that the more friends I have, the more meaningful
my life will be.

Is it difficult to make new friends?

As an active person, making friends is not a problem for me now, and I can talk with many
friends, regardless of their age and social background. However, I was kind of close-
minded when I was a kid, so I didn’t make many friends.

How can you start a conversation?

Well, each person has different ways to strike up a new conversation but I often pretend
that I don’t have a good sense of navigation and then ask them for directions. Most people
are willing to help me and then I can ask them about their family because I think that most
people are proud of their family and want to share information related to their family
members. Then I may talk with them about their hobbies, and our conversation will be
easier if we have some similar interests in something. It is easy to talk with someone who
is like-minded.

Are you afraid of being evaluated when you meet someone for the first time?

Well, I always want to leave a good impression on others, so whenever I talk with
strangers, I ask myself what might they think about me and I will try to be polite to talk
with them.


celebrities, pop stars/ icons/ divas/ musicians, politicians, singers, musicians, talented

Have you ever met any famous people?

I am really keen on music, and often take in information related to famous singers every
day. Last month, I met Mytam who is my favorite singer. She has a reputation for her
high voice and friendliness. In her concert, I asked her for a signature and took some
pictures with her to show off on facebook and other social networking websites. I also met
some celebrities when I was a student at university, they came to my university and
advertised some products.

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Which kinds of jobs do famous people do?

Well, all kinds of jobs have famous people as long as they are talented. However, most
celebrities are working in the entertainment industry such as singers or actors who always
draw attention from audiences.

Do you want to interview any famous people?

It would be my dream to interview celebrities because I believe that they have experienced
a number of problems before becoming famous, so I can learn a lot in the interview. Their
stories about determination and talents can motivate me to work harder to achieve my

Do you want to become famous?

I dream of becoming a famous singer which gives me opportunities to go to the four corners
of the world and make a lot of money. However, it is impossible for me as I am not endowed
with a good singing voice.


What is your favorite age?

I have a lot of memorable memories every year, so it is quite difficult for me to talk about
my favorite one, but if I have to choose it here I would say 18 when I graduated from my
high school. This year marks the point at which I didn’t rely on my parents’ financial
support as I had my first part time job. Also, I passed the university entrance examination
with flying colors and took part in my dream university, so it was considered as the first
step for me to make my dream of becoming a businessman come true.

Do you like your current age?

I am totally satisfied with my current age as I have just been accepted by my dream
company. I have a good job to pay for my living. Also, all members of my family are
healthy and spend a great deal of time together to strengthen our family relationships.
Finally, I have a lot of friends who are willing to support me any time. Therefore, I love my
current age.

When do people in your country start learning at school?

As you can probably guess, most children in Vietnam start enrolling in primary school
when they are 6 years old. This age is suitable as children are mature enough to take care
of themselves.

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Do you make friends with people from different ages?

I am an extrovert, so I make friends with people from all walks of life, regardless of their
age. I believe that the more friends I have, the more meaningful my life is. I share them a
lot of stories about my life and take part in different activities to take it easy. Also, my
friends are the pillar of support and always keep me in line when I have problems.

What is the best age to learn driving?

If you are 18 years old, you are entitled to have a driving license provided by the state, but
in my own opinion, 20 is more suitable as it is the age when people become full-grown
adults. If people have more time, they would be more mature to control their driving
behaviour. In fact, a variety of accidents have been caused by careless drivers who are

How do you feel about getting older?

Well, I haven’t received this question. I guess no one likes the feeling of growing older
because they may have more concerns to worry about, and I am not an exception. When I
was a student, I just focused on studying as my parents gave me financial and emotional
support. However, now I have to live independently to make money to pay for my living.

Should we treat people of different ages in the same way?

( fairness, equality, justice)

I would say yes, because if you behave with people fairly and equally, irrespective of their
age, you will show your respect to them. When I talk with the old and young, I always try
to be polite and gentle.

What is your biggest achievement until now?

Well, I am a bit ambitious and often set up a lot of goals for my life. The most incredible
accomplishment was when I was 18 as I passed the university entrance exam with flying
colors and studied at one of the most famous universities in Vietnam. I was over the moon
at that time as my parents were proud of my unbelievable achievement. Also, I was offered
a leadership position after my graduation in my dream university, which made me happy.

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Do Vietnamese names have special meanings?

Well, each Vietnamese name often has a special meaning so when a person was born,
parents or grandparents often think carefully before giving a name for their kid. For
example, my name is named after a scientist in my country who contributed a lot to the
development of science in Vietnam so my parents also hope that I would become a
researcher in the future.

Is your name popular in your country?

Actually, my name is very popular in my country as it is the same as the name of a scientist
/flower /historical figure so many parents want to give a beautiful name for their children.

What are the most popular names in your country?

There are several names in my country but I think the most popular one would be “Bình”
which represents the piece. Additionally, “Vượng’ is also very common in Vietnam as
parents want their children to become successful as the name “Vượng”

Who usually chooses babies’ names in your country?

According to traditions of Vietnam, parents or grandparents often give names for their
babies as they have a close relationship with infants.

Do people in your country organize a party when they give a name for someone?

Yes, after giving an official name for children, people in my country usually have a special
party to welcome their children. They invite their relatives, neighbors and friends to take
part in this party.

Do you often remember others’ names?

I usually try to remember names of others because it is the best way to show my respect to
them. It would be impossible to have a good relationship with others when you even cannot
remember their name.

How do you feel if someone forgets your name?

It really depends. If my friends or colleagues cannot remember my name, I will become

angry because they don’t care about me. However, it is totally acceptable for a person who
just met me once or twice to forget my name because we didn’t have a lot of time together.

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Places – (your city/ hometown/ a place)
Positive points:

Hanoi is seen as one of the most beautiful destinations with various tourist attractions, so
tourists from the four corners of the world come here to let off steam.

I was blown away/ It blew me away when I cam to Hanoi/Danang/ABC because it was

It is a beautiful coastal city with many beaches so I often go for a dip in crystal-clear

It is a famous historical city so I would understand more historical events when going to
this city because I am really keen on learning history.

It is a big city with a lot of hustle and bustle so it is suitable for me because I am
extroverted. This is a modern city so I am entitled to high-quality public services.

Local people are very hospitable. If you run into difficulties, they will give you a hand/ if
you get lost, they will put you up for several nights.

This city is located far from industrial zones so the environment here is perfect, ensuring
the best living conditions for citizens.

It has a reputation for delicious cuisines. I have a passion/ knack for cooking so I like
to eat all kinds of food there and lean new recipes.

Hanoi/Danang/ABC is one of the biggest cities in Vietnam with many companies so it is

very easy for you to look for a well-paid job for a living.

Negative points: ( phủ định các câu trên hoặc tham khảo các câu dưới đây)

It is one of the most crowded cities in Vietnam, so I am usually stuck in traffic congestion
when going anywhere.

The environment has been contaminated due to a lot of factories which often discharge
CO2 emissions to the environment, leading to various potential diseases.

The living costs have been on the rise and citizens are under considerable pressure to earn
enough money to cover their costs.

As people from regional areas have been flocking to my city to live, the job market has
been becoming increasingly competitive.

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Where is your hometown?

I was born and bred in Ninhbinh city which is one of the most beautiful destinations in
the north of Vietnam, which pulls in tourists from the four corners of the world.

How long have you been living there?

I had been living there for 18 years before moving to Hanoi to pursue my university
education. In the next few years, I still want to live in Hanoi to accumulate more experience
as I am still wet behind the ears, but I would consider coming back to my hometown to
open a business and live with my parents as I want to take care of them when they get older.

Do you have many relatives?

I have some relatives who are also living in my hometown, so I often take advantage of
my free time to visit them and share all sorts of stories. My uncles have accumulated a lot
of experience, so they often pass valuable knowledge on to me. Also, I often play sports
or read books with my cousins as we are all like-minded.

What are the differences between your hometown in the past and now?

Well, there are several differences between my hometown now and in the past but I think
the main one is that it was a poor town as people relied on agriculture for most of their
incomes in the past, but now it is one of the richest cities in my country with a variety of
jobs related to industry.

What problems do big cities have besides bad traffic?

Apart from traffic problems, people who live in big cities have to encounter various matters.
For example, many factories and vehicles often discharge exhaust emissions, which
pollute the environment. Therefore, people may suffer from diseases related to the
pollution. In addition, the living cost is also a big problem with people in cities so they are
under a lot of pressure to earn enough money to cover their needs.

Can you tell me something about where are you living? / where are you living?

I am living in Hanoi which is the capital of Vietnam. As you may know, Hanoi is seen as
one of the most beautiful destinations with many tourist attractions. I am a big fan of

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travelling so I really like this city. Additionally, people in Hanoi are not only friendly but
also kind. If I run into difficulties, they may give me a hand with sound advice.

Are there any interesting places near the places you live?

Well, I am living in one of the most beautiful cities with many attractive destinations. I
often take advantage of my free time to go to Hoankiem lake to talk with many foreigners
to improve my English or take photos as it is not far from my house. There are also some
parks and gardens in the vicinity of my neighbourhood so I can go there to do exercises to
get into shape.

How long have you been living there?

I have been living in Hanoi for approximately 8 years since I began to study at my
university. It is the biggest city in the north of Vietnam with many companies so I can easily
look for a well-paid job for a living.

What are the benefits of living in the city?

There are a variety of benefits of living in cities but I think the most important one is that
you are able to enjoy your life and improve your living standards because the infrastructure,
education, healthcare and other social services are much better in cities than in the
countryside. Moreover, job opportunities should be taken into consideration as it is very
easy for you to have a well-paid job in cities.

Will you live in this city in the future? Why?

I am now wet behind the ears so it is vitally important for me to live in the capital to
accumulate more work experience in the near future. However, I will come back my home
to look for a well-paid job as I want to take time to look after my parents.

Are there many people in your country who live in cities?

You know, Hanoi is seen as one of the most crowded cities in Vietnam as it is the capital.
People from the countryside have flocked to this city in search of job opportunities to
earn money to raise their families.

Do you like city life?

To be honest, I am not really keen on city life because of two main reasons. Firstly, it is too
crowded that I get traffic congestion every day so I waste a lot of time. Secondly, the living
cost is extremely high so I am under a lot of pressure to make enough money to cover all
bills every day.

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Can you tell me about transport in Vietnam?

The traffic system here is not very effective although the government has pumped a huge
amount of money into transport. If you live in big cities, you often get stuck in traffic
congestion. If you live in the countryside, it is very difficult to access public transport.

Is public transport popular in Vietnam?

Well, public vehicles are widely used by people in big cities as they can save money by
taking a bus or train. However, most people in rural areas often use private vehicles due to
the lack of public transport.

When was the last time you used public transport?

Well, I haven’t used public transport for a long time. It’s about 5 years ago when I was a
senior student at university, if my memory serves me right. As a student, I was a bit
strapped for cash, so taking a bus was a good way to save money.

Do you want to change anything about the public transport system in your city?

Most buses and trains in my city are quite old, so most people are hesitant to use them. It
would be better if the government invests in high-quality public vehicles which are more
comfy for passengers. Also, I want to have a private lane for public transport, which can
help to reduce traffic congestion.

Will you use public transport frequently in the near future?

In the future, I will ride a motorbike to go to work to save time as opposed to taking a bus
or a train because I am on the go everyday so I don’t want to waste time in an
uncomfortable public vehicle. If the government allocates financial sources to modern
subway or railway lines, which are more comfortable and faster, I will use public transport.

What kind of transport do you like the most? Why?

To tell you the truth, I love bicycles which are more environmentally-friendly than other
forms of transport. I place importance on the environment, so it is my favorite vehicle.
Also, cycling is a good way to stay healthy. It would be perfect if the government runs
some bike-sharing schemes to encourage more cyclists and a bicycle-friendly city. I am
always up to my ears in my job, and often ride my motorbike to go to work to save time,
but I often cycle with my family at weekends.

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Do you like visiting museums? Why?

Honestly, I am really keen on going to museums because they are ideal places to learn
history. When I go to Hanoi museum, I take part in some exhibitions to learn about
historical events. Also, I talked with like-minded friends who share the same interest in
learning history.

How often do you visit museums?

In the past, I visited museums twice a month to take it easy and learn more knowledge.
However, I am always on the go now so I just go to the museum twice a year.

Are there any museums in your hometown?

People in Vietnam place importance on historical values so we have been building a lot
of museums to educate young generations about history. For example, teachers often take
students to museums and help them actually understand historical events through videos
and documents rather than just relying on history books. Furthermore, museums now are
very modern and they are also equipped with a lot of modern facilities. Therefore, many
people also go there to relax.

Do you think there should be more museums in the future?

As I said, we have already built a lot of museums so it is better to allocate financial

resources to other fields. For instance, if more and more schools are constructed in rural
areas, impoverished children are entitled to better educational services. Also, the
construction of more hospitals would widen potential for people to access high-quality
healthcare services.

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Are you proud of your country?

Well, I was born and bred in Vietnam and I am really proud of being a member of my
country. We have our 4000- year history and all people take pride in what our ancestors
did to lay the foundations for us. Also, it is a beautiful country with a lot of destinations.
Local people are very friendly and kind. Therefore, I really love my country.

What do you know about the history of your country?

I am really keen on learning history and usually read history books and watch some movies
about historical events which took place in Vietnam. Thanks to historical knowledge I
treasure what I have now.

Why do different countries have different cultures?

There are different factors which make a culture different to the rest. Geographical location
is a key determiner. For instance, people living near the sea have some activities and
festivals associated with fishing, while people in mountainous areas don’t have this kind of
activities. Also, history decides the culture and customs of people living in a particular area
because older generations often pass historical lessons on to younger ones.

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Positive points:

- Terraced houses/ detached houses/ bunglows/ flats/ apartments/ condominium/

residential/ housing areas/ complexes
- I love the living room where my family take part in different activities there to let
off steam/ take it easy/ recharge/ trengthen our family relationships/ bonds
- I share them all ups and downs because they put themselves in my shoes and give
me advice.
- I like the kitchen because I have a knack for/ passion for cooking so I want to prepare
decicious meals for my family/ I have some friends over for dinner
- I love my king-sized bedroom/ queen-sized bedroom where I recharge my battery/
take it easy
- I am up to my ears in my job/ study so I often work from home so I like my working
- I love the balcony where I have a hanging garden
- I have a passion for swimming so I often go for a swim when I have free time
- My neighbours are not only friendly but also kind so they often give me a hand when
I run into troubles.
- It is located in a bustling area so there are a lot of facilities in the vicinity of my
- It is very convenient for me as I am entitled to high-quality public services

Negative points

- It is noisy because my neighbours often sing

- I get stuck in traffic congestion when I go to work
- The environment is polluted
- The living cost is high

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Do you live in a house or a flat?

I am living in a terraced house which is located on the outskirts of Hanoi city. I’ve been
living there for 5 years.

What do you like about your house?

I love the living room where my family take part in different activities there to let off steam/
take it easy/ recharge/ trengthen our family relationships/ bonds

I like the kitchen because I have a knack for/ passion for cooking so I want to prepare
decicious meals for my family/ I have some friends over for dinner

What is your favourite room?

I love my king-sized bedroom/ queen-sized bedroom where I recharge my battery/ take it


What do you dislike about your house?

It is quite far from the city center so there are not many facilities in the vicinity of my

It is quite noisy because my neighbours often sing at weekends.

Do you have many neighbours?

I share them all ups and downs because they put themselves in my shoes and give me

Because I have a knack for/ passion for cooking so I want to prepare decicious meals for
my family/ I have some friends over for dinner

Do you want to live there in the future?

It is located in a bustling area so there are a lot of facilities in the vicinity of my


I want to live there to take care of my family.

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Do you live in a house or a flat?

I am living in a terraced house which is located on the outskirts of Hanoi city, and I’ve
been living there for nearly 3 years. However, in the past, I was living with my parents in
a bungalow in a tranquil area of my hometown.

What is your favorite room?

I have a knack for cooking so the kitchen is always my favorite place. Sometimes I cook
delicious meals when I have some friends over. I also like the living room where I put a
big screen and a sofa, so I can watch films to let off steam after hard-working hours.

Do you want to move to another house in the future?

I am now wet behind the ears so it is vitally important for me to live in the capital to
accumulate more work experience in the near future. However, I will come back to my
hometown to look for a well-paid job and live in a house with my parents as I want to look
after them.

Do you want to change anything about your house/apartment?

I really want to widen the kitchen to put a big dining table as I am a big fan of cooking so
I can cook delicious meals for my family. We can have dinner and talk about all ups and
downs together. I also want to have a hanging garden with many flowers in a balcony
because I love flowers.

Do you like living there?/ How do you feel about it?

Honestly, I love my house because it is not only spacious but also comfy. I have a big
kitchen where my family and I often cook together. Actually, I have a real knack for
cooking, so I am always happy to prepare delicious/tasty meals for my family.
Additionally, I love my king-sized bedroom where I can take it easy after long working
hours and leave all the worries of the world behind.

Does your house have windows?

Well, my house has a lot of windows as my parents are carpenters and they create windows
to make my house more beautiful. Thanks to such windows, I can look over the beautiful
views from my house. Also, windows are important for air circulation, which is really
important for our health.

Are there any shops and facilities near where you live?
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Well, Hanoi is one of the biggest cities with a lot of hustle and bustle, so there are a variety
of shopping malls and modern facilities in the vicinity of my neighborhood. At
weekends, I often go to the cinema to let off steam or do exercise in the park to get into

Do you think your neighbourhood is suitable for raising children?

In my opinion, it is an ideal place for raising children to become well-rounded adults thanks
to optimum growing conditions. For example, they are entitled to study at high-quality
schools which have proficient teachers. Also, there are some nearby hospitals with highly
qualified doctors who can take advantage of their knowledge to provide the best care to

Do you have good relationships with your neighbours? Is there any special thing about
your neighbourhood?

Well, I have a close relationship with people living nearby because they are all not only
friendly but also kind, so I often ask them for advice when I run into difficulties. We
also have some parties on special occasions. As cooking is my forte, I usually prepare food
for our parties.

What kind of accommodation will you choose to live in the future?

I dream of living in a big villa which is well equipped with a lot of modern facilities such
as an infinity swimming pool. This house would cost me a fortune but I will try my best
to make my dream come true. My friends and family members often think that it is
impossible to buy this kind of exorbitant accommodation, but I think if I work hard enough,
I can do almost everything.

Do you prefer to live in a house or a flat?

Honestly, I prefer living in a house to a flat as I can design and decorate my house based
on my hobbies. By contrast, if I live in a condominium, I need to have permission to repair
my flat.

Where did you want to live when you were a kid?

As most little boys, I dreamt of living in a huge palace with my family because I watched
a lot of cartoons with characters having this kind of house. I often put myself in their shoes
and thought about my dream house.

Does your house have a lot of furniture? Why?

Actually, my house is well equipped with a lot of furniture such as a king-sized bed, air
conditioner and so on, so I am always comfy in my house. Also, my father used to be a

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carpenter so he made some chairs and tables, and we often sit there and have coffee or tea

Which furniture do you like the most in your house?

As I said my house has many pieces of furniture but I like the sofa in the living room the
most as our family usually gathers and watches movies together. It helps us strengthen our
family bonds, and I have to say that I enjoy every moment with my family.

Do you want to buy new furniture?

As I am really keen on cooking, I want to have a big dining table so I will have delicious
meals with my family there. It is also more convenient for me to have some friends over
for dinner because now our table is pretty small, so we sometimes need to have meals in
the living room. However, if I have time, I want to make a table with my parents as opposed
to buying it in a store. This is because my father is an ex-carpenter, so making wooden
furniture is in my blood.

Do you live near your relatives?

Some relatives are also living in my neighbourhood, so I often take advantage of my free
time to visit them and share all sorts of stories. My uncles have accumulated a lot of
experience, so they often pass valuable knowledge on to me. Also, I often play sports or
read books with my cousins as we are all like-minded.

What do you often do to relax at home?

To tell you the truth, I am always on the go, and don’t have much time at home. However,
at weekends, I often amuse myself by listening to music in my bedroom or watching some
movies with my family to take it easy. Also, cooking is my favourite activity to let off
steam as I have a passion for cooking.

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Recreational activities

(travelling, music, movies, free time, sports, reading books, cooking)

Positive points:

I am actually a bit of a social butterfly, so I take part in a lot of recreational activities.

For example, I take advantage of my free time to travel or hang out with like-minded
friends to let off steam.

Watching films/ listening to music/ travelling/ reading books/ playing sports is always my
favorite activity as I can take it easy with my friends and family.

Travelling abroad/ listening to English songs/ reading English books/ watching foreign
movies helps me broaden my horizons as I can learn more foreign cultures and traditions.

Travelling/ listening to music/ watching movies/ playing sports/ reading books/ cooking
can help me strengthen my family bonds. For instance, at weekends, my parents and I
often cook at home, and I can share them all ups and downs when having meals together.

Cooking is my forte so I usually have some friends over for dinner. They give me
compliments on my cooking skills.

If I have free time, I often watch movies/ listen to my favorite songs in my king-sized
bedroom and leave all the worries of the world behind.

I place importance on my appearance and health so I often play sports to get into shape
and stay healthy.

Negative points: ( phủ định các câu trên hoặc tham khảo các câu dưới đây)

I am up to my ears in my job so I don’t have enough time to participate in any

recreational activities.

If I immerse myself in a lot of recreational activities, I will not have good academic

I am not a voracious reader so I dont want to read books.

Spending a lot of time watching movies or listening to music would lead to a sedentary
lifestyle due to lack of physical activities.

As a student, I am a bit strapped for cash so I dont have enough money to travel.

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What do you often do in your free time?

Actually, I am always on the go and don’t have much free time. However, I often take
advantage of my free time at weekends to play sports to get a higher level of fitness or
take part in some family bonding activities to take it easy after long working hours and
strengthen our relationships.

What do others do in their free time?

It is up to each person to decide, but I think most people often choose to hang out with their
friends to take part in some recreational activities to let off steam. They may have a cup
of coffee or visit some beautiful destinations. Some people also have special pastimes such
as reading books or playing the guitar. For example, unlike most people who often go out,
my sister just wants to stay at home playing musical instruments as she is endowed with
special musical talents.

What are the differences between your leisure time activities now and in the past?

Well, my parents attached great value to my school records, so I was always up to my ears
in exam revision, and didn’t have much free time. However, I have more freedom now to
enjoy my hobbies. Also, in the past we almost read books or watched movies as
recreational activities as I was living in the countryside, but now I live in Hanoi city with
a lot of hustle and bustle, so I have more forms of entertainment.

What are the differences between free time activities of women and men?

I think that there do exist a variety of disparities between men and women in terms of their
leisure time activities. For example, while men often choose to play sports as they place
importance on their health, women prefer going shopping to other activities as they value
the importance of their beauty over other things. Additionally, men prefer some
activities with their friends while women often spend time with their children.

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Do you like travelling?
Well, I am keen on travelling, and the reason for this is that it is seen as the best way to
take it easy. My friends and I often pay visits to famous tourist attractions in my city to
take part in recreational activities together.
Can you tell me the last time you visited a city?
To the best of my recollection, it was about 5 months ago, my friends and I paid a visit to
Da nang city which is seen as one of the most beautiful coastal cities in my country with
several tourist attractions. We went there to let off steam after an examination which I
passed with flying colors.
Do you make plans when going on a vacation?
As a manager, I am always on the go. Therefore, if I want to visit a destination, I always
have to prepare carefully. For example, I booked airline tickets 10 days in advance and
made a detailed schedule for my vacation to Singapore last summer.
Where do you want to visit in the future?
Well, I intend to visit London next year when I have a lot of free time. The reason why I
choose London as an ideal destination is that it is one of the most beautiful cities in the
world with several tourist attractions. I am keen on travelling so it is perfectly suitable for
me. London is also famous for prestigious schools and universities with students from
the four corners of the world so I can easily make friends and discover different cultures.
Would you like to travel into space?
Well, that sounds great. I really want to discover more about our earth and galaxy. However,
I think it is very difficult as travelling into space may cost me a fortune as I have to spend
much money on tickets, food and special state-of-the-art devices.
Is it necessary to discover other planets?
In my opinion, natural resources have been exploited at an alarming rate in recent years
so discovering other planets is important for human beings unless future generations may
have to encounter hash living conditions without any natural resources.
What is your most memorable trip?
I have visited different places but the most memorable trip for me would be 5 years ago. I
passed my toeic examination with flying colors, so my family and I decided to have a trip
to Danang city to celebrate my attainment. It was fantastic for me as I had a chance to visit
one of the most beautiful coastal cities.

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Did you often go on picnics when you were a child?

To be honest, when I was a kid, my parents placed great importance on my school results,
so I spent most of my time studying at home and school instead of taking picnics. However,
if I got high scores, they would take me to the park or some gardens as a reward to motivate
me to study more.

Where did you go?

There were some beautiful gardens in the vicinity of my neighborhood, so we can go there
to let off steam together. We often brought a tent and some food, and had fun there.

How about now?

I am now always on the go, so I don’t have much time for picnicking but at weekends, I
often take advantage of my free time to go picnic with my family to take it easy after
long working hours.

Where do people often go ?

It is up to each person to decide but I think most people often choose some tranquil areas
to have picnics with their family and friends. They can go to the park or garden to enjoy
the fresh atmosphere with their friends, some people also choose to go to some mountainous
areas to discover nature and escape from the hustle and bustle of cities.

What do you think about eating outside?

It would be a great experience for us. Normally, people often have meals at home or in
some restaurants, so having an outdoor party is great. I have a real knack for cooking so
when my family has some trips, I often prepare food for all members.

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Do you like shopping?

I have to say that I am really keen on shopping which is considered as the best way to take
it easy after long working hours. At weekends, I often take advantage of my free time to go
shopping with my friends or colleagues to let off steam.

How often do you go shopping?

It really depends. When I was a university student, I was a bit strapped for cash, so I
didn’t usually go shopping, but now I have a job and a stable income so I go shopping every
weekend to try on new clothes and buy necessary stuff for my life. Sometimes, we just go
to shopping malls for window shopping to get rid of stress.

Do you bargain when you go shopping?

It’s actually up to where I go shopping. If I go to some market stalls, I can easily haggle
over the price of some items before making purchases, but prices in large shopping malls
and supermarkets are often fixed, so it is impossible to make a bargain.

( a discount, it is not worth haggling over a few pence)

Do you compare prices when going shopping?

Yes, I often make a comparison between prices and the quality of products given by
different sellers, particularly when I buy something online. There are some apps which help
consumers easily compare prices and the reputation of shops, so I can choose the most
suitable items for my family.

What kinds of clothes do you often wear?

I place importance on my appearance, so I often choose shirts and trousers and other
elegant items when I go to work. However, if I stay at home, I will choose some casual
clothes like T-shirts and jeans, which make me more comfortable.

What kinds of clothes do you never wear?

Well, I am a bit thin so I will not wear a suit unless I am fatter. It is not suitable for me as I
look terrible in a suit. Even when I buy some items of clothing, I often ask a tailor to fix the
dimensions to make them fit to my body.

Do you wear different clothes on the weekends?

Well, as a team leader of a big company, I often wear my company’s uniform on weekdays
or some elegant clothes when I meet my customers. However, at weekends, I often wear

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casual pieces of clothing such as jeans or T-shirt as I feel more comfortable when putting
on these clothes. Also, I often go picnic with my family, so I would wear something that I
don’t mind getting dirty.

What color of clothes do you dislike?

I like every color, except for yellow because if I wear yellow clothes, I look a bit terrible as
my skin is quite black and I am not suitable with this color. However, people with white
skin like this color as they look more attractive, particularly when they go somewhere under
the sunshine.

Have you ever worn the clothes because of its brand?

I am a bit strapped for cash so hardly do I buy branded clothes which often cost me a
fortune. Therefore, I don’t care about the price of my items, and will wear anything which
is suitable and cheap as opposed to wearing designer labels.

( more ideas: I often buy clothes based on brands as I believe that prestigious companies
often provide high-quality items. Last week, I dressed up the smartest evening wear when
joining in a birthday party. My friends gave me a lot of compliments on my outfit bought
from LV)


Do you often make a list?

I am a bit of a careful person, so I often make a lot of lists. This is because if I make some
to-do lists, I can save time and control my tasks effectively. For instance, I am always on
the go, so I cannot remember what I have to do at work unless I have a list of activities that
I have to do every day.

Do you prefer making a list on paper or mobile phone?

Well, I am quite tech-savvy, and I have a state-of-the-art mobile phone which is very
useful for me because I can take advantage of its interesting features to make some
timetables and lists. By contrast, it is quite inconvenient to make notes on paper because I
am kind of careless and often lose my notes.

Do you make a list before going shopping?

Well, as I said I am quite careful and always want to save every moment to work. Therefore,
if I go shopping, I often make detailed notes about what I need to buy, then I mark off items
that I buy. I think it is a great way for me to save my time, unless I would miss some items.

Why do some people don't want to make lists?

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

The main reason why some people are reluctant to make lists is because they have
incredible memory which allows them to remember what they have to do, so making a to-
do list is something unnecessary for them. In addition, some people are quite careless, so
they don’t want to make any notes and often ask others for help if they run into problems.


What do you often do on weekends?

As a team leader, I am always on the go, and I don’t have much time on weekdays, so I
often take advantage of my free time at weekends to play sports to get into shape, go
shopping and take part in some recreational activities with my family to take it easy after
long working hours.

Do you think that weekends are important?

In my opinion, weekends are of necessity for all people. In the contemporary world, most
people are under considerable pressure at work and school, so they can get rid of stress at
weekends. Also, people can take part in some activities with friends and family at weekends
to strengthen their relationships.

Does your city have many activities at weekends?

I am now living in Hanoi which is one of the biggest cities in Vietnam with a lot of hustle
and bustle, so we have a lot of activities on weekends. For example, citizens can go to
walking streets to let off steam with many people, or they can take part in some festivals
to discover local cultures and traditions.

Do you often watch TV on weekends?

Now, I prefer hanging out with my friends or family to take it easy instead of watching TV
programs. The main reason is that as I spend most of my weekdays in my office so if I do
have free time, I want to take part in some outdoor activities to be more active.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


( to build up my fitness level = to have a better level of fitness)

Do you like sports?

I am really keen on sports, particularly football, so I often take advantage of my free time
at weekends to play this sport with my friends to let off steam and get into shape.

Is there any sport that you particularly like?/ what is your favourite sport?

Well, as I said football is always my favorite sport because of two main reasons. Firstly, it
is considered as the king sport which is very ubiquitous, so I can easily find some like-
minded friends to play this sport together. Secondly, it is a kind of team sport, so I can
improve my teamwork skills by playing football.

Have you ever been in a sport team?

When I was a high school student, I was a goal keeper of my team. Actually, I was not
really good at this sport due to some health problems at that time, but my coach put himself
in my shoes and motivated me to play this sport a lot because he believed that I could
overcome all problems if I played sports.

Do you like watching sports on TV?

I place importance on my health and usually watch sport programs to learn some tips and
relax. It is perfect to watch some sport games of my favorite teams over the weekend.

Did you play sports when you were a child?

My father was really keen on playing sports so he often took me to the part to play football
with him to take it easy and stay healthy.

Do you like any sport teams?

I am a big fan of Liverpool which is one of the most famous football club in the world. In
the future, I wish I would go to Anfield and meet my idols.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


Do you like fishing?

I would say that I love fishing as it is considered as the best way to take it easy after long
working hours. As a team leader, I am always up to my ears in my job so am under
considerable pressure. Hence, I often take advantage of my free time to go fishing with
like-minded friends or my dad to let off steam.

What do you think about eating fish?

Honestly, I have a real knack for cooking and fish is always my favorite food which has
a high level of protein, calcium and vitamins, so I am healthier when I eat fish every day.
At weekends, I often go to the market with my mom and choose some fresh fish to cook
for my family.

Is going fishing popular in Vietnam?

It actually depends on where you live. For example, fishing is not a common activity in big
cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh city as people have more forms of entertainment like
going to the cinema or the zoo which are often more attractive than fishing. However,
people in the rural areas don’t have many choices and they often choose fishing as a good
way to let off steam.

Where can you see fish?

As you can probably guess, fish can be easily found in lakes, rivers, and ponds. Also,
Vietnam is a coastal country with more than 3000 km of the shore, so fishmen living near
the sea catch fish as the main source of their income.

Why do people go fishing?

Well, people are keen on fishing as it is considered as one of the best ways to take it easy
after long working and studying hours. They can go to a lake or river to catch fish and
enjoy tranquil atmosphere.

Do people keep fish as a pet?

Raising fish as a pet is not widely chosen by many people because most people choose to
raise a dog or a cat. They can take advantage of their free time to walk a dog or cat to
take it easy but it is quite boring to spend time with fish. However, fish is often cheap, so
some people buy aquariums to raise fish at home.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


What are the differences between your eating habits now and in the past?

There are several differences between my eating habits now and in the past but I think the
main one is that I was really keen on fast food which is very convenient. However, I attach
great importance to my health now so I always try to arrange my time to prepare healthy
food for myself to improve my health.

Who do you usually eat with?

Actually, I often come back home late and have dinner alone. Some years ago, I was living
with my family in my hometown so my mother who has a knack for cooking, helped me
prepare for my meals but I am living alone in Hanoi city and I have to do everything by

How often do you eat out? Why? How often do you cook?

I am up to my ears in my job, so I eat out in a small restaurant with my colleagues to save

time. However, I take advantage of my free time on weekends to cook for myself as I
think cooking is also seen as a good way to let off steam after long working hours.

Do you think young people in your country like cooking?

In my perspective, young adults in my country are keen on playing games or hanging out
with their friends instead of cooking. Their parents often help them to prepare delicious
meals so they don’t pay attention to cooking.

Is foreign food popular in Vietnam?

Actually, foreign restaurants are very popular in Vietnam, particularly in big cities like
Hanoi or Saigon city. I guess the reason for this is that Vietnamese citizens always want to
try different kinds of food so they often eat foreign food.

Do you think people will change their eating habits?

People spend most of their time working and studying so they usually eat out but in the
future, they may have to allocate more time for cooking because it is the best way to prevent
diseases related to food.

Do you prefer family meals or restaurant meals?

I prefer family meals rather than meals in restaurants because having meals helps us
strengthen our family relationships. At weekends, my family and I usually cook together to
prepare for our family’s dinners.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


Do you like watching films?

I am really into watching movies as it is seen as a good way to take it easy so I go to the
cinema with my friends every weekend to let off steam after long working hours.

What kinds of films do you like?

There are different kinds of movies screened on the Internet and cinemas but I love action
movies the most because they are so interesting and attractive. Last weekend, I went to
CGV cinema with my best friends to watch “ Fast and Furious’ which is a Box-office hit
in Vietnam. We were totally engrossed in this blockbuster.

Do you prefer watching films in the cinema or at home? Why?

Actually, I prefer staying at home to watch some interesting movies on the internet rather
than going to the cinema because I can save a lot of time as well as money. You know, we
can easily find most movies which have been released recently on the internet with special
effects and contents on the Internet.

How often do you go to the cinema?

I am up to my ears in my job and spend most of my time working in my office so I don’t

really have enough time to go to the cinema on weekdays. However, I take advantage of
my free time on weekends to watch some blockbusters with my friends to let off steam
after hard-working days.

Who is your favorite film star?

Well, I am a big fan of Tu Long who is not only a film star but also a good role model in
my life. Although he is very busy with his film projects, he takes part in a lot of volunteer
activities to help poor people so he contributes a lot to society.

Do you think that international film stars are famous in Vietnam?

I think Vietnamese people are keen on watching foreign movies, particularly some
blockbusters from Hollywood. Therefore, they are fans of movie stars like Selena Gomez,
Angelina Jolie or Tony Stark who are main actresses and actors in many box-office hits.

Do you like Vietnamese film stars or international film stars?

Actually, I prefer Vietnamese movies to international ones and I always spend more time
watching Vietnamese movies, so I am keen on some famous film stars in my country.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


How do you take a rest?

Well, people have different ways to take it easy but I usually amuse myself by listening to
music because I am really keen on music. Sometimes, I also have some friends over for
dinner and I am really happy to prepare a lot of food for them.

Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest?

It really depends. If I feel tired, I would take a nap to recover my health. If my health is
good enough, I want to take advantage of my time to read a book or listen to music to get
rid of stress.

How do you feel after taking a nap?

I feel comfortable even if it is just a short sleep and then I can highly concentrate on my
job. Actually, I usually spend 30 minutes sleeping at noon before focusing on working or
studying in the afternoon.

Is it important for you to take a rest every day?

In my opinion, it is vitally important to take rest every day because we are living in a fast-
paced world so we are always up to our ears in our job. Hence, taking a rest can help us
recover our health and let off steam.


Do you often watch programs on the TV or on your cell phone?

Well, when I come back home from my company, I usually watch online shows on my
mobile phone to take it easy and leave all the worries of the world behind.

What kind of TV programs do you like?

There are different TV programs but comedies are always my favorite choice because these
programs help me let off steam after long working hours. Sometimes I also watch news
programs to keep abreast of current affairs.

Do you talk with your friends about the program you watched?

Yes, I often discuss with my friends and colleagues about some TV programs. For instance,
we can talk about some hot pieces of news or some funny shows together.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


Do you like singing?

Well, I am really keen on singing as it is considered as the best way to take it easy after
long working hours. In the evening, I often sing alone in my king-sized bedroom and leave
all the worries of the world behind.

Are you good at singing?

I am quite good at singing but I sing a lot. On some special occasions, I often sing with my
friends, colleagues and family. They sometimes give me compliments on my singing skills.

Do you like listening to others’ songs?

Yes, I really like it. I actually have a group of like-minded friends who share the same
interest in singing. At weekends, we often take advantage of our free time to sing with
each other. Then we can give each other comments on how to improve our skills

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


( computers, phones, media, newspapers, magazines)

Positive points:

Computers/ mobile phones/ the Internet appears in the four corners of the earth so it is
very convenient for me to use this piece of technology everywhere.

I am a technophile so I love this state-of-the-art/ cutting-edge smart phone/computer.It

costs me an arm and a leg/cost a fortune, but it is worth every penny because of its
amazing features.

I am a technophobe so I use some obsolete/ old-fashioned devices.

I use it for different purposes. Firstly, I keep in touch with my friends and family members
by chatting with them daily on my mobile phone/computer. Secondly, it also helps me have
a good command of English via many online lessons.

The Internet also brings me into contact with a lot of friends through social networking

People can tap into limitless of information associated with different fields on a range of
user-generated sites such as Wikipedia.

It keeps readers with up to date information about different topics = I keep abreast of
current affairs by reading online news.

I often take advantage of my free time to watch some movies/ play games on my
computer/phone to take it easy and leave all the worries of the world behind.

Negative points: ( phủ định các câu trên hoặc tham khảo các câu dưới đây)

Computer/online games are highly addictive so people often spend many hours playing
such games/using computers, which leads to bad results at school.

The increasing popularity of technological devices would encourage an over reliance on

technology, leading to various problems. For example,they may have a sedentary lifestyle.

News is often not checked carefully to ensure the accuracy and reliability; hence, readers
may be affected by fake news.

People often immerse themselves in the virtual world so they are indifferent to physical

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả



Do you use a computer? How often do you use computers?

I am a bean counter so I use my computer every day for my job. Sometimes, I also use it
to keep in touch with my friends and family members by making some video calls on
facebook or chat with them.

Do you think you will use computers more or less in the future?

Well, I think that I will definitely use my computer more and more in the future because it
plays an important role in my job. Sometimes, I have to hit deadlines by burning the
midnight oil so my computer is very necessary to complete my job on time.

Did you use the Internet frequently when you were a child?

Actually, I was under a lot of pressure as my parents placed great importance on learning
English so I used my computer daily to study from virtual lessons on the Internet.

What are the differences between the way people use computers nowadays and in the

There are several differences between the way people use computers now and in the past,
but I think the main one is that people almost used computers for their jobs but now they
can take advantage of computers for different purposes. For example, they can not only
send reports through computers but also let off steam by listening to music or watching

What kind of computer skills do you have?

I am very proficient at editing because I took part in an editing class when I was at my
university. Now, I can use my computer to make a lot of interesting videos to post on
facebook or instagram. Additionally, my typing skill is also good so I can type very fast
with 10 fingers.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


Do you like reading?

As I said I am a voracious reader so I often take advantage of my free time to read books
or news to enrich my knowledge. Reading is also considered as the best way to let off steam
after long working hours.

What do you often read?

To tell you the truth, I dream of becoming a businessman, so I often have my nose in
economic books when I have spare time. Some autobiographies written by famous
businessmen in the world give me a lot of knowledge about how to start an enterprise and
how to manage my time and human resources effectively. I think that I can take advantage
of my knowledge to open a business by myself in the future. Also, I have a keen interest
in sports, particularly football, so I take in daily information about sports daily.

Did you like reading in the past?

Well, when I was a student, I often spent time in the library digging a lot of documents to
improve my knowledge. However, I mostly focused on books related to some subjects at
my school, as I wanted to get as high scores as possible.

Do you prefer magazines or newspapers?

I am a voracious reader and I love both magazines and newspapers because magazines
focus on a particular topic, so I can have a profound understanding of a field if I read
magazines. However, newspapers provide information related to different kinds of topics
such as the environment and education, so I have a more well-rounded perspective of life
when reading newspapers

Do you prefer reading online news or paper news? What is more convenient?

I am a technophile, so I prefer reading online news to traditional one. As you know, the
Internet appears in the four corners of the world, so I can easily use my phone to take
in new information online, regardless of my location.

Which contents do you often read in the newspapers? Why?

Newspapers keep me up to date with latest information about all aspects of life but I
often pay attention to sports as I attach importance to my health so I want to know some
tips about how to be healthier by playing sports. Sometimes, I also read environmental news
which has also drawn much attention from the public.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

Do you think there are still many people who read newspapers today? Why?

As you know, the internet is becoming more popular in the four corners of the world so
people would prefer reading online news because of its convenience rather than buying
printed newspapers.

Is there any family member who likes reading newspapers?

Yes. My father spends time reading newspapers daily to keep abreast of information
related to all aspects of life. Sometimes, I discuss with him about sensational news, and he
usually explains to me the truth.

What are the differences between young and old people when reading news?

There are several differences between young and old generations when reading news but I
think the main one is that while old people often read newspapers, youngsters have different
ways to read news. For example, I read news through social media such as facebook but
my father only wants to buy printed magazines. Furthermore, older generations often pay
attention to topics related to the environment and politics, while young generations focus
on music or sports.

Do you think online news will become more popular in the future?

The internet appears in the four corners of the world so I think online news has become
ubiquitous everywhere. In the future, only a few people read paper news and most citizens
will use their mobile phones or computers to update new information about all aspects of

Do you prefer domestic or international news?

I would have to say that I pay attention to both kinds of news. I want to know about
everything which happens in my country everyday but international news also keeps me up
to date with the latest information about the world so I can improve my knowledge.

Which magazines are popular now?

There are different magazines now but sport magazines are the most popular because
readers have a lot of tips about how to play sports and improve their health. People in my
country place great importance on their health so they read them a lot. Fashion
magazines are also widely chosen as they keep readers up to date with up-to-the-minute

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

What are the differences between men and women when reading magazines?

There are several differences between males and females when reading magazines but I
think the main one is that men often pay attention to sport magazines as they are keen on
playing sports. By contrast, women focus more on fashion to update information about new

What are the differences between magazines and newspapers?

A number of differences between magazines and newspapers can be seen but I think the
main one is that newspapers often provide audiences with information related to all fields
such as politics, education, healthcare and so on, while magazines only focus on a particular
topic such as sport magazines. Additionally, newspapers serve readers from different ages
but magazines are only suitable for a particular group of people.

Do you think magazines can disappear?

Despite the development of online newspapers, I still believe that magazines still maintain
their importance as they provide detailed knowledge about particular fields so it is very
convenient for readers

Did you read comics when you were a kid?

Honestly, when I was small, my parents didn’t allow me to read comics, which is considered
as a waste of time. They attached emphasis to my school results and encouraged me to
spend as much time as possible learning core subjects as opposed to reading comics.
However, when I went to my class when I was not under control of my parents, I read some
comics like Conan with my friends to take it easy.

What kinds of comics do you often read?

I don’t know exactly about comic classification but I often read the so-called Manga which
originates from Japan where is famous for comics. Manga is published in black and white.
But what is also remarkable is that manga is printed on cheap paper, so I don’t need to pay
much money. Also, sometimes, I read horror comics because spooky comic books always
pick our curiosity.

What kinds of comics do children in Vietnam often read?

They read different kinds of comics but the most popular might be superhero comic strips
which often represent life and how heroes contribute to society. I think that heroism is
always the hot topic for every generation. ( More types: abstract comics, alternative comics,
autobiographical comics)

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


Do you like texting?

Well, I don’t like texting at all as it is a waste of time. I am always up to my ears in my

job so I would rather make some calls as opposed to spending time texting. However, when
I was a student, I often sent some messages as texting was cheaper than calling. I was a bit
strapped for cash at that time, so it was suitable for me.

Have you ever received any messages that you feel a bit confused to answer?

Well, I received a lot of messages from my family and friends but the one that made me
confused the most was about 5 years ago if my memory serves me right. It was a message
from my ex-girlfriend that she decided to tie the knot and invited me to take part in her
wedding party. I was a bit confused whether I should answer or not, but finally, I said ok
and joined in her party.

Do you think that texting is more convenient than calling?

I would say yes and no. Normally, calling is more convenient than texting because it can
help you save time and provide more information to receivers. However, on some special
occasions, it is easier to text than call. For example, I always want to make a phone call to
my mom and say that I love her on her birthday, but I am always hesitant to do it, so sending
her a message is a more suitable choice for me.

Do people in your country text?

Well, in the past, mobile phones were quite simple and their main functions are to text and
call, so texting was widely chosen. Now they often take advantage of social networking
websites to make video calls or send voice messages to save time.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


How often do you use emails? Do you think emails are useful?

Actually, I use emails every day for different purposes. For example, I send reports to my
boss daily through email. I also keep in touch with my friends and family by chatting with
them via email.

What kinds of emails do you want to receive?

Actually, I receive many kinds of emails every day from my boss, customers and relatives
but I really want to receive a confirmation letter in which I passed an interview in Samsung
which is one of the biggest foreign companies in Vietnam as I took part in an interview in
this company 2 weeks ago.

Do you think emails can replace handwriting?

Emails are vitally important in the modern world but I think handwriting will still maintain
its importance as people have to write a lot of things every day in their classes or meetings
and so on. For me, I jot down some notes when I take part in conferences in my company,
which is more convenient than using a computer.

How often do you write something by hand?

I am revising for my ielts examination so I write a lot of essays every day. I also keep a
diary in which I write everything happening around my life every day. When I get older, I
can read my diary to remember interesting experiences.

Do you think typing will be more popular in the future?

Yes, most people will choose to type rather than writing by hand thanks to the appearance
of many technological devices. They can type quickly on computers or mobile phones and
then send to others.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


Are there many advertisements in your country?

I have to say that advertisements are very popular in Vietnam as companies always want to
disseminate information about their products’ attributes so you can easily see
advertisements on buses, billboards, the Internet or TV.

Have you ever seen any special advertisements?

I have seen a lot of commercials but the most special one is the short video in which Son
Tung MTP who is one of the most famous singers in Vietnam talks about the iphone XII
which is a cutting-age mobile phone now. Every fascinating feature of this phone is given
by him in a humorous style with a funny song attached, which attracts a lot of viewers.

Do you like advertisements? Do you think advertisements are necessary?

To be honest, I am not really into commercials which often interrupt me when I watch
movies but I have to say that they are very useful. Thanks to a lot of advertisements in my
country I know a lot of things about many products.

Did you like advertisements when you were little?

When I was a kid, I was really into watching advertisements which gave information about
toys with funny sounds. I could not only know more about different kinds of toys but also

Have you ever bought anything based on an advertisement?

I usually buy products based on commercials. Last week, I decided to buy a state-of-the-
art computer after watching an advertisement from an FPT store, which gave me a lot of
information about interesting features of this computer.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


What kind of social networking websites do you like to use? How often do you use
those websites?

Well, I usually use which is the most popular networking website in my
country. I have access to this website daily to keep in touch with my friends and family
members. This website also keeps me up to date with up-to-the-minute information
about different things.

Do you make friends online?

I am quite social so I make friends with people from all walks of life. I take part in a group
of like-minded people on facebook. We love playing guitar and music so we discuss about
music every day.

Do you think young people use social media too much?

Yes, young people often immerse themselves in social networking websites such as as the Internet appears in the four corners of the earth so people with their
own mobile phones or computers can easily have access to those websites for different

What are bad points about social media?

In my opinion, people often immerse themselves in social websites, which leads to

negative impacts on their health and bad results at school. However, the silver lining is
that online websites can connect people, regardless of their location, and convey a huge
amount of information easily.

Do you think you can make friends on social networking websites?

I am a bit of a social butterfly so I make friends with people from a variety of

backgrounds both online and offline. I think that the more friends we have, the advice and
support we receive.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả



Do you often recycle?

Actually, I always try my best to recycle because of two main reasons. Firstly, I place
importance on the environment, and by recycling bottles and bags, I can contribute a bit
to the environmental protection. Secondly, I am a bit strapped for cash, so it is also a good
way for me to save money.

Did you recycle in the past?

Well, I was living in the countryside where people threw rubbish into rivers and lakes, but
then we realized the necessity of recycling and tried to recycle as much as possible. For
instance, waste is often collected and sorted by each family and then sent to nearby
recycling plants.

Why do people recycle things?

Actually, most people choose to recycle because they realize the importance of recycling
which plays an important role in saving money and preventing environmental
degradation. They don’t need to pay much money for buying new things and reduce a huge
amount of waste every day. If they don’t recycle, it will lead to a throw-away society due
to disposable goods.

What things can be recycled?

Most materials can be recycled as long as people are aware of the importance of
recycling. Plastic, paper and glass are often recycled, so they can reuse them instead of
buying new items. My family uses plastic bottles as pots for some flowers, while other
families can send them to recycling factories.

How can a government encourage people to recycle?

A host of solutions can be taken to encourage citizens in using recycled materials. For
example, by running some government sponsored campaigns warning people about the
deterioration of the environment due to waste sources, citizens might try to recycle for
the sake of the environment. Also, some laws forcing businesses to produce recycled
materials can be considered. It might be a good option for the long term.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả


Do you like new activities?

Honestly, I am really keen on trying out new activities as long as they are positive because
I believe that the more activities I participate in, the more meaningful my life is. For
example, I have a passion for sports, so I often take up some new sports to get into shape
and improve my health. Also, I take part in some new activities like singing at noon to get
rid of stress.

( more ideas: to discover hidden talents)

Did you try new activities in the past?

Well, when I was a student, my friends and I often took part in some new activities to take
it easy. We were all under considerable pressure at school due to great competition in
academic learning, so we found some new areas to visit, played some news sports to let off

What activity do you want to try in the future?

Well, I am a bit adventurous, so I want to visit some new and remote destinations by
motorbike. Normally, people often travel by car, but I want to make a difference.
Additionally, I also want to get out of my comfort zone, so I intend to find a new job to
challenge myself.

Do you prefer trying new activities alone or with your friends?

I think it depends on the activity. For instance, if I hit the gym to lose weight, I would prefer
going alone instead of going with my friends as they may laugh at my face if I cannot
achieve my goal. By contrast, it is better to try out some new activities like learning new
skills or relaxing with our friends who can give me valuable comments for improvement.

Why old people don't like trying new activities?

The main reason why the elderly are not really keen on new activities is because their
personality is quite different to the young’s one. They place importance on safety and
stability so they just want to do something which they have already been familiar with. For
instance, my parents prefer to stay at home and take care of children at weekends, rather
than visiting new areas or trying out new sports for old people because they are hesitant to

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Are you good at choosing gifts?

Well, it depends on the kind of gift. For instance, I found out a lot about perfume which is
a popular kind of gift in Vietnam, so if someone asks me for choosing a box of perfume I
am willing to help them. However, I don’t know much about fashion, so when I have to
choose an item of clothing, I usually go with my friends who will choose a suitable item
which is the in thing.

What do you often choose to give your friends?

As I said before, I have a passion for perfume so I often choose perfume as a gift for my
family and friends. Additionally, I am a technophile and sometimes buy a cutting-edge
phone or computer to give to others on special occasions but these are more expensive so I
need to consider carefully before making a purchase.

Do you want to choose a gift when you are given a gift?

I would say yes because I want to receive my favorite gifts. For instance, I am a big fan of
sports, particularly football, so I will be very happy if someone gives me an item of sport
clothing or a ball.


When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

Well, I am always on the go, so I often do many things in a hurry. The last time was this
morning when I rushed to work as I woke up late and then got stuck in traffic congestion.
Actually, yesterday evening, I burned the midnight oil to complete my job on time so I
was a bit tired.

What kind of things would you never do in a hurry?

As I said I am up to my ears in my job so I am often in urgent situations, but I never

make any important and hasty decisions unless I will make a lot of mistakes due to hurried
preparation. If someone asks me to make decisions in a short time, I will find some ways
to defer or even refuse the emergency situation.

Do you like to finish things quickly?

Well, it really depends, when I go to work, I often highly stay focused on my job and try
to complete all duties as fast as possible because I would be valued by my boss if my
work productivity is good. However, when I have some parties or reunions with my family,
I want to slow down the time to enjoy every moment with them.

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Why do people do things in a hurry?

In my perspective, people often do hasty things due to a host of reasons. Firstly, the job
market has become increasingly competitive, which forces them to work effectively in a
short time. Secondly, some people are careless, so they do not often prepare everything
carefully and have to do urgent things.

Do you think people now are more hurried than in the past?

I would say yes, people now are living in a fast-paced life, so they tend to do everything
in a hurry. This is particularly true for life in densely populated cities like Hanoi and Ho
chi minh where people are under considerable pressure and get used to a fast-paced

Do you make mistakes when you do something in a hurry?

Yes, the possibility of making mistakes is high when we do hurry things. For example, I
was often late for school although I went there in a hurry. Also, I forgot books and other
things when going to my class. Moreover, when we make hasty decisions, we also make
mistakes as we don’t have enough time to consider carefully.


( well-organized, well-ordered, neat, neatness, tidiness, untidy, messy)

Are you a tidy person?

I am not only careful but also well-organised because if I often organize everything
logically, and I don’t waste time looking for items.

Are you tidy at home or in your company?

To tell you the truth, I am tidier in my office than any other place as I want to leave a good
impression on my colleagues by being tidy. Additionally, my company has some rules
related to tidiness, so I often clean up my working desk when I finish my work. However,
since I am always up to my ears in my job, so I feel a bit tired after coming home and it
is totally acceptable to create a mess in my bedroom.

How do your family members think about your tidiness?

Normally, they often give me compliments on my neatness. However, If I feel tired, I may
throw clothes and gadgets on my bed, so my mom sometimes complains and asks me to
have a neat room. However, my dad puts himself in my shoes and avoid talking about
my messy room.

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Is it good to be tidy everywhere?

In theory, if we are well-ordered, everything will go smoothly. However, on some special

occasions such as an urgent project or an operation in a hospital, the first priority is to
complete the project and save victims, as opposed to trying to be tidy.


Do you like to borrow your friend’s books?

Honestly, I am a voracious reader, so I often borrow books from my friends or the library.
Especially, I have a group of like-minded friends who share the same interests in reading
economic books, so we can borrow from each other.

Do you let your friends borrow your money?

I make friends with people from all walks of life, and we often help each other financially,
so if I am strapped for cash, I will ask them for financial assistance and vice versa.

How do you feel when somebody borrows your mobile phone?

It will be ok if they just borrow my phone for making a phone call to their friends or family
when they get lost or lose their phones. However, I will not lend them my phone for other
purposes as I am worried about the invasion of privacy. Actually, I save some secrets and
pictures on my phone that I don’t want to share with anyone.


Do you like trees?

I love trees because they help to balance the atmosphere. For instance, trees absorb carbon
dioxide and release oxygen on hot days, which makes me feel comfortable.

Do you plant trees?

Hardly do I plant trees because I am now living in Hanoi which is a densely inhabited city
so there are not many places for trees. However, when I come back to my hometown, I
sometimes plant some trees with my parents.

Are there many trees near where you live?

Well, my neighbourhood doesn’t have many trees because I am living in a crowded city
where most of the land is occupied by residential areas and factories. If we want to see a
lot of trees, we need to go to some public places like parks and gardens. However, I was
born in a mountainous area which was surrounded by a lot of trees which provide share for

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Are there any special trees in Vietnam?

As you may know, Vietnam is famous for raising bamboos which represent the uprightness
and honesty of local inhabitants. During wars against the French and American empires,
soldiers used trees as their weapons. Now, this kind of trees has economic values because
we export bamboos to other places in the world to make money.


What often make you happy?

Well, I am a bit of a simple and optimistic person so there are just three things which make
me feel happy. Firstly, I place importance on my family and friends, so I will not be
pleased unless they are happy. Secondly, if my health is good enough, I will be very
satisfied with my life. Finally, it would be great when I can do something to contribute to
my society, which may give me a sense of happiness and community.

What have made many people happy recently?

As you know the covid-19 pandemic has affected people from the four corners of the
world, killing millions of people and leading to a global economic downturn. However,
there have been some vaccines against the coronavirus. Furthermore, some untapped areas
have been discovered, paving the way for new sources of natural resources and ensuring
our survival. I guess most people would be really happy about these pieces of news.

Is it important to be happy everywhere?

Happiness is the most important motivation for people, so it is vital to be happy everywhere.
However, some people want to experience ups and downs to have a more meaningful life.

Are you happy with your study/ job?

I am totally satisfied with my career because I get to work with people from a variety of
backgrounds now, and we support each other. Also, it is a well-paid job so I can earn
enough money to cover all needs in my life and raise my family.

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Where do people often welcome the new year?

I guess it depends. For instance, some people choose to stay at home and celebrate the new
year with their family and give each other different wishes, while others go to public places
to sing, dance and pray for their new year.

What is the most memorable new year anniversary?

If my memory serves me right, it was around 10 years ago when I was still a kid. All of my
relatives from different cities came back to my grandparents’ house to have a reunion and
celebrate our new year together. We drank beer and sang and took a lot of photos.

What do people often do?

Well, most people often go shopping to buy new pieces of clothing. They also have a lot of
parties because it is the longest holiday in Vietnam. Old people often pray for their health,
while younger generations set up some new year’s resolutions and try to follow them.


Have you visited a farm?

I was born in a small village which is surrounded by a lot of farms. When I was a kid, my
parents often took me to their farms to help me understand various difficulties they needed
to experience to lay the foundations for my life.

What can you do on a farm?

I am actually not good at farming so I just helped my parents clean the farm and remove
some grass to create optimum living conditions for trees and vegetables.

Do you think farming is important?

In my opinion, it is vitally important because thanks to farming activities people in the

world have enough food to eat unless many would be affected from starvation. Also,
farmers can earn money for their living through farming activities.

Are there any farms in your hometown?

As I said there are a variety of farms in my hometown because I was born in the countryside.
Local people often have endless paddy fields and big farms with a lot of vegetables so they
can sell to the market to make money.

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What’s your favorite color?

I love red so I usually buy red items when I go shopping. The reason why I love this color
is because it represents luck and happiness according to the culture of Vietnam.

What is the color of the walls of your house?

All rooms are designed and painted with the white color because it makes us feel more
comfortable. By contrast, if walls are painted with blue and showy colors, we will feel very
hot on summer days.

Do you prefer dark colors or bright colors?

In the past, I was really keen on dark colors. For instance, when wearing black T-Shirt, I
looked a bit cooler and I could attract attention from others. However, now I prefer bright
colors as they are more suitable and flatter my white skin.

Is there any color that has a special meaning in your country?

To tell you the truth, each color has a special meaning. According to our culture, red
represents luck and happiness so people often use red items on special occasions. Also,
purple represents loyalty while white represents politeness.

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1. Gom đề, gộp ý trong ielts speaking part 2

Bước 1: chọn các câu hỏi trong cùng một chủ đề nhóm với nhau

Bước 2 : thực hành tất cả các câu hỏi như bình thường

Bước 3 : tìm ra điểm chung giữa các câu trả lời, các cụm từ hay, ghi điểm có thể áp dụng
cho các câu trả lời

Bước 4 : thực hành lại một lần nữa và áp dụng các cụm từ ghi điểm vừa liệt kê bên trên

v Describe a person who you know a lot
v Describe an active person
v Describe an interesting person from another country
v Describe a person who often helps others
v Describe a businessman/woman/good leader
v Describe a neighbor/ and old person
v Describe a famous/popular person/ an actor/ a sport person
v Describe a talkative person
v Describe a kid

Chú ý:

Hãy phân tích 2 ví dụ dưới đây, bạn sẽ tìm ra các điểm chung về ideas, từ vựng, cách
phát triển đoạn. Từ đó bạn không những trả lời được topics đó mà có thể áp dụng trả
lời rất nhiều chủ đề khác liên quan tới người.

à Một mũi tên trúng “n” đích

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Describe a person who you know a lot/ an interesting person

Who the person is An English teacher – a good looking man

I revised for my English exam – I found an

How you know this person
English teacher to help me

He/she has a passion for travelling

What he/she likes to do
He/she has his/her nose in a book

He understands me – being a surrounding

Why he/she is interesting
board to listen to my problems.

I am a bit of a social butterfly so I make friends with people from all walks of life, and
now I would like to tell you about one of my best friends.

His name is Nam who is 22 years old. He is a handsome man because he pays attention to
his appearance and plays sports a lot to get into shape. Nam was born and bred in Nam
Dinh city but he is now living and working in Hanoi.

I met Nam for the first time around 4 years ago when I enrolled in an English class. My
parents placed great importance on English, and advised me to take part in this class to
have a good command of English. I sat next to him and then we became not only
classmates but also best friends.

We study and talk together every day so I know a lot of things about him. He has a passion
for travelling so he visits different destinations each year to take it easy and broaden his
horizons. Furthermore, he is also keen on music so we often listen to music and sing some
songs at home to let off steam.

He is a good role model in my life. Nam always tries his best to revise for all exams so he
is one of the best students in his university. Also, he is a warm-hearted person and always
puts himself in other shoes. For instance, he takes advantage of his free time to help
impoverished students and donates money to mountainous students through charity
campaigns. In the future, I really want to become similar to him.

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Describe an interesting person who you know a lot

You should say:

Ø Who the person is

Ø How you know this person
Ø What the person likes to do
Ø Why this person is interesting

I am quite extroverted so I make friends with many people, regardless of their age. Here, I
would like to tell you about one of the most interesting people I have ever known.

His name is Tom who is 30 years old. He is a good-looking man because every day he
spends time playing sports in order to get into shape. He comes from England but he has
been living in Vietnam for years to teach English. At that time, he helped me have a good
command of English.

I met Tom for the first time around 4 years ago when I revised for my ielts examination. I
was under a lot of pressure as my parents attached great importance to learning English,
so I had to learn a lot of new words by heart every day with the hope of improving my
english skill but it was very difficult as I didn't know any foreigners to practice English
together. Luckily, one of my best friends introduced me about an Ielts expert named Tom
who then became not only my teacher but also my friend.

We have become good friends for approximately 4 years; therefore, I know a lot of things
about his hobbies. He has a passion for travelling so he often pays a visit to tourist
attractions in Viet Nam each year to let off steam. In addition, he is a big fan of sports,
particularly some strenuous sports like football or volleyball as they are good for his

He is very interesting because of two main reasons. Firstly, he always puts himself in
others’ shoes to tackle any problems. For example, he tried to understand what difficulties
I experienced when learning English, then gave me sound advice to study this language
properly. Secondly, though he is a foreigner, he pays attention to the local charity.
Sometimes he donates his clothes and money to help impoverished people who are living
in the countryside. In other words, he is a warm-hearted person.

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v Phần thi Ielts speaking part 2 bạn chỉ được hỏi một câu hỏi/topic duy nhất từ giám
khảo, bạn không có quyền đổi câu hỏi. Tuy nhiên trong quá trình ôn tập thường bạn
phải thực hành tới hơn 50 câu hỏi khác nhau

v Cũng tương tự như Ielts speaking part 1, mình đã gom hơn 50 câu hỏi thành 4 chủ đề
chính, và mỗi chủ đề mình cũng có các câu mẫu cho các bạn áp dụng linh hoạt để
được điểm cao. Khi đi thi, bạn chỉ được hỏi duy nhất 1 topic nên khi luyện tập bạn
hãy gom các câu hỏi lại với nhau để đưa ra câu trả lời tối ưu chứ đừng trả lời 50
câu hỏi theo 50 cách khác nhau, mã hãy trả lời 50 chủ đề theo 4-5 kiểu của riêng bạn

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Xây dựng các cấu trúc hay, áp dụng cho tất cả các câu hỏi liên quan tới người

Introduction: ( câu dẫn dắt)

I am quite extroverted/ I am a bit of a social butterfly so I make friends with people from
all walks of life. However, here, I’d like to tell you about one of the most interesting people
I have ever met.

How you know: (Lý do quen)

I have known him for around 2 years. After my graduation, I was received by his company
because of my high scores at university. We were working in the same office so he gave
me some sound advice to help me adapt to his company because I was wet behind the
ears at that time.

To the best of my recollection, I met him for the first time some years ago when I started
revising for my Ielts/Toeic examination. I was under a lot of pressure as my parents
placed great importance on learning English so I decided to enroll in an English class
where I met him.

Good looking: (Ngoại hình)

He is a good-looking man because he spends time playing sports with his like-minded
friends daily in order to get into shape/keep fit.

Young at heart: (Tính cách)

He is also young at heart/has a great sense of humor and usually tells us various funny
stories. Sometimes he makes us grin/smile from ear to ear by telling jokes. In other
words, he is a joker.

Education: (Học tập)

He passed an English exam with flying colors because he spent a lot of time studying
English. As you know, practice makes perfect so the more time you spend on learning
English, the better result you will get. If you work hard enough, you can do almost

Career: (Sự nghiệp)

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He has tried his hand at various jobs to build his career due to difficult working conditions.
Despite those obstacles, he has never given up his ambition before becoming one of the
most successful people in his field.

He is so busy with his job that sometimes he has to work around the clock/ burn the
midnight oil to hit deadlines.

He has tried his best to make his dream come true as he wants to earn a great amount
of money to raise a family.

Hobbies: (Sở thích)

Ø Travelling: (Du lịch)

He has a passion for travelling so he often pays visits to some tourist attractions each year
to let off steam and broaden his horizons.

Ø Sports: (Thể thao)

He is a big fan of sports, particularly some strenuous sports like football or volleyball as
they are good for his health.

Ø Reading books: (Đọc sách, báo)

He is a voracious reader and usually spends time reading books and newspapers to
improve his knowledge and keep abreast of current affairs. Sometimes he has his nose
in a book and does not care what I say.

Admire/Like/Interesting: (Lý do thích)

Firstly, he always puts himself in others’ shoes to tackle any problems. For example, he
tried to understand what difficulties I experienced when embarking on my career, then
gave me suitable methods to complete all tasks well.

Secondly, he pays much attention to charitable campaigns. Sometimes, he donates his

clothes and money to help impoverished people who are living in the countryside. In other
words, he is a warm-hearted person.

Bạn nên viết các cụm từ riêng của bạn ở bên dưới và áp dụng


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You should say:

Ø Who the person is
Ø How you knew this person
Ø What this person wore
Ø And explain how you felt about this person

Actually, I am an extrovert so I often make friends with people from all walks of life.
However, here, I’d like to tell you about one of the most special friends with a special style
of clothing.

Her name is Lan who is a beautiful girl because she places importance on her appearance
and often plays sports to get into shape. She often draws attention from others thanks to
her attractive appearance and special clothes.

To the best of my recollection, I met Lan for the first time 2 years ago when I revised for
my Toeicc examination and then enrolled in an English class where I met her. We sat next
to each other and I was really impressed with her beauty and the way she mixed and
matched her outfit. At that time, young people were crazy about jeans which were the in
things but she was an exception, and she chose white pants and T-shirt, which flattered
her white skin.

We are now close friends so we talk a lot about the fashion industry. Unlike most people
who often buy different kinds of clothes on different occasions, she is quite simple and
often chooses casual clothes to wear at home and elegant clothes on special occasions. For
instance, while my female friends dress up with showy dresses, she chose a simple skirt
and T-shirt, which was perfectly fit with her on our last party, and she told me that this was
the smartest evening wear.

I really admire here because she is really special and always knows how to stand out from
the rest thanks to her taste of clothes, instead of following the crowd.

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Part 3:

What do people often consider when they buy clothes?

Well, buyers often consider different factors when they buy new items of clothing. Most
people pay attention to prices, and they even compare prices or bargain to have a discount
to save money. Furthermore, materials and origin are also taken into consideration to
ensure the best quality of fabrics. For example, when going shopping, my friends often
ask sellers carefully about how their products are produced before making a purchase.

Is it good to buy things online?

In my perspective, online shopping is very convenient for people because they can save a
lot of time and money as they don’t need to go to the store and can compare prices of
different producers to choose the cheapest items. However, sometimes, gullible buyers buy
low-quality products which are often exaggerated on online websites.

How has the clothing style in offices changed?

There has been a complete transformation in fashion styles for office workers over the
years. In the past, people were a bit strapped for cash so they often wore simple and cheap
items of clothing. However, the economic growth, coupled with the development of the
fashion industry have encouraged people in wearing high-quality and expensive clothes.

Moreover, employees often have freedom to choose their own clothes, but they are often
forced to wear their company’s uniform to ensure the homogeneity.

What do people think about your clothes?

To be honest, people often appreciate my style of clothing as I always put emphasis on

my appearance so I want to dress up on different occasions to leave a good impression on
them. For example, if I take part in a party, I will carefully choose suitable outfit to attract
attention from my friends who will give me compliments on my clothes.

However, in the past, was really keen on showy clothes, so I received negative comments
when putting on these items.

Why do people wear traditional clothes?

The main reason is that traditional pieces of clothing often have special meanings. As you
may know, Aodai presents the beauty and sweetness of local women and it is often used on
special occasions such as wedding parties, graduation ceremonies and so on.

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Furthermore, conventional clothes have been using for many years and represent the values
associated with cultures, customs of people in a particular area. Therefore, they wear
traditional items as a message that they are proud of their origins.

Do you think traditional clothes will disappear in the future?

Well, some people are mindful of the unpopularity of traditional clothes due to
globalisation. For instance, as tourists from western countries where are famous for their
outstanding fashion, go to Vietnam, a variety of young people tend to wear similar items
which are the in things in the world.

However, I believe that traditional styles will not completely disappear as they show the
national identities and cultural aspects, so people will wear these traditional pieces of
clothing on special occasions.

Do you think people in different countries wear similar items?

It is possible that people from the four corners of the world may wear some similar
clothes. For example, young people in the world often find up-to-the-minute jeans to wear
as a good way to show that they are fashionable. There are also some common items such
as suits and shirts which are widely chosen by people, regardless of their nationality.

However, there do exist some regions where their choices of clothing are restricted by
cultures and regulations, so their styles of clothing are totally different to the rest of the

How does fashion affect the environment?

Fashion is also to blame for environmental degradation due to waste from the fashion
industry. For instance, fabrics and cotton discharged from factories, are not discomposed
for many years, leading to lower quality of soil.

Also, the development of the fashion industry has encouraged people to live in a throw-
away society as they often buy trendy things and throw them away after a short time, which
also increases the amount of waste.

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You should say:

Ø Who the person is
Ø How you knew this person
Ø How opened this person is
Ø And explain how you felt about this person

Actually, I am an extrovert so I often make friends with people from all walks of life.
However, here, I’d like to tell you about a special friend who is very open-minded.

His name is Nam who is not only my friend but also my colleague. To the best of my
recollection, I met him for the first time around 5 years ago. As my parents attached great
emphasis to learning English, I decided to enroll in an English class where I met him.

We have been friends for a long time so I know a lot of things about his personality. He
often puts himself in others’ shoes and gives them comments openly without hesitance.
For instance, while people are reluctant to give negative comments, he even criticizes
others if they make mistakes because he thinks that it is good for them in the future.

We are now working for the same company. He is energetic and contributes ideas openly
to my boss and colleagues for the sake of my company. At first, many people hated him
and advised hime to be tactful and avoid talking about anything negative. Now, they
appreciate his contribution and enthusiasm.

To be honest, I learn many things from him and often ask him for advice when I run into
difficulties. He is a surrounding board to listen to my problems and give me comments
on how I should overcome all difficulties. In the future, I hope that we would have more
time together.

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Part 3:

How do you express your opinions and emotions?

People have different ways to show their own ideas and emotions but I usually talk in person
because I think that it is more effective. For instance, if I feel down in the dump, I will
talk everything with my best friend who puts himself in my shoes and then gives me
suitable advice. Sometimes, I also send some messages or write letters to others to show
my feelings.

Do men and women express their opinions and emotions in the same way?

Well, there are a number of differences between the way men and women show their
opinions and feelings. For example, men often show their opinions openly while women
are mindful of being judged so they tactfully show their ideas.

Furthermore, men do not often show their emotion. For example, hardy do they cry even if
they feel really sad, but women are more emotional and always want to find partners to
share happiness and sadness.

What are the advantages of expressing opinions openly?

There are several benefits of giving open opinions. Firstly, people will understand all
problems quickly. For instance, my boss usually encourages us to give opinions openly in
meetings, so we have a lot of ideas for the development of our company. Moreover, if
people are entitled to show their real opinions openly, they may feel more comfortable.

Does expressing opinions openly have disadvantages?

Apart from some man merits given above, I think that giving straightforward opinions have
some drawbacks. If someone gives negative comments openly, others may have a sense of
dissatisfaction. For example, new employees often make mistakes when embarking on
their career, and they would feel depressed and stressed if their managers criticize them.

Moreover, the relationship between people would be affected due to open comments
because people sometimes lose their patience, leading to some arguments.

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You should say:

Ø Who the person is
Ø How you know this person
Ø How active this person is
Ø And explain why you like this person

I am an extrovert, so make friends with people from all walks of life and talk with them a
lot. However, here, I’d like to tell you about Nam who is one of the most dynamic people
I’ve ever met. He is now 27 years old, and he is working and living in Hanoi capital.

To the best of my recollection/ if my memory serves me right, I met him for the first
time around 5 years when I was still a university student. My parents attached great
importance to learning languages, particularly English, so I decided to enroll in an English
course to have a good command of English, and I met him there.

He was one of the best English speakers in my class and tried to practice English with us a
lot. He was also very energetic and encouraged us to take part in different activities to
improve our communication and other teamwork skills. Now, he is working as my
colleague and always arouses people to work hard and achieve our goals. He also takes
advantage of his free time to join in some volunteer campaigns to help disadvantaged
people who are living in remote areas of Vietnam. In other words, he is a warm-hearted

I consider him as a good role model because of two main reasons. Firstly, he is so dynamic
and tries his hand in different activities. He is always full of energy and motivates me a
lot. Additionally, he puts himself in others’ shoes and inspires others in a positive way. In
the future, I really want to become similar to him.

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Part 3:

Do you have a lot of energy?

I am quite energetic so I take part in different activities with my friends and colleagues. I
think that the more dynamic I am, the more productive I am.

Who often has a lot of energy?

Normally, people who have specific ambitions are always full of energy and they show a
great deal of effort and determination to achieve their goal. For instance, my best friend
dreams of becoming an eminent businessman in the future so he is very dynamic and tries
to take part in different activities and jobs to improve his soft skills and accumulate more
experience to step by step achieve his goal. In addition, if people get to study or work with
a team, they have an inclination to be more energetic because their teammates are the
main source of motivation to be dynamic. Finally, people who have a great sense of humor
are often active as they always think in an optimistic way and never feel tired.

Do people do some jobs which require less energy than in the past?

The main reason why less energy is needed in some jobs is that the advancement of
technology has allowed people in certain jobs to be less involved in physical activities.
For instance, agricultural work was considered to be physically demanding, but now
farmers can take advantage of machines such as ploughs to reduce the need for human
involvement. Another example is that workers in the construction industry no longer have
to carry or lift heavy stuff thanks to the appearance of crane machines and trucks.

Do your think people receive money when their jobs require more energy?

In my opinion, it really depends. Normally, if people have to use more energy for their job,
they will earn more money. For instance, if they work overtime, their company will give
them more money and bonuses. However, some manual jobs require a great deal of energy
and effort but workers still receive lower salaries than those working in offices because
employees often offer wages based on the productivity and necessity of the job.

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You should say:

Ø Who the person is
Ø How you knew this person
Ø How this person helps others
Ø And explain how you felt about this person

(Vocab: help, aid, support, assistance financial aid, emotional support, contribute to,
help with, put themselves in our shoes, impoverished/disadvantaged people)


- Extroverted – make friends with people from all walks of life – the most special friend
is Nam who ---

- I met him 5 years ago in an english class. Now, he is not only my friend but also

- He teaches english to others – pass his valuable experience on to others to have a good
command of English. ( help students)

- He is proficient at computer skills and often helps colleagues and friends (help
colleagues, friends)

- He takes part in charity campaigns to help impoverished people in mountainous areas

as he puts himself in their shoes. For example, ---(help community)

- He is a good role model in my life, so I want to become similar to him.

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Part 3:
What kinds of things can people help children with?

- In big cities – working parents have been caught up in their jobs and left their children
alone à emotional support

- In rural areas – children do not have optimum living conditions due to their parents’
poor financial health à financial assistance

- Teach them english and other subjects – educational help

Why do children need more help than adults?

- They need different kinds of support -children need mental and physical support as they
are too young to take care of themselves

- Adults need support associated with their work, family and so on. However, they are
more mature and need less assistance.

What do children usually ask for help?

- They need someone to share, to study

- They get lost

How do we help older people?

- To take care of them as their health conditions aren’t good

- To teach them how to use technological devices as they are almost technophobes

Do you think old people need help the most in the society?

- Financial assistance – retired people are under financial burdens as their pension is
not enough to cover the increasing living cost.

- Health problems – high-quality healthcare services

Do children help old people/ Family members?

- Cook for older people

- Talk with older people

- Help the elderly to do simple things such as household chores

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Children often help friends so do they help strangers?

- It depends on each family – Normally, educational programs encourage children to

have a sense of community à help strangers – However, in some areas, children are
not allowed to talk much with strangers due to security problems à they are reluctant
to help.

What are the differences between helping a stranger and a friend?

- We are willing to help friends but reluctant/hesitant to help a stranger

- We help friends by financial support – help strangers by giving directions – when they
do not have a good sense of navigation or they are not familiar with a new area.

In your neighbourhood, do people help each other?

- Yes, they pass valuable experience on to each other.

- They lend others money

- They help others to do housework

How do you benefit when you help others?

- Leave a good impression on them

- Feel happy – a sense of humanity

Do you want to help your neighbors? What are the advantages of helping your

- Yes – I want to take advantage of my time to help them as much as possible

- I teach English to young children

- I teach old people to use technological devices

- I support impoverished people financially – lift them out of crisis

- The main advantage is that I will be very happy- life is more meaningful

- They can help me in the future

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You should say:

Ø Who the person is
Ø How you knew this person
Ø How polite this person is
Ø And explain how you felt about this person

(Vocab: polite, respect, good manner, good behaviour, well-educated person,

politeness – civility, respect-deference)


- Extroverted – make friends with people from all walks of life – the most special friend
is Nam who always shows his civility.

- I met him 5 years ago in an English class because my parents placed emphasis on
English so I decided to enroll in this course and he was my classmate. Now, he is not
only my friend but also my classmate.

- Nam is a well-educated person – he always respects others, regardless of their age and
socio-economic background. For instance, when he talks with old people, he -----. If he
talks with children, he ----. When he go to public areas, he ----

- Thanks to his personality, everyone respects him.

- I think politeness is vitally important because it makes our lives better. For instance, in
our daily life, ---. In our job, ----.

- He is a good role model in my life. I really admire him and want to learn a lot from him
in the future.

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Part 3:
How do people show their politeness in Vietnam?

- Well, people have different ways to show their civility. When they talk with their
relatives and teachers, they ----. If they meet strangers, they -----

- Politeness is also shown in other activities. For example, when people have meals
together, they ---.

How does education affect people’s manner?

- education plays in important role in deciding whether people are polite or not

- In Vietnam, children are given many lessons about the importance of civility by their
teachers and parents. Hence, they always pay attention to their behaviours. For instance,

- If we don’t teach children about politeness, they would not have good personality in
the future. For example, ---

Do you think that the definitions of politiness in different countries are different?

- In every country, the main purpose of being polite is to show respect to others.
However, the way people from different nations show their politeness are different
according to their cultures. For instance, in Vietnam, if people have some friends over
for dinner, they often give their guests a lot of food as a good way to show their
hospitality and politeness, but people in other countries often choose their own food.

- Furthermore, in western nations, -----, in Asian countries ---- (when they meet for the
first time/ when they talk together---)

What are the differences between politeness in cities and in the countryside?

- Normally, there are not many differences in the meanings of politeness but the ways
they show their civility are quite different.

- In cities, children have meals with older generations, but in some rural areas they have
meals latter to show their respect to older generations.

Do you think cultures will be similar between different countries due to globalization?

- Globalization leads to cultural assimilation but some special features are still

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You should say:

Ø Who they are
Ø How you know them
Ø Why you like this family
Ø And explain whether you want to have a similar family


- I am extroverted and make friends with people from all walks of life, regardless of their
age. I have many friends who are older than me and I’d like to tell you about a friend’s

- I am really keen on travelling and last year I went to Danang city where I met a friend
named Nam who is now 35 years old. He has a happy family and they often take part
in different family bonding activities to strengthen their relationships. Nam is an
engineer and his wife is a doctor. They all have good jobs so they can earn enough
money to cover all bills. Also, they had been in a relationship for 8 years before
deciding to tie the knot 10 years ago.

- They always put themselves in other shoes. For instance, when he runs into difficulties,
his wife will listen to him and give him sound advice. Their children are so smart and

- Now they are living in Danang city but in the future, they will move to Hanoi city to
have better living conditions.

- They are an ideal family as they always try their best to work hard and lay the
foundations for their chidlren’s future. Also, they understand and support each other.

- I dream of having a similar family.

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Part 3:
Do you prefer living in a big family or a small family?

- I prefer living with an extended family because older generations can pass valuable
knowledge on to me

- Also, I can take advantage of my time to take care of my family

- Living in a multigenerational family also helps us strengthen our family relationships.

Who often make decisions in a family?

- In the past, fathers made important decisions as they are breadwinners---

- However, now they often discuss with mothers and contribute to their family---

Do you think grandparents take care of children better than parents?

- Grandparents have a lot of experience so they can take advantage of their knowledge
and experience to look after children while young parents lack experience

- However, parents have more scientific knowledge so they can also have good directions
for their children rather than relying on traditional methods.

- Therefore, they should combine to take care of their children.

How do grandparents teach children?

- They have different ways to educate their children

- They talk with children about some fairy tales to educate children about moral lessons,
then children would become a good member of their society.

- They can also teach children some simple lessons associated with subjects at school.

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You should say:

Ø Who the person is
Ø How you know this person
Ø Why you like this person
Ø And explain whether you want to become similar to this person or not


- I am really keen on music and often take advantage of my free time to listen to many
songs to take it easy. My favorite singer is Tuan hung who is really well-known in

- I started listening to his music when I was 18 years old. After passing the university
entrance exam with flying colors, I had a month before embarking on my university
education. Therefore, listening to music was the best way to kill time and take it easy.
My friend introduced one of Tuan hung’s songs to me.

- I loved this song after the first time I listened to it because Tuanhung has a high and
special voice. Then, I found out more about his life. He was born in a poor family but
never gave up his ambition before becoming one of the most famous singers in Vietnam
so he arouses young generations to make their dream come true. He is a warm-hearted
person as he takes advantage of his time to help impoverished people living with poor
living conditions.

- He is a good role model in my life so I really want to become similar to him in the
future and I can take care of my family and contribute to my society as he does

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Part 3:

What are the differences of famous people now and in the past?

- Famous people in the past were really talented

- Some celebrities now are famous in a negative way

- In the past, they had a passion for their fields, but now they want to become famous to
make money.

What qualities do people need to have to become famous?

- they are endowed with special talents for something

- they apply themselves to develop their skills

- they need to be proficient at interpersonal skills

- they need to work under a lot of pressure

Do you think famous people have enough privacy?

- Many famous people are mindful of the invasion of privacy because they always attract
attention from many fans.

- When they go out, others can take some photos

- Some personal information would be used for illegal purposes

Why do many people want to become famous?

- they can make a huge amount of money

- they can travel to different places in the world

- they gain respect from others

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Xây dựng các cấu trúc hay, áp dụng cho nhiều câu hỏi liên quan tới địa điểm

v Các câu mở đầu:

I am really keen on travelling and often take advantage of my free time to visit different
destinations to let off steam with my family. However, here, I’d like to tell you one of the
most special places I have ever visited.

v Các câu dẫn dắt:

My parents placed great emphasis on my school records so I was under considerable

pressure to revise for this exam.

Actually, I have been living and working in Ninh Binh city for many years, and I have
tried my hand in various jobs there to build my career. Unfortunately, it is a small city so
I found it difficult to look for a good job to raise a family. Therefore, I want to move to
HCM city to live in the future

v Tình huống:

Luckily, I passed this examination with flying colors so my friends and I/ my parents and
I decided to celebrate this attainment by eating out/going shopping/paying a visit to – nhà
hàng/café/khu vui chơi/hồ/địa danh.

I found it difficult to find a job so I was so stressed when talking with my parents. Luckily
one of my best friends invited me to pay a visit to Da Lat city which is one of the most
famous tourist attractions in Vietnam, to let off steam – thành phố/quốc gia/địa điểm du

v Địa điểm gì/Nơi đâu

Ho Chi Minh city is located in the south of Vietnam. It is considered one of the most
famous tourist attractions in my country with various breathtaking views.

Xofa café is located in the center of Hanoi metropolis. I usually choose to go there at
weekends when I have free time because I am always on the go and don’t have time for
coffee on weekdays.

Làm gì ở đó

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• Reading books – đọc sách (café/library/park/a building)

As a voracious reader, I usually go there in order to have my nose in a book because this
coffee shop is quiet.

• Playing sports – chơi thể thao (a park/lake/river/beach/stadium)

I am a big fan of sports, particularly some strenuous sports like football or volleyball as
they help me stay healthy. Therefore, Thong nhat park/ West lake/ Sam son beach is a
perfect place for me and like-minded friends to play sports together.

• Travelling – du lịch (a city/country/park/lake/tourist attraction)

Actually, Liverpool can be seen as one of the most famous tourist attractions in the four
corners of the world/earth, which has a number of breathtaking views so it is a must-
choose destination for me because I am particularly keen on travelling.

We visited Đồ Sơn beach which has various stunning views and made sandcastles as well
as went for a dip in the crystal clear water. I also spent time enjoying the atmosphere in
some talking places/tourist attractions in Hai Phong.

Feelings – cảm giác/suy nghĩ về địa điểm đó

In my perspective, this café is out of the world. I fully appreciate the attitude of staff who
are not only amiable but also kind.

Additionally, I am always over the moon when taking part in any activities or listening to
my favourite songs there. I consider it as a must-choose place whenever I want to do
something to take it easy/let off steam.

Bạn nên viết các cụm từ riêng của bạn ở bên dưới và áp dụng

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø Where it is
Ø When you went there
Ø And explain why you want to come back

I am really keen on travelling and often take advantage of my free time to visit different
destinations to let off steam with my family. However, here, I’d like to tell you one of the
most special places I have ever visited and really want to come back in the near future.

To the best of my recollection, I went to Danang city for the first time around some years
ago. As my parents placed great emphasis on English so I was under considerable pressure
to revise for an English exam. Luckily, I passed this examination with flying colors so
my parents and I decided to celebrate this attainment visiting a city.

As you may know, Da nang city is located in the middle of Vietnam. It is considered one
of the most famous tourist attractions in my country with various breathtaking views
so I was blown away when I went there. We visited all tourist attractions and took a lot of
photos together. We also went for a swim in crystal clear water and take it easy.

In the future, I really want to return to this city because I love travelling and this city is
perfectly suitable for me. Also, I was really impressed with local people who were not only
friendly but also kind. They are willing to give tourists support if they run into difficulties.

I will come there as soon as possible.

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Part 3
Do you want to live there in the future?

Well, it is a livable city so dream of living there in the future. Although it may cost me a
fortune to buy a house there, but I will try my best to make money to make my dream
come true. Moreover, this city is very suitable for me because it has beautiful beaches so I
can go along beaches every day.

What are the advantages and drawbacks of living in cities and rural areas?

In my opinion, if people live in cities where they have to pay high living costs, they need
to bear financial burdens. In addition, the environment is contaminated due to waste from
factories so more and more people will be affected from diseases associated with
environmental pollution. However, cities have better education and healthcare systems so
people are entitled to better services. They also have better job opportunities so they can
look for well-paid jobs for their living.

In rural areas, people have poor living standards due to the lack of fundamental
infrastructure. For instance, the transport system is terrible so there are a lot of traffic
accidents in the countryside. Nonetheless, in regional areas, people can enjoy fresh air,
which is really good for their health. Moreover, the relationships between neighbours are
also better, which leads to a meaningful life.

What are the differences between cities and people in the past and at present?

There are several disparities associated with both cities and citizens. In the past, there were
just a few high buildings (horizontal development), but now, there are many skyscrapers
(vertical development) to ensure enough accommodation for the population. In addition,
more money has been invested in transport, allowing people to use different forms of
transport rather than just relying on motorbikes and bikes in the past.

Moreover, people were close to each other in the past and they often take advantage of their
free time to take part in different activities. However, now, they are up to their ears in
their job and don’t have enough time together.

Do you think that people are healthier when they live in the countryside?

No, although the environment is better thanks to less factories and vehicles. However, big
cities have better healthcare systems so people are entitled to high-quality medical
services, which helps them become healthier.

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø Where it is
Ø How often you go there
Ø And explain how you felt about it


- Up to my ears in my job – take advantage of my free time to relax- ABC coffee

- I went there for the first time around 5 years ago – after my examination – take it easy
– have free time – go there to play guitar with like minded friends

- It is located in downtown Hanoi – the owner was a guitar musician – wants to connect
people to play guitar

- Order a cup of coffee – listen to music – play guitar – some people are endowed with
special skills for guitar

- This café is not popular – lack of budget to advertise

- In the future---

When was the last time you went there?

- 2 months ago, if my memory serves me right – went there with my best friend

- Recently, I have been caught up in my job – could not go there – next month I have
more free time ---

Where do people often relax?

- Go to the cinema

- Visit some beautiful destinations

- Do something based on their hobbies

Do you think the way older people relax is different to young people?

- Older people are simple and want to spend time taking care of children and going for a
walk – place importance on their health, reading books to take it easy

- Young people are more active – take part in musical concerts – travel – take up some
dangerous sports.

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Do people prefer outdoor or indoor activities?

- It really depends

- Normally, they prefer to take part in outdoor activities – busy at work and study – enjoy
fresh atmosphere

- Some people are close minded – spend time at home.

Some people choose to go somewhere far away to relax, why?

- They have been familiar with their city – go to far-away areas to open their horizons –
for example ---

How do students relax?

- They are under considerable pressure – take advantage of their time off to take it easy

- They enjoy their hobbies

Do you think natural habitats are the best places for relaxing?

- It really depends on each person.

- Some people like to become closer to nature – feel comfortable as they stay away from
the hustle and bustle from cities

- Some people relax by other ways – listen to music – cook for their family--

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø Where it is
Ø How polluted it is
Ø And explain how you felt about it


- I am keen on travelling so I take advantage of my free time to visit as many places as

possible – today I’d like to tell you about a special trip to ---

- 5 years ago – I passed an exam with flying colors – visit --- to take it easy – unluckily,
it was polluted

- Factories discharged toxic chemical waste – water pollution

- Vehicles released traffic fumes – air pollution

- Inhabitants threw rubbish to the environment – waste

- Disappointed à actions à collect rubbish and run campaigns

- Now the environment there is better – I will come back there in the future

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Part 3

What kinds of pollution does your city have?

- Noise pollution – hustle and bustle – escape from the bustling live – find a tranquil area

- Water pollution – factories discharge waste

- Air pollution – traffic fumes

Was it polluted some years ago?

- No – no factories – less vehicles

- People were aware of the pollution but due to the fast pace of life recently, they have
not paid attention to pollution

Do people care about pollution now?

- It depends

- Most people don’t care – they throw rubbish

- Some people are environmentally-conscious -

Do you think it will be more or less polluted?

- More – industrialization – sacrifice the environment – lack of solutions for a sustainable


- Car ownership has been on the rise

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø Where it is
Ø How often you go there
Ø And explain how you felt about it


- I attach importance to learning history – take advantage of my free time to learn history
everywhere – Hanoi museum is my favorite public place to study history

- I went there for the first time 5 years ago if my memory serves me right – learning from
books was not effective – impossible to cram for a lot of information à go there to
learn through exhibitions

- It is located in downtown, Hanoi – 10 km – go by bus to save money as I am strapped

for cash – this has a special design like a diamond – 3 stories – facilities: 2 exhibition
rooms – a big hall – a meeting room – many big screens

- An entertainment center for people to have a cup of coffee and talk together – staff are

- In the future, I will go there more because it is out of this world

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Part 3:
Do you often go there now?

- Up to my ears in my job – hardly do I go there – however, in the future---

Do you often go to historical buildings?

- In the past, I often went to historical areas to discover the history of my own country –
if --- historical events that took place in --- I will treasure what I have, take pride in my
ancestors. These are the best places for learning ---

- I have been caught up in my job so I don’t have much time – however, ---

Do you think that historical buildings should be repaired or reconstructed?

- Normally, we should keep original structures – because ---

- However, some historical buildings are quite old-fashioned put visitors at risks of
dangers should repair but not reconstruct as they may lose their identities.

Is it worth maintaining historical buildings?

- Worth – acts as an ideal vehicle for education – for example, young generations in
Vietnam ---

Do young people like learning history?

- No – they consider it as a waste of time – not related to their future job – focus on other
subjects and soft skills

- However, some students place importance on historical values – they like learning

Who should pay for maintaining historical buildings?

- Public areas – the government should be responsible for any payment related to
historical buildings – individuals have already paid through taxes

- However, they can give financial assistance – for example – campaigns – rich people
donate money ---

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø Where it is
Ø How often you go there
Ø And explain how you felt about it


- Dream of becoming a businessman – take advantage of my free time to find out the
history of enterprises – here I’d like to tell you about ---

- FPT – specializes in the Internet – technological devices – gains reputation for ---

- Thousands of branches in Vietnam – plan to go to the global market

- Founded by Mr. ABC- was born in a poor family – never gave up his ambition – try his
hand in different job – make his dream come true- He is a good role model – dream of
becoming a similar entrepreneur

- One of the biggest co-operations in Vietnam – I am proud of ---

- In the future---

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Part 3:
What do you like about this company?

- Collaborative work environment – run into difficulties – ask for support

- Place important on the core value of products – benefits both consumers and the

- This is an environment-oriented company – focus on waste disposal process – handle

electrical waste

- Contribute to the society

Should big companies invest in small companies?

- Yes – because of two main reasons

- If small starting-up companies are merged into bigger ones – benefits both – big
enterprises pass valuable experience and financial resources onto small companies –
big companies can make profits without having to investing in every thing risk-
bearing and profit -sharing scheme

Is it easier to find a job in a big or small company?

- In small companies which have less rules and regulations – their management scheme
is not as professional as big companies – young graduates also get to work for those

- By contrast, big companies pay higher salaries and often have more requirements from
candidates – the recruitment process often comprises of several steps to select the best

Why do big companies pay high salaries?

- Most employees from big companies are often well qualified – they also have diplomas/
certificates from famous universities – pay high salaries unless they cannot attract
talented workers – for example, ---

- Have more chances to make profits employees are entitled to higher paychecks

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø How you know about this country
Ø How you learn about it
Ø And explain why you want to know about it


- A big fan of travelling – take advantage of my free time to visit foreign countries to
discover their cultures and beauty- want to learn more about Japan in the future

- Located in the east of Asia – one of the biggest economies in the world despite natural
disasters, wars and poor natural resources – I want to learn about their secret of success

- People in Japan has reputation for being hard working – learn from them as I dream of
becoming a businessman in the future

- Their cultures are similar to Vietnam – drink tea and healthy drink

- Beautiful – visit different destination

- This is out of this world – a must visit area – in addition, learn from online websites

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Part 3:
Did you talk with your friends about this country?
- Make friends with a lot of people – talk with them about Japan – many people dream
of living and working in Japan – have many things to talk together
- Exchange programs – agreements between Japan and Vietnam – young generations in
Vietnam admire Japan talk with them a lot
What are the differences between your country and this country?
- Political institutions – Japan – democratic nation – Vietnam – socialist and republic of
- Economic development
- Technology
How can we protect cultural values nowadays when the world is more globalized?
- Government sponsor campaigns encouraging cultural features – festivals – not only
local but also international tourists have a deeper insight into local cultures.
- Educational programs – for instance, --
Is cultural identity important?
- Vitally important – educate people about their origin – interesting cultures passed on
to different generations – for example, ---
- However, we are living in a global village – difficult – should try to maintain
Nowadays, some people travel to many countries to work and live, is it good or bad?
( an international citizen instead of a citizen of a particular country)
- On the one hand – good – get to work for better companies – make more money – better
career prospects – approach different cultures – have a more well-rounded perspective
of life
- On the other hand – bad – cultural assimilation – miss out on emotional support when
living far from their home country
English is so common now, will other languages disappear?
- Due to the globalization – several languages would become extinct – people learn
international languages, particularly English in favor of their job – many people
become international citizens – hardly they use their mother tongue
- Some people would feel that it is a waste of time to keep local languages which are not
helpful for their job
Is it good for the world to speak only one language?

- On the one hand – save money – not language barriers – work more effectively
- On the other hand – lose interesting and long-established cultures

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Xây dựng các cấu trúc hay, áp dụng cho nhiều câu hỏi ở bên dưới.

v Các câu giới thiệu

I am quite social so I make friends with people from all walks of life and here I would like
to tell you about one of the most special occasions when I --- with them. ( dịp làm gì đó với
bạn bè)

I am really keen on travelling and often take advantage of my free time at weekends to
visit different destinations to let off steam with my friends and family. Here, I’d like to tell
you one of the most memorable trips when I --- with my friends/ family. ( dịp đi đâu đó với
bạn bè, gia đình)

v Các câu dẫn dắt

• Trả lời theo hướng đi học

When I started revising for my ielts/Toeic examination. I was under considerable

pressure as my parents attached great importance to learning English – Nối thêm lý do
tùy tình huống

• Trả lời theo hướng đi làm

It was around 3 years ago when I was still wet behind the ears after my graduation from
my university. I was under considerable pressure as my parents placed great
importance/emphasis on a stable job - Nối thêm lý do tùy tình huống

v Tình huống:

I found it difficult to learn English so I decided to buy an Iphone 4s which was the state-
of-the-art smart phone at that time to study English – mua điện thoại/sản phầm công
nghệ/quảng cáo.

As a voracious reader, I decided to buy an English book to improve not only my English
but also my knowledge– mua một cuốn sách/bức tranh.

I passed this examination with flying colors, so my friends and I/ my parents and I
decided to celebrate this attainment by eating out/going shopping/paying a visit to – bữa ăn
ở ngoài/ đi mua sắm/đi chơi.

I found it difficult to find a job so I felt so stressed when talking with my parents. Luckily,
one of my best friends invited me to pay a visit to Hanoi museum to take it easy

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– Bức tranh/sự kiện lịch sử/ chuyến đi du lịch/tham gia một sự kiện.

v Làm gì trong tình huống đó

• điện thoại, máy tính, TV

I have been using my mobile phone/computer mainly for learning English by watching
English movies, which was very necessary for my pronunciation and vocabulary. I also use
it to keep in touch with my family members and friends by chatting with them every day.

• trong 1 sự kiện ( a wedding party/meal)

I was against the clock to prepare everything for my cousin’s party/wedding because he is
one of the most famous businessmen in my village with a wide range of relationships so he
invited thousands of guests to take part in his wedding party. I also enjoy a big slap-up
meal with his friends and family to celebrate him.

• giúp ai đó – ( teaching English)

I am one of the best English speakers at my university so I gave him some sound advice
about how to raise his English level. Instead of teaching him to learn a lot of new words
by heart/memorization, I taught him how to take notes, highlight keywords and
collocations. After 3 months, he could speak English fluently and even passed an English
examination with flying colors.

v Feelings – cảm giác

I was very happy/over the moon/on cloud nine after receiving this special item from my
father because he put himself in my shoes to understand difficulties I experienced when
learning English. Moreover, as a technophile, I loved this cutting-edge smart phone a
lot. In fact, it has been the best seller for some years despite the fact that, it has cost
customers an arm and a leg/ cost customers a fortune. Actually, my heart just jumped
with happiness/joy after receiving it from my father.

Bạn nên viết các cụm từ riêng của bạn ở bên dưới và áp dụng


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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø Who you were with
Ø Why you got lost
Ø And explain how you felt about it

I am really keen on travelling so I often take advantage of my free time to visit different
destinations to let off steam with my family and friends. Here, I’d like to tell you about a
special occasion when I got lost in a beautiful city.

If my memory serves me right, it was around 2 years ago when I passed an examination at
university with flying colors so I decided to visit somewhere as a reward for myself. There
were different places, but I finally decided to go to Danang alone to discover about local
people and breathtaking views there.

It is one of the most densely populated cities in Vietnam so I lost my direction when going
to the city center. The reason for this is that I didn’t have a good sense of navigation and
I forgot my compass. Moreover, it was the first time I went there so I couldn’t find the right

At first, I was a bit worried because I was afraid of being late for some plans which I had
prepared before. My mobile phone ran out of battery so it was impossible to find
directions online. Luckily, local people were not only friendly but also kind. They showed
me the direction and even told me that they would put me up for several nights.

It is a valuable lesson for me. Thanks to this occasion, I always remind myself to prepare
carefully before each trip.

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Part 3:

Do you often get lost?

I have a terrible sense of direction so I will easily get lost unless I have a mobile phone
which helps me find directions online. Last week, I forgot the way to come home when I
go to the city center so I had to check an online map.

Should we educate people to use a map?

To my mind, it is necessary to teach people to use a map and a compass because they need
to be equipped with all survival skills to protect themselves. For instance, if they go to a
mountainous area, the ability to find right directions can help them stay away from all
dangers. Also, as people use maps or compasses, they can save a lot of time.

What are the differences between the way people use maps in the past and at present?

Well, there are many differences in terms of how people use maps in the past and now. For
instance, most people used paper maps to find directions because the Internet was not
popular. However, modern people take advantage of their phones which are connected
to the Internet to use some online maps which are more convenient and help people save
their time. Furthermore, in the past, older generations often pass on their valuable
experience associated with map skills to young generations, but now most young people
often learn from online apps.

What do people often do when they get lost?

Different people have different ways to solve the problem. For instance, they may ask local
people for help if they cannot find their directions. When I was a kid, I got lost when going
to my uncle’s house and luckily an old man gave me food and helped my find my relatives.
Some people choose to call the police when they get lost. For example, the police help
many travellers who visit remote areas and cannot find the way to come home.

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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø Who you were with
Ø Why you had to line up
Ø And explain how you felt about it

Vocabulary: to line up/ to queue up/ to form a line


- I am a social person so I often take part in different activities with many people. We
are always aware of the importance of lining up. Here, I’d like to tell you about an
occasion when I ---.

- To the best of my recollection, it was around 5 years ago. After an examination which
I passed with flying colors, my friends and I went to a shopping mall to let off steam.

- There were many people who wanted to use the elevator. It was a bit messy so I decided
to talk with everyone to line up. Older people and children stood at the top while
teenagers and adults stood at the end ----

- At first many people were not very satisfied as they came sooner and wanted to go first
but then we explained them---- they politely accepted

- We needed to wait for 30 minutes but it was ok because waiting in a line also shows
our patience and respect to others.

- In the future, I will talk to more and more people about it.

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Part 3:

Do you think lining up is important?

- It is vitally important

- It shows deference and civility to others

- It helps people improve their patience

- It shows fairness

- for example, ---

Where do people often line up?

- There are different occasions when people need to be in a line

- When they go to their school ----

- When they go to recreational areas ---

- When they go to hospitals, they are in a waiting list---

What are the differences between lining up now and in the past?

- In the past, they had normal lines, sometimes people were impatient---

- Now, they are put in a waiting list, for example, when they go to a hostpital some apps
will automatically put their name in line---. Also, people are more patient because they
realize the importance of lining up.

What do people do to avoid long queues?

- they should prepare carefully for their activities

- they should come sooner

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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø Who you were with
Ø What you did
Ø And explain how you felt about it


- I am friendly – I make friends with people from all walks of life – I take part in different
activities with groups of friends – today I’d like to tell you about volunteering activities
that I often do with them

- 5 years ago, I passed the final exam with flying colors – I had a lot of free time – amused
myself by --- then my friends invited me to enroll in a volunteer club

- We went to remote areas to help disadvantaged children – I have a good command of

English – I teach them English – build houses – collect rubbish – donate clothes – we
have a sense of humanity

- Nam is our leader – who always put himself in our shoes – we learn to cooperate with
each other à improve communication and teamwork skills – I was over the moon

- Now I am always on the go – take advantage of my free time to join in our club twice
a year – it is an ideal vehicle for us to become closer to each other

- In the future, ---

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Part 3:

Do you think teamwork is important?

- it is vitally important – if we run into difficulties – we receive support
- Improve our creativity – take ideas from each other
- Positive tacit competition – everyone tries in earnest
Why do some people don’t like working with groups?
- They have the ability to work independently
- They don’t want to rely on others
- They place importance on personal achievement
- They find it hard to cooperate with others conflicts only want to work alone
How do we encourage children to cooperate?
- At school, we divide classes into smaller teams, create a collaborative environment –
encourage them to cooperate/ interpersonal coordination
- At home, take part in some activities with parents – encourage them to be a part of a
group, explain the importance of their contribution
Do you think giving a person a sense of a group is important?
- The need to belong has been identified as one of the most basic human motivations and
plays a role in their behaviors. If they think that they are an important part of the group
they will try their best – they are happy if their ideas are valued by others
- Group membership is of elementary importance – people are sensitive to signals of
exclusion/ a sign of rejection - they lose motivation
How do sports facilitate teamwork?
- Team sports are good for improving teamwork skills – for example, if people play
football, they ---
How do people deal with conflicts in a group?
- Put themselves in other shoes
- Listen to each other – give each other ideas
- Leaders are as mediators
- Leaders force others to follow the rules
What are the qualities a potential leader needs to have?
- Knowledge – excel at a particular field
- Communication and soft skills
- Problems solving – decision making skills

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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø Who you were with
Ø What you changed
Ø And explain why you changed and how you felt


- I usually have to make a lot of decisions every day and hardly do I change my opinions.
However, here I’d like to tell you about one of the most special occasions when I
changed my decision.

- It was about 5 years ago if my memory serves me right. I passed an examination with
flying colors and decided to visit somewhere to take it easy. I invited my friends to go
with me and I advised them to go to Haiphong city.

- 2 days later, I read a piece of information about the environmental pollution of this city
so I changed my decision that we would go to Danang city rather than Haiphong city.

- The main reason is that I place importance on my health and want to visit a safe place.
Also, Dannag is one of the most beautiful destinations in Vietnam with breathtaking
views and beautiful beaches.

- At first, my friends were not very satisfied as they prepared many things for the trip to
Haiphong city. Then, I explained in detail about my decision and they said ok

- I was really happy because my friends accepted my decision.

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Part 3:

When do people change their opinions

- they follow the crowd

- they receive sound advice from others

- they don’t prepare carefully and change their opinions

Where do people give their opinions.

- They give opinions at school to contribute to lessons and improve their knowledge. For
instance, ---

- they talk with their family members about their ideas. For instance, ---

- They give ideas at their workplace to build their company. For example,

What do young people usually discuss about?

- they talk about their future career as most people attach emphasis to their carreer

- they talk about their family

- they talk about hot news

Do you often give your opinions?

- I am active person, so I usually give my opinions. For instance, I often express my ideas
with my teammates to find the best solution for the sake of my team. Also, I talk with
my friends and family a lot about my ideas and receive advice from the.

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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø Where it was
Ø Why you needed to learn
Ø And explain how you felt


- I am really keen on music – take advantage of my free time to listen to music to take it
easy because I am always on the go and stressed à it is considered as the best way to
take it easy. Also, I am keen on singing and often sing on special occasions at my
workplace and school – today, I’d like to tell you about a special occasion when I
needed to memorize a new song and perform it in a short time.

- 5 years ago – I passed the final exam with flying colors – held a party – invited friends
– sang a song named “ you raise me up” – I didn’t like westlife but the meaning of this
song is suitable with the party as I wanted to say thank you to my family and friends.

- I listened to the song from youtube hundreds of times – wrote the lyrics and
remembered high tones – as my voice is quite low – difficult to sing high tones.

- Finally, I had a performance and explained to my guests the reason why I forgot some
words – they burst into tears – the song really touched their heart.

- It is a memorable memory that I will never forget.

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Part 3:
Should children memorize poems or songs?
- Each poem and song has a special meaning about cultures, traditions and people in a
particular place – by remembering poems and songs, they understand more about the
true meaning of this work. For instance, if audiences learn the lyric of the song ‘ heal
the world” composed and performed by heart, listeners may have a sense of humanity
and empathy--- Also, the poem --- reminds people about the difficulties that our
ancestors experienced --- treasure what we have.
Do you think people should learn a lot at school?
- Educational institutions are the best places for people to improve their knowledge. They
should try their best to study ---- stand a better chance of landing a better in the future.
However, they should also cultivate soft skills via extra-curricular activities – important
in the future
Is it a waste of time to memorize poems and songs?
- Giống câu trên
- Their life is more meaningful – some people are endowed with special skills related to
literature and music – memorizing helps them comfortable ---
Do people like learning history?
- It really depends
- Some people place importance on historical knowledge – learn historical events that
took place in the country and the world to understand how their ancestors overcame
problems – avoid similar mistakes in the future
- However, some don't like it at all as history is not directly linked to their future job so
they would rather spend time learning ----, than focusing on history.
How do they learn history effectively?
- Books – go to the library to exchange knowledge related to history with like-minded
- Conversations with older generations – for example, ---
- The internet/ museum
How do we encourage people to learn history?
- Run campaigns explaining the necessity of learning the past events.
- Add videos and documentary films in classes instead of forcing students reading a lot
of paper documents
Why do some people have good singing skills?
- They have special aptitudes for singing- for example, ---
- they improve their skills through practice – for example --

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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø Who you were with
Ø Which advice you gave
Ø And explain how you felt


- I am a bit of a social butterfly so I make friends with people from all walks of life and
we often help each other if we run into difficulties. Here, I’d like to tell you about an
occasion when I gave a friend comments on his English acquisition.

- If my memory serves me right, it was around 5 years ago when I enrolled in an English
class where I met Dat who was not really good at English. He found different ways to
improve his English level but he couldn’t speak English.

- I decided to give him some advice because I was the best English speaker in this class.
I encouraged him to practice rather than learning only grammar because I believed that
“practice makes perfect’. I suggested him to go to Hoan kiem lake to practice with
native speakers to improve his pronunciation and fluency.

- After 3 months, his English level was incredibly better and then he passed an exam
with high scores.

- I was over the moon because I could help him improve his English level. Now, we are
working in the same company and give each other advice every day.

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Part 3

What are the differences between receiving advice from family and friends?

- family members often give advice related to to lifestyles and future career

- friends often give advice associated with study

- family gives negative comments for the sake of ourselves because they are our flesh
and blood

- friends sometimes are reluctant to give negative advice because they avoid arguments

What qualities do people need to have to give good advice?

- they need to be patient ---

- they need to put themselves in others’ shoes---

- they need to be tactful and good an interpersonal skill---

When do people need to consider carefully before giving advice?

- when they give advice to older people – respect them

- when they are going to have an important decision, which can affect their lives

Which advice old people often ask young people?

- when they need to learn how to use a technological device because most olde people
are technophobes---

- when they play sports or take part in some recreational activities ---

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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø Who you talked with
Ø What you talked
Ø And explain why you felt


- Today, I’d like to tell you about a special occasion when I talked with my friend about
the truth.

- To the best of my recollection, it was around some years ago when Tien and I took part
in the university entrance examination which was an important exam in our lives.

- We tried our best with the hope of enrolling in a famous university. 30 days after the
exam, I checked our result online and I decided to make a joke. Although he passed the
exam with flying colors, so he was eligible to take part in his dream university.
However, I sent him a message that he got low scores

- He cried a lot and didn’t want to go out for some days but I didn’t know about it. Then,
his mother made a phone call to me to talk about his situation and I knew that I had a
stupid joke.

- I decided to go to his house to say sorry to him and told him the truth. At first, I thought
he would come down on me like a ton of bricks but surprisingly he didn’t do that. He
said that he was sympathetic and forgive me, and the most important think is that we
made our dreams come true.

- In the future, I will never make similar jokes due to the potential of some negative

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Part 3

How often do people lie?

- Well, people lie every day on different occasions. For instance, when talking with
friends or colleagues, people may lie as a joke. Also, some people lie for their benefits

When do people need to lie?

- Lies are good and necessary on certain occasions. For example, if doctos talk to patients
about their situations, they may have a sense of depression, leading to negative
consequences. Hence, doctors lie for the sake of their patients.

- In addition, some parents need to lie their children when they pester something unless
they will cry a lot.

How do we know people are lying?

- there are different ways to detect whether people are lying or not.

- We can look into their eyes and their face, if their face turns red ----

- We can also ask more information to know exactly the truth ----

Should we follow the law?

- Yes, we need to follow all rules and regulations unless we would have a lot of troubles.
For example, if we run off the red light, we may be fined ---

- following the law is a good way to show our responsibility and personality, so we will
be appreciated by others.

Should we break the rules to become winners?

- No, it is unfair, leading to many problems in the future when we get used to such

- It is better to follow the rule and try our best to improve ourselves rathr than heavily
focus on achievements.

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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø Who you talked with
Ø What you listened
Ø And explain why you didn’t like this conversation


- I am a bit of a social butterfly so I make friends with people from all walks of life and
we often have a lot of conversations every day. However, here, I would like to tell you
about a special occasion when I was not interested in a conversation with one of my
best friends.

- Some years ago, when I revised for my university entrance exam, I was under
considerable pressure as my parents attached importance to scores. I spent most of my
time studying at home and school. However, my best friend fell in love with a girl and
they often argued so he talked with me a lot about their relationship.

- Actually, I was not keen on their stories as I just wanted to focus on my exam revision
unless I couldn’t take part in my dream university, but I still have to listen to him to
show my respect and politeness

- My friend realized my indifference to his story and then he asked me for reasons. I
explained him in detail about it and luckily, he put himself in my shoes and didn’t
disturb me more.

- Now we are still good friends and share with each other everything.

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Part 3:

What kind of problems do people have when they don’t listen to others carefully?

- they cannot understand the conversation

- they make others become angry

How do peole realize that others don’t want to listen to them?

- if people are reluctant to listen to others, they cannot focus on the conversation and then
they may ask again and again

- they don’t look at speakers’s eyes

What qualities do people need to have to become good listeners?

- they need to be patient

- they need to be good at communication skills

- they need to put themselves in others’ shoes

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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø Who you were with
Ø Where you went to
Ø And explain why you didn’t like this


- I am keen on travelling- I take advantage of my free time to visit different destinations

to take it easy – today, I would like to tell you about a trip that I don’t really like

- 5 years ago – passing an exam with flying colors – pay a visit to Haiphong city –
1000km with my friends who were studying with me at university – they always put
themselves in my shoes – they are also like-minded friends

- We hoped that we would have a great trip but we were all disappointed due to some

- The city was polluted because a lot of factories released CO2 emissions to the
environment. There were also a lo of trucks and cars, so this city was very noisy.
Finally, we intended to go there for swimming, but the beach was so dirty.

- I was not really keen on this trip because this is considered as a waste of time and

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Part 3:

What is the most popular kind of transport in your city?

- People use different forms of transport but the most popular one is motorbikes because
they are not only cheap but also convenient. To illustrate, ---

- cars are also widely chosen by many people as they are safe

Which transport problems does your city have?

- people get stuck in traffic congestion when going to work or school

- the quality of public transport is not good enough

Why do many people choose to work far from home?

- the increasing cost of living in urban areas

- there are more transport links from the city center to the outskirts

Should we read books about other areas rather than going to other areas?

- people can save money and time when they read a book about other areas

- however, they cannot gain profound insights into other places unless they go there and
take part in different activities---

Why do many people migrate to other countries?

- they go there in search of a better life – living conditions

- the job market has become increasingly competitive, they go to other nations to look
for a job.

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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø What kind of news you received
Ø Why it is good news
Ø And explain how you felt


- I guess everyone must have received/taken in news, either positive or negative news,
and I am not an exception. However, here, I’d like to tell you about one of the most
important pieces of news.

- To the best of my recollection, it was around 5 years ago when I was a student – as a
technophile – I like technological devices, particularly computers –so I decided to buy
a macbook/ an Iphone which cost me a fortune

- Unluckily, I lost it in a café – so I felt down in the dump – then I posted on facebook
with the hope of finding my device – also, I called the police

- After 5 days, an old man sent me a message and gave it back to me – I was over the
moon as it is important to me and I used it for different purposes – I dream of an English
teacher so I study on my computer – I also keep in touch with my friends by this device

- I said thank you – and had lunch with him

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Part 3

Is it easier to receive news now than in the past?

- Easier – thanks to the advent of the Internet and technological devices – for example –
now we can send an email or a notice at the push of a button – in the past, wait for the
post main for ages due to geographical boundaries. Also, the quality of news is better -
-- in the past – people relied on loudspeakers

What is the best way to share good news to friends?

- People have different ways to convey news to friends but I prefer to meet friends in
person because ----. If I am far from them, I will make a phone call – because ---. For

Was it easy to share news in the past?

- There were various difficulties due to geographical and technological constraints –

people depended on loudspeakers and postmen – now, they take advantage of phones
and computers. For instance,---

How do organizations share important news?

- Have a secure scheme for sharing news internally – make sure that internal and
important news is not known by other companies – for instance, take advantage of IT
– cannot print or send outside

- Held some meetings to convey news in person

- If they want to convey news to the public – facebook – websites- newspapers

Apart from hospitals, which organizations should share important information?

- Government-based companies – citizens have paid taxes – they are eligible to know --
- for instance

- The state shares policies – people are entitled to ---

Should hospitals share information about journeys of infectious patients?

- It depends – on the one hand – help the community to avoid dangerous situations – for
example, Vietnam ---, leading to a successful preventative program

- On the other hand, people are worried about the invasion of privacy – should share their
journeys but hide their name and face/ personal information.

How do you often update information?

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- I often keep abreast of information by reading online news – I can save my time and

- I also watch news programs with my father and discuss with him about important news.

How the government convey important news?

- on the national TV channels

- on the radio

- on newspapers

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You should say:

Ø When it was
Ø What kind of news you received
Ø Why it is good news
Ø And explain how you felt


- I have a knack for cooking and often take advantage of my free time to cook traditional
cuisines. Sometimes, I also eat foreign dishes and here I’d like to tell you about the first
time I ate sushi with my family.

- If my memory serves me right, it was about some years ago. I passed an examination
with flying colors and my family decided to go to a Japanese restaurant to celebrate my
incredible attainment.

- It was one of the most famous restaurants in my neighbourhood so we had a great meal
together. It was the first time I ate sushi which is made from salmon and other
ingredients. At first, I couldn’t eat a lot because the taste was unfamiliar but then I ate
more and more.

- It was really delicious so I decided to learn some recipes to make this dish at home for
my family as cooking is my forte so I can cook any dish I like.

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Part 3

What kinds of foreign food are popular in Vietnam?

- we eat different kinds of foreign food

- there are a lot of Korean and Japanese restaurants because many companies from such
countries are operating in Vietnam.

- western food is also popular ---

Do you think children should learn about food?

- yes, it is very interesting and they can learn more about important nutrients in food.

- however, we should not force them learn a lot because they are already busy with their

Should they learn about food from teachers or parents?

- they can learn from both sources

- schools are a good environment for students to study and they have rules and
regulations to study effectively from teachers. Also, teachers are proficient at teaching
so they can give valuable lessons to students.

- some parents are also good at cooking and they can teach their children by different

what are the differences between young and old people towards food?

- old people like traditional cuisines

- young people like to taste different kinds of food

What kind of problems does the food industry have?

- dirty food – we don’t know the origin of food

- the increasing cost of food in some cities

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You should say:

Ø What it was
Ø When it was
Ø Why you made this decision
Ø And explain how you felt about this

I would like to tell you about a special decision I’ve ever made.

I am working for FPT which is one of the biggest technological companies in Vietnam. It
is a good job because I can earn enough money to cover all needs in my life. However, I
decided to change my job.

As an ambitious person I dream of becoming a businessman so I want to try my hand at

different jobs to accumulate as much experience as possible because I am still wet behind
the ears after my university graduation. Another reason for this is that I want to look for
a job for an international company as I get to work with highly qualified colleagues who
come from the four corners of the world. Therefore, I can learn valuable skills and
cultures from them.

Some days ago, I talked about this decision with my parents. At first, they advised me to
stay at the same organization for a long time because of various benefits associated with
better career prospects and incentives. Then, I explained to them about my dream and
plans for the future so they put themselves in my shoes and motivated me to try my best
to achieve my goal.

I feel confident about my decision and next month I will leave my job. Actually, I never
make any hasty decisions so I consider carefully about the benefits and drawbacks before
having my own choice. Hopefully, I would make my dream come true.

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Part 3:
Do you tell friends about that?

To be honest, I usually ask my friends for advice so this choice is not an exception. They
listened to me and gave me valuable comments on what I should do and prepare for my
future job.

What kind of decisions do people have to make on a daily life?

In my perspective, they need to make a variety of decisions on a daily basis. For instance,
people have to consider what they should buy for their family due to the availability of
many products. Furthermore, when they go to work, they often have to make hasty
decisions because they are often up to their ears in jobs.

Why do some people hate making a decision every day?

I guess the main reason for this is that before making a decision, people often have to
consider carefully about drawbacks they may have. Most people are afraid of getting
mistakes so they are reluctant to make decisions. For example, my colleagues and I
usually avoid making last-minute decisions because if we have any mistakes, our boss
would come down on us like a tone of bricks.

At what age can children make a decision?

I think if children are 6 years old, they should be entitled to make decisions because they
are mature enough to choose their favorite activities and schools. However, parents should
consider and give them adequate guidance. To the best of my recollection, when I was a
kid, my parents often gave me opportunities to choose my subjects and extracurricular
activities, then they talked with me about the benefits of my choice, so I had suitable

How can people make a decision in the future?

We are living in a fast-paced world so people are always on the go. In the future, they
would have to make more decisions in a short time. Furthermore, the more choices people
have, the more decisions they have to make. For instance, thanks to the development of the
fashion industry, the range of clothes is not limited as in the past, so when going shopping,
people need to think a lot about what they should buy.

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø When you took it
Ø Where you took it
Ø And explain why you like this photo


- I am really keen on taking photos, so I often take advantage of my free time to visit
different destinations and take photos to let off steam – the most favorite photo is---

- 5 years ago, I passed an exam with flying colors so I invited my friends to my house to
have a party – I photo with them and my family – in the picture- we smiled and showed
our happiness

- I love it as it reminds me about a good memory. Now, we are living far from each other,
so this would be a very meaningful photo.

- I will keep it forever.

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Part 3

Why many people dont like taking photos?

- They are not confident about their appearance

- Many people often take photos and throw away after a short time so they don like to
waste their time taking photos

Why many people like taking photos?

- To save memories – show off on social networking websites

- To take photos as hobbies

- Many people are endowed with special talents for taking photos

Do they prefer taking photos by phones or cameras

- Phone – more flexible and portable ---

- In recent years, the quality of photos by phone is as good as that by cameras

Do we need learn any skills to take photos?

- Normally, it is quite simple – learn about how to use a camera or a phone

- However, if you want to become a professional photographer, you need to learn editing
software – photoshop---

Why are some photos important in some events?

- Taking photos helps people save memories with friends and family ( for example –
wedding parties)

- Photos have special meanings on some occasions – ( for example – photos about
environmental contamination – raise awareness among people in evnvironmental

What are the differences between photos now and in the past?

- In the past, photos were simple due to the lack of technological devices

- Now, photos are more beautiful thanks to new devices

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø When you bought it
Ø What you often do with the toy
Ø And explain why you like this toy


- I am really keen on toys and I collect toys as a hobby – However I’d like to tell you
about the most special toy I’ve ever had

- To the best of my recollection, it was around 10 years ago when I was still a primary
school student – My parents placed importance on my school records – they promised
to give me a toy if I got high scores – I passed the exam with flying colors

- They bought me an iron man which was my favorite toy – they put themselves in my
shoes and gave me what I really liked.

- It is not only my toy but also my friends – my parents were always on the go and didn’t
have time for me so the toy was really important – I considered it as a friend and talked
all sorts of stories, which made me more comfortable

- I love it because it is a valuable gift from my parents

- I will keep it forever.

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Part 3

What are the differences between toys for boys and girls?

- Boys like car models, iron man, robots.

- Girls like dolls and educational toys.

How do advertisements about toys influence children?

- One the one hand, children have more information and choose their suitable and
favorite toys

- On the other hand, commercials draw attention from children who may pester their
parents for toys

Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?

- It really depends

- some advertisements are funny and have educational values – children can take it easy
and learn valuable information – for instance, ---

- However, some children are too young to realize the importance of toys – advertisers
exaggerate the functions to make profits – this kind of commercials should be

What's the difference between toys kids play now and those they played in the past?

- In the past, toys were a bit simple – children often play with robots and dolls

- Now, they have more choices of toys such as car models, robots, electrical toys.

Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with

- It is up to each family

- if parents have free time, they should play with their children to understand each other

- However, if parents are up to their ears in their jobs, they should buy toys for their
children. Also, playing with toys can help children more creative ---

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø When you heard about it
Ø Where you head about it
Ø And explain why you like this


- I am really keen on music and often take advantage of my free time to listen to music
to take it easy because it is considered as the best way to take it easy. Also, I am keen
on singing and often sing on special occasions at my workplace and school, so I know
many songs – today, I’d like to tell you about a special occasion when I heard an
interesting song

- 5 years ago, I passed the final exam with flying colors – I held a party – I had some
friends over for dinner –I sang a song named “ you raise me up” – I didn’t like westlife
but the meaning of this song is suitable with the party as I wanted to say thank you to
my family and friends.

- I listen to the song from youtube hundreds of times – I wrote down the lyrics and
remember high tones – as my voice is quite low – difficult to sing high tones.

- Finally, I had a performance and explained to my guests the reason why I forgot some
words – they burst into tears – the song really touched their heart.

- It is a memorable memory that I will never forget.

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Part 3:

Should children memorize poems or songs?

- Each poem or song has a special meaning about cultures, traditions and people in a
particular place – by remembering poems and songs, they understand more about the
true meaning of this work. For instance, if audiences learn the lyric of the song ‘ heal
the world” composed and performed by Micheal Jackson, they may have a sense of
humanity and empathy--- Also, the poem --- reminds people about the difficulties that
our ancestors experienced in the past, so they treasure what we have.

Do you think people should learn a lot at school?

- Educational institutions are the best places for people to improve their knowledge. They
should try their best to study at school to stand a better chance of landing a better job
in the future. However, they should also cultivate soft skills via extra-curricular
activities – important in the future---

Is it a waste of time to memorize poems and songs?

- Giống câu trên

- Their life is more meaningful – some people are endowed with special skills related to
literature and music – memorizing helps them comfortable ---

Do people like learning history?

- It really depends

- Some people place importance on historical knowledge so they learn historical events
that took place in the country and the world to understand how their ancestors overcame
problems. Therefore, they avoid similar mistakes in the future

- However, some don't like it at all as history is not directly linked to their future job so
they would rather spend time learning ----, than focusing on history.

How do they learn history effectively?

- they learn from books – they go to the library to exchange knowledge related to history
with like-minded friends

- they learn from conversations with older generations – for example, ---

- the learn from the internet/ museum

How do we encourage people to learn history?

- we run campaigns explaining the necessity of learning the past events.

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- we add videos and documentary films in classes instead of forcing students reading a
lot of paper documents

Do you think adults sing better than children?

- normally, adults have better singing skills as they have better health and can conquer
high tones

- However, some children are endowed with special talents for singing

Why do some people have good singing skills?

- They have special aptitudes for singing- for example, ---

- they improve their skills through practice – for example ---

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø When you had it
Ø How you will achieve it
Ø And explain why you have this ambition

Vocabulary: Achievement, attainment, ambitious, ambition, goal/ target/ aim, try

my best, make my dream come true.

- As an ambitious person – I have a lot of ambitions – but here, I’d like to tell you about
---(becoming a businessman/ an ielts teacher/ getting into shape---)

- I started to dream of becoming --- around 10 years ago – my teacher motivated me ---

- To make my dream come true I need to apply myself to develop real skills –
communication skills – having a good command of ---

- Enroll in a class- ask others for advice

- There are two main reason why I really want to achieve my goal. Firstly, --- . Secondly

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Part 3

Is it good if everyone has ambition?

- Create an ideal society – motivation – for example, a thriving economy ---

- Greater competition – people have potential to develop their talents

What is the most popular ambition among young people?

- Career – starting up a business

- Become famous

- Lose weight – keep fit

What are the differences between ambitions of people now and in the past?

- In the past, people were simple – want to earn enough money to pay for their lives and
take care of their family

- Now, apart from ambitions for themselves and their families, many people want to
contribute to the society – influencers

How can parents help children determine their ambitions?

- Talk with them a lot – listen to them – find their strengths and weaknesses

- Encourage them in various activities – children have aptitudes for special talents can
have more motivation to achieve their goals

- Teach them how to set up goals – the importance of having ambitions

Why do some people want to work in the same position for many years, others want
to have higher positions?

- Place importance on safety – hesitant to change – worries of becoming redundant

- They are proficient at a particular job and don’t want to learn change as they have to
apply themselves to learn new skills.

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø How you know about it
Ø Where it lives
Ø And explain why you like it.

Vocabulary: animal lover, on the verge/ brink of extinction/ endangered animal/

animal conservation/ prevent animals from extintion/ fauna and flora


- I am an animal lover so I spend a lot of time reading information about animals. Here,
I’d like to tell you about my favorite animal/ my pet/ a wild animal which is on the
verge of extinction.

- To the best of my recollection, I first knew about this animal around 10 years ago thanks
to a book/ a lesson at school/ a TV program which provides insights into the fauna and
flora of an area/ I knew this animal when my parents took me to the zoo.

- Tigers are very big and considered as the king of the forest. Its weight is up to 300kg.
Normally, they have short and yellow fur with black spots and stripes. They also have
four long legs, so they are one of the fastest animal species.

- According to the culture of Vietnam, tigers represent power and bravery. Also,
according to local folklore and fairy-tales, tigers can be used for medical purposes so
many people hunt tigers for immoral activities. Therefore, tigers are endangered

- I like tigers because they are beautiful and they are also a part of my childhood as my
parents told me a lot of stories about tigers. In the future, I hope that the state would
have more measures to hinder people from hunting, and then prevent tigers from

- ( a pet: I passed an examination with flying colors so my parents bought me a dog as a

gift and reward for me - this is a small dog with white fur, long tail and short leg---, -
he was not only my pet but also my friends – as my parents were up to their ears in
their jobs so they didnt have time for me – I usually shared every thing with him
although he could answer me – I still raise this dog now and hopefully, I would have
more and more pets in the future)

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Part 3

Should we educate children about animals/ wild animals?

- In my opinion, it is really important to give children lessons about animals because if

chilren understand the importance of animals, they would prevent them in the future.

- Moreover, learning about animals can help chidren know more about nature and the
world around them so they can improve their imagination.

Is it worth to spend a huge amount of money protecting wild animals?

- On the one hand, a variety of animals are on the verge of extinction so we need to
allocate money to animal conservation to protect endangered animals.

- On the other hand, there are still many people who are struggling with their life so we
need to give them money because humans are more important than animals. Therefore,
humans should be prioritised and then we can pay a samll amount of money for projects
associated with animals.

Where you can find animals in Vietnam?

- You can easily find anilams in different places

- if you live near forests, there are a lot of wild animals there. For instance, ---

- Some animals are also living near humans. For instance, ---

Is it difficult to raise a pet?

- It is really difficult because of two main reasons

- Firstly, they have special diet. For instance, ---

- Secondly, they cannot communicate as humans so we dont know their problems.

What is the most popular kind of pets in Vietnam?

- People raise different kinds of pets but dogs are often chosen by many people because
they are close to humans and loyal.

- Some people also raise fish because fish is cheap and easy to raise at home.

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø What it is about
Ø When you read this book
Ø And explain why you it is interesting/ useful.

Vocabulary: voracious reader, keep abreast of information/ keep me up to date with

information about ---, pass valuable knowledge on to me,


- I am a voracious reader – take advantage of my free time to read as many books as

possible to take it easy and improve knowledge – The most interesting book is “ the
road to success’

- 5 years ago – my best friend gave it to me as he knew that I had a passion for reading

- It is adapted to a movie – it is like an autobiography written by Mr Pham Nhat Vuong

--- he was born in a poor family – never gave up his ambition – became the richest

- He motivates me – I dream of becoming a businessman

- A message from the book is that if we try our best, we can do almost everything

- In the future, I will introduce that book to friends.

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Part 3

Why reading is important?

- Help people learn how to stay focused and stay calm
- Take it easy
- Improve knowledge
Do you like reading and what do you often read?
- I am a bookworm – I read economic books
- Adventurous stories
Do you prefer reading books or newspapers?
- I read both – books help me to improve my knowledge
- Newspapers help me to keep abreast of current affairs
What kind of books do young people like to read?
- Autobiographies – learn experience
- Science – related books
- novels
Do you think old people read more than young people?
- They have more free time – kill time by reading books
- Young people are up to their ears in their job – have less time reading books.
Do you think reading books from an early age helps children become successful?
- It may contribute to the success of people in the future because the more knowledge we
have, the more opportunities we have. Also, they can take advantage of precious
knowledge from books to apply for their job.
- However, other factors are also very important. For example, if children are equipped
with soft skills, they would easily communicate with others.
Could a book change the world?
- A book can change the attitudes of poeple towards their life, regardless of their location.
For instance, ----
- Some books are universally available and have certain impacts on the global citizens.
For instance, the book “ I am giftd so are you”----

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø What it is about
Ø What you will do to have this job
Ø And explain why you it is a perfect job

Vocabulary: dream of becoming---, a well-paid job, get to work with highly skilled
colleaugues, career prospects, make my dream come true


- I am an ambitious person so I have been trying my hand at different jobs to accumulate

as much work experience as possible and find my favorite job. In the future, I dream of
becoming an English teacher/ a designer/ a lawyer/ journalist.

- My parents are also teachers/--- so teaching/--- is in my blood. I want to pass precious

knowledge learnt from my university on to students. I will be very happy if I can help

- I need to try my best to have a good command of English ----. In addition, I need to
learn teaching skills from my parents and friends who always put themselves in my
shoes and give me sound advice.

- The main reason why I have a passion for teaching English is because I get to work
with many students from all walks of life---. Furthermore, I have an opportunity to
work with highly skilled teachers who are very proficient at teaching. I also meet native
speakers and learn their cultures.

- In the future, I wish I would make my dream come true as soon as possible.

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Part 3:

What are important factors to work well?

- There are different determiners

- education plays an important role as if they want to work well, they need to be equipped
with enough knowledge. For instance, ---

- Soft skills are also important as they need to learn to communicate with others.

How do colleagues affect their work?

- colleagues are also an important part in the workplace

- they can pass valuable knowledge on to new members – helping them adapt to their

- They can cooperate with each other to create incredible achievements---

- Having a friendly environment can lead to a higher level of satisfaction among workers-

Do you think ambitious people are always successful?

- ambitions are an important factor for a successful career because people may have more
motivation to work hard ---

- However, other factors are equally important ---( luck, soft skills, academic knowledge)

What kind of problems do people have at their workplace?

- There are many problems that they may have

- They have conflicts with colleagues---

- They are exploited by their boss---

- They have poor working conditions ---

What kind of jobs do people in your country often choose?

- They choose different kinds of job but the most popular one is to become office worker
because ---

- Some people also choose to become doctors because ---

- Other jobs like teachers and lawyers are also chosen because ---

Do people regret about their decision when they get older?

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- It depends

- Some people wish they they would have chosen another job because ----. For instance,
my father was endowed with special talents for music but he chose to become a teacher
and no he regrets about it.

- Some people are extremely satisfied with their job because ----.

What is the least popular job in your country?

- In western societies, becoming a psycho doctor or a psychologist is a popular choice of

many youngsters.

- However, in Vietnam, people don’t choose these jobs due to the lack of job
opportunities in the future as people rely on emotional support of their family.

- Moreover, zoologists--- are also less chosen because ---

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø What it is about
Ø What you will do to have this job
Ø And explain why you it is a perfect job

Vocabulary: dream of becoming---, a well-paid job, get to work with highly skilled
colleaugues, career prospects, make my dream come true


- I am trying my best to have a good command of English becasue I dream of wroking

for an international company. Here, I’d like to tell you about an internship that I really
want to have.

- My sister is working for Canon which is one of the biggest companies in the world. Her
company have some vacancies for students so I really want to apply for this position.

- If I get to work for this company, I will work in the customer service depeartnment
which is my favorite job because I talk with many customers.

- I need to learn not only English but also japaness to work with customers in Japan and
other countries. Also, I need to improve my communication and negotiation skills.

- The main reason why I love this job is because I can go to Japan and discover about its
culture, local people who are famous for working hard so I can learn many things from
them. Also, this is a beautiful country with a lot of breathtaking views, I am keen on
travelling so this country is perfectly suitable for me.

- I hope that I would make my dream come true

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Part 3:

What are the benefits of having a short time working in another country?

- gain a closer insight into other culture

- come into contact with foreigners – make more friends

- have more work experience

What can you do in a short time in a foreign country?

- to have an internship

- to have a part time job in a store or a restaurant

- I am proficient at technology so I an work for some technological company

What are the benefits of working for multinational companies?

- get to work with people from the four corners of the world.

- work in a professional environment

- high salaries

Why some people don’t want to work in foreign countries?

- they don’t want to miss out on emotional support from family when living far from

- they like their own country and don’t want cho change their workplace

- the career prospects are not really good.

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø When you watched it
Ø Who you were with
Ø And explain why you laugh/ think a lot

Vocabulary: blockbuster/ box-office hit, let off steam/ broaden my horizons


- I am keen on movies – so I take advantage of my free time to watch movies to let off
steam – today, I would like to tell you about one of the most special movies I have ever

- I watched this film 5 years ago – to the best of my recollection – I passed an exam with
flying colors – I went to the cinema to relax – watched this movie—

- The movie is about --- ( history/ business/ family relationships ---) – it is adapted from
a novel. ----

- I burst into tears/ I laugh a lot – I put myself in their shoes – in the future, I want to
watch similar movies

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Part 3

What are the benefits and drawbacks of laughter at school?

- Under considerable pressure – dispel worries about exams/ release stress – more
motivation to try their best

- The most effective facial expression – connecting people together – for example, ---

How has your laugh affected your life?

- I am kind of optimistic – smiling makes my life more positive – for example

- In the past, I was close - minded – hardly did I smile – now I smile a lot everywhere –
inspire others

Do you think laughter is important in businesses?

- Sympathy from partners

- Positive relationships between staff

- Release stress

What is the most popular kind of film in your country?

- Action movies – people are totally engrossed in these films. For example, --

- Comedies –take it easy

- Documentary films – place importance on traditional values

Do you think that some films are successful because they have famous actors?

- Famous actors play an important role – take advantage of their fame to attract attention
from audiences – for example

- Other factors are also important – producers – content – sound effects

Why do people prefer watching films with special visual effects?

- Indispensable part – attract attention- predict the flow of a movie

- manipulate feelings of audiences

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Is this good if teachers make jobs in the class?

- It is vitally important because students are often under considerable pressure due to
expectation from teachers and parents. If they make jobs, students can get rid of stress-

- This is also a good way to interact with students. For instance, ---

Do people in your countries watch comedies?

- It depends on each person

- Many people consider it as a good way to take it easy after long working hours –

- they can also strengthen their family relationship by watching a film together

- However, some people are always on the go and don’t have enough time for movies.

Is laughing a universal language?

- yes, people in the four corners of the world smile to show their politiness and
hospitality. For example, if guests visit their house, they would welcome them and
simle a lot, which makes their guests feel comfortable.

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø When you bought it
Ø Where you bought it
Ø And explain why you feel happy about it


- I am really keen on shopping and take advantage of my free time to go shopping with
my friends and family. Here, I’d like to tell you about a special item that made me

- 5 years ago, I passed an exam with flying colors and my parents gave me a gift. We
went to thegioididong store to buy an Iphone which was a state-of-the-art item at that

- As a technophile, I was really happy with this gift because I was really helpful. I used
it for different purposes.

- I keep in touch with my family and friends and make friends with people on social
networking websites.

- I take advantage of my phone to take part in some virtual lessons to improve my


- I keep abreast of information by reading online news

- In the future, I want to keep it forever because it is a meaningful gift from my family.

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Part 3

How do people often go shopping?

- Thanks to the appearance of many technological devices, many people choose to buy
things online. For instance, ---

- However, there are those who still choose to go to stores or supermarkets to buy things
because shopping is also considered as a good way to let off steam.

Do you think people go shopping a lot?

- Yes, people spend a great deal of time shopping because it can help them take it easy.
For instance, my colleagues and I go shopping every weekend to get rid of stress and
buy new things.

- Moreover, thanks to the economic development, they spend more and more money and
time going shopping.

Do they bargain?

- Many people choose to bargain to have a discount as they are strapped for cash

- However, some people are reluctant to haggle over the prices of items as their
negotiation skills are not good.

Are they happy when they bargain?

- I guess they will be very satisfied with their discount because they can save a bit money.
For instance, last week I was really happy because I had a discount coupon when buy
a new mobile phone.

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DESCRIBE AN AREA OF SCIENCE (e.g. maths, physics, psychology) THAT


You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø How you learn about it
Ø Who you learn with
Ø And explain why you like it


- I am keen on learning science – I take advantage of my free time to --- here I’m gonna
talk about space exploration

- 10 years ago, when I was a high school student – my physic teacher motivated me –
found online documents – read books – watch youtube videos

- Some companies in the world such as Space X and Solar city founded by Elon Musk –
Nasa ---

- Space discoveries are important because we need to find a habitable environment for
human beings – find new energy resources as the natural energy has been depleted –
avoid a energy crisis

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Part 3:
Are you interested in psychology?
- Keen on science-related subjects and psychology is not an exception – curious about
human beings, their thoughts, behavior.
- In the past, I intended to become a psycho doctor/psychologist ---
Are science subjects important and popular in Vietnam?
- Play an important part of the school curriculum – the bedrock of new inventions –
people are encouraged to learn early – improve creativity – academic knowledge,
paving the way for new scientific breakthroughs
Should children learn science?
- Study as soon as possible – but science is something difficult – give them a suitable
amount of knowledge – motivate them – gradually educate them some simple
What do you think about taking children to museums/ libraries to learn about science?
- Good – have a closer insight into science – go to ABC museum – learn about ---
- museums have some experts, exhibitions, documents and videos
- Have like-minded friends to exchange knowledge
Which area of science will develop in the future?
- Psychology – people are more stressed
- Computer science – rely on technology
Should countries collaborate to develop science?
- Yes – they can exchange knowledge – pass their valuable experience on to others
- Each country has their own strengths and talented people
What is the difference between science at school and in real life?
- School almost focus on theory – hardly conduct experiments due to the lack of facilities
- In real life, people get to try practical work – put their knowledge into practice
- However, knowledge at school is the bedrock for scientific research in real life
How does science help people in their daily life?
- Every aspect of life – the advent of the internet, technological devices
- In agriculture – ploughs, shipping machines – less human involvement
- Robots in the industry – dangerous work
What is the most advanced breakthrough?
- Computer – apply for work
- electromagnetic waves and Mobile phone – an ideal vehicle for people to become closer

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How does each individual contribute to science?

- Apply themselves to improve their knowledge
- Conduct research at home – for example
Should people do scientific research alone or with others?
- on the one hand, it is good because they can learn from each other
- on the other hand, some conflicts may arise

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You should say:

Ø What it is
Ø How you know about it
Ø What you often do
Ø And explain why you like it

- Vietnam is a special country with 4000-year history. We have different festivals each
year but I’d like to talk about Tet holiday which is one of the most interesting festivals
in our country.
- It is an important event because people have many days off and they often come back
to their hometown and have reunions with their family and friends. Like most people,
I often visit my relatives and have parties with them. We talk about what we do each
year and set new resoulutions.
- We also go to the church or pagoda to pray for a better life. Some people also choose
to visit some beautiful destinations with their family to take it easy.
- I really like this event because of two main reasons. Firstly, as I am always up to my
ears in my job, this is a great opportunity for me to reunite with family members. Also,
I can take part in different cultural activities on Tet holiday as I want to maintain
interesting features passed on to different generations.
- In the future, I will talk about this event with my foreign friends to help them understand
more about my country.

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Part 3:

What are the differences between festivals in the past and at present?
- Well, there are several disparities between festivals in the past and today
- In the past, festivals were simple but attract a lot of people who want to maintain
cultural features.
- Now, people are living in a fast-paced world, they take part in festivals to take it easy
rather than maintaining cultural aspects.
How do young people celebrate their new year?
- It is up to each person.
- Some people choose to go to public areas and welcome a new year with others –--
- However, others choose to stay at home with their family and they can have a party
What kinds of activities does the state hold on national holidays?
- They hold festivals and cultural activities---
- They hold some sport competitions ---
What will the tet holiday be like in the future?
- In the future, people will be always on the go and they are indifferent to Tet
- There will be less days off for Tet holiday
- There will be less cultural activities. For instance, people are reluctant to make chung
cake ---

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v Part 1
• Work – Education
Ø Do you work or study?
Ø Why did you choose this job/ school?
Ø Is it easy to work/ study there?
Ø Do you have any plans in the future?
• Trees
Ø Do you like planting trees?
Ø Are there many trees around where you live?
Ø Where do people can find trees in your country?
• Happiness
Ø What often make you happy?
Ø What have made many people happy recently?
Ø Is it important to be happy every where?
Ø Are you happy with your study/ job?

v Part 2

Describe a person who likes to help others

You should say:
Ø Who the person is
Ø How you knew this person
Ø How this person helps others
Ø And explain how you felt about this person

Do you want to become similar to this person?

v Part 3
Ø What can people do to help children?
Ø What can people do to help adults?
Ø What are the differences between helping friends and strangers?
Ø What do people often do when they need for help?
Ø How do people in a neighbourhood help each other?
Ø How do countries help each other?

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v Part 1
• Home-Accommodation
Ø Do you live in a house or a flat?
Ø What do you like about it?
Ø Where did you want to live in the past?
Ø Do you want to move to another place in the future?
• New year
Ø Where do people often welcome the new year?
Ø What is the most memorable new year aniversary?
Ø What do people often do?
• Borrowing and lending
Ø Do you like to borrow your friend’s books?
Ø Do you let your friends borrow your money?
Ø How do you feel when somebody borrows your mobile phone?

v Part 2

Describe a success of your friend

You should say:
Ø Who the person is
Ø What is his/her success
Ø How important it is
Ø Are you proud of your friend.

Do you want to have similar success?

v Part 3
Ø What kinds of success do young people want to achieve?
Ø What do they do to achieve their success?
Ø Do you think old people dont need to try to achieve success?
Ø Is the success of individuals is more important than that for teams?
Ø Should parents encourage children to become the best?

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v Part 1
• Work – Education
Ø Do you work or study?
Ø What is your favorite part of your work/study?
Ø Do you prefer working/ studying in the morning or in the afternoon?
Ø Do you make friends at work/ school?
• Concentration
Ø Is it easy to concentrate?
Ø What often make people distracted?
Ø How do you improve your concentration?
Ø Is it easier to concentrate on something at home than at work/school?
• Museums
Ø Are there many museums in your city?
Ø How often do you go there?
Ø Who do you often go there with?
Ø Do you want to see more museums in the future?

v Part 2

Describe a photograph that you like

You should say:
Ø What it is
Ø When you took this photo
Ø Where you took this photo
Ø And explain why you like this photo

Do you talk about this photo with your friends?

v Part 3
Ø Do people prefer taking photos of people or scenery?
Ø What are the differences between the way they take photos now and in the past?
Ø Why photos are important on some events?
Ø What do you think about different generations taking photos together?
Ø Do people prefer taking photos by a phone or a camera?

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v Part 1
• Hometown
Ø Where is your hometown?
Ø What do you like about it?
Ø Do you want to live there in the future?
Ø Where did you want to live when you were a kid?
• Changes
Ø How has you changed since your childhood?
Ø How has your hometown changed over the years?
Ø Do you like changes?
Ø How would the world change in the future?
• Colors
Ø What is your favorite colors?
Ø Which color do people like?
Ø Do you think colors have special meanings?

v Part 2

Describe a toy that you like

You should say:
Ø What it is
Ø When you bought it
Ø What you often do with the toy
Ø And explain why you like this toy

Do your friends like your toys?

v Part 3
Ø Do children in your country like toy?
Ø What are the differences between toys for boys and girls?
Ø Do people use toys as a gift?
Ø What are the differences between toys now and in the past?
Ø Do you think people from different countries play the same kind of toys?

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Useful vocabulary Explain/Example
Put yourself in sb's to imagine other’s My boss puts himself in my
place/position/shoes feelings/situations, particulary shoes to understand my
(idiom) in difficult situations. problems.
Try you hand in/at I will try my hand in
To try doing something
something (idiom) different jobs.
I have to work around the
To work very hard, all day
Work around the clock clock to complete my job.
and all night
It is a round-the-clock job.
to work or do other things I am so busy with my job
burn the candle at both from early in the morning that I have to burn the
ends (idiom) until late at night and so get candle at both ends every
very little rest. day.
She has been burning the
Burn the midnight oil To work very hard, especially
midnight oil preparing for a
(idiom) late into the night
new project.
To work/study very hard, to I have been breaking my
Break your/sb’s back
give a great deal of effort to back trying to pass my
do/doing something exam.
Work your fingers to the = To work flat out = to
To work extremely hard
bone (idiom) work around the clock.
Jame created an automatic
Work like a charm
To work very effectively system which works like a
Unpleasant work or dishonest He gave me all dirty work
Dirty work action that others do not want which is vitally difficult to
to do complete.
I was working as a chief
Bean counter (idiom) An accountant bean counter for a foreign
We want to import some
To prevent something in your new machines from
Gum up the works (idiom) workplace from working England but legal
smoothly. procedures my gum up the
She came down on me like
Come down on sb like a
To critize someone strictly a ton of bricks because I
ton of bricks (idiom)
made a serious mistake.
I think we will have to cross
Cross that bridge when sb To tackle with a matter when
that bridge when we come
comes to it (idiom) it happens
to it.

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I am trying to get hands-on experience to prepare for my

Hands-on (a)
Proficient in/at something Competent at/in something = good at something
A heavy workload A huge amount of work
Job satisfaction Happiness about job
Manual work Work done by hand.
Work with your hands To work by hand.
Well-paid job A job with a high salary
Meet/hit a deadline To complete your work on time.
Self-employed (a) Work for yourself
Sound advice Useful advice
Prestigious (a) Very much expected and admired ( a prestigious university)
Conscientious (a) Putting a lot of effort to work/study
Comprehensive (a) Including all necessary things
I decided to enroll in an English course 2 months ago
Enroll in (v)
because English plays an important role in my life.
Cram for something To try to remember something in a short time.
Learn by memorization To remember something.
To learn by heart To remember something with your feelings.
Pass with flying colors To pass something (an exam) with high scores easily.
Extra-curricular activities What are not included in your study.
In the absence of I have to work in the absence of my boss.
Rules and regulations What you are advised to follow.
Civil education Civil education is vitally important for young people.
Mock (a) Next month I will take a mock examination.
School records My head teacher gave me good marks in my school records.
I am put under a lot of pressure by my parents due to my
Put under pressure
poor performance.
Practice makes perfect Practice makes perfect so the more time you spend on
(idiom) learing English, the better scores you will get.
Acquisition (n) second language acquisition = to study a new language
chinwag A long and pleasant between friends.
Mother tongue Your native language

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I usually go out with my friends to take part in some
Recreational activities (n)
recreational activities.
I want to have a crack at a new sport because it is boring to
Have a crack at
spend a great deal of time playing football.
When I have leisure time I usually amuse myself by playing
Amuse myself by doing st
Take the weight off your
I usually take the weight off my feet after playing football.
feet (idiom)
Last year I paid a visit to Ha Noi museum to obtain more
Pay a visit to
knowledge about my country’s history.
Kill time I often kill time by watching movies.
I will hang out with my friends tomorrow to have a cup of
Hang out
Tobe keen on = tobe
I am really into playing sports with my friends on weekends.
enjoy=love=have a
passion for = to be a fan of
To be proficient at something
To have a knack for
I have a knack for the guitar so I play it when I have spare
I was so engrossed in this film that I didn’t realize his
tobe engrossed in
I am keen on playing table-tennis because it is like a piece of
A piece of cake (idiom)
cake to me.
To take advantage of my I try to take advantage of my free time to talk with my
leisure time friends.
Once in the blue moon She is living in Ho Chi Minh city so I only see her once in
(idiom) the blue moon.
A great deal of time
He spends a great deal of time playing tennis.
A huge amount of time

Eat out Going to restaurants or cafes

Surfing the internet

I am very busy with my job so I just want to stay at home to
Browsing facebook surf the internet when I have leisure time.

Engage in something =
take part in something Students engage in extracurricular activities after school and
on weekends.
Extra-curricular activities

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A large and important city
Metropolis I really want to have a job in the metropolis because I can
earn a huge amount of money in a big city to raise my family
The locals The locals here are so hospitable that they often give
foreigners some sound advice when they run into
hospitable difficulties.
In the suburbs= on the I am working for ABC company which is located on the
outskirts of --- outskirts of Hanoi.
Traffic congestion Traffic jam

High-rise, low-rise A high-rise building = a tall building

This office block was pulled down to make way for a new
Pull down = demolish skyscraper.
Office block
Residential area An area where people live.
Neighbourhood There are many kids who are living in my neighbourhood.

Rush hour = peak hour The time when many people do the same thing

Underground system =subway

Famous tourist attractions Places visited by many people

Crowded = overcrowding
Ha Noi is a crowded city with millions of people
Peaceful = quiet = People who choose to live in a transquil countryside may
transquil (a) realese stress in their life.
Lively = busling My Dinh is a busling area with a variety of shopping malls.
It would be very easy for me to seek a job in some industrial
Industrial zone
The cost of living here is so expensive that I find it difficult
Cost of living
to meet basic needs in my life.
Sense of community What I enjoy most is the sense of community there.
My hometown is a mountainous city which is surrounded by
A mountainous city
many mountains
A green city Singapore is a green city with many trees

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The skin becomes brown as a result of sunbathing.
Get a suntan
I got a suntan when I visited Doson beach last year.
Da Nang is one of the most beautiful costal cities with a
Coastal (a)
variety of breathtaking views.
I have a knack for swimming so I often go for a dip with my
Go for a dip
friends on the beach.
Scuba-diving (n)
I will have a crack at some adventurous sports such as
scuba-diving or surfing.
Adventurous (a)

Crystal clear water I like going for a dip on crystal clear water.

Shoreline/shore/seashore You can walk for miles along the shore.

Fishermen Fishermen catch fish in order to make money.

a family consisting of two parents and their children, but
A nuclear family
not including aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.
He is a person who earns a huge amount of money. In other
Breadwinner (idiom)
words, he is a breadwinner.
housewife She had dreamed of being a housewife, and she
took great pride in that role.
Take pride in something

Depend on = count on =rely on

I usually talk with my father despite the age difference
Age difference
between us.
Fresh and blood (n) He is not only my fresh and blood but also my neighbor.
Make yourself at home to relax and make yourself comfortable in someone else's
(idiom) home.
Household = a family
A roof over sb’s head
He is so poor that he does not have a roof over his head.
Property (n) = a house or area of land = estate
a business that arranges the sale, renting,or management of
Estate agency (n)
homes,land, and buildings for their owners

Rented accommodation There's a shortage of cheap rented accommodation

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He is a creative director at the American-owned
Advertising agency (n) advertising agency that will be producing all the poster
,leaflet, and television work.
Manipulate (v)
Commercial (n) Advertisers manipulate buyers via a variety of commercials
a short interruption of a television or
Commercial break (n)
radio programme to broadcast advertisements
letters or emails, usually advertising products or services,
junk mail (n)
sent to people although they have not asked to receive.
Mass media (n) newspapers, television, radio, and the internet
websites and computer programs that allow people to
Social media (n) communicate and share information on the internet using
a computer or mobile phone.
Disseminate (v) Some companies usually disseminate the information about
Attribute (v) their products via a variety of commercials.
To take information
Take in (v) Buyers take in the information about many products’
attributes on a daily basis.
Gullible (a) Advertisers often exaggerate their products’ attributes but
consumers don’t realize that. In other words, they are so
Exaggerate (v) gullible.
Word-of-mouth marketing is not popular nowadays as
Word-of-mouth (a)
companies often focus on social media marketing.
Consumers often believe in eye-catching commercials and
Eye-catching (a)
Sensational (a) The mass media often focus on/convey sensational news
Convey (v) which picks people’s curiosity.
Firsthand (adv) The reporter keeps us up to date with this event by providing
Firsthand (a) firsthand information.

A huge storage of news

A wealth of information The mass media provides us a huge storage of news/a wealth
of information about different fields.
Current affairs (n)

Invasion of privacy (n)

One of the main drawbacks of the news media is the
invasion of privacy.
Celebrity (n)

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Couch potato (idiom)

He has a sedentary lifestyle because he spends a great deal
Telly (n) of time watching telly and playing games. In other words, he
is a couch potato.
Sedentary lifestyle (n)

Keep sb up to date with I hope that you would keep me up to date with the
sth (idiom) information about Le Roi singer.

Blockbuster (n) a book or film that is very successful

Action-packed movies (n) Interesting films with many exciting activities.

To be engrossed in st
I am engrossed in the film ‘avatar” which is seen as a box-
office hit.
Box-office hit

Low-budget film (n)

It is a low/high budget film.
High-budget film (n)

Live concert (n) Live performance of music

Live music (n)

Do you prefer listening to live or recorded music?
Recorded music (n)

Lyric (n) the words of a song, especially a pop song

Easy to remember
Catchy (a)
The lyric is really catchy.
Musical talent (n) (someone who has) a natural ability to be good at music

Massive hit (n) A popular song/record

Melody (n)
His songs are always strong on melody.
Melodious (a)

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

Exposure to sth Exporsure to computers and other technical devices will
Detrimental (a) bring about detrimental effects on your health.
Ubiquitous (a)
Very popular
Ubiquity (n)
Prohibit (v) The use of smart phones has been prohibited in my school.
Portable (a) I will buy a portable mobile phone or computer
Pernicious (a) Advertising leads to some pernicious impacts on children.
Technophile (n) I am a technophile so I often use my computer and mobile
Keep/stay in touch phone to keep in touch with my friends.
High-tech (a)
High-tech = tech –savvy
Low-tech (a)
State-of-the-art very modern and using the most recent ideas and methods/
Cutting-edge the most modern.
Old-fashioned (a) = outdated = very old
I often access the internet on my mobile phone to update
Access(v/n) the internet
latest information about sports.
Browse websites/the
Browsing facebook is my cup of tea.
Wireless network (n) A wireless connection
User-friendly Very easy to use.

In good shape She is in good shape as she goes to the gym every day to get
Get into shape into shape.
physical exercises to keep your body healthy, often
Keep fit
done regularly with other people.
Strenuous sports (n) Sports require much effort and energy
Spectator sports (n) Sports that many people go to watch
Have a crack at It will have a crack at a strenuous sport.
Team sports (n) Sports played with teammates.
Solo sports (n) Individual sports
related to heart
Cardiovascular (a) Playing sports would protect people from cardiovascular
diseases/heart-related diseases.

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

Weather forecast (n)
I often hear the weather forecast everyday to update the
Torrential rain (n) information about torrential rain in the summer.
A torrential downpour (n)
Sweltering (a) extremely hot, in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
To be rained off The football match was rained off.
Be raining cats and dogs
It is raining cats and dogs.
Like a sauna Ha noi city is like a sauna in the summer
to spend a lot of money on celebrating something
push the boat out
They pushed the boat out for her birthday party.
Over the moon (idiom)
Tobe on cloud nine
To be very happy
In high spirits
Tet holiday is a long standing festival in my country.
Reunion (n) he college has an annual reunion for former students
to go out into a city or town and have a good time
Paint the town red (idiom) We decided to paint the town red as we passed a difficult
A firework display = a firework show

I am living in the city center so I do a lot of window
Window shopping (n)
Window-shop (v) We go to some shopping malls to window-shop.
Tight budget (n) I have a tight budget so hardly do I go shopping.
Haggle over the price of
To bargain (n,v)
Pick out (v) She picks out carefully when going shopping.
Something expensive from famous companies.
designer label (n)
She spent much money buying some designer labels.
Local shops (n) Local stores
Market stall (n) = kiosk
Casual clothes (n) I only use casual clothes every day.
Trendy (a)/ up-to-the-
Hot/ the latest
minute (a)

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Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

Traffic congestion (n) = traffic jam
Commute (n,v) to make the same journey regularly between work and home
Get stuck in traffic Being in traffic congestion.
Infrastructure (n) My country’s infrastructure is very poor.
the density of vehicles The density of vehicles in Ha Noi city is very high.
If you are 18 or more you can get a driving licence in Viet
Driving licence (n)
A multi-storey car park will enable more cars to park in rush
Multi-storey car park
Package tour (n) A holiday organized by a company.
Off the beaten path/track We wanted visit somewhere that was a little bit off
(idiom) the beaten path as we can have real sense of adventure.
Breathtaking views (n) Beautiful views
Famous tourist
attractions/destinations Famous places which attract tourists
Homestay (n) Foreigners often book homestay accommodation in advance.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

Lời nói đầu,....................................................................................................................... 1
IELTS SPEAKING – GOM ĐỀ & GỘP Ý.................................................................................. 1
Giới thiệu phần thi IELTS SPEAKING .................................................................................. 1
CÁC TIÊU CHÍ CHẤM ĐIỂM TRONG IELTS SPEAKING ........................................................... 3
IELTS SPEAKING ANSWERS ................................................................................................ 4
CÁCH PHÁT TRIỂN Ý TRONG IELTS SPEAKING................................................................ 5
1. Phương pháp kéo dài câu trong tiếng anh. ............................................................................................. 5

CÁC DẠNG CƠ BẢN TRONG IELTS SPEAKING PART 1&3 ................................................ 7

1. Các câu hỏi dạng miêu tả, liệu kê ............................................................................................................ 8
2. Các câu hỏi dạng lý do.............................................................................................................................. 9
3. Các câu hỏi dạng quá khứ ...................................................................................................................... 11
4. Các câu hỏi dạng tương lai..................................................................................................................... 12
5. Các câu hỏi dạng ‘ How often” .............................................................................................................. 13
6. Các câu hỏi dạng so sánh ....................................................................................................................... 15
7. Các câu hỏi dạng “ Type of ” ................................................................................................................. 16

MAIN TOPICS ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

1. Work-Study ............................................................................................................................................. 18

UNIT 1: THỰC HÀNH IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 ............................................................... 19

TOPIC: WORK-EDUCATION ................................................................................................. 19
WORK ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
FUTURE PLANS................................................................................................................................................ 22
CONCENTRATION ........................................................................................................................................... 21
STUDY ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
SCHOOL ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
SCIENCE ............................................................................................................................................................ 27
MATH/ NUMBERS............................................................................................................................................ 26

Vocabulary ................................................................................................................................. 28
People – ( family/ friends/ famous people ) .................................................................................. 28
UNIT 2: THỰC HÀNH IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 ............................................................... 29
TOPIC: PEOPLE ...................................................................................................................... 29
FAMILY ............................................................................................................................................................. 29
FRIENDS ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
CONVERSATION/ MAKING FRIENDS .......................................................................................................... 31
FAMOUS PEOPLE............................................................................................................................................. 32
AGE .................................................................................................................................................................... 33
NAME ................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Vocabulary .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Places – (your city/ hometown/ accommodation/ a place) .............................................................................. 36

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UNIT 3: THỰC HÀNH IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 ............................................................... 37

TOPIC: PLACES ....................................................................................................................... 37
ACCOMMODATION – FURNITURE .............................................................................................................. 44
HOMETOWN/CITIES........................................................................................................................................ 37
TRANSPORTATION ......................................................................................................................................... 39
MUSEUMS ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
YOUR COUNTRY ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Recreational activities (travelling, music, movies, free time, sports, reading books, cooking) ....................... 47

UNIT 4: THỰC HÀNH IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 ............................................................... 48

LEISURE ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................................... 48
TRAVELLING/ PICNIC .................................................................................................................................... 49
PICNICS ............................................................................................................................................................. 50
SHOPPING/ CLOTHES ..................................................................................................................................... 51
MAKING LIST ................................................................................................................................................... 52
WEEKENDS ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
SPORTS .............................................................................................................................................................. 54
FISHING ............................................................................................................................................................. 55
COOKING/MEALS/ EATING ........................................................................................................................... 56
FILMS ................................................................................................................................................................. 57
TAKING A REST ............................................................................................................................................... 58
TV PROGRAMS ................................................................................................................................................ 58
SINGING ............................................................................................................................................................ 59
Technology ( computers, phones, media, newspapers, magazines) ................................................................. 60

UNIT 5: THỰC HÀNH IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 ............................................................... 61

TOPIC: TECHNOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 61
COMPUTER/ THE INTERNET ......................................................................................................................... 61
READING/ NEWS/ NEWSPAPERS / MAGAZINES / COMICS/ SOCIAL MEDIA....................................... 62
TEXTING ........................................................................................................................................................... 65
EMAIL/ HANDWRITING ................................................................................................................................. 66
ADVERTISING .................................................................................................................................................. 67
SOCIAL MEDIA ................................................................................................................................................ 68

UNIT 6: THỰC HÀNH IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 ............................................................... 69

OTHER TOPICS ....................................................................................................................... 69
RECYCLING ...................................................................................................................................................... 69
NEW ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................................. 70
GIFT .................................................................................................................................................................... 71
HURRY ............................................................................................................................................................... 71
TIDY ................................................................................................................................................................... 72
BORROWING/LENDING ................................................................................................................................. 73
TREES ................................................................................................................................................................ 73
HAPPINESS ....................................................................................................................................................... 74
NEW YEAR ........................................................................................................................................................ 75
FARMS AND FARMING .................................................................................................................................. 75
COLOR ............................................................................................................................................................... 76

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IELTS SPEAKING PART 2&3 .............................................................................................. 77

1. Gom đề, gộp ý trong ielts speaking part 2 ............................................................................................ 77

GOM ĐỀ & GỘP Ý TRONG IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 & 3 .................................................... 80

UNIT 1: IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 ........................................................................................ 81
PEOPLE .................................................................................................................................... 81
DESCRIBE A PERSON WHO WORE UNUSUAL/ BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES ............................................... 83
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................... 83
Ø Who the person is ..................................................................................................................................... 83
Ø How you knew this person ........................................................................................................................ 83
Ø What this person wore .............................................................................................................................. 83
Ø And explain how you felt about this person .............................................................................................. 83
DESCRIBE A PERSON WHO SHARES OPINIONS OPENLY....................................................................... 86
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................... 86
Ø Who the person is ..................................................................................................................................... 86
Ø How you knew this person ........................................................................................................................ 86
Ø How opened this person is ........................................................................................................................ 86
Ø And explain how you felt about this person .............................................................................................. 86
POSITIVE ENERGY .......................................................................................................................................... 88
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................... 88
Ø Who the person is ..................................................................................................................................... 88
Ø How you know this person ........................................................................................................................ 88
Ø How active this person is .......................................................................................................................... 88
Ø And explain why you like this person ........................................................................................................ 88
DESCRIBE A PERSON WHO LIKES TO HELP OTHERS ............................................................................. 90
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................... 90
Ø Who the person is ..................................................................................................................................... 90
Ø How you knew this person ........................................................................................................................ 90
Ø How this person helps others .................................................................................................................... 90
Ø And explain how you felt about this person .............................................................................................. 90
DESCRIBE A POLITE PERSON ....................................................................................................................... 93
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................... 93
Ø Who the person is ..................................................................................................................................... 93
Ø How you knew this person ........................................................................................................................ 93
Ø How polite this person is .......................................................................................................................... 93
Ø And explain how you felt about this person .............................................................................................. 93
DESCRIBE A FAMILY ( NOT YOUR FAMILY) ............................................................................................ 95
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................... 95
Ø Who they are ............................................................................................................................................. 95
Ø How you know them .................................................................................................................................. 95
Ø Why you like this family ............................................................................................................................ 95
Ø And explain whether you want to have a similar family ........................................................................... 95
DESCRIBE A FAMOUS PERSON WHO YOU ADMIRE ............................................................................... 97
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................... 97
Ø Who the person is ..................................................................................................................................... 97
Ø How you know this person ........................................................................................................................ 97
Ø Why you like this person ........................................................................................................................... 97

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Ø And explain whether you want to become similar to this person or not ................................................... 97

UNIT 2: IELS SPEAKING PART 2 .......................................................................................... 99

PLACES ..................................................................................................................................... 99
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 101
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 101
Ø Where it is ............................................................................................................................................... 101
Ø When you went there............................................................................................................................... 101
Ø And explain why you want to come back ................................................................................................ 101
DESCRIBE A PLACE ( NOT YOUR HOME) WHERE YOU GO TO RELAX............................................. 103
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 103
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 103
Ø Where it is ............................................................................................................................................... 103
Ø How often you go there ........................................................................................................................... 103
Ø And explain how you felt about it ........................................................................................................... 103
DESCRIBE A PLACE THAT HAS BEEN AFFECTED BY POLLUTION ................................................... 105
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 105
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 105
Ø Where it is ............................................................................................................................................... 105
Ø How polluted it is .................................................................................................................................... 105
Ø And explain how you felt about it ........................................................................................................... 105

DESCRIBE A PUBLIC BUILDING YOU LIKE .................................................................... 107

You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 107
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 107
Ø Where it is ............................................................................................................................................... 107
Ø How often you go there ........................................................................................................................... 107
Ø And explain how you felt about it ........................................................................................................... 107

DESCRIBE A BIG COMPANY THAT YOU KNOW ............................................................ 109

You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 109
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 109
Ø Where it is ............................................................................................................................................... 109
Ø How often you go there ........................................................................................................................... 109
Ø And explain how you felt about it ........................................................................................................... 109

DESCRIBE A COUNTRY YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT .................................. 111

You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 111
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 111
Ø How you know about this country........................................................................................................... 111
Ø How you learn about it ........................................................................................................................... 111
Ø And explain why you want to know about it............................................................................................ 111

UNIT 3: IELS SPEAKING PART 2 ........................................................................................ 113

OCASSIONS ............................................................................................................................ 113
DESCRIBE AN OCCASION WHEN YOU GOT LOST ................................................................................. 115
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 115
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 115
Ø Who you were with ................................................................................................................................. 115

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Ø Why you got lost ..................................................................................................................................... 115

Ø And explain how you felt about it ........................................................................................................... 115
DESCRIBE AN OCCASION WHEN YOU STAND IN LINE........................................................................ 117
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 117
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 117
Ø Who you were with ................................................................................................................................. 117
Ø Why you had to line up ........................................................................................................................... 117
Ø And explain how you felt about it ........................................................................................................... 117
DOING WITH A GROUP OF PEOPLE........................................................................................................... 119
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 119
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 119
Ø Who you were with ................................................................................................................................. 119
Ø What you did ........................................................................................................................................... 119
Ø And explain how you felt about it ........................................................................................................... 119
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 121
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 121
Ø Who you were with ................................................................................................................................. 121
Ø What you changed .................................................................................................................................. 121
Ø And explain why you changed and how you felt ..................................................................................... 121
NEED TO MEMORIZE POEMS OR SONGS ................................................................................................. 123
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 123
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 123
Ø Where it was ........................................................................................................................................... 123
Ø Why you needed to learn......................................................................................................................... 123
Ø And explain how you felt......................................................................................................................... 123
DESCRIBE AN OCCASION WHEN YOU GAVE SOMEONE ADVICE ..................................................... 125
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 125
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 125
Ø Who you were with ................................................................................................................................. 125
Ø Which advice you gave ........................................................................................................................... 125
Ø And explain how you felt......................................................................................................................... 125
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 127
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 127
Ø Who you talked with................................................................................................................................ 127
Ø What you talked ...................................................................................................................................... 127
Ø And explain why you felt ......................................................................................................................... 127
DESCRIBE AN OCCASION WHEN YOU DIDN’T LIKE A CONVERSATION ......................................... 129
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 129
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 129
Ø Who you talked with................................................................................................................................ 129
Ø What you listened.................................................................................................................................... 129
Ø And explain why you didn’t like this conversation.................................................................................. 129
DESCRIBE AN OCCASION WHEN YOU DIDN’T LIKE A SHORT JOURNEY ....................................... 131
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 131
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 131

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Ø Who you were with ................................................................................................................................. 131

Ø Where you went to .................................................................................................................................. 131
Ø And explain why you didn’t like this ....................................................................................................... 131
DESCRIBE AN OCCASION WHEN RECEIVED GOOD NEWS ................................................................. 133
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 133
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 133
Ø What kind of news you received .............................................................................................................. 133
Ø Why it is good news ................................................................................................................................ 133
Ø And explain how you felt......................................................................................................................... 133
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 136
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 136
Ø What kind of news you received .............................................................................................................. 136
Ø Why it is good news ................................................................................................................................ 136
Ø And explain how you felt......................................................................................................................... 136

UNIT 4&5: IELS SPEAKING PART 2 ................................................................................... 138

TECHNOLOGY AND OTHER TOPICS ................................................................................ 138
DESCRIBE A DECISION YOU MADE RECENTLY .................................................................................... 138
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 138
Ø What it was ............................................................................................................................................. 138
Ø When it was............................................................................................................................................. 138
Ø Why you made this decision .................................................................................................................... 138
Ø And explain how you felt about this ........................................................................................................ 138
DESCRIBE A PHOTOGRAPH THAT YOU LIKE/ A PICTURE OF YOURSELF ...................................... 140
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 140
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 140
Ø When you took it ..................................................................................................................................... 140
Ø Where you took it .................................................................................................................................... 140
Ø And explain why you like this photo ....................................................................................................... 140
DESCRIBE A TOY THAT YOU LIKE ........................................................................................................... 142
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 142
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 142
Ø When you bought it ................................................................................................................................. 142
Ø What you often do with the toy................................................................................................................ 142
Ø And explain why you like this toy............................................................................................................ 142
DESCRIBE A SONG OR A POEM YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN ................................................................ 144
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 144
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 144
Ø When you heard about it ......................................................................................................................... 144
Ø Where you head about it ......................................................................................................................... 144
Ø And explain why you like this ................................................................................................................. 144
DESCRIBE AN AMBITION THAT YOU HAD HAD FOR A LONG TIME ................................................ 147
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 147
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 147
Ø When you had it ...................................................................................................................................... 147
Ø How you will achieve it........................................................................................................................... 147
Ø And explain why you have this ambition................................................................................................. 147
DESCRIBE AN ANIMAL THAT YOU LIKE/ A WILD ANIMAL/ A PET................................................... 149

Dạy Kèm Ielts - Contact/Zalo: 0983665262 | Page 187

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 149

Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 149
Ø How you know about it ........................................................................................................................... 149
Ø Where it lives .......................................................................................................................................... 149
Ø And explain why you like it. .................................................................................................................... 149
DESCRIBE AN INTERSTING/USEFUL BOOK ............................................................................................ 151
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 151
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 151
Ø What it is about ....................................................................................................................................... 151
Ø When you read this book......................................................................................................................... 151
Ø And explain why you it is interesting/ useful........................................................................................... 151
DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM JOB/ A PERFECT JOB ..................................................................................... 153
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 153
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 153
Ø What it is about ....................................................................................................................................... 153
Ø What you will do to have this job ............................................................................................................ 153
Ø And explain why you it is a perfect job ................................................................................................... 153
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 156
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 156
Ø What it is about ....................................................................................................................................... 156
Ø What you will do to have this job ............................................................................................................ 156
Ø And explain why you it is a perfect job ................................................................................................... 156
DESCRIBE MOVIE THAT MADE YOU LAUGH/ THINK A LOT .............................................................. 158
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 158
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 158
Ø When you watched it ............................................................................................................................... 158
Ø Who you were with ................................................................................................................................. 158
Ø And explain why you laugh/ think a lot ................................................................................................... 158
DESCRIBE SOMETHING YOU BOUTH THAT MADE YOU HAPPY ....................................................... 161
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 161
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 161
Ø When you bought it ................................................................................................................................. 161
Ø Where you bought it ................................................................................................................................ 161
Ø And explain why you feel happy about it ................................................................................................ 161

DESCRIBE AN AREA OF SCIENCE (e.g. maths, physics, psychology) THAT INTERESTS YOU 163
You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 163
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 163
Ø How you learn about it ........................................................................................................................... 163
Ø Who you learn with ................................................................................................................................. 163
Ø And explain why you like it ..................................................................................................................... 163


You should say: ................................................................................................................................................. 166
Ø What it is ................................................................................................................................................. 166
Ø How you know about it ........................................................................................................................... 166
Ø What you often do ................................................................................................................................... 166
Ø And explain why you like it ..................................................................................................................... 166

Dạy Kèm Ielts - Contact/Zalo: 0983665262 | Page 188

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thai Hoang Logic & Hiệu quả

UNIT 7: FULL TEST............................................................................................................... 168

IELTS SPEAKING – TEST 1 ........................................................................................................................... 168
IELTS SPEAKING – TEST 2 ........................................................................................................................... 169
IELTS SPEAKING – TEST 3 ........................................................................................................................... 170
IELTS SPEAKING – TEST 4 ........................................................................................................................... 171

VOCABULARY................................................................................................................ 172

Dạy Kèm Ielts - Contact/Zalo: 0983665262 | Page 189

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam

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